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Everything posted by Saint_Michael

  1. I am surprise your the only other person besides me that remember that topic she posted, venting about the same thing she is talking about now. So from what I concluded your situation has not improved and although I believe a few people have posted in that previous topic, and you most likely you didn't take the suggestions people posted and still stuck yourself into the same situation your posting about now. The best thing you can do is not put yourself if the situation and literally keep telling adults about it until something is done.
  2. Basically it is a tech fad just like Norton 360 and Xbox 360, you can blame Apple/Mac for starting that crazed with the iMac. Eventually everyone is will have a new letter or word to replace it. Of course lets not forget that the "e-" is still a big fad; like e-trade, e-mail and millions of others with the "e-" name .
  3. That was my conclusion after doing some more product reviews and the fact the extreme version is just a bit better then it's predecessor the regular Core 2 Dual and I do believe the XE is a bit older then the Core2Extreme, well he should be pleased to know about it I guess .
  4. Mich pretty much answered your first two questions, now for your third one you would need a gfx program such as adobe or gimp; I will tell you how to do it the adobe way since it is the only one I used. First you want to make a copy of the image you want to remove the background which is simple enough, however, the next is rather long and tedious because removing the background can become difficult depending on the background's color and how the image looks. for a quick background removal you want to use the magic wand tool to delete the background; however, this cane become difficult due to the fact that if the image your cutting and the background are mixing in that particular color then you will be deleting parts of that as well. That is where you being changing the percentages to make the magic wand tool take less as you delete the background, and you also want to zoom in so you can use the ctrl key to select different parts and then delete them in all one shot.If you want I can do the background removale stuff since I have some experience in doing it back in my hey day of being a gfx nut, just pm me the image and I can work on it for you.
  5. Sneaky sneaky of you booze for using your myspace template for your portfolio sites , but anyways it is a descent looking design could use some more color I guess and one recommendation is change the images to the validation to match with the site as well. As for your problems I haven't notice that one you mentioned, but your left and right arrow script doesn't work in either FF 2 and IE 7(I am assuming you haven't set that up), and in IE7 you can't double click the images to see the larger versions.
  6. Thats the catch 22 as to why a high school graduate would make more money then a dropout, this is because with a drop out they won't be getting the same amount of money a person who has graduated high school. However, when you graduate college and people notice you have graduated high school then they will be making even more money. Now the reason some job prefer high school students to those who have graduated is that when students are entering college, most go for intern related jobs to help build there career's while attending college at the same time. Nonetheless most jobs today are either classed as high school related jobs (supermarkets, fast food places) and those who have graduated college (most jobs today required college degree's to even be considered). However (once again), businesses are looking for only part time work through the students so they don't have to pay as much as a full time worker, and that way they can make a better profit and if need be fire off their part time help. It's capitalism and standards and practices for you.
  7. Oh it might get rid of your headache alright because you will be to high and addicted to notice that you have one, interestingly enough though, I did find another forum asked the very same question which you can find here. Like it was mention previously the episodes of House and CSI are based on for the most part real cases, but I highly doubt those practices are actually being done.
  8. Yeah I saw this as well, but I looked at hte named immediately before I open this topic, to put it bluntly this bizbar is like using the google toolbar and thats it, it has some interesting FEATURES but the FAQ didn't look all that convincing either. For the most part this little tool is interesting I give it that, but I could see same rather big problems with this toolbar if someone was able to compromise it. Like Buff said we have our own plug in and thats all you really need for this site.
  9. Although this topic is a few months old I think I could be able to talk about it; since these two companies are good at what they do it would be a tough decision to figure out which one you want. I wouldn't give it a second thought and I would go with Nvidia because they are well known brand. However as I learned in my hardware class there is more then just a name brand, and so I have done some searching and found the following sites that review each graphics card your trying to decide. However, before I go over those reviews you have to remember several concepts; Cost Factor (how much do they cost), Compatibility Factor (will it work with my OS, Motherboard and other hardware, and Reliability Factor (can it handle the power from the power supply and not go into a meltdown). Nvidia GeForce 8800 GTX Cnet Review In this review they talk about how extreme this card can get when it comes to beefing the anti-aliasing and it seems it can handle the load better then one of ATI cards they used for this review. However, due to it's settings it requires your computer to have some power to it (power supply), they recommend at least 450 watts and of course dual core technology as well. Then of course cost the money factor comes in and at $600 it is a lot cheaper then the crossfire card which tops out at over $1,000, and as you can see it is a lot cheaper. techspot review guru of 3d Radeon 9800 PRO 256MB Cnet Well Just coming from this review it I already can tell you Nvidia just won if you look at the date of the review this video card is over 4 years old compared to the 1 year on the Nvidia, so this card is already outdated and outclassed by time. I would make mention that this card had some tough competition against the Nvidia GeForce FX 5900 Ultra card. So it is obvious from those two Cnet reviews that this card is outclassed in every way, but time was what the key factor was in trying to compare the two graphics cards.
  10. Clatto Verata N... Necktie... Nickel... It's an "N" word, it's definitely an "N" word!

  11. I would say keep on talking to her so she doesn't bottle up all the emotion; especially the anger and sadness she is building up because of the abuse she is receiving. I would also try and convince her to go receive some therapy as well so she can find ways to release in small doses and not in large blow. She already shown signs of suicidal and if she where to continue with this bad relationship she will begin again and it almost looks like she is there. So like I mention just talk to her and get her to talk to you so she can find at least one person she can confide in and fine that shoulder to cry on. Also I would recommend reporting this dude to the authorities as well and get him behind bars or something because he surely doesn't care for her whatsoever. Although I wouldn't recommend this, I would give this a dude a serious beat down and show him the same treatment he is giving her.I can't even stress this enough; if you have to drag her out of that house (if she is living with him) get her away from the dude, because he is the biggest negative influence in her life and she needs something positive to help her.
  12. All I have to say is, if this movie opened up on the weekend, it would bring in MILLIONS AND I MEAN MILLIONS of dollars They did everything right with this movie, the cast was perfect; even the lesser known actors and actresses did an excellent job. The voice acting for the transformers was pure perfection (they had subtitles ), props to Peter Cullen (voice of Optimus Prime) Hugo Weaving (Megatron) they really hit the voices with this, especially with the robotic sound to it. After doing a little searching Peter Cullen is also the original voice of Optimus Prime from cartoon and I would like bow down and kiss the ground he walks on because that is how good he is. Check his profile out and then you will know his voice easily The storyline OH MY GOD!! They hit every emotion you can think of; comedy, fear, sadness, anger, anticipation and hope and a fear other thousand emotions you can think of,heck I wanted to get in army gear to shoot the hell out of those Decepticons myself . The storyline flow was awesome and perfect for the time frame (about 2 hours and some change). The music was perfect as well; although they didn't do a remix of the original theme song for the Transformers. That is how many tickets would need to get sold 82,867,331 at $7.25 a shot to beat Titanic here in America worldwide it would need to make $1.9 Billion to take over the world box office title. I know what are the odds for a movie like this to do that? Depending how the weekend comes I am going to ballpark the intake at $100,000,000-110,000,000 with it capping at 250,000,000-290,000,000 overall, since everyone is saving their money for Harry Potter , but since it is 3 weeks till the HP movie I say it still number #1 till HP hits the weekend and then drop somewhere in the top 10. Let my prediction be wrong and that opening 1 day before 4th won't ruin this movies Box Office success, wish I was a billionaire then I just buy all the tickets . I don't care if your old, young, blind, deaf or evil this movie is a must see Because this movie "more then meets the eye" from the it's previews
  13. To continue on breaking down the forums you should do the same with the gaming systems so as not ot make the forum look huge in terms of scrolling and trying to get to a particular forum. As for the skin, the grey looks plain as it needs a bit of color; a suggestion would be use colors from a game system, like black and silver for form the PS3, white silver and neon green from the XBOX 360. Of course the banner doesn't really stick with the forum color either I would go with a dark grey, light grey combination to flow with the rest of the forum.
  14. I have to go with Windows Media Player and of course Windows Media player classic when some of the stuff doesn't work (codecs and junk). I did use DIVX for awhile until I could find the right codecs to use on WMP and WMPC so I be sticking with them for awhile. I only use Quick time when I watch movie trailers and that is the only reason other then that it sits in my computer collecting dust. Was never a fan of realplayer back in the 90's, think the reason that it kept freezing a lot on the computer I was using at the time.
  15. Well when this law went into affect someone did steal a candy bar and got about 5-10 years because it was his third strike and stealing regardless of what the item was, is still considered a felony in the rules of the 3 Strikes law. If you search a bit more California laws are a lot stricter then you would believe. If you click this linkp and if you look at number 18 and 19 he can be nailed for it. Of course I had do some searching about the candy story and it is discussed Here that someone did get tagged with the 3 strikes law. So it doesn't matter what you do on that 3 strike you will get the max, messed as it maybe that's what will happen. As for this guy, most of his felonies are covered by the 3 strikes law so he will get the max and then some.
  16. At first I was like, yeah someone doing interesting yo yo tricks and thats about it, well I was wrong from the looks of it this kid mixed in some basic martial arts moves within the yo yo tricks, you can see some of them if you pay close enough attention. Of course some of hte best tricks revolved around using nothing but string which was even sicker. Yo Yo Viideo
  17. Well as the Iphone frenzy is still kicking, with over 700,000 sold, my prediction of it get hacked and crack in a short period of time maybe prove true. Reports are saying that an activation crack could be out by tomorrow, but the big hack will come from whoever hacks the SIM card, which Iphone and pretty much every cell phone uses to basically identify what that phone can handle. With that being said the most difficult part is of course the hacking the activation needed to use everything on the Iphone, sp once that little project gets done, they everyone will move on to see what else they can do like most new products that come on the market. Lets not forget the reports of people taking hammers to the Iphone and say"DUHHH it's a lot quicker", either way I don't see myself buying one ever. SOURCES Here Here Here
  18. Well theres this little thing called internet freedom which gives people the right to display cheats and what not for games; however, as for concern for online games people are hacking into the system to exploit these cheats, so in a way they gaming company can report hacking attempts on it's servers to the authorities. But since there are to many players to really keep track of who is doing what, you usually can't pin point who is posting cheats or hacks on other sites.Most gaming companies mention cheats when games come out, but most of the cheats especially the the ones people user uber hacks to get them (like on the PS2 and xbox) are ridiculous and most of the time they don't work. I don't think companies would sell cheats in order to make a profit because in reality they won't, because then a person just has to rent the game insert the cheat and finish the game in one sitting. That way instead of spending $60 for a game they pay $4 for a rental and call it a day.
  19. Well yeah if you disable most of the Vista features then yeah you could run on 1-1.5 gigs of ram, but if your doing that you might as well have installed Windows XP since it defeats the purpose of running vista without all the features. I plan on running 2 gigs on Home Premium once I install it, but I plan to have software that keeps the system running smoothly with no problems, like spybot, RamDEF, a registry cleaner or two. I would say 4 gigs would be a bit excessive unless you plan to have a multimedia based computer to design games, video's, music, large graphics and stuff like that.I would say though that if you run ultimate at 2 gigs you shouldn't have to many problems for it to be slow, if thats the case drop another 512 or 1 gig into the machine for a just in case.
  20. It could be that the graphics card is damaged as well and whatever is supposed to be transparent is showing up as white; of course nothing showed up in searching for a reason as to why this would happen. However as I am looking at the desktop it almost seems your not even using XP OS but an older version, because those folder Icons are not the standard ones unless you changed them. If thats the case a suggestion would be to replace the icons or do a fresh installation of your Operating system.
  21. If I remember correctly since this has happened to me a few times, when you start a new upload of the same files that error file disappears automatically as you upload or when you finishing uploading. I use smartFTP and it always hang when trying to move a large group of files to be uploaded and I always got that file, but like buff mention just delete it through file manager or through your FTP client and you are set.
  22. Well they are not official rules more like guidelines as to make a good SEO friendly site, flash is good to use sparingly and in hte right places; like the banner you did that was perfect. It is rue when building for someone else your input is meaningless, however like I mentioned before you can mention some idea's to them, but alas it's their design and they will have to live with it.
  23. I am a 100% home grown Cheese Head as I am a fan of the Green Bay packers; yeah I know their defense and offense have gone down hill since their last superbowl win. However, I think in 20 years they will win another one but at least I can saw we are the Team that we made superbowl history and not anyone else so HA!!
  24. The thing is I don't think no one saw it coming it either especially the family and friends who worked with him. The night I found out I was and because I couldn't be a guy like this who led a good life would do something like this, I speculated that he was going to be a champion again at the PPV because #1 he deserved it and #2 he put in 2000% every time. Then when news came out that he did it, I was like beyond shocked I couldn't even find the right emotions to place that in.Even if the tox reports say he was taking drugs at the time, we still won't have a clear answer as to why he did this and we will never know .
  25. Ok now I know I seen this topic , but anyways I have to go with Zelda for the original nintendo and zelda for the Super Nintendo, as they both were excellent games for there times and I love the classics. Besides playing Zelda II those were the only three zelda games I have played .
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