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Everything posted by Saint_Michael

  1. Notice from BuffaloHELP: Edited as per request. lol thank you!
  2. even though technology is getting better you would think using phones and pda's you would be smart enough not to use them as your walking just in case you lose the signal. it would be bad if you making a multi-million dollar transaction and you lost the signal, praying to god that it went through.but thing is though its not really new, its just been enhanced for todays world so to speak.
  3. yeah it takes time depending on the number of people requesting and other things its usually takes 3-4 day min or at least a week so just bear with it and best thing to do is post in the forums to build your credits up.
  4. on the math one yeah i seen some weird stuff on that i seen some javascripts do that and i tell you i try to trick them by thinking of big numbers and yet some how it still works. well if you break it down its just simple math.but 99% time its just dumb luck, but weird either way im thinking of a number solve this problem and thats your answer2x2/2+2-3x4+1x-1=
  5. well i just read $50 billion is going to africa from many different countries (lol yeah right to help support the next war).you do prove many points to the how much money is being spent on this war last i heard 200 Billion has been spent just in iraq alone, and whats funny 90% of the money is missing which tells you something illegal is going.
  6. always wanted to go scuba diving but i think i be having a hard time trying to breather with 50 lbs of gear on me but the fact that they are doing tell me that wasting money is more important then fixing the real problems in the world.
  7. well to start off i the sig is too big 400x125 is usually standard. the render look good for your choice of brushes used for it. but i might get beaten tared and feather but the color is to bright. also blending in the render would have look good as well using the brushes that you did. with the font that you used good placement due to the bright color, ummm... also to much open space well at least for this size.7.5-font could be better, image to big, colors to bright.
  8. not bad you can reverse the gradiant there is a check box up top on the gradiant menu that says reverse that if your using adobe if not then no clue.also make the text stand out a little bit more.
  9. and don't forget the weed and the fact he decided to go AWOL in the Airforce too.
  10. well this morning i finally watched Tokyo godfathers on the tv. its a story about a homless man, a run away girl, and a drag queen who are also homeless, so to speak.anyways the story opens up that these three people happen to find a abandon baby in a dumpster in the streets of tokyo on christmas eve/christmas day. and made a pact to take care of it and find the mother. well it has loads of laughs has its happy/sad moments. and the story flows smoothly too for its 90 minute time frame.good quality anime drawing to it as well sound quality was good since it was in th the original japanese language. with the subtitles.best part in this movie these three unlikly heroes face their demons and a very huge twist during this movie happens and it was a complete shocker to me when i first saw this movie and never expected it to happen. but without ruining the ending i was a little dissappointed (somewhat) how it ended but hey i didn't make it so i have to live with it.so with my wonderful knowledge on movies and naime alike i give this movie like 5/5 Halos ( ) the perfect story for the warm fuzzy feeling. highly recommed it for your dvd collection as well. Notice from snlildude87: Originally posted in the General section. Moved to Movies
  11. WEll its been awhile since i did so i will put up some more useful html tips and tricks here on Xisto.com Ok for trick actually, want to know how some websites got those ool icons put on their website link in the favorites folder well here you go in 3 quick steps. 1. create an image then shrink it down to 16x16 and save it as avicon .bmp. 2. then change it to .ico, when is the file reconizing it as a icon., if you are having problems saving it, there are some resources out there that can change it for you. 3. load the image to your website and add this tag in between your <head> tags that should be it now your icon will be in someones favorite folder and in the url bar on ie or firefox or whatever you use. next tip is for those text tool tips or just floating text tell what its about. well anyways someone posted that they wanted a way to show a foot note on text , it was posted how to do it but i found a easier way to do it without the use of the href in the <a> (ancor tag) this could be greatly used and saves some room on your files by doing what i posted about it dhtml and or javascript mind you its a second or two for a delay but it works. for my next trick . this tip is those who do chracter shrines or bio pages, which have a small amout of content this is embedding trick inwhich you load a page with in a page which means you can customize the scrollbars and other cool css tricks this next one is more javascript but its a little useful, this next trick is used for image gallaries and or stories people write about or you can use it for quizes and stuff like that. its your basic back and forward button. well thats it for today hoepfully some of these will be put into good use. also check out my design i used for fsa at http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ PEACE!!!
  12. put it like this greece just lost a lot of tourism and money i tell you this i be damn if i pay fine cuz i have a cell phone and that i need when traveling. might as well ban all froms of entertainment too while they are at. i blame the parents for that law going into effect.
  13. i been looking at different linux software just wondering which is the better software to use?and compatible with windows xp as well.
  14. also as the jokes are not dirty ones or have double meanings to them.
  15. woohooo i just won $10 bucks but anyways if someone could whipped out a dynamic progrmaing using the old programming languages i would give them like $5 just cuz the language is out of date and useless in todays computer world.
  16. specifically what areas doi you need php help in that would help out to.
  17. oh thats easy use a roll over effect script here is the coding its in two parts buts useful part one insert this in between the <head> tags next add this to the body of then finally add this to the word just make it a dead link but best suggestion os go to http://www.dynamicdrive.com/ and look at tool tips it should help out.
  18. the bevel and brushing are not doing it for me same with the font.
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