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Everything posted by Saint_Michael

  1. To start off I answer the first question and say at one time Symantec was the best since in the 90's that and McAfee were the only big companies, that I am aware, that provided security for computers. However, because of the big tech boom of the late 90's and early 2000-2002, a lot more software developers started showing up and so your options are not as limited anymore. What is scary though that the free versions of the anti-virus software are a lot faster, current, and don't suck a computer dry and so people are dropping Norton and Mcafee for AVG, NOD and so on. Of course, the other side of the issue is that it is the users and not the software, because most users just don't think about it, look at my topic about the 30 million years who get caught but the fake software. If computers sit down and google or yahoo computer security and visit computer websites that deal with security or read news articles about computer security. Then the impact of all these viruses, malware, spyware, scareware and all the other ware's you can think of wouldn't have such a impact as it does now. However, the sad case is that no one will learn until they get low blowed and catch a nasty virus or get their computer hack will they take their computer security more serious. Heck even the most experience computer users get caught and most of them are in the top echelon of computer experts.
  2. Well I highly doubt it is possible to run an Operating on a sever and design a computer that connects to that server without software that doesn't use an operating system to make that connection. Besides of the extreme difficulty of pulling something that off, I still believe that the operating system will still be installed the old fashion way, with restore CD's just in case you have to reinstall it or a unique back up system that is store either locally or on a server and a person could roll back on. Of course, that is just some crazy idea's that just came to mind and I would say once the Cloud computing starts to age and everyone starts getting involved with setting up these next generation operating systems, then everyone will get a better idea what will be happening. Nah, Microsoft is book to at least 2010-2012 on producing windows operating systems, but I think once windows 7 is out or stable enough, only then will Microsoft will spend the hundreds of millions to start a new operating from scratch again. I totally agree with you that I wouldn't be surprise if they slip in windows aspects into this new operating system, hopefully one of them isn't a registry, the winsxs file system and RAM hogging. Well it is not fake, still in rumorville and people talking and to answer your question about why Microsoft needs to give up windows, I think the phrase "Most hacked operating system in the computer industry" comes to mind. It isn't a matter of switching to another operating system, but I wouldn't be surprise if Apple is already thinking of a framework to get a cloud computing operating system going and as for linux, I won't be surprise if a lot of free linux versions go to commercial paid versions in order to cover costs, training people and constantly updating cloud computer operating systems 24/7.
  3. Sadly though, I build this website for a painter, if I had any art skill like my client I would have drop computers years ago and made my living off that and then of course hire some web designer to set me up a simple website.
  4. Well get ready for the kicker, Microsoft plans on pushing out a Vista Service Pack 2 the same time Windows 7 comes out which is roughly 2009 now. Now if you been following articles about windows 7 being a vista upgrade you understand the irony in all of this, even though Microsoft says Windows 7 is a major release even though it improves on vista in every single way you can think of. The funny thing about this even more about this development is that with Windows 7 being far more superior the vista, some expect for most people just to Vista altogether now.
  5. I had came across this story by accident and when I started reading this story about this programmer storing data on both sides of one of those old school floppy disks. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/404.png I couldn't believe it was even possible to store data on both sides of one of those bad boys let alone program a game to work on two different disk drives, I think, but still to pull something off like is pretty ingenious. Especially if whoever did this, maybe the guy who the author purchased, did this in the 1980; think about it like this, I think in the late 90s is when cd manufacturers started to begin producing double layer CD's in order to store more data. I am not aware of an of the 3.5" floppies that might have done but even then the 3.5" floppies had more space then the 8" floppies.
  6. well I did find a script that does that with the exception of doing it in a frame Javascript <script type="text/javascript"><!--function gotoURL() {var newURL = document.url2go.go.valuedocument.location.href=newURL}//--></script> HTML <form action="java script:gotoURL()" method="get" name="url2go"><input type="text" name="go" value="http://" size="50"><input type="submit" value="go!!!"></form> However I did find an example of what your asking from this website https://www.irt.org/script/3.htm, but they don't provide a working example of it and so try them both out and see what happens.
  7. I wouldn't think so because the Xisto - Domains would take your contact infor you have in the billing and auto fill that information as if you were buying the domain individually. So you could keep your contact info blank or fill it with n/a or blank or something like that to hide your information.
  8. Well I went through a test run today with purchasing a hosting package and it went smoothly that I am aware, but don't know what else is being done with it until OpaQue makes a statement about it. I will say this though, plan to do a lot posting to make the money for one of those packages, though not expensive, but if you go all out with all the features and upgrades you would need to post about 100 times a day just to make a yearly payment . I wouldn't see how you could auto renew free hosting unless once your hosted under the free plan you don't have to pay anything. Of course, it wouldn't make much sense to pay for free hosting and the only other thing I could think of is that you would have to renew it once a year or something like that. Or set up mycent to use the same 1 penny a day deduction and what not, but it is still early to tell how this will develop though. I have a feeling though that if you registered before this went online, it might have glitched your account, not sure since I am stuck in the same position as you in just earning hosting credits and not mycents. EDIT: kicked in so now to start earning some money and willielwgg yours is running as well.
  9. Well that is shocking a site like that would blow through its bandwidth just like, especially since a website like that should have a few hundred gigs of bandwidth just to keep that site going. Well luckily the website is back so all is not lost, but still interesting that it went down .
  10. It might be me I am not to sure, but I have to receive any cents or anything, I know I been getting my hosting credits and what not but not any cents, anyone else have that problem yet after registering?
  11. Not bad at all at least you know all the hard work and effort your team put in to do better payed off and so now you just have fix on hte minor mistakes you have made and you might be able to hit that 1 next year.
  12. The second one, best way to go about this is to translate your website both in English and whatever language your choose and put somewhere a language option menu for users to chose which language they want to view your website. However, if you don't want to go through that hassle just have your index page in English stating what your website is about and the rest can be in any language you want. Or another option would be to have tools such as altavista to help translate the website for you as well.
  13. You two are misquoting what I am saying not all anti-virus software is bad, McAfee, AVG, Nortan, kaspersky, the anti-virus software you need to look out for are websites showing images of them scanning your computer or you get a pop up saying your computer might be infected. So blearblue I recommend installing AVG on your computer to give you some protection as it won't hurt your computer in anyway. Variablez the problem is though their is no way to protect a computer from a virus no one knows about and if it is a new new virus or an updated version the security companies have to find it quick and make a patch for it. Although security companies have block some of the biggest ones its the users who for these traps and smartly conceived in order to trick you into giving the virus writers access to your computer.
  14. Right now they are going down because of the Global recessions, the oil stock piles are growing and people actually becoming better drivers and using less gas and traveling less. Most towns and cities should be under $3.00 by now and hopefully in a couple of weeks or so we will be under $2.50, of course if these people stop buying gas guzzling sports cars and hummers and if the car industry make cars use less gas we all be better for it and what not. Of course, I will not be surprise if we see oil drop below $60 in the near future because of whats going on and if other counties can follow their be more oil in the world today.
  15. Pretty much what buff said as the IPS driver issues are usually temporary but their have been the rare occasions of database being down for awhile and so just send in a support ticket or if the chat room is open let someone know to fix it.
  16. Saint_Michael

    A Cheap Joke

    Yeah, I wouldn't worry about it as you mother blew it way out of proportion and what not and besides you would have known if any damage was cause if you said hi to the president and she blew you off. Anyway, do not worry about it and go on with your every day activities and don't dwell on things that can't be fixed.
  17. Well luckily for the most party giselle didn't lose everything, just have to reinstall the software and what not and luckily the back up was there to recover most everything as well or she be worse off.
  18. Since hte members have trap have the opportunity to start out the new credit system some a mini FAQ so to speak has been created in a series of posts on what to expect when OpaQue gets this going on Xisto. http://forums.xisto.com/topic/61592-topic/ Though it did take some confirmation on OqaQue part but and been able to answer most everyone's questions to the best of my ability, and comes the interesting part since this is cross hosted compatible you will be able to earn both on asta and on trap. So you can keep posting for your hosting here but can earn credits from both websites just make sure you register under the same email account though for this to be done correctly.
  19. From the looks of it yes, but odds are if caught cheating the system by double posting your money making post expect both accounts to be terminated in someway or start losing money. Of course, I haven't seen the credit system been added to Xisto, but the forums there are in need of a forum upgrade to 2.3 or whatever version is being used right now on trap in order to prevent any errors from happening. Well unlike the hosting that go through the 1 credit per day loss, your cents count will be reset to zero once you make a dollar and that dollar will be transferred over to the other account. Yeah I notice that as well and most of my posts today should be counting the cents and it has been about 11 hours since I started posting on the new system and no changes yet. So I would assume that it is turn off at the moment, which I doubt or its going to take a few days for the script to fully kick in. it happens to the best of us, and most of my posts about this so far are between what i was told what it was about and then trying to fill in the blanks from there.
  20. Well I could understand for the need to make computers smaller faster and more affordable, although the Macbook Air is a bit expensive, but it would seem that working in such small screens will do some serious eye damage after a long time use. Granted that the screens are optimize to make the text not look like it is 1px, of course I could just connect the laptop to high end 42" TV and just go from there. Although they hardware is top of the line such as Solid State Drive and packing them in with 3GB of RAM, it would seem that they are making laptops more limited to what they can do. Especially if your one of those people who have a stack of CD's and DVD's loaded with back up and software and stuff like that, however, I think the computer hardware industry is getting ready to move to cloud computing which makes the use of CD's and DVD's obsolete in the future.On the other hand, because of the acceptance of linux operating systems thus making it cheaper those computers are going to be perfect for students who are in grades 6-12 because some schools will be able to afford these computers and still be able teach students basic computer skills and hopefully be able to write better instead of myspacing and facebooking all day. Granted there are more pros and cons to have small computers and PDA's but again I would think it would be up to the user on how they want their computer to look though.
  21. OpaQue, mentioned in his other topic about 4-5 hours and so expect the myCENT's to update every 4 to 5 hours after each post. Of course, I wouldn't mind seeing that tie get knock down just a bit like how the hosting credits are and that way we have a better idea what we are earning and what not. Hopefully though as people start registering and the tweaks to the credit system I would see the kinks and minor bugs being worked out in order to improve the system over time. As for the Xisto - Web Hosting stuff you can get anything even one of the VPS packages of course don't try to save a few thousand dollars and then buy in bulk because that won't happen. Also everyone start redirecting your questions to this topic http://forums.xisto.com/topic/61592-credit-system-v30-online-resolved-free-web-hosting-domains-dedicated-ip-digital-certificate-managed/ as well.
  22. Yeah its a bit confusing as well but I try my best to answer your questions 1. No you will still be earning your hosting credits but you will also be earning cents as well, so you working on earning two different things while only your hosting credits go down while your cents accumalate. 2. I believe the earning rate is quite different for myCENT's then it is for your hosting credits, although quality posting is more important then ever I don't believe the two are tied together. That is a guess though since I don't know what the ratio is at this time but that is the reason to ask questions and those who know it, the admin, will be able to explain everything. 3. No it is for everyone, just like I explain in your first question as you post you will earn cents, so regardless how many hosting credits you have your cents will accumlate over time and will only be deducted if you posts a Xisto - Web Hosting plan or top level domain. your last question yes, if yo uwant to earn myCENTS you need to register through the billing site in order to accumlate money through your posting.
  23. Yes you have to register in order to use the myCENT in order to purchase Xisto - Web Hosting packages from your posts in Xisto. So if you want to have your own reseller account or the uber VPS package then posting quality is a most in order to maximize your earnings. Also for those who have already registered you iwll notice an affiliation link and so if you get friends or family who are looking for some paid hosting give them your affiliation link and when they go purchase one of the many packages on Xisto - Web Hosting you will earn a nice little profit for your credit account.Of course still need some clarification that and as usual no posting your affiliation link in Xisto as it kind of defeats the purpose of spreading Xisto - Web Hosting services.
  24. Since I am learning about the new credit system online and offline I have so far dumb down how myCENT is supposed to work for everyone. Basically myCENT is replacing the old hosting credit system as it has three parts to how the new system will work. The first one has to do with earning cents per post just like earning hosting credits per post that won't change. The second part is when you earn 100 cents it will be transferred to your billing account and that will equal $1 and the third part to the myCENT's is that you will be able to purchase a Xisto - Web Hosting package using that money that you have earned through the posting and also with the money that you have earn, you will be able to purchase upgrades in storage and bandwidth for that package. Of course, the wonderful news is you can purchase any package you want from Xisto - Web Hosting even the ultra exclusive VPS package, but of course if your in a situation like me and my wonderful stash of credits you can't get like 205 logical plans and and other other combination's take up a lot of unneeded space and what not.So that is what I know and understand so far and expect many more posts when I find out whats going on with the new credit system.
  25. Yes I sent in my ticket and and some time later my cpanel got back the x3 rvskin, woot!.
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