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Everything posted by CrazyRob

  1. ok far enough but why not just download your own webservr and test it on your pc, it would save having to go and upload files all the time. but i see your point. Me personally i wsould not chose them ive looked on their site and there is somthing about them i do not trust.
  2. whats the point if you only have 1 SQLDB and 1FTP account a lot of people now use multiple databases.
  3. a lot of software for a serve you can get for free, even control panels like VHCS. its not really the server that matters its the power costs and bandwidth. To get around this problem just get co-location from a data centre they do that all for you and you only pay a set price per month (what i do).Running a server can take a lot of time and effort to set up, its a good idea to know PHP,SQL, SSH ect so if anything goes wrong which usually happens you will no how to fix things. Once youve got round all that you can do anything.
  4. the only way is top set up nother account. you could create a subdomain in your cpanel account adn then an ftp address under the same directory. then if they have a TLD point it to the directory on the server. try Xisto.net
  5. Their is sommet alternitve to energy drinks - its called coffee or tea, i personally hate coffee but a good strong mug of English Tea always helps. I hate Redbull anyway its tastes horrible and has a huge taste of chemicly added rasberry. Lucosaze i suppose is acceptable as an energy drink buit enything else you might as well drink alcahol
  6. well personally i dont think americans should be proud of themselves as they are the worlds best at contributing to global warming, they started a war in iraq and then called upon the UK to help them. Also im not american so it doesnt bother me in the slightest way
  7. yeh the addons mike provided will do what you neeed i have them installed on my browser they work a treat
  8. yeh theyve tried to hack thru my firewalls and deface my site. ive blocked there actual ip's and reported them so they will be stopped soon enough. ITs just kids thinking their hard by defacing a page by loggin onto somones ftp account as guest unless you have it turned off.
  9. also try templatesbox.com there a great site for free professional templates.
  10. The script is for resellers to create hosting account
  11. you just need to install it in BBCodes search on invisionize
  12. it does work you just need to enter the exact words with capsDemoDemo
  13. can i have a free copy? or one to test on my servrs as im looking for a new billing system to handle hosting / Internet billing. have you tried advertising it on WHT?Also i see that the system does not have an area where you can add the WHM Remote Key. This is a must and a need for webhosts as otherwise things will not work properly. Do you add the key when you install the software? I also see that a few features require the Root access permitions. You should also integrate multiple payment gateways insted of just PayPal.
  14. It all comes down to the BIND setting the cpoanel admin sets up. in this case on trap 17 you cannot as its on its seperate server. but if your like me who has a load of servers clusterd together you can access your cpanel area from any domain that you host so for instance if i wanted to log into cpanel and i didnt want to use my domain i could go to somone elses domain on which im hosting and go /cpanel on there domain add my detials and i get into cpanel area. i dont think trap operates in such a way.
  15. OHH tough one but i aggree with tuddy on this one its totally UNBELIEVABLE and inhuman to women. you have no respect. the thing at annoys me the most is. YOU ARE NOT SUPPORTING YOUR CHILD. That out of all the rest is bad. you really need to start a new life. whatever happens you will lose. good luck to you.
  16. OpaQue has had bad experiences with adsence whne trap took off thats why he doesnt use it. Read the trap 17 story and i thinkyou will find out why he doesnt use google. Xisto Story http://forums.xisto.com/topic/4510-the-Xisto-story/
  17. im confused do you want to know how to login to cpanel using your own domain or is this just a spammed topic? If you are confused its in the readme.
  18. why dont you just buy one then its legally yours they only cost about $5 not much if you think about it.
  19. its not called cpanel 12 it will be called cPanel Evolution abnd will contain tons more features than cpanel 10. Im not sure if WHM will be getting a new look and more features but none of you need to wory about that unless you have WHM with another host.
  20. i do offer free hosting adide from paid hosting on seperate dedicated servers. Free hosting is somtimes really hard to manage as i have around 200 accounts on one server i keep having to upgrade them toi stop them going down and keeping in with my 100% network uptime. I agree most webhosts are quite scanky by limiting you to like 1 SQL database ect and make you force ads on your site and you dont even chose where to put them. many of them dont even offer cPanel i only know a select bunch including me and Xisto who ofer full features. The only thing i dont allow and the same as trap is shell as i just simply dont trust people - as kid may decide to have a go at shel and mess up the enitre server. I agree with you its so anoying haveing a forced banner or popups displayed.But trap 17 is probabaly the closest you will find to paid hosting, (there is ahplace but there forums are boring). HTML hosts usually also support php despite what they say as if they didnt support php then there control panels ect would not work.
  21. i find it amazing that Youtube was owned by 2 guys in there 2o's and they get to share around ?950 million...mmm so much money..ehem it was a smart business move to buy out a huge competitor i agree. i hope it will still be called youtube not like googletube
  22. it would be somthing to try, ud have to make sure though that when injecting the ice cream through a needle that you dont accidently stab it into yourself as you dont really want ice cream pumping arpunf your vains now do you?
  23. i think it can be run on linux lok at the downlaods section i used it on windows.
  24. re put in our database info in the config file the site will come back.
  25. it wil always seem painfull wether to decide to put a pet to sleep. ive came close to having to make that decision when my dog fell really ill and didnt eat for about a month. coming from what HMN said if a pet is in pain then its really your responsibilaty to see to it. only in an extreme case where i knew and the vet knew that the pet would be in a lot of pain and didnt have long left and if oi could see there was pain in the dogs eyes then id make the decision. its amazingly hard putting a met to sleep as yoiu look into its eyes and just remember all the happy times youve had with it - so its so hard to make the decition but its only in that case that i would ever conside puttting an animal down.
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