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Everything posted by DogEater008

  1. wow. .ahaha. .i couldn't really make out of what he said. .but it seem really cool .AHAHAH. .did you make it?.. if you did.. can i have permission to use that for my 404 error?. eheheheor maybe i should try to make my own =P..oh well. =PPM me if you made that. thanks
  2. i have heard of this game before. . and tried t opaly once. It was a demo or just trial or whatever. .I was a ghost or something. .and just going back and forth.. didn't know what i was doing. I didn't really bother to find out what the game is about. .because the graphic is like pokemon.... I was recommanded runescape on one of the forum when i started a topic asking for any free good MMORPG games. I suprised how many people recommanded the game. .what exactly is the point of this game?
  3. how can 4 guys rape one girl? If they're going to rape someone. .and get in trouble for it. .why not rape a different girl? I'm not saying that raping someone is right, but 4 guys and 1 girl is just ewww.but i don't agree with you guys... i think a dead penality is too much, i think. There isn't a really a right way to punish someone for raping. The thing is that... this is the 21st century, most of the girls don't value their virginity as much as people back in the 18th and 19th century. Alot of girls lost their virginity before getting married. Yes.. i know. .this more than just losing their virginity. .but.. to me. .i dont' think the rapist deserve a death penality. .unless he raped and kill the girl.
  4. i recently got an email back from google about the reinstatement. They told me that.. google adsense takes invaild click seriously . .and the cannot reinstate my account...I was being very polite and profession. .ehh. .guess that doesn't work anymore =(Well. .right now.. i'm just waiting for yahoo to realease their advertisement program to public. .... I want to make money =( oh well.
  5. ehh.. .this is obsession.. not piority right? ahaha1. hot asian celeberities =P2. Japanese Drama3. Computer (internet)4. Anime5. Myself. .ahaha just kidding
  6. 50+ mbp ??? that's like t1 or t3 even..it's about 10 times faster than comcast cable internet..... actully..that would be like t5... 5 mega bytes/s... you sure yo udind't get that wrong? well.. if that was true.. your cable bill in the thousands range =P
  7. as long as we live... racism and hatred cannot be distored...hatred is part of being human. No matter how advance we are... hatred will alway be in us and will lead to racism...and no.. i don't htink it should be a prison sentence because.. evne if you put someone in prison for being racist...... what are the chances that will change that person point of view on a certain race? But instead, the hatred in that person would increase. So it's like adding more fuel to the burning fire...
  8. what so new about gunbound world champion?... i haven't played gundbound since 8th grade.that is about 2 years ago...
  9. yeah.. i agree with you, there is no way they could afford to have that much space. There are so many people have gmail out there. Let say.. around 1,000,000.. so. .it's 2.6 x 10 ^ 6. so it will be 26,000,000 gb one terabyte is 1000 gb right? so that will be 26, 000 terabyte. <---- a 250gb hdd is about 100 something ... even if they have a special deal on hdd.. .and reduce it to ... $30-60.. .that's still alot.. of course.. this is so far just a beta version, there will be more when it is released to the public.
  10. ahahahaha.. i dont' really consider this (http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/science/nature/3676694.stm) as a flying car.. more like an airplane. I think what people is going to do is... have a magnetic field covering every inches on earth. Then the car will have the same charge as the ground and that will keep the car floating in mid air. So now all it needs is a force to push them back and forth and to turn. It's also more effiecent than cars with bunch of jet packs Because that would use awhole lot of gases and as we all know.. oil is running out. .that's why gas is rediculously high now aday.
  11. i really want to know how to add on a sub domain to your domain.For example webpage.something.cominstead of redirect it to http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ When you click to a different page ... example.. a mid.htmlthe address will bewebpage.something.com/mid.html instead of http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ like how Xisto.com is giving out subdomain.. like mine is blah1234.trap17.comehh.. sorry.. .if i didn't explain it very well, it's pretty late here and i want to go to sleep. =P
  12. actually from what i heard from people that have tried yahoo ads, they said the pay rate are wayy higher than google adsense. Recently i tried to register for yahoo ads network, but since it's a beta version, they pick the site that they want their ads to be on. My site wasn't one of htem =(. Maybe it's too unactive..Well, i'm looking forward to it, since google didn't accept my reinstatement. =PBy the way, doesn't anyone know how yahoo pick their website?
  13. what so good about php 5? I noticed that recently, simple forum machine came out with a patch to make their forum client compatible iwth php 5.
  14. ahaha.. the first time i encountered that ad, i didn't know hat made the sound.. Until i moved my mouse up and down and noticed that it made a sound each time. and i looked at the ad and saw the smilley face moving.. AHAHmaybe it should be replace with ads like shooting soemthing and win something. People would actully click on it more just to play the game. By the way, do you guys know which advertising campany have those types of ads?
  15. hmmm... did you download the version directly off google?. .Who might know.. you might have downloaded it from some third party website and it came with a virus =P.. I have been using it for a really long time, not thing liek that ever happened to me.Well.. an alternative way is to use google talk. It works as a gmail notifier too.Oh well.. try to install it after the next time you reformat it... if it still does the same, then try to redownload the installer.
  16. i just don't see how people could camp outside just to get an xbox 360. At an outragous price for a video game console. I remember when Playstation 2 came out ( i was still young back then). My brother and his friends were so excited if one of them actully own one. Of course..they didnt' camp outside the store. It took them awhile to get one since all playstation 2 were sold out.Look at it now, playstation 2 is like 150. They even came out with a smaller version. Just like how they did with playstation 1.But yeah.. i do agree with the post starter with playstation 3 is going to own xbox 360. I read the spec. for ps3 somewhere and it seem so much more powerful than the xbox 360. I doubt that ps3 price will higher than the xbox 360.
  17. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ i just found that link from another site. And it seem too good to be true. 30gb of bandwidth and 3gb of space. It is free.. and i believe.. no ads are require... http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ that is the link too their plans I read their terms and conditions.. it mentioned about paying and billing. I'm not sure if it's a scam or not. Has anyone of you guys tried this before? I'm registering to see if it works. Features Common to all accounts: Fantastico Cron Jobs Frontpage Extensions SSL Custom Error Pages Control Panel Kind of like Xisto. =P
  18. well... to me.... i dont' really care if it's fedex or Ups. But this one time, when my brother ordered something. Fedex doesn't have the key to his appartment. So they had they left it outside. Lucky, it wasn't stolen.
  19. i really want to go watch this movie, i read all 5 books at the end of 8th grade in two weeks because i needed AR points.. =P.. but i really enjoyed the series.i will read the 6th book when i have the time =P.. maybe over the summer.
  20. i deleted my smf database but i made a backup sql file.. but for some reason. .it doesn't show the "connection strings" for example (this is the connection strings for a different database) Connection Strings Perl $dbh = DBI->connect("DBI:mysql:blah1234_auct1:localhost","blah1234_auct1","<PASSWORD HERE>"); PHP $dbh=mysql_connect ("localhost", "blah1234_auct1", "<PASSWORD HERE>") or die ('I cannot connect to the database because: ' . mysql_error());mysql_select_db ("blah1234_auct1"); JDBC (may not be available) <%@ page import="java.sql.*" %> Connection connection = null; Class.forName("org.gjt.mm.mysql.Driver").newInstance(); connection = DriverManager.getConnection( "jdbc:mysql://localhost/blah1234_auct1?user=blah1234_auct1&password=<PASSWORD HERE>"); I restored the database, but for some reason i still get this error Connection Problems Sorry, SMF was unable to connect to the database. This may be caused by the server being busy. Please try again later.
  21. I tried to upgrade my coppermine photogallery by usiing fantastico, and but then it gave me an error.. i tried to follow their instructions to reinstall the backup, but i need help.If you don't have SSH access, ask support to help you:- Remove the directory /home/blah1234/public_html/forum- Untar /home/blah1234/fantastico_backups/forum.backup.1132357531.tgz- Empty the database blah1234_smf1- Import the file /home/blah1234/fantastico_backups/forum/backup.sql into the database blah1234_smf1- Move /home/blah1234/fantastico_backups/forum to /home/blah1234/public_html/forumMy question is, how do you empty the database and import the backup.sql file? I tried to download the backup.sql file to my computer, and i tried to view it with notepad, but nothing appeared.Will any of my data get lost? Right now my disk space is -0.04 mb.
  22. hmm.. i just tried this and rebooted, it doesn't seem much different (i'm using dial up)
  23. what do you mean what my php am i using.. You mean the version right?.. .i'm using version 4.4.1. so. .does this mean everything i posted since that day will be lost?
  24. i still find it interesting.. how a father could do that to his son. He will be alugh at for his entire life. This proved that an obsession could lead to something werid....or crazy.. ahahah
  25. ahh.. i don't know.. those kind of sites are not very reliable to me.. they suck.. and second.. who knows what their little probes are programmed to do in your computer. They could be stealing information from your computer and send it back to the creater.. Even though they said no information are gained .. .but i just don't have alot of trust for people over the internet =PBut for some reason... my curiousity won and i actully did it. .It said i have a stealth connection..
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