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Everything posted by Saint_Michael

  1. I do believe gtalk does support offline messages as I have sent quite a few to people who were not online and they have received them. I wouldn't mind them updating Gtalk to have invisibility like they do through the email though, better yet how about updating gtalk altogether it could use a face lift.
  2. Not much to say really as your limited to what you can do on the blogspot domain and of course how quickly you can get your account deleted if you don't post something ever couple of days. So all I can say really is that you have a lot to say so I just keep on building on the content and if blog regularly then your better off running your own blog in which you have more control over.
  3. Although I was fond of Internet Explorer 8 beta 2 but then I ran into a problem last week in which Internet Explorer 8 disabled my windows automatic updates, somehow block McAfee from working properly, and it event disable my wireless and sound drivers as well. As to how that all happen I have no idea, but it all happen before and after I uninstalled Internet Explorer 8 so sad to say Internet Explorer 8 is still very buggy.
  4. Welcome to the site xstrikex and since your introduction is a bit short I should ask that you tell more about yourself, with in reason and tell us what made you come to Xisto and all that fun stuff.
  5. Well you come ot the right place for support as the Xisto community is well verse in various aspects of web designing and many Xisto websites that are running portfolios to help build ones skills. So bring on your questions and odds are members will be able to help you set up your site or design it as well.
  6. I am pleasantly surprise how well your CMS website looks, I like the colors and the ton of different interactivity you provide for your visitors, just have to build up on the content and of course members but from the looks of it your website is fairly new. So I would suggest that you start advertising your site with similar websites to help build up on members and getting your site index, but of course it is all about content and if you can't provide that on at least every couple of days you will have some problems trying to build up your site.So I give it a nice 8/10.
  7. As a gamer that has game now for three generations, 80s, 90s and 21st century. I always play the classics when I get a free chance because they never really get old and the fact that they are far more challenging then the next generation of games. Due to the fact that you can save and restart if you mess up, but unlike the other games you had to do it in one shot unless you got some games that have the save feature built in. I still play Nintendo, Super Nintendo and Arcade games on my computer and boy to my wrists and fingers hurt after a few hours .
  8. Welcome to Xisto cloudd and nasiransari and like the other members have mention this a is a great little community that is always looking for new members and of course those looking for some free hosting as well. So enjoy your stay here and see you in the forums.
  9. Welcome to the website merkurius and as for hosting a runescape server first you would have to check if you can and on top of that you would need paid hosting with a lot more space and bandwidth since a Xisto account won't be able to handle that kind of load.
  10. Well how about I convince you to still with one version and then set up a script that will convert your HTML to PDF and that way you only have to type it out once and if someone wants to get a pdf/offline version of your book they can generate it themselves. That way you don't have to worry about re-bolding, re-centering and stuff like that. http://www.fpdf.org/ So that is my suggestion on how to set up your book/website.
  11. Your google powers are more lesser then mine , anyway I think yahoo answers has the answer unless you saw that site already. https://au.answers.yahoo.com/ and for even quicker reference here is the software. Software 1
  12. Very interesting and odds are this is for older computer with older pci cards that are no longer out on the market. Of course any hardware that iss 1-5 years years ld and your turning them into a ubuntu system then you will be set in finding the right drivers,
  13. Then the credits will adjust accordingly thus the miracle of the credit system and so you can add more credits to your posts or if your removing a big chunk of info you lose those credits. Of course you won't see the significant change unless you really alter the post by a few credits.
  14. For your Chrome fans out there here is some tricks, tweaks and easter eggs found so far in Google Chrome and I have to say the about: one's are very interesting. SOURCE http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ http://lifehacker.com/5045164/google-chromes-full-list-of-special-about-pages
  15. You could say I was a bit surprise that this didn't come to mind in terms of browsers mimicking others, even though you can theme to make them look like other browsers. Thus the reason for this topic and that is making firefox act like Chrome through a few plugins. Stealther This extension is supposed to mimic incognito browser so now you can do all your secret evil things in firefox now without being caught. Download Statusbar I am a big fan of this extension and been using it for a few months now and so its benefits are very useful and you won't get that download window popping up on you. Locationbar? 1.0.3 All this extension does is highlight the main url and to help prevent spoofing. I know IE8 and Chrome use it built into the browsers, not to sure on Opera has something similar. Speed Dial If your an Opera user you should know this extension very well and basically its mini browsers within a browser and thus cutting out the use for tabs entirely. Prism With this extension basically you doing what Chrome and IE8 are doing and making a whole new process and so you wouldn't have to worry about firefox crashing and losing everything. Although it don't really matter since firefox has a good recovery system and should be able to recover most data. Resizeable Textarea Although I am somewhat familiar with this extension chrome has this built in and I be making a topic about tips, tricks and Easter eggs about Chrome shortly. As for the extension itself basically you turn a small text area into a large one by dragging from one of its corners and so if your commenting on something and the text area is small you can make it bigger. Peer's Now I am big fan of this extension because of hte fact you can expand the search function even more in firefox and you can get the first 8 results based on your keywords. So if your not a fan of Chrome, like me, then you can at least mimic it until another version of Chrome comes out. SOURCE http://lifehacker.com/5044518/enable-chromes-best-features-in-firefox
  16. Question is What is the most stupidest thing a politician can do to connect government and religion together? Well there is your answer.On that note, COME ON! her political skills are as experienced as mine and I tell this if if McCain wins this election because of her stupidity I am going to be voting Democrat for life. Let see what else, oh I have a pregnant teenage daughter who is unmarried, likes to ban books (Harry potter most likely), lwe need a pipeline because God wills it, no sex education but just keep it in your pants instead, lets give even more guns to children (well not really but she is pro-gun).Heck if McCain was smart he dump her now and get someone who can hide their dirty laundry a lot better, because it has not been 1 month and their is so much dirt on her including political corruption that if people were to vote now Obama would surely win. Next she will say it is Gods will for teenage girls under the age of 15 to get married, which I know is never going ot happen but her inexperience will show up and haunt her.
  17. You know what just now thinking about it, I have a feeling that IE8 is doing this as well, but I don't remember reading anything about it but all I knew is that I had several iexplorer.exe's going and only one tab, odds are one them belong to the privacy explorer. However, since IE8B2 was causing me problems I had to uninstall it so I don't know if that is the case or not.
  18. The design alone has turned me off from this browser, regardless if it has a 75/100 in the Acid 3 test and it can pass the Acid 2 test. The bookmark importation is buggy and what I really dislike hte most is that for each new tab you make it creates a .exe task in the task manager and so your sucking up a lot more juice if you have multiple tabs open. Of course that is done so people don't have to worry about losing everything if it crashes. Lets forget about the stealing now, google already tole from Microsoft with that incognito idea and of course the built in developer controls which again IE8 has.I will say it has its positives though and that is fast, I like that built in task manager, and taking a bit from firefox 3 they pretty much got rid of the drop url bar and used the smart search when you type in a website. I also like the fact there is more room to see a website. Other then that google's browser is not good enough to make a threat it will have to some serious work in order to get past Safari and odds are this browser will see itself only making a home in cellphones especially with the Android SDK. Of course with all the over hype and various article that time will only tell, but I will say this though, beta 2 better make a huge improvement or it will be just another browser trying to get famous.Personally I say google was better off developing their own browser engine then using a current one, but I highly doubt it though.
  19. I would have to agree but I say make it simpler and you might have explained this but it is pretty late for me , but I would add the multiplier to the post itself, meaning when a person ears the default number of credits and then when they get rated they earn some more based on that rating.Example begin someone earns 10 credits on a tutorial and then divide the multiplier like so (informative) 1.30 divided by 10 = .13 credits.I know it doesn't seem a lot, but if you multiplied it people be getting 13 credits a rating, but with the division it keeps it small enough then the credits will build over time. Over time as the ratings increase people will start nulling the 1 credit loss, but of course Xisto would have to enforce the one IP per login to keep people from rating their own topics and posts and what not.
  20. There is also a bug in the importing of bookmarks as well because I didn't get all of them either other then that I hate the look just seems awkward to me and not a fan, but I do like its speed though.
  21. Well I didn't bother reading the comic strip just because for all we know that they either used the firefox engine, opera engine (same one as firefox I think), safari engine or explorer engine. So unless they created their own browser engine, I would believe google's browser will be deader then my political career and only hardcore google fans and those who use the Andriod engine in cell phones will use that browser. Of course it should be interesting what the ACID results are for this browser as well and of course what kind of blow does this do to Mozilla since google has back them practically from the beginning and so I think a few people with be biting their nails to see what happens when ti comes out.
  22. I will tell you why that won't happen, it is bad for SEO and more importantly would hurt Xisto in getting index by the search engines and since we frown on spam here, those kind of topics would be considered spam and not contribute to the forums. Besides these forums are for contributions and support and so tutorials, web master resources and being able to solve others problems will and so being able to provide original tutorials or maybe improving on current tutorials or scripts would be more beneficial.
  23. Well its not that those anti-viruses don't work its just that some trojans are design to sneak in behind the scenes and so regardless if the major software has patches and what not to find them and delete them. So the only way to remove them is the old fashion way of finding the files and then delete them; however, that were most non tech people think a small program that removes these things will work but instead just add to the problem and what not.
  24. Yeah, winrar is used to compressed files and if I am right IPB is over 20MB uncompressed maybe more and so the second page wouldn't be able to hold that big of a forum. You could say that the second package is more a test package in terms of finding out what you can do and so it is set up for small websites or blogs and nothing big such as forums and a content driven website. So you would be better off getting the default package in order to support a forum like IPB.
  25. I know I am not much on words of wisdom and like I mentioned on MSN, your doing everything right mermaid, your not sticking ot one group of people your very social and participate in many activities both school and non school. You shouldn't be in such a rush to look for a relationship at such a young age and that shouldn't be the number one thing on your priority list. Yes I know the hormones are going wild and you want to start dating, but don't force it or you won't have any fun and so you need to let it happen naturally and you will be able to have a more healthy relationship with someone.
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