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Everything posted by Saint_Michael

  1. Wait if your using Wordpress then your site for hit counters as I use the following plugins on my blog.StatPress Reloaded - Will give you a lot of good information for your blogWP-UserOnline - will display current states
  2. If you set it up on Trap then your set, the links are randomly generated throughout the website. If your talking about setting it up for your website itself then you have ot make sure you paste the code correctly as they tell you where it needs to be added.
  3. Your computer will not be able to handle windows 7, need at least 2-3Gb of RAM, at least a 100GB hard drive as Windows 7 does take a good chunk out and the processor speed needs to be in the 2GHz range to run smoothly. Which means your best bet is to keep XP on that computer and purchase yourself a computer with Windows 7 on it.Of course, if you were to get yourself a copy of Windows 7 Basic, you might be able to run it on that computer, but your best bet is to get a new machine. As for the above poster mention you can't upgrade Windows 7 from XP as it requires a clean install but like I said your computer will not be able to handle it.
  4. I thought I would come back with an old school review since its been almost a year since I did one with Mega Man 3 and so I want to talk about another legendary classic and would list in the top ten most difficult NES games of all time, Castlevania. However, before I get into my review of the game thought I would refresh everyone's memories of my Old School review. What I do is review classic games from the old school era and this consists of games from Nintendo Entertainment System and Old School Arcade games from the 1980s and 1990s. I provide some basic information about the game such as who made it, what year it came out etc. Then I give my thoughts about this game from the past and my thoughts about this game now. Thats about it really, sure I could talk about current generation gaming but let be realistic, 1970s- mid 1990s was the golden era of gaming because most of those game you had to play in one shot, no saving, no check points and lots and I means lots of cheat codes. Still for a person who has been gaming since the Nintendo era I have enjoyed plenty of games, broke many controllers and of course beat a game or two. As a gamer from that I thought I would cherish this golden age with my thoughts and feelings about what I enjoy most video games. Though I do not have the classic NES system and a 12 inch TV screen, I enjoy playing these games through an emulator of which I recommend Nestopia as it works on XP, Vista and Windows 7. So let's get down to business folks and let's go back to memory lane. Castlevania Some Screen Shots Game Maker: Konami Year: 1987 Price: $40-$50 a game Levels: 6 Sound: 10 Graphics: 8 Mini-Games: None Difficulty: Back then: 10 Now: 10 Replay Value: 10 Game play: Plot: You are Simon Belmont, member of the Belmont clan whose sole mission in life is to destroy vampires or more particular the man himself Dracula. In this side scrolling game your put to the test as you fight through bats, ghosts, sea monsters, skeletons, Frankenstein, knights, hell dogs and then Dracula himself. If you succeed Dracula goes back to sleep, and bids his time to come back again. oh yeah, you have 300 seconds on each stage to do this in. First Impressions: What can I say about this game, that I cannot say today, this was indeed a difficult game because you racing against the clock and it was all about remembering paths and figuring out the best way to beat the bosses without dying. The closest I got in this game was stage two, I think. and by the time I would get to the bat boss I was on my last life and with only a few health points left. Heck i don't think my brother fared well in this game and since you had to start from the beginning it definitely got frustrating after a while. Still, it was a fun game with great music and unbeknownst to me would continue strive for 20+ years. 23 Years Later: This game is still difficult and even if with the cheats running if you didn't time your jumps correctly or press the up or down buttons on those stairs, instant death. Of course, the replay value is still there due to the fact that you want to be able to beat this game without taking a lot of damage. Truly this game puts your skills to the test and I bet most gamers today would have a hard time playing this game since you have to race against the clock and of course try to survive. Overall Ranking: Easy 10 because this is still one of the most difficult games in gaming history. Now for that Catchy slogan-- "Games don't get old, just people!" --Now for some copyright info-- Images and of course games are copyrighted to its perspective owners blah blah blah. Roms are illegal and so do not get caught blah blah blah or else blah blah blah. Reviews and opinions are my own so don't argue with me unless you can prove otherwise why this game sucks and 100% of the time you are wrong because one your either a new school gamer and don't know a good game when you see it or two, well there is no two so HA!!. All slogans, trademarks and names excluded the games I review are copyrighted to me blah blah and blah. 2007-2010 SM Old School Legend.
  5. Personally everyone knows its the GUI i.e. Aero that takes up much of the memory that was one of the big factors for why Vista was a memory hog. Of course, the only solutions back then was either replace the hardware or add more memory to the computer. XP was great because everyone has beening using it since the OS came out and the reason why it become even more popular because was such crap. However, Windows 7 has greatly improve on the problems that Vista cause and personally it is a lot faster and that is a good thing.I say if your going to m ake the move, go to windows 7, of course, you could always dual boot XP if you wanted to.
  6. Well Xisto/Xisto does offer great hosting with great uptime so you won't have to worry about that, also our support is community base and so any problems you might have post them here and we will be glad to help.
  7. It is more of an extension of Javascript as a lot of the functions within jQuery are JavaScript based.
  8. If you been getting into Web 2.0 in recent years and been messing around with Javascript you might have bump into a known framework called JQuery. In this framework you able to design websites with a sense of interesting functionality such as designing arrays, manipulating data and developing AJAX applications as with the use of CSS and even use effects and developing plug-ins to use with your jQuery run website. The best part about this book is that instead of just providing code and breaking it down, they provide images of these various code examples and so you are provide a visual example how this code functions in its most basic style. Of course, with the CSS that is where the magic happens as you can take those plain designs and design them with eye pleasing colors and effects. So, if you want to turn that plain website into an eye pleasing interactive website, then you may want to grab a copy of this book and see what you can learn with jQuery. Of course, this is just the beginning as there are many books about jQuery
  9. This is rather a interesting book or rather in its title a handbook for developing online communications. This book written by Anna Buss & Nancy Strauss helps lay a foundation in developing social and community driven websites They talk about planning your website, how to develop SEM and SEO strategies and the ever popular how to get members to join your website. They also talk about one of the basic cores of running website and that is delivering fresh content to your website which I found to be useful for anyone looking to build a website. They provide some case scenarios for a few online community websites to help provide ideas for those seeking to build such websites. Like I mentioned earlier, this book is about beginning to develop a foundation and so to help take it a step further other books, resources and websites will help expand on what you learn in this book. Of course, if you?re a pro at developing community driven websites, then consider this book to help think about areas you might have forgotten, SEO usually one of the big ones. So I would definitely pick this book and help produce your own Facebook or LinkedIn website.
  10. I am going to talk about a little book of almost 1400 pages of good information about Adobe Flex 3. In which it covers everything from the basic functions of Adobe to Flex to making complex applications such as IM (instant messaging) client. Authors Joseph Balderson, Peter Ent, Jun Heider, Todd Prekaski, Tom Sugden, Andrew Trice, David Hassoun, and Joe Berkovitz give a detailed look at the Flex 3 software and break it down as follows. It is broken down in twelve parts that is spread across seventy-five glorious chapters, so yeah it is for some interesting reading. Of course, it is recommended you have some background experience with Flex, Flash, Air, XML, ActionScript 3.0, but you should be able to gain a lot of insightful information through this book. So I would highly recommend this book to be added to your growing collection of Flex books.
  11. Not only will this new health care plan hurt the country, it will hurt 90% of the popular are who are not rich. Heck if anything, people are upset to the point that they are threaten senators lives, throwing out sexual and racist words at them. Pretty much everyone hated this bill and on top of that the bill got chopped down quite a lot before the republicans would agree to it. So that made it worse for everyone and as for saving costs, it won't happen and that is fact.
  12. Well Facebook has Myspace by a long shot has Myspace has been playing catch up for the last couple of years. Though I do not agree with some of the stuff Facebook has done, privacy issues being the big one, they had made things a lot more user-friendly and that is where Myspace is lacking the most and yeah Myspace needs to overhaul its whole layout structure to be more user-friendly.
  13. I am currentlu use Photoshop CS4 Extended, although after what I saw in Photoshop CS5, I wouldn't mind that copy soon.I am currentlu use Photoshop CS4 Extended, although after what I saw in Photoshop CS5, I wouldn't mind that copy soon.
  14. Actually Wireless-N has been hitting in the high hundreds for Mbps, I seen standards for 128, 150 and even 300 Mbps. I even saw an article in which this group hit the 600 Mbps mark, so it is possible but sadly the security for such possiblities is not catching up. I haven't heard anything new for Wireless security beyond WPA2 and since WEP and WPA can be cracked in less then 15 minutes. Your safest bet will always be a hardline with WIFI support.
  15. Well in terms of standards Wireless B/G is still standard while Wireless-N is currently on the market with support for B/G cards and other devices. You have Bluetooth for pretty anything related to phones, headsets and the works. Of course, if you have a PS3, Xbox360 and I do believe the Wii as well will let you connect to any networks, especially media servers, and internet access.As for that you have your routers, hubs, switches, bridges and various other network technologies that will connnect devices to any given netowrk, private or public.
  16. Yep, the editing feature has been limited to the 10 minute table and so if you plan on writing a big post i.e tutorial, make sure you have everything ready in another document and then post it. That way you won't have to make a bunch of requests to edit your tutorial or whatever huge post you have.
  17. Now they added video support and boy there are sure some ugly people on there, sadly the male to girl ratio is low and even then the odds of you landing a video of someone whipping it out is pretty high. Best part the person who created this site for pervs is from my home town .
  18. Well if you want some stats, I can provide some. Since January of this year till now, I have earn a total of 30,472 impressions, with 564 clicks, I won't mention the dollar amount but your reason of thought is correct. Granted I got kontera added in several of my websites, however, a great chunk of them are coming Xisto. Yeah the money isn't great but because of how random your link shows up on Xisto it takes even longer to build and posts do affect the frequency of your link showing up, but if you want to earn from Kontera you need to run it on your own website and produce a lot of kontera to help balance it out.Now from what buff suggested Xisto would hit that $100 treshhold quickly, of course you first have to do several things, ask the user if they want to do this and see if Kontera allows such a thing to happen.
  19. It is pretty much the same set up with Vista and Windows 7 as well but I am not sure how it is done on Linux OS's.
  20. NEVER!! However, lets be honest about the war of the English, does it really matter how its spelled, obviously someone did it on purpose just to truely seperate the former colonies from English rule. I only can imagine what UK spelling test is like , you get marked wrong even though the word is spelled right.
  21. The issue stem from an Apache error and so it had to reloaded as for the kind of error that is anyone's guess, however, it affected the permissions and that is what cause the Wordpress issues.
  22. It does roll month to month so you could set your payoutto another amount of it you want, of course it does take time to that $100 even if your website is very popular. I agree the 6 month cut off is annoying but odds are its a server/databse thing and so your best bet is to download the excel file to keep track of your earnings.
  23. I have greatly enjoyed it, 10 tiems better then vista any day, granted it took some tiem getting use to and finding everything again. Of course, that is only a factor if your going from XP to Windows 7. Sadly my new computer got glitched somehow and so I have to reinstall the OS and hoping it fixes it , other then that it is worth going from XP to Win 7 and skipping Vista altogether.
  24. Anything from Linksys or Netgear will be good, of course, you have to make sure the card is compatible with the computer. What I would recommend is get ahold of HP and see what they suggest to install, that way your computer will be compatible with the card.
  25. To my knowledge the one counter gets reset after so many hits, never look at the coding to see if this could be fix in someway.
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