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Everything posted by Arigato

  1. It really fustrates me when my webpages don't work in both firefox and internet explorer. If internet explorer would just follow standards then I would have saved a lot of time. There has always been a work-around of all the problems I have encountered but they can take a long time to find. I would just stop supporting internet explorer but the majority of internet users use it.
  2. I'm not much of a photographer myself but I really enjoy artistic photographs of nature scenery because it makes me feel relaxed by looking at them. I used to do photography as a hobby but since I live in the city it is hard to get nice nature scenery photos without a building or person in it so I stopped doing it.
  3. While in theory that may seem possible it practice it would be next to impossible. First of all to be able to store the information of the trillion+ atoms in a human you would need amazing storage capacity. If this was done you could have countless mutation due to coruption of the data. Next you would need a machine that could build accurately at the atomic level. We can't even see individual atoms clearly, how can you build with what you can't see? Even if such a machine existed how long would it take to contruct an human? You would die from bleeding by the time your legs are constructed. Bascially all this teleporation device would be doing is destorying a person and building their clone. Why destorying the person? Even if this did suceed you would have people saying it is not ethical because your are destorying a soul. I don't believe that kind of stuff but there are people out there who do.
  4. People should not be hacking in the government databases at all regardless of the reason. It is his fault for hacking and he must have known about the concequences. A crime commited at the federal level can't be taken lightly. If they let him off with a minor sentence then it might encourage others to hack into government systems. So I do think that he deserved the sentence he got.
  5. Yea, it looks like a really hard way to control a game. I would think that it would be more confortable to use hands side by side rather than one in front of the other. I will just have to see what it is like when it comes out. I must say that nintendo did come up with a very unique controller system.
  6. I have played all the games in the poll and I think that World of Warcraft is the best. Comparing differnt types of games like in the poll is hard to do because each type of game will have a different criteria. I am a MMORPG person and since there is only one MMORPG on the list I didn't have much choice but I do think that WoW is one of the best games out there.
  7. If such a device is being developed by the american government I don't think there would be one that is already on the market. I would love to have one for myself. However, I have not heard anything about this. I'm curious to know where you got this information.
  8. I don't breakdance myself but a few of my friends do. My friends have been breakdancing for many years and they are pretty good at it. It's really entertaining to watch.
  9. The majoirty of my posts are in the technology forum which is pretty typical of me because I'm facinated by new technology. It's intresting to read and comment about new invention.
  10. Out of all the options on the poll I think that being burned to death would be the worst way to go. If touching a stove element for even of a fraction causes massive pain just imagine how painful it would be to get set on fire and have all your flesh melt. A lot of the other alternatives in the poll are quick deaths but buring would take a while.
  11. I currently have an Intel Pentium D processor in my computer. AMD and Intel have been really close with processor technology so far. However I think that will change now that I've seen Intel's offerings to the market especially with the conroe processor. AMD will really have to work hard to catch up.
  12. I also dislike the phone. This is because I have to stop whatever I'm doing and walk over to the phone to answer it many times a day. I am always getting killed in games because I leave my computer. On top of that I get really annoyed if I have to stop whatever I'm doing for a telemarketer. However, I don't get many calls from them now. Where I live it is illegal for telemarketers to call you again if you ask them not to. So the next time you are on the phone with a telemarketer you might want to tell them not to call your number.
  13. I like Linux because it is a fast, stable and you don't have to worry about getting viruses. In my opinion no other operating system comes close on those levels. I have both my computers dual booted with Linux and Windows and I use Linux whenever I can. Mostly when I am developing applications, browsing the web or watching video. I would like to use only Linux but the problem is that majority of the applications out there were made for windows.
  14. I have read countless studies to determine if cellphones cause cancer but the conclusions have varied. Some of the studies say that cell phones have absolutely no relation to cancer while others thers say cell phones are hazardous to health. There really has been no agreement on this topic.
  15. I've been using SmartFTP for a long time and I think it's a fantastic FTP program. One of the best out there, free or paid. It's very easy to use and has a lot of features. It will probably have more than you need for basic FTP functions. The url is https://www.smartftp.com/
  16. Didn't you learn to dance at school? Where I live it is mandatory to learn dance if you take phystical education class (which is mandatory for the first 11 grades of school). By graduation most people can dance somewhat well.I doubt you will be able to learn to dance from the internet. If you are really concerned about learning how to dance ask your friends to teach you or even your parents if they know how.
  17. I remember watching a segment on discovery channel that was talking about fire breathing and fire eating and they said that many of the fuels used by the stunt performers are carcinogenic meaning that you could get cancer from doing it. Unless you already have your mind really set on being a fire breather I would seriously recommend you reconsider for your own health.
  18. I find that a fantastic way to advertise a site is to purchase banner impressions from related sites. You can usually buy banner impressions for really cheap from sites with moderate traffic. The great thing about banner impressions is that you usually only get traffic that is interested in your site if you used a carefully designed banner.If you don't feel like buying banner impressions then you could use a banner exchange or a link exchange.
  19. I use azureus. I've tried bitcomet and bittornado before and of the clients I have used I think azureus is the better. It has alot of features, a clean user interface and it's a powerful tool. The program also has a ton of plugins so that you could add more feature that you want.
  20. That sure is impressive. I can only see this technology being used by large datacenter. Even there this might be overkill because even multiple high-end servers probably wouldn't be able to handle processing enough data to fill the bandwidth. Also, the speeds could only go as fast as the user-end connection.
  21. I have both games and I guess it depends on what you want. This is a really tough choice, both games are amazing.Guildwars has alot of quests, nice graphics, you spend little or no time just leveling, great game to play with your friends, good PVP system, follows an intresting story line, no monthly fee. The downside of the game is that once you beat it the game there is not much to do. Guildwars only lasted me about 3 weeks.World of Warcraft has a lot of content. There is alot of stuff to do, the world is massive, good PVP system, alot of quests, items, equipment, etc. It's better than any other MMORPG I've played before with the exception of Guildwars. The downside to this game is that you have to pay monthly.If you don't mind paying monthly I would say get World of Warcraft. There is a lot more to do in that game. I haven't touced Guild Wars for months since I beat the game.
  22. That looks pretty neat. My friend has something like that. It's a pen that levitate in mid-air just like that clock. The problem with the pen was that it was really difficult to get it into the correct position so that it could levitate. Perhaps the same problem exists with this clock.
  23. I've always wanted to visit Egypt. I have been curious about the great mysteries that are the pyramids and I would really like to see them in person and see some ancient artifacts in the museums. Also, I would like to go there to experience a different culture than the one I live in. I hear that Cairo, Egypt is a beautiful place.
  24. I live in Calgary, Alberta, Canada. -26 Celsius (-15 Fahrenheit) is pretty typical during the deep winter days here. This year has been pretty warm, warmest on record.The weather here can get pretty crazy in the winter and there are rarely any snow days here. I can't even remember the last time there was one. Even on days where the temperature is less than -40 Celsius (-40 Fahrenheit), strong winds and snow up to your thigh there is still school. A lot of parents just let their kids stay home even though that school is running.If the schools here ran on the same criteria for snow days as other schools then there would be pretty much no school at all in the winter.
  25. Yes the internet can make some people somewhat "stupid". There is alot of false information out there but it is up to the user to interpret what is real and what is not. If someone sees questionable information they should look at other references to confirm its validity. However, many people don't question the information they find. It is easy to spot these people. They are the ones who believe in the chain emails that contain myths which aren't true.
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