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Everything posted by Saint_Michael

  1. Actually don't forget the Xisto Awards party, Evil Society Party, coders group party. So yeah their is like 5 parties I attend each you galexcd, although somehow I did not get my invitation to this years coders group party strange I know email you about it . Luckily for me though, I don't make the topics or it just be odd and so sad .
  2. Ahahaha, dude you crack me up, seriously but yeah, I hope he understands why he looks like a puppet, still dreading the day for my first nephew when I have to tell him. It took me awhile to get over it, had to watch hours upon hours of seseme street to understand what being a puppet is .
  3. I know everyone here on trap has seen those anti-virus ads that do those fake scans and force those pop up ads to make you go buy their scareware. Which is the tecnical term for software vendors or hackers to scare you into buying their products in order to solve your problem. what I found really interesting about this article that their are over seven thousand variations to this scareware tactic, and the odds are those 30 million people are the onlys that barely know about a computer or how to properly secure and making sure their personal information isn't floating around somewhere. Of course I found this to be an interesting part of the article: Now granted I am no security expert in any way, but I do know enough about what needs to be on your computer in terms of protection and how not to get your hand caught in the cookie jar. However, I do find it hilarious that it was mostly the men that get caught in this scareware scam Basic computer security is not that hard to grasp, just install a security suite that has everything you need, keep it updated, don't fall for stupid email scams or scareware scams etc etc and you won't have all these problems. SOURCE http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  4. For those who switched out their rvskin from x3 to either rvskin or rvskinlight might have notice then we tried to switch back it wasn't option and you get a 404 error that the file was missing, and so I ask about this situation and this is what I was told. Due to some permissions of this skin, cmod most likely, in order to get back the x3 skin you need to send in a support ticket in order to bring it back up so do the following. Step 1 go to https://support.xisto.com/ Step 2 Click Submit ticket and select Xisto - Support Step 3 Fill out your name and email as for the priority setting set it to LOW, because it isn't a big issue compare to other hosting matters. Step 4 In the title put in Reset rvskin to x3 Step 5. In the subject area put in the following information I would like to reset my rvskin to x3 and here is my account details Sub-domain name Cpanel Username Password (This is used to verify your account or check the error) So submit this info if you want to default rvskin to be the x3 and it will get change by support when they arrive to you ticket.
  5. Best part we can watch it over and over and over again in November as the DVD will be release a definite must have for a DVD collector such as I. It is funny though, but if think if super hero movies are more darker then their comic counterparts I would suspect they will make a lot more money. X-men 3 scored big on that idea, Hulk 2 did better then Hulk 1, Ironman although not dark per say scored pretty big as well and both batman movies as well. So I would think the darker the comic book movie gets a better profit it will make, but that is just my opinion on that one.
  6. AWWWWW!!! Thanks for the comments and posts and in return you can keep the credits you made from this topic . Ug can't believe two days have passed 363 more days to go then til I am 28 and old enough to be someone's father here .
  7. It is funny though, ever since Microsoft announce its shelving XP from retail store the global population have come in droves to keep XP going. Strangely enough Microsoft response is quite interesting and that they keep pushing the end of support so people who buy a new computer can downgrade to windows XP.
  8. I would think that their be another way to do because using a negative number in order to center a website is a bit sloppy and HTML 4. Especially on the fact you would have to make the center fluid with all resolutions and so it could get a bit tricky and so I think a cleaner solution like this example http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ would prove more beneficial. However, depending on how wide you make your layout you might have to change the dimensions a bit on how to position the layout.
  9. In my opinion if people got that money to blow by going about 60-70 miles into the Earth's atmosphere then they have money to help those in need and what not. Of, course I can't complain because if I had that kind of money or like $20-30 million to blow I go on the space shuttle or something.
  10. Well smoking is hard habit to break because of all the chemicals those cigerette companies put in to make you addicted, of course they don't feel guilty for killing millions of people each year because money is more important to them. Lucky for me I don't smoke of course I inhaled plenty of it from all you smokers out there so I like to thank you for that.
  11. You definately want to use a NTFS because of the size restricts of a FAT especially if you want to set up a RAID to your computer your would better off with NTFS because you be able spread out larger files without the need make thousands of files and folders in order to put them together and what not.
  12. Definitely looking forward to this game, especially if its going back to its Need For Speed Most Wanted roots, and I was pretty disappointed in the last two games. It is funny though I came across this by accident as I didn't see to much news about the game in PSM especially when the game is just a month a way and what not.
  13. Well your best is go here https://login.live.com/jsDisabled.srf?mkt=EN-US&lc=1033 and following the information about hotmail abuse Also if you still have access to your email account change the password and make it more difficult to guess because odd are that is how they are spoofing your email account.
  14. I would say I am in the same boat that I LOVE Coca-cola, usually pound a couple of liters a week, maybe more, but on the other hand I would have to think that it is not only the taste of their products but the caffeine as well. Of course, when it comes to caffeine though those energy boosters like Red Bull and Monster are horrible in how much sugar and caffeine they put in though, luckily I never got addicted to that amount of caffeine though or be all over the place.
  15. Well I highly doubt this Molecule will ever be found let alone exist, because their is like 99% of the universe and our understand of the universe we do not know about. It is like one percent of one percent of what we know about the known universe and even then we still do not know if we are right or not. Of course, if the "God" molecule does exist then science as we know along with the Universe will be completely changed because of its discovery.
  16. Its funny because right now their is a battle going on which version Windows 7 actually is because some are saying 8, some are saying 7, of course Microsoft is making it worse by saying Windows 7 version is actuall Windows 6.1. So not only is Microsoft fighting the browser wars they are having an internal war with operating system version now.
  17. Well that is good your making progress and what not, still waiting for that ultimate tutorial on home networking, and I would say this my LAN instructor would love you , but you a very complex network going on covering a lot of different operating systems and what not.
  18. Of course, that is another reason why I hate stupid video because of the stupid comments that have nothing to do with the video get posted. Of course, I do understand the first amendment but really some people just do it to get attention because they have nothing else better to do and sadly though some of those people get youtube famous because of their attention seeking ways.
  19. Well I don't think they be giving up on operating systems altogether, I am just saying that they will build a new operating system by scratch that has nothing to do with Windows core. It will be gear more towards internet data storage running applications through a server like a web application or a desktop application and on top of that start trimming down computer hardware just like Apple did with its new laptops and what not.
  20. WOOT!! glad we were able to fix the problem without the need to get into cutenews and mess around with everything just to get it right . A gig suggestion would be to do a full back up of your site, can't remember if you can do a cute news backup or not, but if you can though do that to save your settings misa.
  21. Yeah, I agree the that the navigation is a bit to get though, but once you get use to the new look and then figure out what you want to get or what you need for your hosting then it gets easier from there. Of course if you look at all the different packages within each package you notice there is a lot to compare. Of course, I wouldn't doubt their be more changes to the new site, but of course in order to make those changes just like OpaQue know in order to get idea what you like or don't like about the site.
  22. Just my opinion I think it would be a bit more complicated to downgrade a Xisto - Web Hosting account into a Xisto account, as for the hosting I would think you have to be hosted unless they plan to do something for non-hosted meembers and being able to use their hosting credits to support their Xisto - Web Hosting account.
  23. Like the rest of the posters XHTML is primarily used for display XML data like RSS feeds for instance and so the structure of XHTML has to be strict enough in order to display XML data properly without causing any errors. AS for the advantages if you look at the browser wars and how the different browser display websites and so it is all about identify your tags, CSS etc etc. Like it was mentioned earlier its about organizing and keeping your source code clean.
  24. Mayank a member of Xisto has entered a wordpress design and needs your votes to win, of course I don't think he could divde $1000 evenly to everyone though. So where do you go to make this awesome vote and help Mayank win? The website is here http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ and the design you need to vote on is NewBlue by BlogDesignStudio Voting ends on Moday so get your votes in quickly and help Mayank WIN!!
  25. Well that is the whole point to show people you can quad boot a computer with 4 different operating systems at the same time. Of course, it would have help if this tutorial came with pictures or a video tutorial or something to help go through this installation process smoother and quicker.
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