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Everything posted by Saint_Michael

  1. now what Dell computers are you referring to? Only the XPS use leds and have you seen a Alienware computer, if you haven't take a look at one and you see Dell isn't about wasting energey. Of course then you have people who building custom computers that got their computers lit up like a Christmas tree so. As for customer support I have never had a problem with them, heck I would have conversations with the tech people as I am trying to figure stuff out or have some minor problems.Now that Dell has linux Pre-Installed on some of their systems I don't think you would have any problems with it, unless you configure it wrong. I been sticking with Dell for a few years now because computers are cheap and very customizable for any user to get it.Just have to know how to work the system, remember you control the computer not the other way around for a few hundred more years .
  2. Hmmm I would say thats a tough call and like recon mention it would depend on the situation and what your site is all about. Both set ups could be used for good organization you just have to use them appropriately, for instance if your site is all about news then this site up would be appropriate for archiving that news: yoursite.com/folder1/folder2/folder3/folder4.Now if you have a business that has divisions within that company then this set up would be more appropriate:cia.whitehouse.gov fbi.whitehouse.govYou can be organized in any matter of ways to have a good looking site, it just depends what kind of site your trying to set up for people to see.
  3. Well I just got back from seeing the 4th movie of the Die Hard franchise; I would say this movie franchise has had a good run, wasn't to keen on number Die Hard 2. However, I think everyone felt the same way as I did when I watch it. I would have had this review up sooner, but I had this nasty headache I needed to get rid of, and so here I am :)Well to start off I would say this is the first movie that really toned down on the violence and swearing in the sense that if you compared this movie to the first one; the first one was more violent then this one. Bruce has done a good as always with the John McClane character and I would say that this movie was fitting for hopefully the final movie of a regular street cop turned hero When looking through cast list, I would say most of them did a pretty good job, especially Tim Russ (Tuvok from Star Trek), man talk about a man who aged (lol). Kevin Smith did good as well and of course the girl who played Lucy (and no the original lucy did not play here).I have been a big Bruce Willis fan since the 80's including his tv run (Honey Mooners I believe was the name), so if your a big fan of the man and the franchise check it out. It had it's comedy, action and of course John McClane famous words first spoke in Die Hard I; you know the words since I can't say him here.
  4. alex this topic was about when Xisto had place ad's all over the forum to help cover costs and since the ad's were remove it hasn't been an issue for quite some time.
  5. Well now a religious perspective as to why I am not evil , heck this topic almost a year old too . Well for the most part you could say I do this, except for fighting Satan, haven't met the man yet and I don't rescue souls either. Gas is to expensive and I can't travel the world that fast either .
  6. AHAHAHA!!! that is harlarious but here in America we call that a stupid criminal who got caught easily; I can't wait till they air on tv stupid criminals across the world because that will rank up there as stupid. If he was smart and I am not ocndoning this, he should have done it at night and he could have gotten away a lot better. Thats me telling a cop to stop firing so I could reload my gun in order to shoot back or something.
  7. Nudge, nudge, wink, wink. Know what I mean?

  8. Strange women lying in ponds distributing swords is no basis for a system of government!

  9. Well the whole Xisto network was down for about 10 minutes because of the heat and the California fires that have been happening the last few days. It took a few more times fro the servers to become stable again, but I don't know if the server has gone at all between 1am-10am (-5 GMT).
  10. Well the title of the movie is called "Shrooms" http://www.moviesonline.ca/?error=http//www.moviesonline.ca/movie-gallery/albums/userpics/poster_shrooms.jpg I can safely say that his one movie I will never see; How you going to make a movie with drug overtones and turn it into a horror movie for some money. Even if the Previews were great the no name actors I seen on the the list won't want me to see it. Well of course no previews are out yet, but with the movies that are coming out this fall and winter I will still put this at the very bottom of my list.
  11. Was the container height smaller or bigger then the wrapper? Although I wouldn't think the smaller container would be such a problem. I believe a z-index will need to be set up in order for your links to be on top of the container, or a z-index on that actual container so it stay above the rest of the template.
  12. As mentioned by Imtay22 this topics has been discussed several times, http://forums.xisto.com/index.php?shotastico++Xisto http://forums.xisto.com/index.php?shotastico++Xisto http://forums.xisto.com/index.php?shotastico++Xisto http://forums.xisto.com/index.php?shotastico++Xisto The best solution for now is learn how to install and configure the scripts you want yourself; most software comes with installation instructions how to run your scripts. I know most forum software and shopping cart comes with instructions on how to do it, and also if you go to php tutorials sites you can learn how to do most of what fantastico has to offer yourself; however, the one thing why you should refrain from using fantastico is the software that is they're not even updated. So you run into major security problems with the older software, instead of the latest stable versions.
  13. After doing some research it would seem that trying to align using auto will not work in some browers and so you would have to do something like this div#container{margin-left: 10%;margin-right: 10%;} but here is a great example of what you want to achieve http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Thee list the code of how to set it up, hopefully that gives you a couple of idea's where to look into solving your problem.
  14. To buy a server for you to run in your own home? A few thousand dollars and thats not including the T1-T2 you would have to install in order for websites to load fast (hundreds of dollars). Then of course the security software you have to install, a giant Cooling station to keep the room cool so the server does melt over the extreme heat. So unless you have a ton of money to purcase everything I mention and the person in the previous post as mention you might as well just purchase a server on a monthly plan and go from there.
  15. Hard to say really it could be anything in the code, I would say we would need to see the site and a demo page for people to add something it and see it in action and the CSS code as well. Nothing really comes to mind as to why it would misaligned like that, unless your mixing fixed and liquid width's within your CSS. But thats only a guess without looking at the code and the demo page.
  16. Which redirection you using? The domain redirecting service or the Cpanel, if the cpanel it should work fine just remember you need to type in the full domain and whatever folder you want it to go to in the redirecting set up just not adding /forum.
  17. You just been Spammed by that SM GUY MUHAHAHA!!!

  18. Agree with CSP the only way you can fix this situation is physically talked to her, as it will be a lot more meaningful then sending messages or talking on IM. What gets me thought she believes you would do something like this, although I may not know you that well, I would think for it to be out of character for you to say something like that. Of course her having a boyfriend does make the situation a bit more awkward, but the way I see it if you two known each other for a long time regardless of the boyfriend, she should know you as a person. With that being said if this was strictly an online friendship instead of a real world, then it could be considered a lost cause because of the whack jobs out there trying to find some; not saying that is you though but she could be interpreting that as such.Like I said best ocurse of action is to physically talk to her if all possible and hopefully she will get a clue and realize that you wouldn't say something like that.
  19. That is a interesting quirk, and it seems it should be fixed by the joomla guys; did your research find anything to the statement that they tried or are trying to fix that? This maybe see ma bit far fetched, but it would seem as though they are trying to monopolize by making sure that you can use only there software to make changes to there file structure. But like you mentioned in your earlier post that if this is a well known problem it should have been fixed by now.
  20. My website is updated as of January 20th with the following links http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/web.php http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ So Check out the new site and new blog and don't forget to add your comments and stuff.
  21. If you look at the CSS code and then the HTML it can be easier to understand how it is done then trying to explain it in detail. I would recommend downloading the site including it's CSS code and use it for a source of info as you try and edit your site as such. From the look of the source on that site it seems he used a lot of width's, of course if you post up your code we could have a better idea what needs to be fixed.
  22. Saint_Michael


    Welcome to the site and the link haslip provided tells you everything you need to know about hosting credits and how to get them. If you read everything in the Xisto Read me, you will enjoy your posting a lot more, instead of not reading it at all . So enjoy your time here how ever long it maybe, and see you in the forums.
  23. I would say welcome to the site but it seems you didn't read the rules of the forum which you can find here. If you did you would have realize 2-3 words posts are considered spam and it seems all of your posts are like that. The forums strives for quality posting, not the number of posts. I would recommend that you re-edit all your posts to add some quality to them or you time here at trap will be short and sweet.
  24. It is clearly mention in the Xisto read me file http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ and it clear states in the trap 17 Read Me Do NOT Plagiarize. So what rules did you read that didn't mention that you could copy and paste stuff from other sites?
  25. Have your tried cleaning the drive? The lens could just be dirty, if not I would say that that either you have loose cable connection or your drive is going. What I suggest is that you get another dvd or CD drive, then connect it; if it works the its the drive if not it could be a connection problem.
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