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Everything posted by Saint_Michael

  1. Well like it was mentioned in some of the posts spread out across the forums about this, the MyCent transfer isn't going to be running at this time, but of course I can tell you this though I highly doubt it will happen for awhile because its connections to the Xisto - Web Hosting packages, Xisto - Web Hosting is actually losing a lot profit from this. So if there was transfer system added then xisto could lose even more profits and so that is major factor why we won't see a transfer system any time soon. Pretty much it is a wait and see if the transfer system happens, but my above comments do make mention that it will be awhile before that happens. Well just like the transferring hosting credits on the old system you had to give a very good reason why someone needed to transfer some hosting credits. Since more members only posted for a couple of weeks worth and then are gone during that time and then come back and do it again and since MyCent's has that long delay it could cause problems, especially for those who are doing monthly payment who can almost cover those payments. Xisto did but because of new this system is OpaQue has to make sure it is stable enough to remove the old system from the forums and then go from there. Even then if you look at some of the comments about transferring that trying to earn MyCents is a bit more difficult then earning hosting credits and so if a transfer system is set up expect a heavy tax on what could be transferred. Another big factor right there and so someone could make a couple of posts and then ask a friend to transfer the rest and could get hosting without much of an effort and then Xisto would lose even more profit and the friend could lose their hosting account if they can't cover their payments. Well that is the first step in order to transfer MyCents is that everyone would have to have registered and what not, but I would think another step would that a person has to be hosted and so the script would have to have something to identify if those two members are hosted in order to transfer and the third step would have to be how much should MyCent should be taxed in order to cover the losses that are already made. Well you make a strong argument about that and I can verify that because of my longivity here that if it wasn't for the moderators then Xisto would be a spam filled, copy and pasted filled forum with no credibility. However, if you think about it getting hosting is a bit more difficult because of the delays the payment options and of course the fact a member couple lose just more then MyCents but could lose their hosting just like that and so people have to be up on their game if they want to get hosted here since second chances will be a bit rare now. Well we all remember that I had to pull tooth and nail to get members to donate a few hosting credits to be used in the credit pool and that was knowing the fact they might not win and stuff like that. With MyCents it is a even rarely commodity since it takes a bigger effort to earn that dollar and so if your one of those hosted members who is paying $10 for hosting on a monthly payment, then you have to post a lot to make sure you get it on time and what not. So donating a dollar is going to be a bit difficult since everyone will be holding on to their MyEarnings like grim death. That is true and since you can use myCents to help cover costs if you have a Xisto - Web Hosting account you could add money either direction and so payments options are there so just in case you don't have one or the other you can use another option to pay for your hosting. Oh they can be tracked regaurdless of what IP number there are using and most of the time people will be under the same IP address when creating new accounts because most proxy sites disable javascript in some fashion and it is also difficult to stay logged in on a proxy site as well as you usually get logged out right away. As for the second problem I believe Xisto has enough hosting space to accommodate a thousand or so hosting accounts with any problems and so space isn't really a issue on Xisto as much as much as losing profit from this.
  2. With the new system still being worked on all new hosting accounts will take a few days depending on the workload since only a couple of people are only accepting or denying hosting accounts at this time and so the backlog of account is going to pretty big for awhile and so expect some delays in getting your hosting account approve.
  3. Well Wright had his 15 minutes of fame and its funny I don't recall him ever saying anything after Obama won but that is what happens when you get bad publicity such as Wright did. Don't get me wrong everyone has the right to their opinion but keep it to yourself especially when mixing politics and religion because just like me, there are others who do not like politics and religion mixed together. Maybe that is why only one Catholic President has ever been elected because some Catholics like to lay it on thing abotu going ot hell and sin and forgiveness etc etc.
  4. Well not to get to philosophical about whats free in life when it comes to hosting on Xisto we have almost every everything you could possibly need and if you need something in your hosting package that Xisto doesn't have just send in a support ticket or drop in a post about what you need. Maybe it will help if you elaborate in your post what your hosting package needs in order to better accommodate your hosting needs here on Xisto.
  5. At least you recognize the problems that have happen in your family and with that knowledge you could make a changes in your life to make yourself a better person. I would recommend seeking out a therapist to see if he or she can recommend some ways to help release the bottled up frustration you might have about your situation and be able to talk about it and what not. Best thing to is set yourself some goals that will help better your situation without making major changes just like that and maybe if you are improving yourself maybe your family will following in the same foot steps.
  6. Welcome to Xisto nullbyte, welcome to the biggest little community this side of the internet and so I recommend you check out the forums and see what topics and posts interest you. Then make sure to sign up to the billing site at https://support.xisto.com/ in order to begin earning MyCents the newest credit system on Xisto in order to get some free hosting here on Xisto. So enjoy your stay, enjoy your posting and then enjoy some free hosting.
  7. If you want to send me your nomination list via PM you can as well as for the voting its private/public in the sense that no one will know who you voted for.
  8. I highly doubt it, odds are they just stacked it like that to show what will be happening when hte new computers start shipping out with the new USB. OF course it will be a few years before USB 3.0 replaces USB 2.0 and as for firewire I do not think that will be going anytime soon just because of high transfer speeds and so large data transferring companies will be using firewire while testing out USB 3.0. IF you remember USB 2.0 took a very long time to be accepted because it wasn't backwards compatible with 1.1 and so I do not know if USB 3.0 is backwards compatible either, but I think it would since about 90-95% is loaded with USB 2.0 and the rest USB 1.1. Maybe that is when I buy my new computer when USB 3.0 comes out .
  9. From what I understand about DNS management on computingshost you need to go to log into your XiDomain account and manage the DNS from there.
  10. Usually 1%-25% in CPU is normal, especially when you start program or rather start multiple programs at the same time, but at the other end anything 50% or above you may want to look into and see what is causing it. Since you pinpointed the issue my suggestion would be to close as many programs and process (that you know) and then run kaspersky again and if it still spiking at 50% or more then it is a software issue. Of course, usually I hear good things about kaspersky not being a resource hog, but it would seem that is not the case as this version is a resource hog and so you have two options either uninstall kaspersky or increase your RAM to speed up the computer just a bit more.
  11. Usually its the RAM that causes those spikes, but you should have a look at the processes in Task Manager and see what ones are causing the spike, and of course it would help if you tell us what operating system your running to help narrow down the CPU spikes.
  12. First though that came to mind, OMG what a moron and that is why I hate religion. because its religious leaders like this forcing people to do something because of choices they make. Of course, this is what happen when you mix religion and politics together you get those stupid people to say trash like that. I think people who go to church need to start their own revolution because the Church state has way to much power and need to taken down a notch, people shouldn't have to live in fear because of their choices or the fact they are going to hell if they don't pray twenty times a day. Heck I wouldn't be surprise if he has had a few alter boys himself while as a church leader, which I doubt he has I doubt he says anything about those who have and so instead of sticking to one problem talk about all the problems. SOURCE http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  13. You want to add on the domain then have it redirect to your main domain, but remember though you won't get as many results from that second domain as you would with the first unless you build a complete website for it.
  14. Well a lot of new web hosting sites are popping up in recent months whose soul purpose is for application designing and use for cloud computer and so those web packages are going to be huge in the price tag, especially when it comes to bandwidth usage on what not. Right now I have see a few, but in the next couple of years people are going to make some big business with cloud computing web hosting.
  15. That is why you put your nominations in quote tags because it is more or less then a list and if you look at my nominations I have a lot of people on there. Also it is not about voting that is up to you, the nominations is about listing people who you think are deserving to be added to the voting process, it is up to you how who you want to vote for and what not, but the more people that get nominated the more interesting it will be and the less likely that that same people will keep on winning. Again, it is not about the number of posts a person has or that they spend 24 hours a day on here it is your perception of those members that you believe are good members and I think that is one of the major reasons why a lot of people do not nominate because of the domination of some of the members here in terms of posting and what not. That is why I tell members to nominate as many people as they want, and to be quite honest I rather win just one award instead of landsliding most of them and of course their are members like haslip who are actually declining nominations in order to give others a chance.So I will say this, their is plenty of time to nominate people and I know a few member want to see me not win any, galexcd , so if you want me to lost nominate, nominate, nominate. Same goes to the mods and admin of the forum as well since they would know about more about the members then anyone else.
  16. It's ok I guess, and its always good advertisement for Xisto with sites like that, RSS feeds usually will help, a small suggestion would be to add more links to Xisto to help boost link indexing into search engines so Xisto will get more visitors.
  17. Well I would think that if members are making honest posts like kobra did and a lot more of them it would seem xisto will listen and they usually do take member suggestions and what not. I would think that after MyCent has completely been incorporated and at least 90% bug free I think OpaQue will concentrate on Xisto - Web Hosting and make it a lot better. Although I did here from a known source that there are plans to add a few more hosting packages to MyCents, but I do not a time line for that and so I would wait out the Xisto - Web Hosting side of things for a few months and see what happens.
  18. Odds are that Obama won't be able to fix it within his presidency, our country is so far in debt that if we ask every country to pay us back for all the billions and trillions we have given them they will laugh in our face. The oil industry has ruin this country with all their bribes and lobbyists and what not, if the US were to tax the crap out of them we could make a big dent in our national debt. Of course, that will never happen because the Middle East, parts of Africa and South America control 99 percent of the oil market and so they use oil as a bargaining chip to screw the American citizens over. Hopefully Obama will do the right thing and get all the money from the rich because most of those people don't do nothing with the money except to collect dust and what not.
  19. Well without some serious knowledge of your network and of course admin access, there isn't any legal method of removing traces from a computer. Even if you did remove it from a log there is going to be a log of you remove it and so it wouldn't matter what you do except put a nail through the hard drive.
  20. Well it would seem that this question has been asked a lot on yahoo answers and their seems to be a common answer, http://www.ventones.com/. It would seem as long as you have text messaging service they are able to text message you ring tones to your phone and the best part of it that its a free service and so you just set up an account, give your phone number and your set.
  21. Your hosting credits do not reflect on how much you earn when you initially signed up as it is based off your post count, after you register then you will start earning. That is what I think your asking in your post is about if not provide a bit more information. If your referring to your hosting credits then no you will still have the same amount of hosting credits since your initial earnings will be based on how many posts you have.
  22. The reason dirt and dust have to do with your computer overall is that the more their is the hotter your computer will get and so you have to after blow your computer with a can of air at least once a month. It has to be a hardware issue and so what you need to look for is make sure all the hardware is set in place correctly, all the wires are properly connected, and you should check to see if you need some thermal paste on the CPU. Of course, the other way to do is get yourself a set of hardware replacements and see which one is defective.
  23. Hard to say but odds are they found a way to get through your website and make the changes quick enough for you not to notice or spoof your website in someway. Either way I would take the site down and go through the coding and then of course get a hold of whoever and see what is going on and what not.
  24. A couple of days ago I had look up a television block that I used to watch as a kid called SNICK or Saturday Nickelodeon, basically a two hour block of some great children programming. So I started to think about all the television programs that I remember watching as a kid and came to a realization, 1980s-1990s had some of best programs for both children, teens and adults. Then I thought to myself what the hell happen to all that great programming as it is pretty much violence and reality TV since then, sure I watch my share of it because I enjoy it, but there is nothing descent on anymore and the only way to watch it now is to buy DVDs and you be lucky if they even get past the first season of shipping them out. Sure I am a bit older but still I watch cartoons now and then, who doesn't? I know I am going to get at least a few posts saying stop crying and just stop watching TV and blah blah blah, but this post isn't a rant, it is more like my opinion and so that is what this topic about but also tosses a question do you agree or disagree about what I talked about? Sure the golden era of TV was the 50-60's but I think television hit its peak in the mid 90's before reality shows started popping up, like Road Rules and stuff like that. What else can I say that I haven't talk about earlier about my thoughts on television series I haven't seen in like 15+ years, I just believe it can't be top regardless what is on right now in the 21st century. So on that note what do you think was the best decade of TV?
  25. It is not so much the forms itself, but rather getting an understanding of the structure and what is more simple then designing a form. Of course, the flex applications I have see are just mind boogling and yeah my examples haven't been great as for the potential, but hopefully when I get this book on Adobe Air, I can do a lot more with Flex then create simple forms.
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