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Everything posted by DogEater008

  1. they might have the power to do that now, but i'm sure they won't be able to keep that up longer. Soon public will demand a more effcient way for traveling and energy use. Since now gas prices are so high, many car company is starting to develop hybird cars (like the new lexus). As you all know, school is educating kids about pollution, etc. When those kids grow up, they will all have the same thinking and companies will force to have what the majority of the public wants.
  2. i dont' have a problem with gothic people, they're just being themselves i guess. But what i can't stand is the gangster type of people (especially the asian gangsters). Don't get me wrong, i'm not saying that all asian are bad, i'm asian myself. i hate how they dress. Baggy pants and shirts that is down to their knees. Long spiky hair. The way they talk and everything..they do, made me embrassesed of my own heritage. The thing that irratate me the most is that they think they are better than everyone, and only hang around with their little group (filled with asian people like themselves).
  3. that is false, Japan is the biggest game industiral country, but yet, their crime rate or death rate that relates to volences are much lower than ours (United State). So it just doesn't make sense if games were to be blamed for. Additional to that, japan is also a major anime producer. anime are more violence than most american cartoon. I think that's how parents blame on things for their lack of influence over their kids. The main cause of such violence is probably bad parenting. Parents t hat can't raise a kid correctly and tolerate their child's misdeed.
  4. my family is buddism.. but i just decided to go on my own track and become an atheis. I don't really believe in supernatural things, but if there is a next life, i would like to be a rich person, that have everything and live in a carefree life. And of course... i want to be a guy... a rich guy...Did you know that, (this might be offensive to girls, but it's true) if you dont' live an honest life, and alway cheats off other people. There are possibliy that you might be dirt poor in your next life, or turning into a female (a ***** if worse) in your next life. I'm guessing the reason for that is because our ancestors think females are worthless.But if you did something evil, like murder or attempt to exterminate a whole entire race like hitler.... you won't even get a chance to recarniate, instead, you will be force to the 18th level of hell (the most painful tourturing for eternity)
  5. ehh.. yeah.. the next generation lcd. Samsung had it for awhile now.. in their lab. .AHAHAH. It costs less to make it than normal LCD. Also, it doesn't use as much energy. I also heard about something like.. watching two different things on one screen but at a different angle.
  6. well, we have alot of computers, but alot of them are old and slow. So i took them aparts and left it here and there around the house. Currently, there are four working computers/laptop.
  7. There were some problem with the bird flu like a year or so ago. I just recently saw some stuff on tv. Pretty scary if it hits us. I guess i won't be having chickens for awhile then. Back to the mad cow dieases (beef). ahahah
  8. don't you first need ot register the "something dot something" before doing anything?
  9. that's great. But a long time ago, my friend logged on his yahoo account on either window passport or msn messanger, and it worked. I don't exactly how he did it, but it worked.But i don't htink alot of people will migrate from AOL instant messanger. All my friends use AIM evn though i tried to get them to switch over to MSN (better than aim in my opinion).
  10. i would rather send the files to my gmail account, because it has alot more space. Second, you could send it to anyone you want. Sure, megaupload is nice, you could upload whtever you want, the speed is very slow and most of the time, it keeps getting interupted. If you were to download something big, megaupload doesn't allow resume, which sucks for people with 56k. You could download a gmail drive (a third party program... i think) it acts as a drive on your computer (my computer). all you have to do is log in and drag the files you want in. and in your email account, it will shows an email sent by you, attached wit hthe files.
  11. I have a myspace, that is because my friend made me one. I don't really like using it. What you can do is limited, and my space is boring. There is nothing you can do beside post new entry and coments other people. It's so pointless because most of the friends you have on myspace, you see them everyday at school or online. I perfer the idea of using a forum to post ideas and talk about something than having a blog.
  12. I'm for abortion because it's the mother's choices. If she was to born a baby and cannot or could barely support that baby, both the mother and child wouldn't live a happy life. The mother probably have to go to work all day, leaving the child back in the house by him or herself. The child would basiclly grow up without a mother. And in most cases, that child will turn to the wrong direction like joining a gang, doing drugs, skip school. And sure, people say that, what if the infant that someone is aborting right now, could have been a genius and discover the cure the aids or something. But, what are the chances of a kid, growing up in that environment to become a genius? And not to say of having a stupid (in my point of view) mother that got pregnant at such a young age (i'm assuming).And what if someone got rape and was pregnant, and she have to keep the baby that would remind of what happaned all her life. Would it be fair for the woman?Another perspective of mine is, our world are over populated. People are dying of hungers everyday because of not having enough food. And yet we are still fighting for more babies to be born. As we know it, china is trying to cut back in their population and only allow a family to have certain number of kids. In some case, kill their girl child to have another boy because the boy could carry on the name of their family or to be head of the family (the oldest) (not sure if they are still doing it, but back in the day they did).
  13. a 7500 rpm hard drive would increase your transfer speed much faster. But it also uses up your battery life faster since it is moving at 7500 rpm. If you think you will be transferring or burning large files like videos, you should think aobut getting a 7500 rpm one. Since it would save you alot of time (maybe 1-3 mintues) depends on how much you want to transfer at once.
  14. i tried tripod once, but the banner generated at the top of the page is really annoying, and i never used that account ever again. So i went back and use my old geocities. At least you could close the yahoo ads when it pops up. But then i wanted to do more with my website, so i did some google search. Then recently, i found Xisto.com and it sounded like a great web hosting site, but hard to believe it is free of ads. So i signed up, and so far, it's going great. I finally get free access over my forum control unlike "free forum hosting" you can't do anything, even install new themes. The only way you could customize it is by editing the templates files. Ok, now it is starting to get out of the topic. sorry.
  15. WOw, nice script, but i have no use for the google version of my name.
  16. wow, you guys actully do all that just to ask a girl out for homecoming? The way my friend asked his girlfriend to homecoming (yeah weird, they're going out and still needed to ask). Guy talking: Hey, i have some bad news.Girl thinking: Is he trying to break up with me?Girl talking: what is it?Guy talking: would you go to homecoming with me.THey are both my friends, and it was funny when they told me about it. My school homecoming next saturday, and yet i haven't found myself a date. I'm planning on to go alone, well, since i'm in photography club (yeah sounds nerdy but it's really cool, you could take some great pictures and develope it yourself), i'm going to take pictures of homecoming for the year book.
  17. .rmvb are special type of media files that only REAL MEDIA player could play. go to http://www.real.com/de (i think or you could search on goole for real meadia player). It is a highly compressed video file, but the quality isn't as good as DIVX files, yet still acceptable to watch. You could also play this type of files on any other players, but you need to install a third party plug in for it which i do not recommand because it could contains virus, spyware, or adware. So just download the real medai player and play it with that.
  18. there is another post similar to this, but i dont' know who posted first =Pand yes, i do think the new video ipod is goign to be awesome. Then i coudl watch my anime anywhere, even at school. AHAAHA
  19. you could get the Ad aware SE standard version for free at http://download.cnet.com/windows/. The standard version doesn't have features such as ad watch, and other features that i can't think of right now.
  20. mac is currently making MAC operating systme for PC. My brother downloaded the beta version and installed it on his laptop. It worked like a mac. The only thing was, it only supports the newest type of INTEL chipset. So he had to run an emulator for it to work. So when te mac os comes out, anyone that has an old computer, they won't be able to install the operating system. Unless they buy a new system... most likely from mac.
  21. wow, that is awesome, they just released the ipod nano, and no Video ipods? And it costs about the same price as a regular IPODs. I can't wait till it comes out and i get a job, that might be the first thing i'm going to buy. Do you have a link or picture of the new video ipods?
  22. I got my phone last year, during my freshman year in high school. Since i go out late alot, my parents gave me a phone so they could reach me anything. I don't even use it much, every month, my brother and i only used one half of our plan, so we're thinking of switching over to Cingular to get roll over. I'm 15 now, i was 14 when i got my first phone. And i have a motorola v 180, the crappiest phone EVER.
  23. that happans alot. Once, someone tried to pretend as paypal and emailed me. Trying to get me to give out my Paypal username and password. But the thing was, I DON"T EVEN HAVE A PAYPAL account. Idenity thefts is one of the biggest crime in the United States right now.
  24. i dont' really believe in the idea of using a program to generate your own website, that's is too cheap and pointless. Making things from scrap made me feel like i have accomplished something. Even though i suck at making sites and i'm still learning how to improve it.
  25. i once heard that they tried to do that before. And after a while, the patients were rotten to dead. But i don't know if i want to leave my reality right now and freezes myself if they had the technology. We dont' know what will happan in the future, maybe something horrible is going to happan. And humans is controll by a more dominate race. Just imagining it, just give the chill.
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