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Everything posted by DogEater008

  1. I'm just wondering since i'm i don't really know about domain setting up alot, but when you buy a domain form yahoo for 2 99 per year. Do the domain will just redirect to your site.. or does it become part of your site.. Like.. my Xisto website address is http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ setting up my domain name.. will it be http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ ... ?ehhh.. don't laugh at me.. it's a stupid question. =P
  2. Hi guys..first, i would like to sorry for if there are any similar topic as this one. I alway wanted a really active and interactive forum and of course.. make money off it by putting ads (even though i don't really understand how google pay you ... either by clicks or impressions. i just heard that they only pay you for clicks, not impressions)Ok .. lets get to the point. i really want to know how to make an active forum. Like what kind of topics should i have. How to make them come back and post. i want a forum so that they could replace it with myspace =P. My have my own blog system that came with the MKportal i installed.One thing i'm trying to stay away is to have illegal topics on the forum. I know some forum where there is so many illegal topics.. but then they have thousands of members. And all of the members are active. the link to my forum is in my signature. =P All constructive comments are welcome. =P
  3. wow.. are you serious.. .so is there even a point of putting 3 different ads on your site? i signed up for like 3 days now. and so far.. i made 35 cents. as you could see.. my forum is pretty unactive.. .=(....i got like 15 clicks.. so far.. and mostly probably from myself.. lol.. .i don't want to put all the illegal contents in my forum like some other forums do to make money.
  4. wow.. can there be an exception for me =P.. i really want a domain. .but i don't have anything to purchase stuff online. =P. yeah.. i knowl. .it's not going to happan =(.. .well.. maybe sometime in the future when you have another competition like this again.
  5. DogEater008

    Hosting Credits

    i'm ok with the credit system. Guys... nothing is free in this world. so dont' expect too much. They recommanded to keep at least 10 credits but i keep 20 just incase. Even though, i have 20 credits.. i continue to post if there topics that i'm interest in. I think there should be an option somewhere in your Control Panel so you could PAUSE your site activity if you have a long vacation and cannot access the internet while on vacation. By doing that, your hosting credits should remain the same. Another idea i have is.. when your hosting credit runs out. just suspend the site, but allow the user to reactiviate their account by having at least 5 hosting credits.and if you guys dont' want post and remain hosting credit. Just use http://www.trap17.net/ It's ads supported but you get more space and posting is not require..I have a question that is not related to the topic but, why is it that ads support accounts get 333mb space and non ads accounts get 150mb.... i'm not complaining because i haven't used up all my webspace yet, but i'm just curious about it.
  6. they only pay your for any valid impression.. .They have a system to determine if the impression is valid or not. Same thing with cost per click. i just started like 3 days ago.. so far.. i made like 30 cents... =(... pretty sad isn't it.
  7. ehhh.. people still play pokemon?... i outgrew it when i entered middle school. When i was in middle school... everyone got yu gi oh card. That didn't last for long though, everyone got tired of it when i enter 7th grade.i never like playing the card game but still collect the cards for fun. Then my friend lost all my cards (about 400 cards total)
  8. oh.. i see.. if anyone have tried this before.. . on average or estimation, how much do they pay you for 1000 effective cpm....becasuse other ads site, they pay you .10 cent per click and .50 for every 1000 CPM. I want to see if this is realy worth time doing.
  9. have you tried to correct your "My SQL database" ?..... you have to correct all things in your database. Like, i had to repair my "Coppermine picture gallery" and SMF forum. I haven't had a problem since then....and hope this will continue on.
  10. Hi, i'm thinking of putting google ads on my forum. I'm planning on to put 3 ads word ads on my page so i earn some money.Here are my questions:How much will they pay you for the followings 1000 CPMCost Per click?Google search bar?How many ads will i be able to put up if i have a google search bar on the site.and could i put google ads on my personal gallery? they said something about No ads on image result site... i didn't quite get what they meant.
  11. i clicked repair in the "MY SQL database" and viewed the log, everything seem to be fixed.... .well.. i will continue posting here if i have the same problem. Thank you for all your helps.
  12. i just checked my hosted email account ...and i found this message. I didn't edit any of my files today so there shouldn't be any reason for database error. I basically got an email saying this on average of 2-3 times a day since Oct. 9th (probably when i started my hosting).Date: 10/24/2005 18:53:29 -0700From: Nobody <nobody@rhino.unixbsd.info>To: ********@********.trap17.comSubject: Hello Forum : SMF Database Error! All headers There has been a problem with the database!MySQL reported:could that be the problem?
  13. it's really sad to know. I told me friends about it, and one of them didn't believe me....*a silent momment for Mrs. Parks*
  14. wow, i know what you guys mean... It feels awkward when something like that comes on unexpectedly while your parents are around. I'm 15 now, and it's still embrassing. But when i was younger.. i didn't relaly know how to react so i will just pretend to go upstairs and do something on my computer. My parents are one of those old school type of people. And t hey're asian.. so that made it worse. Everytime something like that comes on, they keep saying it's embrassing for whoever's parents to let their kids do that and they should feel ashame of themselves. And it wasn't even porn or a sex scene in a movie but more like a bikini model contest, They always think i'm watching porn or something when they came in see my TV with bikini models walking around.. lolI don't really feel comforable watching it with my older brothers either. I guess because they were alway strict on that kind of stuff when i was younger. Yeah, sure they watched amercian pie unrated version when they were my age, but if i watch it infront of them, i would feel weird and pretend like i'm not really interested in the movie.
  15. i'm using smart forum machine (SMF).. and it quite nice and of course, it's free. And Xisto have the pre-install script for it so installing is just a matter of seconds. You could go to their support forum for help and request modification for the forum.it also compatible with coppermine gallery and mkportal.
  16. ok.. i think i got the file to upload to my tmp folder ( i think because when i exacute the .php file , i got the message File is valid, and was successfully uploaded.Here is some more debugging info:Array( [attachment] => Array ( [name] => logo.jpg [type] => image/jpeg [tmp_name] => /tmp/phpvzOMho [error] => 0 [size] => 20655 )). [/CODESo i'm guessing it works. NOw.. my question is.. how am i suppose to embed that into my mail.[CODE]<?$name=$_POST['name'];$email=$_POST['email'];$attachment=$to="example@gmail.com";$message="Terms and Conditions: $agree\nName: $name Middle:$middle\nAge: $AGE\nDate of Birth: $month $date, $year\nWeight: $weight Pounds\nHeight: $height Inches\nAddress: $address $city, $state $code\nTelephone: $phone\nEmail: $email\nSchool: $school\nMajor: $major\nAbout $name\n $reason";if(mail($to,"Application from $name",$message,"From: $email\n")) {echo "Thankyou for registeringt";} else {echo "There was a problem sending the mail. Please check that you filled in the form correctly. Please Click Back";} i dont' really know what i'm doing exactly. So please help me out. It seems like no one is bothering to help. =(
  17. // In PHP earlier then 4.1.0, $HTTP_POST_FILES should be used instead of// $_FILES. In PHP earlier then 4.0.3, use copy() and is_uploaded_file()// instead of move_uploaded_file$uploaddir = '/public_html/site/html/uploads/';$uploadfile = $uploaddir. $_FILES['userfile']['name'];print "<pre>";if (move_uploaded_file($_FILES['userfile']['tmp_name'], $uploadfile)) { print "File is valid, and was successfully uploaded. "; print "Here's some more debugging info:\n"; print_r($_FILES);} else { print "Possible file upload attack! Here's some debugging info:\n"; print_r($_FILES);}print "</pre>"; i found that code and when i tried to exacute the php file, it said Possible file upload attack! Here's some debugging info: Array ( [attachment] => Array ( [name] => logo.jpg [type] => image/jpeg [tmp_name] => /tmp/phpmlM3po [error] => 0 => 20655 ) ) i tried to give my folders full permission and it still doesn't work. and how can I attach the uploaded file(s) to an email
  18. i know there are a few topics talk about attachment problem, but i want to know if anyone could show me a basic code for attaching files like pictures with the message.I made a html form, and redirect the information to my mail.php file to process the information and send it to my email. I want to know what do i have to do to attach files like pictures. I tried to search on google, and the codes are so complicated (i'm an amateur at this). Would it be possilbe if you could show me the code and explain to me what it does and how i could customize it to fit my needs?thankyou
  19. Ok, i was at this one meeting.. and i tried to log into my forum. (with AOL as the ISP), and it doesn't work.... and this one guy, he said that sometime he couldn't go to the page. He has the same problem too. I don't think it's the ISP problem since we use different ISP. and what do you mean host file?...and how do you edit it?and also, i try to ping my web address and the following message shows upPing request could not find host "http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/. Please check the name and try again.
  20. nvm.. reconnecting thing didn't work. It was a concident the last time i did it. What i notice so far is, some ISP works and some don't. I had a few of my friends tested it. Some said it works and some said it didn't work. I'm pretty sure they have different ISP.before, when the site didn't work, i tried to ping my web address, but it said could find or something. i hope you guys could figure out what's going on. =P.. .
  21. ok.. i just happaned to me again. But this time, i asked one of my friend and he said it works. So it must be my ISP then.Right now, i cannot connect to my website, cpanel, or even access my FTP account.I wonder why my ISP keep on doing that.... do you have any idea? Or could it be that the server is refusing to connect to certain IP address.sorry for posting again. But i think i found a solution to it. I just try to reconnecting to the internet and now my site works again. I'm not sure if this is a concident or not.. .so why dont' you try and find out. Notice from BuffaloHELP: Merging double posts.
  22. i dont' really care much about ads pop ups but if it's from an adware, i would get irratated. Ads pop ups is a way the webmaster of the website that i'm visting make money so that is fair. But ads that are generated by adwares is irratating because it pop ups randomaly without the user knowing and take away my bandwidth (i'm using 56k) and it is not fair because i'm not getting anythign in return while the creator made a load of cash. Ads to my perspective arn't the worst thing on the internet, but what i'm afraid the most is spy wares. Never know what they could do to you with the information they recieves from your computer. Also, another thing is scams.
  23. I'm pretty sure it's not the browser, because my friend (she is also a member of my forum). And sometime, she complaint to me that the forum is not working. I tried to log on to my cpanel and my site and both didn't work. It happaned to me 2 or 3 times so far. And how do you ping a web address?...do you use the window command prompt or something?anyway.. the next time it happans to me, i will try to get a different person that i know have a different ISP than me and try if it works for them. And i will post the result. =P
  24. wow... .that is a whole lot of making... 3 hours.. doesn't he or she gets tired? I'mpretty sure they did somethign else other than making out for 3 hours... Just use your imagination....
  25. i have the same problem, i think it happaned before i upgraded my free hosting. But now, sometime, i cannot log on to my site or the cpanel. And the website would be down for probably an hour before it works again. I would like to know why too. I think many other poeple have the same problem.
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