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Everything posted by DogEater008

  1. it's hard because now a day, they even have spyware in Aol instant messenger. Like the wild tangle or something that aol will ask you if you want to install it (while installing aim and it is needed to play games). My anti -spyware (ad aware) detected it as a spyware.I keep myself safe from spyware by never ENTER any sensitive information over the internet.
  2. Wow, that would be awesome to have. Never have to worry about tires popping when you're having a long road trip.
  3. My account supports java, but i didn't request it or anything. I installed an add on for my forum (java irc chatroom). And i worked perfectly fine for me. Maybe you should check your script.
  4. But then you need a high speed internet. Comcast Cable or anythign similar to it isn't enough. Maybe if you are running a website that doesn't get much vist,
  5. Will the cd be durable though, if people are able to eat it, then it must be easily to break. Also, would you really want to eat something that been out for YEARS covered with many layers of dust. And they must have put so a lot of preserved on the CD so it would last longer and people won't die from food posioning, but maybe cancer.
  6. Nice, but i woudl rather use the 700 dolars to buy a Dell inspiron 700m for 700 bucks (maybe a little bit more). Or i could get a Dell PDA for about 250. it uses a SD flash card which is pretty cheap for a 512 or 1 gb card. And you could download movies into the card and watch it on the PDA. Also, it has wifi fi, so you could connect to the internet anywhere with free or unsecure wireless network. =P
  7. Well, i use window because it have more programs developed for it. Another reason why i'm using windows is because i have a PC not a mac. But since Mac is switching to intel instead of using IBM processor anymore, they are developing a MAC verison that runs on a PC wihtout emulator. Which is still in beta right now. I'm sure then programers will start programing stuff for mac.
  8. I think it will be on the market starting November 22nd this year. Just one month before chirstmas. Which is a really smart thing to do. I would get a ps3, it has better spec. and games. All xbox 360 have or will have is halo 3 and xbox live. That's the only thing i liked about xbox. And i heard they are going to make shenmue 3 for xbox 360, which i'm excited to complete the game (played one and two on dreamcast).
  9. wow, that really changed my opinon on the DS. And also, i like the DS's chatting system. You could use the stylist to write or even type. They even have the japanese characters. That enable you to cheat in japanese class. LOL. The touch screen is nice too. But t hen PSP have better games. And the graphic is better. Smaller pixels. What i think DS is lacking in its looks. Doesn't seem high tech as the PSP. Which give people bad impressions.
  10. i like the background. which filters did you use?. or did you install those custom filter.. Name?
  11. i used 3 - 4 percents of my google account... That is because i sent myself a few mp3 songs. I just love google. Yeah.. there is a program call peer2mail or something. It breaks the files into different junks (about 10mb each so you could attach it to your gmail account). And you could send those fragments to other people and they use the same program to put it back together. I call them cheap man p2p program =P
  12. your site is awesome. i wish i could do something like that. Did you build that from scrap? Which forum client did you use? It looks really nice. I know this is a lot of questions, but what to briefly describe what you did? =P.. i'm still an amature at web design.
  13. Wow, i totally agreed with you. i wish i could have thought of that. It's pretty damn creative. Too bad i odn't know how to work flash. Amazing how it took him or her 4 years to do that. I dont' think the programing would be that hard.
  14. i have used many e mail providers through out my cyber life such as yahoo, hotmail, netscape, gmail, etc. I found that gmail is the best. I never had to delete any of the messages. The spam filter is great too, when i started using gmail, i didn' get a single SPAM mail for the first 3-4 months of using it. But since now gmail is quite popular, i guess it is harder for them to keep blocking spammers. Also, google have put some thoughts into their product, like the new feature that everyone knows, the auto save is a time saver. All the other mail providers, you have to save the drafts manully which is irratating for first timers.
  15. I'm not sure about other motorola phones, but DO NOT get the v180 or any other phone that is similar to the v 180. This phone was terriblly designed. I have a v 180, and less than a year, this phone have showed some signs of bad engineering. First, the phone vibrator broke about half a year through since i got the phone. Then just two or three weeks ago, the front external lcd is acting up. You know when you flip open the phone, and it says "t mobile " on the outer screen. It says the same thing even when i closed the phone. No it is not the little sensor botton that tells the phone when it is open or close. This just doesn't happaned to me, it happaned to a friend of mine that has the exact same phone. First her vibrator broke just like mine and the screen acted up just like mine. And my contract isn't over for one more year with T - mobile.
  16. well.. .imagine talking on the cell phone is like roasting yourself in the microwave. 24/7. Also, study shows that, men that carry cell phones in their pockets, reduce 1/3 of their sperm counts. And another study show that smoking reduces 1/3 of your sperm count. So... if you smoke and talk on the cell phone, you have less chance of having kids. =P. I wonder what is the side effects for women... it's not fair that men have to lose their sperms for talking and smoking while women lose nothing while doing the same thing as the men.
  17. the only thing i encounted while having window long horn installed on my computer is my modem doesn't work. It keeps having errors and i couldn't get online which sucks because i have to turn on my other computer and share the internet through the network. I would have kept longhorn on my computer if i had an activation key.
  18. that's the nature of men kind. =P ... luckly i live in the US... and i believe invading others privicy is against the constitution.. .But then on the other side, it might do some goods. Like less people will go online meaning more people will actully get a life =P. .AHAHAH just kidding. But then that would lead to the destruction of online ads companies. And then we wouldn't be able to get free hosting from Xisto and we will all be doomed..... Yeah.. i might have over exagerated a little.
  19. i don't see how turnning on screen saver would help ..the monitor still have to project the imagines... i just don't get how that helps. Anyway. i remember reading one of the articles on BBCNEWS.com and it was talking about if it is good to turn on your computer 24/7. They said that, turning on your computer 24/7 is actully good for your computer then turnning off and on. When turnning off and on your computer many times, it will do damage to the hard drives and the motherboard. But i still turn my comptuer off when not using it to save electricity (ehh.. not that rich). I don't really care if my computer break down because it's gettng too old. With the constant changing of our technologies. Averge of changing to a new computer is 4-5 years. It keeps on coming out with newer and faster computers every half a year or so. Soon they will come out Pentium 5 (they already have it in the lab) and everyone will rush to get a new computer for better performance.
  20. ehh.. i think i heard something about studiotraffic... Don't you make like over thousands of dollars just by watching their ads? It sounds juicy but money just doens't grow on trees.
  21. i have to agree with you guy that making a long good post isn't hard. The problem is the topics. As you have noticed, most topics are so hard for people to state their opinons. Maybe it will be easier if there is a debate forum where people could debate over things.
  22. Hey guys, i created a forum the other day and i notice that the poll isn't working for the SMART MACHINE FORUM. I have posted this on the SMF 's oficial website but didn't get any reply back yet. So i was wondering if you guys would know.Here is the problem.Whenever i click on "add poll" it brings me to a different page and it says "The board you specified doesn't exist?".Please help, i really want the poll to work.I'm using SMF v1.05 by the way.
  23. Google because it saves bandwidth. All the other search engines have ads and pictures all over the page. And since i'm using a 56k modem, it takes longer to load and to search.
  24. It's about a guy, he met this one girl. He's a photographer and they started going out. One day, she offers to go in a get a roll of film for him. But accidently knock a unsealed photo developer bottle over. And the chemical went in her eyes and made she blind. Then afte that, he gave his eyes to her and he goes blind.
  25. usb 2.0 will work on usb 1.1 port but the transfer rate will be the same as usb 1.1 you could go out and buy a pci usb 2.0 card and stick it into your computer. It's only $5 + (if you know where to buy it). I have an old computer that only have usb 1.1 so i bought a pci usb 2.0 card so i could get better speed between my external hdd and computer. And it worked great. Bought it for $5 at http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ on one of their "green light special" sell.
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