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Everything posted by Saint_Michael

  1. you mean take the check mark off of the that anti-box
  2. oh i know about it . johnny got me by a long shot
  3. well i was going to indent the text into the car but was having a hard time lining it up, i htink the only good thing about the font is the color that i accidently made somehow.
  4. i only can image how many people and websites got going with te microsoft conspiracy's, i even heard that they made there own spaceshit and bill gates was actually in space hmmm but anyways M$ if you like to put is trying to flood the market of suckbox-360 before the ps3 comes out cuz when it does the suck box is finished. but funny story microsoft has rights to the cell chip since they did help otu with it go figure.
  5. hmm if i remember correctly they do have a similar topic talking about this kind of typing leetspeak or something crazy like that. but lucky for me i don't search the internet to know how to type that. and buffalo what security place would use something like that might as well use rot-13 for securityFYI-rot-13 is a old school crypting where the letter used in the secret message is 13 letters off ie: a=m something like that.
  6. well to actually make php run you have to save your files like this index.php. if you don't any coding thats has php in it will not work unless i missing something since i don't do to much of the phping.
  7. welcome to the 21st century, business need to make money somehow and the way from what im hearing the japanese cell phone companies are doing some crazy stuff with them, my first cell phone was the plain ones and it was useful but now i went with the flow of technology.
  8. redid the sig meh i think this one is worse i dunno something is missing.
  9. you must have one heck of a firewall going on if you couldn't see the image.
  10. google is ok but the problem is though that they list ever single page that has the key word in it really do you need to see 20 pages from teh same site, i only use google for stuff that i can't seem to find on yahoo and thats rarely.
  11. funny story this was one of the harder ones to design since moonwitch is one of those dark and mysterious people. get well soon MOONWITCH
  12. im going to craqs over due to the name change (should have looked at the avatar duh)going to try the visitor font on that. but the problem i see when using abstract renders is that you reall can't coloring that well. well since im redoing it i will give it a shot.
  13. nailed the head on that one , like xec said build up a clientel for your templates, and trying to sell a template for $1000 won't help you $30-$35 is a good price.
  14. i keep the orignal authors tag on the pics would take to long to comb through all of them to write down.
  15. hmm... might have used the revalation font for this, but you should see the original coloring of the render i had to monotone it or it wouldn't fit no matter what color i used.
  16. thats the breaks want to know some funny the glow on the text was a fluke job, but i do have any idea what you talking about the handle of the sword that is glowing shouldn't be there and blended in more.
  17. hmmm it must have stretched it out somehow, unlikely though hmm should hae just kept the color in it.
  18. you should see some of the renders i have some of them i just can't use unless i just put their head on it, which would defeate the purpose of the render.
  19. that word is bleeped out unless its got another meaning that i don't know of .nevermind about the whipping boy btw (23).now looking at i did screw up the lighting bolts should hae just lowered the opacity on it.
  20. cs2 i wasn't to thrilled about the plugins they are so generic and the filters that come already are good enough.
  21. well heres an idea take them off before getting up, how can you not know that you have headphones on you?
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