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Everything posted by Saint_Michael

  1. yeah but its for mostly business website like a average joe who knows what hes doing in the web design wants to pay for services rendered by google and the mysterious group of google bots that eb making stops all over the net.
  2. nah trying to win online is risky business even if it is free. its just the thought that some stranger knows where i live oooooh.
  3. even though i beaten this game the day it came out i will let you know a few thingsone graphics are better sounds is better the game engine is better its free roaming ot the point were after you beat the game its nothing but online mode. the races are more challanging ***smashes into a car that came out of no where***besides that nothing else.
  4. well im not telling you my age it would spoil the surprise snil. but im going to let you all on a little secret watch the movies called revenge of the nerds and you will see my point.but would it go more deeper like hot looking rich girls don't like the internet unless they pop out a video ***cough*** paris ***cough*** hilton ***cough*** ooh a comment on #4 instead of leaving, it should be more like taken him to court and taken all his money and stuff or getting the new jock boyfriend and beating the snot out of him .hmm i did notice that its mostly guys on this topic and i know about 20-30 people that are girls on this site. meh im still working out my problems with my currently girlfriend.***waits for the surprised reaction*** no okanother golden rule if you going to yell and scream and se every known word in the english dictionary keep it down cuz im trying to sleep .
  5. so how long did it take them to realize that he murdered his parents?Narcissistic Personality Disorder... yeah right he knew what he was doig lucky for him he gets to rot in prison and not get a chair. if he was over here we send him to texas to meet old sparky.
  6. dude that is totally sick i wouldn't mind that church getting blown up with them in it thats just sick, well we all know what that church is for to harbor terrorists to plan out attack the fbi and cia should be watching that church cuz know those SICK MOFO's they might plan something thats just bad taste i bet if one of there family members were held hostage they be saying something completely differnt oh please rescue my love one and thn i would say see this picture go to hell traitor.5 bucks their pastor is a dirty old man.im done posting on this topic cuz if i keep on going i will be banned from this site
  7. if this is the xbox2 then im disappointed ps3 will blow it out of the sky if this is the case then sony is goign to make some serious cash once ps3 comes that if people can afford the price tag im thinking $400-$500.I havn't seen anything in price tag but with whats got going on inside the ps3 i would not be to surprised if it was the expensive.
  8. well making a ton of sigs is not all that bad just got to know what your doing for instance me im working on a 20 sig project and those who know me they are looking pretty good and with the render experimenting that im doing even better.
  9. hmmmff7ff8pacmanms pacmanburger time800 differnt nintendo games that i have on my computeri might start playing them again maybe try to get everthing possible in those games.
  10. i say you got a good collection going and no reading is not a waste of time. what would you do if somehome a nice electric surge just blew out the world power you have nothing to except read and eat :rolleyes:also the reason most people find books boring is that they do not understnad what they are reading or have no imagination to get into the book.
  11. yeah took us 45 minutes due to uploading and downloading the file but it came out good XP
  12. the good ole military songs to keep you motivated hahahaha yeah right
  13. hmmm you fist have to slice the template up and then do a <div> tag laer on top of it inorder for it to work that sounds like the easy way to do it.
  14. yeah get rid of the blur make it solid a nice suggestion would be if lpan to animate it start with big text then shrink it to small text then pluse it back up.yeah the shadow box can go unless you planned on use that part for a layout.
  15. hey johnny stop looking at my girlfriend with that drolling look on your face.
  16. yeah this isn't the sci0fi channel don't be doing stuff that should not be done hmmm RISE FROM THE GRAVE (name that video game)
  17. actually i was just thinking if i did a beveled background image ot the site and to the nav menu it might look better hmm i have to put that to notes for this weekend.
  18. im with Xisto, why not a better way to advertise XP maybe i should have gone into marketing instead..... nah im too good at what i doyou talking about the menu on the left side or the stats? its the layering which it makes it look good for me i get bored with the standard flat navigation menus but once i get into the adobe template making it should'nt be too hard.
  19. well i did what you said not only did she slap me in the face she flatten the tires on my car busted out the windows, set my stuff animal collect on fire and some other stuff i cannot mentionhmm got your ip number going to trace you now MUHAHAHAHAHA.
  20. the internet and this topic is in the wrong forum mods if you please XP
  21. the military did this to me and it throws out that it has to be age specific.
  22. well trap does have that sinister looking name but yeah you need paid hosting i recommend the 100 year hosting plan at this websitre that i found.
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