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Everything posted by Arigato

  1. I think this is a great move for New York. It's something that other large cities should be doing. However, it's unfortunate that more people don't use the bus, the world would be cleaner and the streets less congested.
  2. I also enjoy taking pictures. I used to use the default software that came with my canon camera but now I use Picasa because it's alot more user friendly, very compatable with different hardware and easy to organize your files. I am also a google fan and use everything google. I also use hello to share the files with my friends, works great with Picasa.
  3. What practical use is there for a terabit connection now? I don't think that a connection to transfer a small file a second faster would be worth the cost of such a massive connection. High end servers only have storage space of a few terabytes which could be filled up in a few seconds with this connection. This will probably be useful only in the future when files are alot bigger.
  4. Important documents and photos just don't mix with greasy food. If they are going to do something like this they should start a new company and keep it in separate buildings, why would anyone want to use machines with greasy buttons and keys while handling paper. I just don't think this is a very good idea.
  5. I hate when I talk to people and then they answer a call right in the middle of our conversation, I think it's very rude. When that happens I'm stuck wasting my time waiting for the person to finish talking. Then you have those times where people on a cell phone ruin a nice and quiet atmosphere. Also, you have the issue of drivers on phones which increases the chance of being in an accident. People with cell phones should learn to use them responsibly.
  6. What an inappropriate use for a position of authority, forbidding people to use something just because they think that their opinion is better than everyone else. If it were only a rule in school it would be fine but not allowing them to use blogs at home is ridiculous. I don't see how the principal could enforce this, it's not like he can watch everyone's computer at home.
  7. I wouldn't say it is going to be the best bulletin board software out there, maybe the best free bulletin board software. They are quite far behind the compeditors (vbulletin, invision board) if anything this is just going to bring them close to par.
  8. I have a potato canon with a silencer mod that I made over a year ago. I wouldn't say these things are hard to make either. A simple potato canon will only take like 1 or 2 days to build. At the time I made mine it only cost about $30 worth in materials.
  9. On my computer I have a Samsung SyncMaster 930B monitor. It's a 19 inch LCD. Color, resolution and response time are great. Way better than the 17 inch CRT I used to use.
  10. I currently use norton personal firewall, I used to use zonealarm but updaiting it every few weeks got to be a pain.
  11. That is amazing. One man building an entire castle out of coral. Even in modern times such a castle would probably take many months with many workers and machinery. Make you wonder how such things could be done.
  12. Even if you use the trillian pro jabber plug-in you won't be able to use the talk feature on google talk. You'll just be stuck with another text messenger.
  13. Yikes, this sounds like a terrible situation to be in. It would make me unbearably unconfortable. I wouldn't get into this situation in the first place and if I did I would just leave.
  14. On my computer I have:My operating system is Windows XPMSNYahooSkypeGoogle talkNorton antivirusNorton firewallPhotoshopMicrosoft officeMicrosoft antispywareNeroFirefoxThunderbirdOperaiTunesQuicktimeWindows media playerAcrobat readerSmartftpDreamweaverWinzipWinrarGoogle desktop searchGoogle earthPicasaHelloMedia player classicMozillaVentriloThanks about it I can thing of right now.
  15. Did you really expect that your friend could host you free forever at his expense? Although it wasn't very kind of him to have just deleted all your work without notice you shouldn't have been suprised. Things this good usually do come to and end and if you had so much work on his servers you should have been periodically creating back-ups or at least keep a copy on your computer.
  16. When it comes to transmitting data through fibre optics it's not so much about how fast you can get data from A to B, it's more about how fast can the light be converted back into signals that can be used by the computer. That is currently our barrier when we are dealing with transmitting speeds.
  17. I find that these community sites are only good when you have friend on them. Alot of the content there is personal and it doesn't make much sense to read personal information about someone you don't know.
  18. When my cousin was using my computer she logged in and got the msn virus. At the time the virus was one of the more recent ones. Norton did not detect it and a fix was not available for it. It made me very mad because I had to format my computer.
  19. I played city of heroes and didn't like it very much because it took a really long time to level up. I just don't think the game will be worth it.
  20. I believed in ghosts when I was smaller but now I don't. I'm a very scientifical person, I don't believe in anything that can't be presented with scientific proof.
  21. The MMORPG flash games I had played before weren't very good but this game looks like fun, perhaps i'll try when in my spare time.
  22. That's actually quite cheap, but I hear that internet is terribly slow on those. With such a small screen it just doesn't seem very practical to have internet on it.
  23. I usually use cheats on one player games after I have finished beating it once. It's a completely different issue for me with multiplayer games because when people cheat it effects the gameplay of other and I hate people who do use cheats, hacks or bots. On multiplayer fps games cheaters completely take away the fun and in mmorpg games cheaters ruin the game economy.
  24. Spongebob Sqarepants is a great show! How could anyone not like him? Some episodes are just hilarious. Everyone could use a few laughs every day.
  25. Arigato

    Suse Os

    Actually, in my opinion ubuntu is the most user-friendly linux. https://www.ubuntu.com/ If you just want to try it out I suggest that you either download then burn a live cd or order a free cd package which includes an install cd and a live cd (can take a while for them to deliver). When it comes to an operating system as various as linux people usually have different preference as to which one they like best.
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