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Everything posted by Saint_Michael

  1. if yyou think you can whip out a good 4 of july sig then post away. Notice from rejected: Fixed the broken image.
  2. thats what i did i used note pad (with the find feature of course) to do it and this is what im getting meh going to see how well i get eh portal and store going
  3. not bad BUT!!!!i will tell you want you need to fixmove the words up a little bit get rid of the shdaow on ryuuse the blur tool just a tad bit to cover up the line between the 2 different colors.
  4. ok for some strange reason the shoutbox is conflicting withte arcade script its gives me this error when i play an aracade game i took the suggestion of uploading the class scrits which i did then the arcade did fine but when i added the scripting to the shoutbox it came with this again so when i looked at the arcarde script this is where the errors are showing me im tring to figure out how is is conflicting with the arcade need help.
  5. mmmm font again but fonts are to hardest to do try some beveling and stroking of the font.the border i can live with the color could have somewhat matched with the rest of the brushinglooks like you inproved on your brushing a bit nice feathering of the halo render i give it a 6/10 just cuz your improved on your brushing alot and the feather looks nice just work on the fonts just a bit.
  6. well me being experiance designer i will give you the pros and conspros- fast load-understandable designcons-ip address ( i ighly recommend getting rid of that its tacky and useless to tell people who their ip number is and aslo can be used against them as well since this is the internet-jsp its not a bad programming language to use but since your just doing a personal site about you php would go better with it, thats just me.
  7. its nice and all but it point to do filters whe nyou can get a brush for it which i have and does look cool.
  8. thanks maybe grey and white with a nice blue would go well more notes to make for this weekend
  9. i wan't a fan either of it but really you know what kind of money you be spending if you try to pull that off you could help out a small country with that kind of cash.
  10. windows XP.exepeterson bolinga *wtf is that*meh talk about wasting space on the internet
  11. i just dont deal with paraox to confusing unless its the one with the treeif a tree fell and no one was around would it make a noisei love that one, anyways it just to confusing unless you have an Iq of like 212 or someone like Stephen Hawking. i bet he could come up with some sick paradoxes if he wanted to.
  12. not bad font looks to blended in for some reason but some stroke on the little just to stand out a little bit
  13. not bad its just that the upper left corner is like nagging me for some reason meh maybe its just me about that
  14. yah you got to wrk on the text it looks tacky all missaligned and stuff maybe owrk on the coloring just a bit with thead and you should be good.
  15. nope i don't think its possible even if they were multiplayer games it won't work sorry
  16. well talk about thread hijack if you where to combina al lthe firefx and ie threads they be about 50% of post made on this site.im an ie guy for some reason firefox is giving me problems that i don't like can't wait for ie 7. whats really funny no one talk about netscape ***rolls on the floor laughing***.
  17. hmmm people actually win stuff off of websites thats first for me
  18. hmmm nope i wouldn't buy and besides after the sega game gear fiasco i forbid my self to get any hand held system unless i can interlink with my brain.
  19. welcome aboard to Xisto i would intrest you to rhe photoshop forum but that be soliciting posts to the cause....hmmm maybe not but anyways have fun and don't forget someone is always watching on this site.
  20. my favorite cars are the ones i can afford and the ones i play on video games and cuz huge amounts of damage with and not pay any real money for it
  21. also the problem with trying to have hd support is that nintendo would have to make seperate systems for each type i think and if it did come out with hd what would happen for those who do not have hdtv hmmmbtw i want a hdtv
  22. go to font websites to download them but the css script is right but the only problem with using other font you have to disaply the universal fonts in the css script if your one of those people that like to have their website validated. but reguardless of that the universal fonts would have to put into the script so it will run properly
  23. snil is jealous cuz we didn't invite him to join in on the project you want to help us next snil when and if we do one?yeah i like to keep it that way cuz due to my super powers of running really fast i would knock on his door and then hide
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