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Everything posted by Saint_Michael

  1. they had some good ones back in the day, the foo fighters one was sweet.
  2. true all you need to do is change the index file but i believe with nuke they got tags on every page, which is somewhat good and bad at the sametime, good that inwhen you put your website on the searching websites you would have unlimited ways for people to get to your site, but bad people will co to the extremem and make like 50 lines long.
  3. i myself would't mind doing it but trying to pick up a new language is somewhat a hard and time consuming thing for me at least, and they say its easy, but i know it is like the best learning experience anyone can get, cuz your learning something completely different, from outside your life.
  4. i call it a bad cmaera but cool either way. but again and for the last time the only aliens in the universe is the human, their i said it.
  5. but what makes linux so mainstream is that is hugly customizable but yeah point taken M$ makes it impossible for anyone to pop out with new os, cuz the greed of money will taken then and they will sell the product to microsoft.
  6. im with johnny on that one but i think if you blended in the render with the background and did some coloring it would actully look good. maybe add another render of the older goku to make it interesting. i would change the font though something bolder i guess.but for this one i give it a 4/10 for reason metioned above.i recommend d/l renders packages with some good looking renders.
  7. its up again, filefront was down for some reason, cuz i sucked out their BW hahahahaha.
  8. how im eccentric besides the abvious of certain stuff maybe its cuz im so freak'n cool man (its the sigs)and how can you mix those two games up streetfighter is completely different form mortal kombat. won't explain. all i hae to say thought chun-li got some smoking thighs going on wouldn't mind being kicked in the head by her B)
  9. wow if only what 90% of these programs where i might haved used them but i like to keep mylife simple i only have programs that i needdreamweaveradobe cs2notepad
  10. wth, i lost myself after "Neuro Linguistic Programming or NLP is a methodolgy for modelling..."its almost zen like then ***chants***?
  11. thats what you get when you try to make money the easy way it always comes back and hits yah in the face.
  12. yeah im in agreement the blue font is out of place plus everything else looks pixeled, maybe to to the size of the picture. i would have filled in the white with.i give 6/10 cuz of what i stated not bad though with use of filters.
  13. welcome aboard i see your siggy person come to the photoshop arean to show your stuff.
  14. going ot have your girlfriends/boyfriend name on it.i wouldn't mind a getting a tatoo but the problem with tatoo's though that they stretch out when you get older and fat ***cries*** i could always laser it off ***yeah right***, plus the color fades to after awhile.
  15. 4.0/ on the the first cuz of the text and the animation4.5/5, i would have to say text again but its the better of the two.
  16. its called ratings and the ham ham's where not doing it, even though they where so cuuute (was on seomthing at the time) the song was cool though.oh btw turn your tv off go outside or something, its braining washing you.
  17. welcome aboard see your a sig deisgner comes take alook at the phtoshop arena.
  18. use this change the left and top numbers this should help you out in center it will take some time but it will benefit you unless someone has a better idea
  19. you gave biscut a 6.5 i would have giving a -1/100 but meh mines still better minus the hilt.
  20. beeca says she codes herself but where getting off topic about the sig tisk tisk tisk :Pand whats that supposed to mean snlil, i think you and johnny are talking on the side about my age which by the way is 23, of course johnny still doesn't believe which is ok but still im 23 that two-three.
  21. well you could use it for a t-shirt just make sure to tye-dye it those colors and you will be fine. hmm might do a new one after i empty my mind with video games and food.
  22. i believe as long as you flash the song so it makes it impossible to download of course im hearing otherwise on that one that you can still download it by using some flash program to slice cut or extract it some how but yeah i play it say and not do it at all unless its background music which no one does anymore.
  23. becca do what most of us did read tutorials and download brushes and rendersand whos g_m its S&M its fine becca you know you could download the many graphics that i have set up
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