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Everything posted by Saint_Michael

  1. i know there are some brushes with the blood splatter but to make it realistic..... not goign to finish it.
  2. yeah lose the candy stripes, brush a little bit more and give the font a 1px stroke.
  3. its funny i been reading stuff on the net the terror group Hamas said it was bad that this happen yeah right they are just mad cuz they didn't get the chance to do it themselves. but knowing how terror groups work i bet they had someone in on it. 40 dead 700 wounded thats latest its being reported. i say nuke the middle east its not like we are after the oil there anyways.but its just sad that people think killing is the only answer now. hmmm maybe Nostradamus is right on the 3rd evil "will come in a blue turban but then he finishes saying any enemy will become an ally after 20 years". yeah like that will ever happen, we have so many enemies around the world that the rate everyone is spending money to fight this the world will be bankrupt and a world depression could happen.
  4. well it is offensive picture so it is against the TOS cool and funny though but must be taken off.
  5. playstation 3 might pre order depending on my cash situation by the time it comes out.
  6. i used first page before easy to navigate around plus you can add some dhtml scripts and javascripts to your site design, first page is free i somehow got it for 10 bucks but this had other stuff on it as well but it still useful to use. but beware some of those free html editors can be loaded with spyware trojans and what not.
  7. excellent use of the brush right there
  8. thats ok brushing and coloring looks good. the border is a little big, can't say to much about the font except work on it and it will get better and with the tools of the trade that i gave you it shouldn't be a problem to get better. just look into more tutorials and work on the brushing and you shall get better.also you don't need to use the same brush over and over again but you don't want to use to many brushes or it will look ugly by the time your color it. read some of the tutorials on brushing at gamerenders.com.but i gave this 6/10 big improvement over your other stuff
  9. thats th reason i don't play online games cuz people cheat to get the high score. thank god for single play modes.
  10. yeah i would have scan your computer first to see how bad spyware and adware got on your computer.isp is it modem broadband or cablewhat kind of computer are you using or how old is it.those would be the big factors that have been metioned abovealso ram and your hard drive are factors tooa small hard drive (like those exsist anymore) is usually a crucial one cuz you would have several programs running and thats where the ram is coming from you can consider it the bw of your computer. because you are soaking up so much spacing when you go to a new site thats uses cookies and what not.also degrag your ocmputer and use the trah program to clean up your computer and make room on it as well.it should help.
  11. well i was watching g4 ca couple of days ago and found out they are remaking the game and told some of the features. mind you its a good game but why rebuy the game well.New Camera SystemOnline PlayDuel Mode!More Monkeys!Old-School!MG 1 and the true sequal of MG 2Peep Show mode!!!hmmmm i might just buy it but for me im not a person is plays the gam to unlock stuff i just play to play i thought number 2 sub was bad due t othe fact that i beaten the MGS 2 already. will keep you posted on that
  12. well the graphics are going ot hurting for this game for a long time evne the spelling mistakes that were put in the game Touph Ring but everything else is top notch if i were square i would have been smart to revamp the game during production of the movie all you really doing is changing the design and look to the game fix some spelling errors thats about it might get away with the sound and sotryline. but either way the game and the movie will make it complete so to speak.
  13. welcome aboard post some good quality stuff and in like 3 or 4 hours you can request your hosting just like that. mind you it might take a day or too to get it finalized but it still good. suggestion would be build up to 30 credits and you have no worries.
  14. its been awhile since this poll was done so lets start it up23 BABY WOOHOO
  15. well on the pronoucing it go like this for LMAOFla-ma-of
  16. yeah those are like ancient history but a good way for beginner programmers to program internet games. well maybe 20 years ago.
  17. makes me wonder what her um status is but, hey shes hot she can do what ever she wants.
  18. well it tells you whats going with us 229 and this country is about to go under makes you wonder how the british were never able to beat the colonists.
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