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Everything posted by DogEater008

  1. well.. for me.. since i ususally wash my jean uncarefully.. so i like light colored jeans. Because those jeans that comes with dirt stains on.. or whatever. When i wash them.. it comes off.. and that makes it very ugly looking =P.
  2. ehh. .i never really heard of it. =P.. that's probably because i'm still new to alot of affilate programs. Can you tell me more about it... like what are they doing to pay us by.. like paypal. .check.. .or do they need your tax id or to fill out a W9 forum like google and yahoo. and what do they pay you for.. Cost per click.. cost per thousand impression.(if so.. what's their rate).I use clicksor because they pay you by paypal and you don't really need to enter your real home address.
  3. Well, first you shouldn't have so many graphic or animations on your site. Try to keep the amount of bandwidth takes to load your site down. If you're running a forum or anything. Try to optimize your database.. table.. etc.You can try not to hot link other people stuff to your site because then it will need to make a new connection for it. And might increase your loading time. If you have ads running on your site.. like popups, ads pop in, graphic banner. Try to put each ads code seperately apart .. instead of listing them one after another. Because this will pause your site from loading while the ads load up. So what i did is .. put one banner at the top of your site. And if you have popups or pop in ads, then put the code at the most bottom of your script so it will load last. So your visitor will be able to read or look at something wile the ads are loading up.And of course, you should try to clean your code/script alittle bit.. so the browser or your server won't have to take that long to read the script.
  4. i know what you mean. I have a few friends at school that tried to get me to go to church or believe in god. One of them even called me closed minded. Seriously, who is the closed minded one? A person that believed in something that came from a book with no proof whatsoever. Or a person that believe in someone that can be proven... It tisked me off. I always tried to argue with them. When i ask them that, where is the proof that god does exist.. THey were like it's faith.. One thing that got me argued with them the most is the theory of elevolution. I know it might not be 100% correct because it is after all.. a theory, but it explains so much more than god created the earth in 7 days. If you really think about it, if god did create the earth in 7 days and created human on the 6th day. Then what happened to the dinasours and other animals. When i said that to them, they were like, do you seriously believe in that.. dinasours existed before human beings. To me, they're just being really narrow minded about things. And if the diansours came after us, then why is that they're extinced but we're not. My conclusion is that, does not exist unless there are actuall proofs. Not just believing in what a book said. No offends to any religons that have to do with god. I'm not saying the teachings are bad, because the bible does teach you how to become a better man. I guess that's the whole reason behind a reglion. But just saying something like that and forcing people to believe in a super being is just wordless....
  5. wow.. i never heard of such a thing. .AHAHA.. free computer for failing math. .WOW.. lol .well the story of how i got my computer is pretty funny. Before i got this computer... i used to own like those really slow computer that my brother got for me somewhere.. THe first one i ever owned was the first computer we ever bought and the only one we ever bought from a store. It's a packebell.. 200mhz .. i remember my parents bought it for use for 2000. Yeah.. the thing is a piece of crap. 2000 bux.. yo ucould get a dual cpu p4 or something right now. But anyways.. Then i got a little upgrade to differnet computer. That computer was 300mhz. Heck yeah. .100mhz faster. I used that for a few month. Then my brother used that computer to run a server in his dorm room (t3 internet) and for me to download my stuff. So i got a newer computer that is still 300mhz.. but better ram =P. I used that for awhile.. Finally, one day, i came over to my friend/neighbor... (back then was when i first starting to hangout with him). So there he had.. a 700mhz duron compaq laying around in the corner of his room. There wasn't any hard drive, ram, or graphic card inside. He told me that, the computer broke and his cousin was too lazy to fix it so they bought him a new computer. A p2 or p3 500mhz. So i asked him if i could have it, he was like.. sure, it's broken anyways... so i carried it across the street where my house is. I backed up everything from my old computer and took out the hdd, video card, ram, and put it into the computer i just got. Booted up just fine. SO i installed window xp one it. .The next day, when i talked to him one AIM, i said i fixed it and it works. AHAHA. So he came over and check it out. AHAHa. he was like.. ahh. now i want it back... ahaha. i was like. .AHAHAH .you're funny. .After that.. he never said anything about it. AHAHAH. I have been using this comptuer for about 2-3 years now. Works fine. Later after that, i got a 60gb hard drive from my brother. And got got a 256mb sdram, 512, and another 128. So total, i have 896mb of ram. Then after that, i got another 120gb hdd from my brother. So the spec. of the computer right now is 700mhz duron896mb sdram pc133128mb graphic card ATI chipset60gb internal hdd120gb external ( i bought a case for it)8x dvd burner52x cd burnerPCI usb 2.0 cardPlus a new case from my brother.And i had to upgrade my cpu fan because it got overheated when playing need for speed underground.I will probably need to upgrade it soon when the new window visita come out.
  6. the trojan only affect sites with adsense right? Ehh. .but why do i care. I'm currently using clicksor right now. I noticed that sometime their popups contains trojan and spyware. Of course i'm too lazy to report them.I just don't get how the creator of the trojan is going to gain anything forum it. He can't insert his own account ads code into it because it would be too obvious. So really, i don't see any point of creating a trojan that does that.. Anyways. thanks for the info =P. Ehh.. so.. you lose poin for it ehh. .lol .j/k =P
  7. hd tvs don't have to be with hd dvds to get good quality. A tv means you could plug everything in and it will work. From what i know, hd dvd holds alittle bit more than 1/2 of a blue ray disc. I'm sure, no matter how expensive blue ray disks are, if no one buy them, they will lower the price. And who knows, in a few year, they might be as cheap as dvds now. Dvds used to be expensive, i remember the first stack i bought.. was for $50. Two stacks of 50 each. I thought it was an awesome deal, then a few months later, you could get them for 20. The day after thanksgiving, circut city had it for $7 for a 50 stack. I regretted for now buying them because i'm running out right now =(
  8. dont' you need a mysql database or something to hold the shouts?
  9. i think you should get her a teddy bear.. This will show that you still think she's a girl.. and that she is still your girlfriend. .Not one of your hardcore gamer buddies =Pehh.. but what do i know.. i'm 15...
  10. hello. i'm 15 and i'm a beginner in web designing. I currently have a site with a forum and a gallery. Right now, it's mostly for my friends to go on. I'm interested in making some cash over the internet, so i signed up for some ads. Which doesn't make much money since barely anyone go on it, beside myself. I'm not interested in having any ecommerce thing going on my site, since it's too complicated and i'm not old enough.Well, my major problem is that i just don't know how to keep people interests in the site, without offering anything. People told me to dedicate my forum to a certain subject. But the problem is that, i don't really know anything to a degree where i can lead a discussion. For most of the web forum that i'm in, they at least offer something, such as free direct download animes or free webhosting (Xisto). All of these forums are all active because people know that they will get something in return, and they have a goal.. that's why they are posting.So my theory is that, you need to set up a goal. Talk about it is easy, but trying to accomplish it is hard.My friends that joined the forum doesn't help that much, because they are new to online forums and don't have much experience with it. So most of the topics where started by me. And they barely ever response. My goal for now is to make my forum/site as resourceful as i can, so that people/members that visit it could learn or gain something from it.Well, will be looking forward to read your tutorial =P.
  11. ahaha.. well.. 1 second isn't that bad.. As we all know.. time does not travel constantly =P.. HAHAH.. .someone is suffering a few nano seconds longer than you are =P..
  12. I'm planning to add another domain for my site. But i dont' want it to redirect to the main page of my server. Is it possible to make it redirect that domain to a certain page on your server? Also, will the domain stays the same in the address bar or does it go back to whatever the orignal domain (the one you registered with cpanel). For example:- I have a http://www.hellohello.be/domain. as the main one-Want to add a http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ domain that redirect to a different page on the server So when i type in http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/and it takes me to whichever page i setted it to redirect, (assuming that it worked). will the address in the address bar change to the http://www.hellohello.be/ domain? I have this question because when i changed my Xisto hosting domain. I didn't know, so i put http://www.hellohello.be/. So now my website url is http://www.www.hellohello.be/.
  13. hmm. thanks for the infomation. AHHA.. i have always wonder about that. How could october (the 10th month in our calender) have a prefix oct. which mean eight. AHAH. thanks for the cleaification =P
  14. Actually. Yes.. verizon does have wireless broadband internet. So you will be able to use it anywhere you want.. as long as it has signal. I read this one article on the wall street journal. It said that sprint signed a contract with comcast. So in a few years or somewhere near in the future. Wireless internet will be like cell phones. Everyone wil lhave it. People will be able to access the internet from anywhere. All you need is a laptop =P.Well.. a bad thing about wifi i think would be hacking. Some hacker could bring their laptop to a certain place and upload a virus or who knows what they could do. And it will be hard for the FBI to track it because alot of people are using it too. It will just make it easier for them to hack.. since the FBI can't trace it back to the source. =P
  15. i didn't get what you meant about every 400 years. A year is actually 365 days and 6 hours (6x4=24 or 1 day). So every four years, they have to add one extra day. Or else the calender will be messed up in a few thousand year (like summer will actually be in the winter.. this is just an example).
  16. doing that will be a waste of your time because it takes really long to reencode the dvd. Plus.. you will lose your quality dramaticly. A better way of doing that is. to split the dvd-9 into 2 dvd-5All you need is three different tool to do this.First. Use Dvd Decrypter to rip the dvds and save it somewhere on your hdd.Second. After ripped the dvd. use ifoedit to split the dvds. This program will automaticly find the split points so that it could be hold into 2 disc. Some useful functions you could do with it.You could make it so that it's possible to skip the FBI warning and stuff. Then finally use a disc image creator (i used the program call classic) and convert the dvd format files into a disc image.Tip:If you want both dvds to have a main menu screen, then just copy the menu screen file from the first disc into the second.There are also program available to take out hte FBI warning and insert it with your own. (i have never tried this).For more help.. you could find a tutorial from http://www.videohelp.com/. It contains pictures, so it is easy to follow.
  17. i would not. Why?.. because google is making money off for people to use their service. That;s why you see their ads.. even in gmail. So.. why would we pay them..when they are already making money off of us. I doubt that google will ever make us pay because less people will use it.. meanng less money from their ads. And their rival such as yahoo and msn will difinitely rise.
  18. merry christmas everyone.. 21 hours left till christmas is over for me. =P...sucks for those people that are on the other side of the globe =P.. Their christmas would be in the summer time =P
  19. Hello Lokeshwaran, ehh.. .welcome to the forum =Pehh.. by the way.. what is AJAX?
  20. ahaha.. this is what i know how to cook or make.. whateverOmlet (eat it with rice and soy sauce.. yummy... medium cooked)Instant noodleFrozen PizzaThat's it =P... But one time, i volunteered at my school and we did a cooking club. That week, we made japanese chicken wings. AHAHa.. Well.. it was easy following the intructions.. But for one reason.. I decided to pour the left over eggs yoke into the pan with the chickens, forgetting that it will turn into omlet. SO yeah.. my partner yelled at me ahah (she is older than i am). But then forgot about the chicken. .and it was burnt. Which i got yelled for the second time again.But it turned out that .. the omlet was good .. so i ate soem of it. .. i regretted of throwing some away. And the chicken was awesome too. AHAH. my partner.. she was like. WOW.. she was suprised HAHAA.
  21. well.. this is what i thinkPSP:Pro:Bigger Screen (play anime with subtitle and you could still read it)High resolutionPlay gamemp3picturesCon: low battery than ipodMemory cost alotless memoryVideo ipod (well.. i never seen one.. yet but this is what i think of it)Pro:More spaceplay mp3Could be used as an external hddSmaller than pspCon: smaller screen (i dont' think subtitle could be read)Well... i don't know if i would spend $200+ buying either of those. Since i already have an mp3 player, i dont' need to have an ipod .. even though it would be nice to have one. I would rather spend it on a laptop. =P. you could do many more things with it.I don't walk around much, so i dont' really need an ipod. Game get boring really fast for me..so psp would be a waste of money. That's why i would rather get a laptop =P.
  22. i installed window vista beta 1 version on my computer a while ago. My computer spec is700mhz Amd Duron800mb of ram128mb graphic.well.. for my computer, it takes like 5 minutes just to booth up. I don't know why.. i installed it on my brother's laptop.. and it was really fast. But that is probably because his laptop is faster than my computerbut anyways... It looks more like a mac now. which is good.. because i'm getting tired of the old window look.There were some problem with drivers. Like.. i couldn't get my modem to work for some reason. So i had to use my brother's computer to get online and share it through the network. It's easier to navigate your files than window xp. And and instant of showing the file icons like how they do when you set it to view as file or list. Instead.. it shows the thumbnail.. which looked niceSince it's the beta version. The file search option doesn't really work. From what i read from articles about the new window. It said that the new search function will be better and more efficient. After 1 month of using it, microsoft requires you to enter an activation code to continue on using the program which i don't have. so i had to reformat my computer again and install window xp. =P
  23. actully. .that isn't true.. .because sometime, people could be so careless that they tuned the music out. I notice that i do that sometime. Sometime my mp3 went out of batteries, and i didn't notice .. =P well. .all i'm waiting now is. .for the world smallest mp3 player =P. .don't have to high those headphone and its wires in class. =P. and of course the memory have to be huge too =P.. maybe as much as a 60gb ipod =P.
  24. well.. to me ..most girl will prefer something easy and simple to use. So i would say get a nano... Why? because nano are small and it has color screen. All the girls i know think it's really cute and stuff? ... If you get her a normal, then it might be too big. (girls like small things.. especaily asian girls.. because they are small =P). For a guy, a video ipod would be awesome, but i don't think girls have the patients to go through and learn how to convert normal video files into ipod video file type.Unless she's is one of those.. rare type that have alot of interest in technology =P... or if she likes to download movies and other stuff =P. Then she might need a bigger space on her ipod to store the files =P
  25. Hey guys.. AHAHa. i recorded a video with some friends. And it's funny.. well.. at least we think it's funny...So we wanted to share it with everyone.http://www.mt.hellohello.be/ Tell me if you like it. .AHAHA. .i made this video with window movie maker.. so it's kinda crappy.Low quality version is avaliable for 56k'er EHEH. Please don't hot link the video =P.. i have a limited bandwidth from Xisto. =P And sorry about the popups and ads.. I'm trying to make some money off the traffic on my site =P.
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