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Everything posted by Saint_Michael

  1. like moldboy said all you need is the primary server and all the computer connected to it then make sure all the accounts are using the same port ip number and mail client and you should be golden.
  2. dude thats like sick but i have felling most of them are obsolete anyways,$10 Bucks most of them come from apple and microsoft
  3. its the first one not all to worried about might have to use a different font all together forget the recommendations that i used on the tutorial that i read. maybe i will do another one more complexed maybe.
  4. yeah thats the best guest i would have get rid of the fixed stats and it should work, other then that i have no clue, well i guess i don't worry about it that much.
  5. well if you want to become ones of the business .com websites the school is the only way you can get them high paying jobs.but what you learn in school is just basic stuff really how to set up everything and what not, so goign to many different website or even looking at the source code to see how its does is always useful, thats how i really start by looking at source code and then save it to the computer and make edits here and there to see how it changes. and then i started working with image maps and frames which didn't last long. then broke off of it for awhile then got back into it again using css, javascript, some vbscript, dhtml and other dynamic coding except for the server side coding.i think i used almost every html editor out there to see how it works, but i just use note pad about 99% of the time.think the best thing to learn is css cuz it saves you a lot of time and space for the website.
  6. mmm maybe i should hae went scanlines then well lucky for me i saved it as a psd so i can make changes to it.
  7. so let just blend the original renders in and then work it from there? well i think the bright gree did well with the black brushing that i did.
  8. well for me im not much of a people person i would talk about my family a bit and thats about it.i wouldn't go to the extreme saying that when i was 5 i started burning houses down and or something crazy like that. but if i knew the person well i would joke around with them with stuff like that. but some good points have been made who cares what people think, me i wouldn't try to lie my way saying i did this i met this person i save 700 hundred children from a burning house and what not.best thing to do is talk about what your really good at , think of it as a job interview.
  9. are talking about mankind or a man guy boytoy or some other good names.but from what i read most make good point a good person would help those in need. also a good person would defend his or her family to the death from the enemy.a good person that lives a good live of supporting people home is a truly righteous person.
  10. ok the first point i have to make is that KILLING SOMEONE CUZ GOD TOLD THEM IS %&@%&@% STUPID!!! Point 2 NO ONE HAS THE RIGHT TO ENDS LIVESPoint 3: RELIGION IS SOMETHING TO MAKE PEOPLE BELIEVE IN SOMETHINGPoint 4: PEOPLE ARE GULLIABLEPoint 5: THOSE WHO BELIEVE THAT KILLING IS THE RIGHT THING TO DO IS ARE !$^$#^#$ MORONS.Point 6: from what i read on this topic you people are really disturb and not thinking clearly.Ponit 7: if you do like what people are doing to run the government then you try to run it then se how easy it isPoint 8: as history shows the US Government did some ^$@%@ up stuff and we shouldn't have interfered well guess what IT TO DAMN LATE. Point 9: if i was muslim i would be damn that someone would ruin my life by using religion as way to kill people cuz they have nothing else better to do.and my final pointPoint 10: TALKING IS THE ONLY WYA TO TRUE PEACE!!! AND THE FACTS OF LIFE PEOPLE.
  11. well you say video game cuz people to be violentm thats not always the case, its how people were brought up or what there enviroment is like but thats a contradiction though, all it take is one thought of can i get away with it.if they believe that so much they will try it.
  12. also remember it show people percieve something take it like this if one person see's someone pick up a walet behind someone they are thinking that person is consierate, but if someone else saw it they would think they wear stealing it. so it all has to do with perception like also if a glass is half full another person would think its half empty. also some art people make does that to your mind as well like the famous picture with the two childen and the skull. you see 2 childen under archway with the sunset behind then and cups on the wall but if you look outside the two children ou can see the skull.to make it simple perception minkd kinds achilles heel.
  13. got a new design up to i posted the link of the template in photoshop also if you want to see the design at work go here http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ design still working out some of the juicy stuff but its loading up good anf fast due to it mostly being images and all.
  14. for me its hard to tell spent a year in a desert so im glad to see rain and all that but yeah i agree global warming is an issue but for mankind to be totally screwed it will take thousands of years, cuz water and food have to be the first things to get destroyed as like undrinkable water and non eatable food. but with hurricanes and earth quakes and stuff like that, it happens over time so you can its its just a matter of time before it becomes destructive.
  15. it should be like every other adobe ps click on the T in tool bar and it brings up a font menu on top thats where you change your font size and font also to show it up bigger you must make the area a little bigger.and clean up what ralphie said about filters make sure your layer is filled with color before filtering or it won't work except for clouds.also go to these sitespixle2life.com good-tutorials.com they will help oyu out alot.
  16. i maybe missing the point of the topic but i will give it a try you asking for a a script that will load another page from a differnt url well couldn't you do it like you would do with loading css scripts instead of php i think you could do with with javascript since the same idea goes in with loading the css script for the website. i havn't seen the actual script myself but i do believe it actually works like it sorry if i can't be any more helpful then that.
  17. of course you can host your graphics from a file manger website like photobucket, no harm in that its actually smart cuz of bw and space to, but rgp is right you can use a ftp program and load from site to site it makes the job quicker and easier then downloading and then uploading them again.
  18. well i picked up a magazine with SOCOM III as the main feature so i will tel lyou everything you need to knowRelease Date: Setember 2005Ok the first is the single player mode their are at least 12 missions maybe more because it feature 12 maps in the game. also the newest things added is fullu customizable weapons meaning you can hook up mi16 to be a perfect deadly weaponalso for the first time vehicles will be used from what i have for pics about the game tanks, boats and hummers and terrorist looking trucks.Also a new feature added to the game is that you can choose what kind of mission can happen day, night , vehicles, no vehicles and more at least 60 different options in all. which means you have hundreds of different ways to play the game and become a navy seal elite and for multiplayer mode it makes thousands of different combos for mission types.but the online mode is so massive its not even funny, first 32 people can go at it at once, and from what read the socom programmers said no lag time at all. but wait there is more the rank structure has change their are clans and some other sick stuff i suggest getting this months Playstation magazine to read more about it.
  19. the website that im using the template is already broken down i used everything except the banner and copy right as <td backgrounds> the page is more like a portal really not really going to put anything big on it since the site is mostly ipb anyways.
  20. yeah the text didn't come out right on the save should saving it as gif or png maybe help that?
  21. i say about 9 hours of work but its done heres the link since it like freakn huge. Template
  22. which pixle exactly the way it looks cuz of the choppiness?
  23. problem is though im redo the whole banner do to this kick @ZZ template that im doing for fsa that i will post soon
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