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Everything posted by Saint_Michael

  1. true that 1 cig doesn't kill you but if you doing it to the point where 5-10 packs a day it will kill you and the people around you, you be surprised whats in the cigs, also the other problem is that its the biggest money maker in the world, thus many countries rely on people smoking to run the government, look at the ads during 60's, 70's, and 80's and tc shows and movies, smoking is never going to die out as long as people keep on making them.
  2. she was getting hit on by a dude wasted on the maryjane after the fact that he though she was older and married to her brother (now thats wasted, anyone see european vacation) i would have ball busted him after that remark, just a nice swift kick so he couldn't produce anything
  3. http://www.gamefront.com/ i just it out its up reposted the link again.
  4. well what most of you failed to realize though that is all about oil, its practically the life blood of the world, and since we are to deep into this conflict, it will be impossible for anyone to pull out, and also if they did the terrorists will have won, i been their myself its a sad place to be at, the middle east is a safe haven for terrorists cuz their are no rules there, and since the london bombings europe is becoming the place where the terrorists can plan everthing out and then fly our of the country as citizens, these people are smarter then they look cuz the fact that they minuplate people who have no hope for the future don't care about themselves and or anyone else.it was reported in the news that someone decided children where not important when he blew himself up, just to get a us soldier he didn't care what happen to anyone else.and the way things are going now i do believe that armageddon has begun, the world has change to the point no one can trust no one and that death is spreading like wild fires across the world.i would be surprised if i do live out my old age on earth, but i wouldn't be so cruel as to bring a child to hell cuz of all what happen beening happen for the last 4 years. even if they do capture or kill osama bin laden someone else will take his place, odds are he already has a successor, cuz the man is like in his 60' and we a;; die eventually.
  5. i just any ftp that easy to understand and does what i need it to do.
  6. on which website is that, in which you claim that number of 3446, (gamerenders.com)Le arquearon abajo al dios de los sig los seres humanos humildes B)
  7. look at hollywood you got younger guys dating older women younger women dating younger guys, we all know why though MONEY MONEY MONEY., i try to stay with-in my range 1-2 years either way, it just makes it easier that way.and the thing about hot guys using the internet thats as believable as me being the president of japan.snlil- i htought it was making them cry you heartbreaker you lol.well actually hot girls do you the internet, the older crowd will know what im talking about there.but i like to state fact though, i say about 35-8% of the wolrd who have access the the internet are doing the online dating scene, hmm the percentage im ball parking that one.everyone should agree though that being compatible is not always the best thing, being completly opposite is always good, due to the fact that you can learn about each other, plus it makes both lives interesting as it keeps both of you on your feet and aware about each other.of course its visa versa on being non compatible as well, really depends on the people.
  8. it could be the fact that you havn't posted cuz they implemented a new progrma where if accounts hav't been posting for awhile the get delted and or the hosted account gets deleted.
  9. ok so im crazy to, so i really need to get a girlfriend to ease my insanity, but where i live ther are fat ulgy combination of the two and and way to younger for my taste.actually now thinking about all eccentric artists are crazy, got some chopping off ears for their love ones, kill to make their are and some other stuff.
  10. not badm but i have a felling though doing the coding will be pain in the butt to do.
  11. rejected i would make pancakes out of your sigs, but im burned out right now so you will have to wait for them.
  12. you mean vin diesel and paul walker are not in it NOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!, it should be interesting especially when the NOS kicks in.
  13. me and my cohorts played this game for hours especially when we found the sniper spots where we pick each other off one by one muhahahaha.
  14. a couple months and i will be here for a year woohoo.
  15. hmmm $60,000, odds are it will come out in the millions by the time its over with.
  16. even thought this is kind of late the mission is scrapped for now, unless it did finally luanch again.
  17. how about posting the image and we can tell you how it looks.
  18. well i would do more but im burned out right now, ***gasps*** as usually johnny numero uno.
  19. i believe thier is a topic still in the tutorials section about how to get a website going on your isp unless you are talking about .com it off the ip number. try out xampp.
  20. the hosptial and the mall so many people to choose from so much time to eat their BRAAAAAIN!!!!!!!
  21. their already has been a topic posted about this already, but this one seems more in depth then that one, but im to lazy to try something this crazy out so i will end it here.
  22. problem is though hes not writing them, hte bad bad man video was cool though, of course i like the first 10 seconds of his intro and thats it.
  23. im curious if anyone has heard when 2.1 is supposed to be comming out, they say theya are still working on it, but i thought it was already out?
  24. i just use what on the computer cuz i rarely do a system restore on the computer.
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