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Everything posted by Saint_Michael

  1. well it i s a tech sig but i have to agree with snlil 7/10
  2. it is carnage but its alien life form not really goop lets just say carange and venom would be the ultimate looking cg characters in the movie
  3. i can verify that one no free host that ipb is higher then 1.3
  4. well i just finished watching this movie and i got to say it was crazy stuff going on with this movie. affairs murder suspense love betrayal al lthat good stuff and based on a true story from thai history.i will give a brief outline of the movie from beginning to end you would not know what to suspect what going to happen. she started out as a reble not caring what was going on until she was married to a man she did not love at the time, and during the time she mature and this is where the good stuff happen (mind you truth and fiction could be mixed). after a coup of the only heir to the king was murder due to the burmese waging war across the land, so he took over waiting for war. before he goes hes chooses a new wife not knowing till his death that she would betray him but having an affair, and murdering him by poison, along with killing a few other people along the way too.well after everthing was said and done she and the man she was having the affair became rulers with the new heir to throne about to be born, cuz of the u-thong dynasty (i laughed at the thong), by then suriyothai learned of the betrayal and during the time of unrest and all that good stuff help plot the demised of u-thong dynasty, lets just thai women with swords OUCH!!!. after that conflict well they had the other problem by then the burmese got them by the throats and then the greatest war began between these two, and to my greatest shock she and soem of the royal women became soldiers and fought to make sure the last king would not die, well she paid the ultimate sacraficed but by mistake of one of the kings fighting with the burmese, cuz she was in full uniform, and after that lets just say the burmese got their butts handed to them.i give this a movie 10/10 halos for some good stuff.
  5. i thought the war between these 2 was going on for the last 3-4000 years now not one hundred.
  6. just to report the teacher that got fire appear right now on wwe raw, and also he made a appearance on smackdown quite a long time ago. under a different name he almost beat kurt angle by 1 second
  7. its a good layout simple yet useful but the colors are all off, work with the colors bit and you be fine.
  8. how can you not tell from gambling machines and video games really wtf are thinking come to las vegas and we will tell you the differance between them and video games. well i got a goo idea get a boat go out to sea a bit and play video games :Pits true video games make me think crazy stuff like "it me Mario welcome to nintendo 64" B)well the fact that its happening at greece that the stupid parents here are still trying to do it, well at least we got the you have to be at 18 to get rated M games but no one really follows that rule i should know i have been carded once at walmart and thats it.
  9. even though i'm not recommending it if you have p2p program search adobe brushes you might be surprised that you can find a couple of good ones if your lucky.i think why ps7 is more user choice is creating the brushes, johnny you can vouch for this alot of the brushes where created with ps7, but whatt makes cs2 good is that the brushes from 7 and cs can be loaded. but i used ps7 until i got cs2 it sitll the same program its just added some new filters and thats about it, can't really go into detail about every aspect.it could be the price tage for it too $800-$1000 for this software.
  10. well that tells you being a network admin or computer programming they had some free time on there hands. oh wait those are hackers, now thinking about the last comment by dexter odds are most of them are used for to hack computers and all that good stuff and or a combination of several program languages to make it hard to crack when found.
  11. aaah a hacker defender in databases and networks.
  12. wow 500 i wouldn't worry about using dhtml i say go 100% php with that many pages. but opcity, i havn't really seen and or used it but with the amount of content your asking dhtml is going to fry your page due to loading time it takes.
  13. now i wouldn't be sad if he got shot or the crap beat out of him >
  14. the sheep must have had a grudge against them, and the best way to screw some body is through money, if i was there i would have fall down laughing, well of course run like the dickens cuz they be after me yelling that i did it or something.at least some news is funnier then others,
  15. truefusion is right most people put the php scripts with the file that they are using to make it run smoothly. it could e something else though, but the php coding is right, did you change your index file to index.php?
  16. didn't want to do to much brushing or it would start getting tacky after 300 layers.
  17. im a bad boy and your too young to see them might be considered a crime.
  18. thats what i thought hmm i should you the marquee square when doing it the disfused glow.
  19. oh i know unless you can do better with that render you should have it in the misc folder unless you just put them in all one folder.
  20. that to some of these renders are the same, which brings up the question i posted many times to the admins over and gamerenders about ileegal content, meanig altering copyrighted pictures, i could go for days on that topic.
  21. so im supposed to keep anti-aliasing on (check mark) off (no check mark)? when doing pixel fonts?
  22. for some reason why i dunno crags was the hardest to do maybe im burned out of creative ideas nooooooooo!!!!!
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