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Everything posted by Saint_Michael

  1. Well I was quite fond of the other skin , of course the gallery look 1000x more better then when you used a black background ( I mentioned in the shout box what I would have done with my computer). As for the MySQL error that I mentioned, it seems to be fixed which meant the server must have timed out in some way. One more addition I can think of is since it is coming off the imageshack idea, pop up the image code instead of displaying it, that way you reduce the size of scrolling a person has to do in order to get the code for this to display to whatever (I saw the batch coding). Another suggestion would be to add views into thumbnail 1 and thumbnail 2, since you have it listed under the list view. Other then what I mentioned in the shout box and here I can't think of anything else.
  2. It is neither, the website is own by some guy from India, and how I figured that out was I went to a whois domain search and got his info from there. So there is your answer to the ultimate question as to who owns that website.
  3. Also for a bit of background history, telnet was the earliest form of communication either for people to communicate or for computers to Communicate. In the 1970s and 1980s MUDS scored huge using the telenet service for people to play early RPG's through the ARPAnet and the early versions of the internet. Although Telnet is barely used anymore or at least I don't think it is being used anymore; Microsoft still has the telnet program within the operating system and actually believe some Mud's still use telnet, but I won't go looking for one or start playing them again.
  4. Well first off I would tell them to dump that design, or at least that background, because it is very distracting and people won't give that site a second thought. Another big no no, especially for a business website is to make it completely in flash, this is due to the fact search engines do not spider full flash sites, due to the lack of html, keywords and other stuff. Finally the scroll bars, change the color so people can see it and get rid of that horrible blue color as it clashes with the site. I would recommend a pink or a Dark red to go along with the "Girly Love theme", same goes with he blue roses, since you can use different shades of red and pink to help that out.Yeah I know what you are going to say, thats what they asked for, but as a designer it is your duty to let them know about proper web designing techniques and that site broke every single one of them.
  5. I would like to mention a small correction in buff's post; in order to access Cpanel through your sub domain it is yoursubdomain.trap17.com/cpanel. Also you should have received an email either in your bulk folder or your regular folder mentioning everything you need to know about your account. Another way you can access your cpanel with a couple clicks is through this forum; if you look at the top of the site you will see a series of links Search, Xisto, Free Web Hosting and a few others. Now you want to click the Free Web Hosting Link and a drop down menu will appear; 3rd and 4th link will bring you to the cpanel log in menu and then your set. A good idea would be to set up a bookmark for anyone of those links to the cpanel and then all you have to do is click that bookmark and your set.
  6. I have a question? Although a very obvious one at that, what is the point of this topic? The only thing that makes sense is that you have your Nintendo, Wi-FI, Windows Operating System and of course Buffalo? Hopefully someone like Silent Shadow or Yuri can provide that answer, because it seems to be a spam topic that Silent Shadow was trying to score credits on.
  7. I am shocked that I haven't replied to this topic, or maybe it was another gmail topic. Any woo, I remember where I got my gmail account like it was just yesterday; actually it about a year and then some I believe, but I got it from a gmail invitation harvester website. So I grabbed an invite and there I was with a gmail account to send all my spam to MUHAHAHA , and so that is my story on how I got my gmail account.
  8. @M you need to pay attention to gaming forum a bit a longer , sadly I know a couple of gamers that are in their 30's that still go at it .Anyways welcome to the forum, and since your already hosted I guess there shouldn't be no need to remind you of the Xisto read me file (which you can find the link at the top of the shoutbox). So I say welcome and enjoy your time here at trap, I know I have .
  9. For this story to make sense you have to know about California's 3 Strike Law, which basically means after getting busted 3 times, regardless if you stole a candy bar the third time you can get a sentence for like 1 degree murder. Which is a life sentence and so our story begins. Basically this women got a her laptop and some other stuff stolen from a guy she was seeing online (mistake 1) and then one day gave her phone number (mistake 2) and address (mistake 3) to meet up. Well after the dude played her for a chump and went on there merry old way, she decided to sleep at a friends house because she figured out the dude was playing her for a fool. Well he came back and robbed her house and of course stole her computer then pawned it. Well hte cops found the computer and then later on the guy who stole it. Well it seems this guy had two priors which included stealing a womans car and something else and since he lives he California, he is placed under that 3 strikes law and so the judge sentences him to 31 years to life. I can see the stealing, breaking and entering and selling of property he stole, but I think the life sentence is bit extreme in this case, I give the guy 10-15 tops for this, Of course dude plead his case and the court didn't by, but like many other's who still hate this law after who knows how many years I still believe it is cruel and unusual punishment. So you think a petty thief deserves a murder's sentence or should he get something smaller, say like the sentence I mentioned? SOURCE Here
  10. Well since Mojo doesn't have a sig per say I guess I have use Andrew's; as for your name at the bottom half needs to fade out in order for it to give off that reflective look 7/10. For your sig the dark background works somewhat, I think the green can be replace with something else. The cornering looks good and I would say if you gaussian blurred the orb itself it could give that extra depth to it. 7/10 as well. --RATE THIS SIG---
  11. Since the 4th is coming upon us in in America I thought I do a 4th of july Sig and it is enjoy
  12. I am in the process of building a computer myself (taking a hardware course right now) and for the build I have set is about $750 without an operating system. Now depending on what kind of parts your going after, you might spend about $1000+; especially since your going for a TB hard drive. To get your parts cheap you want to go to this website New Egg, if you need more help then whats posted, get a hold of me either through MSN or yahoo and I can help you further. My hardware teacher has a few guides on our class website that tells you the process of what to install first. From first six weeks of class I can tell you how to start purchasing parts, or for the most part how to set up the order: 1: Start with the motherboard first 2: Pick compatible processor for that motherboard 3: Pick Compatible RAM for the motherboard 4: Pick your computer case that uses the same form factor as your motherboard 5: Pick your cooling system that you will want to install into your case(most motherboards and processors come with there own cooling system) 6: Pick your power supply that is compatible for the motherboard and for the computer case 7: Pick your hard drive, CD rom drive, Floppy Drive or other drives you want to install 8: Pick out video or audio cards you might want to install 9: Pick out your monitor, keyboard, mouse and any other accessories you might want. If you loosely follow that ordering procedure you should have a good system picked out, of course picking the right parts takes even longer since there is so many of them.
  13. Well to start off you may want to check your link to the website because you have an extra http:// in it, as for the splash page, needs to be centered and maybe some more detail into your splash page in terms of a gfx design. As for your second link I wouldn't know because you have a parse error and that won't help. As for the forum built by scratch, you doing good so far I guess , some more work just needs to be done.
  14. I don't think a hardware company would be stupid enough to do that, maybe an employee, but not the whole company. Also key loggers are meant not to found anyways, they can be installed through downloading attachments through emails, going to specific websites, or get spyware installed on your computer. Key loggers are hard to trace because of what they are programmed to do and thats log in keys that you type, thats why you always update your Anti virus, spyware software and course update your OS with the security patches that come out. OF course you have to remember most hardware is not made in the US anymore, but I wouldn't doubt they double check the stuff they plan to stamp there name on, or they would have lawsuits up the butt.
  15. Well if you get 10 or 30 credits and apply for hosting here, you will have everything you need to run your blog and more, or if you got some loose change to spare you can get paid hosting at https://xisto.com/, they have cheap affordable plan with double what Xisto has.
  16. AS... YOU... WISH.


    Falls on to jagged Rocks


  17. I don't even know if I really want to post this or not, most everyone knows me after these long three years (September); I think I spilled most of the beans about who I am. Well except for my exact location because I don't need a member from Xisto coming to my house knock on my door and then beat me up because I post to much or something.Well in short I was born in the land of cheese or in Wisconsin on the family farm; which of course makes me a cheese head and a Green Bay Packers fan. I Live there till 1984-5 and then move to the Green Mountain State of Vermont and been there ever since. This includes going to school, learning to ride a bike, swim, drive and all that other wonder stuff. Since 1995 I basically bled computers; which mostly includes web design going on 12 years, however, I don't remember the exact date so I say January give or take 5-6 months. Let see I got into GFX design in 2005 (thanks Johnny ) and been working on and off since then, as you can tell from my numerous posts in the gfx forum. Let see what else, well I did join the military in 2000 to get college money and go to school (that didn't pan out) and of course I spent one tour in Iraq; November 2003 till October 2004. I was on the base the night Saddam was caught (did we ever celebrate that night). My job consisted of suppling my unit and units that works with us with office supplies, food, weapons and equipment, I was also the unit armorer which means I maintained weapons and ammunition. Lucky for me I never had to shoot anyone since I was over there, of course I was one of the few people that didn't have to leave the gate. While in Iraq that that is where I found Xisto while looking for free hosting, I wanted to get back into web designing once I got back and got out (Feb 2005) and so I signed up made a couple of posts, finished my tour in Iraq, got out and restarted my posting again. As for my Xisto history well most of you already know so I have no need to go into it any further. To finish off I have 4 cats the oldest 17 and the youngest should be turning 3, I got an older brother who is married with one kid, a younger sister who is expecting and of course my parents . Let see I am a movie, history, gaming buff, I know how to code in various forms of web designing, sadly I am not fluent or I be making a ton of money. Currently going to a community college to hopefully get some sort of degree in computers and right now its set at Computer Management (might switch to network admin), will be building my first computer in August , and I am currently use a Dell XPS system for my everyday needs, which includes posting on Xisto and on various other websites, do my school work and of course communicate with like hundreds of people a day.Like I said though this post was like 3 years in the making, and when I check to see if I even made an introduction in the forums I was shocked that I did not so here it is and everyone don't post at once , so again Hello, Gunten Tag, Al salaam a'alaykum, Konnichiwa, Hola to everyone across the lands.
  18. Don't worry Jimmy even I haven't done a intro, of course it is kind of pointless for me to do one since everyone knows me; at least most people know me . Although I am tempted to do one, might hit the max on my intro though . Anyways welcome to the forums and enjoy your stay and make sure you read the Xisto read me .
  19. Saint_Michael


    Welcome to the forums Mark, this is hte best place for some might fine paid...opps I mean free hosting the internet has to offer. As always make sure to read the Xisto for some good info, especially since it helps make your stay and hosting even more better then ever, especially at the other guy's hosting which I can't mention..
  20. Although I said hello or whats up in the shoutbox I never said it in a post , Well Hello . Since your already hosted and posted a good amount of posts so far I guess I don't have to explain the rules of the forums and the hosting and so I leave off with "Gauw tot ziens" ( I hope I got that right) and in the forums .
  21. Welcome to the site, we have a good portion of graphics related topics and of course our own graphics SOTW competitions as well. We always in need of good graphics people to post tutorials and resources such as renders, brushes and other could stuff people can use. So enjoy your stay here on Xisto, don't forget to enjoy your hosting and see you in the gfx forums .
  22. Welcome to the best darn web hosting your money can buy; for free that is . Since the previous posters have already told you about where to go for to check what the forum rules and standards are and of course getting some free hosting as well. So again welcome to the enjoy and see you in the forums.
  23. Well the quickest way to get a domain email would be to get a paid hosting account or free hosting account and then set up people's email accounts that way. I am not aware of any (free) domain email services that could help out for what you are asking.
  24. As I began my hardware class in school I knew I was going to be learning some new stuff about a computer that I never really thought about besides the fact I use one. Hopefully what I talk about in this topic will help people get a better understanding of computer hardware, especially when might want to build one by scratch. The form factor is used to determine what power supply, computer cases and motherboards you can use when building a fully customized computer instead of getting one pre-built; such as Dell, Apple, Sony, and Alienware. There are 6 form factors (including their variations that have been used since the 1980's; they include the AT (baby AT), ATX (Micro ATX, Mini-ATX, FlexATX), BTX, LPX (Mini LPX), NLX and Backplane. Now to get a better understanding of each form factor the pictures here will show the standard types of computer cases that are currently being used, so once you read the information you will see a list that will tell which computer case can use the form factor properly. Hidden Mini Tower Mid Size Tower Full Size Tower Desktop Slimeline Desktop Now that you seen the different computer cases it is time to explain each for factor, just a reminder that the form factors will be describe in this topic are based on motherboard specifications and not computer case specifications. AT Form Factor https://gen.xyz/ The AT (Advance Technology) Form Factor was first used by IBM in the 1980's, it's measurements are 12" x 13.8" and of course it is note that the AT form factor is no longer used since it has been replaced by the ATX form factor in 1995. Up until hte ATX form factor came out it was very difficult to install and of course upgrade, and reason why it was so difficult was that the CPU was set up in a way that it blocked the expansions slots. Thus making it even more difficult when trying to install cards into the computer; as you can tell by the picture you can see why it was so difficult. But to fix this the Baby AT was design so it could be more flexible then it's predecessor, and the reason it was better and was the standard form factor from 1993-97 was it's size at 13" x 8.7". Also the baby AT had one more thing that made it better and that was it could fit into a ATX computer case, as the AT could not. Now in terms of air flow the baby AT power supply blew out the air instead of pulling in the air like the AT case did. However, the problem was not fixed with the position of the CPU and the drives, because this time the cables were stretched out to their limits in order to run a computer. ATX Form Factor https://gen.xyz/ The next form factor I will be talking about is the current standard form factor that is used by pretty much everyone to this day. The ATX (Advance Technology Extended) was introduced by Intel back in 1995 and what made this better then it's two predecessors was that it was a lot easier to install, maintain and even upgraded, it even help lower some of the costs to the hardware that was needed to install on a computer as well; which was a good thing when people started buying more and more PC's. Of course besides it size of 12" x 9.6", it solved motherboard arrangement in which the CPU no longer blocked the expansions slots. Of course some other factors came into play, such as the position of the power supply and the drives and of course the cables could be shorter as well, thus making them alot easier to connect and also to worry about static discharge when working inside the case. Then as time when on ATX produce the Mini-ATX which is 11.2" x 8.2" and the Flex ATX which is primarily used in the Slimline computer cases. Then of course the Micro ATX which would be considered the second generation ATX due to the fact, it help lower costs ever more by reducing I/O slot on the motherboard and of course reducing the amount of power needed to run the computer as well. Of course the best part of the Micro ATX form factor is that can fit into any ATX casing such as the mid size tower. BTX Form Factor https://gen.xyz/ Up next is the BTX (Balanced Technology Extended) which was introduced in 2004-2005 to replace the aging ATX form factor, it was design so it could fit into a Full tower case into the small desktop casing (see pictures). It was designed so it could work with current technology such as Serial ATA, USB and PCI, and of course reduce heat with better airflow across the motherboard and the improvement of fans and other cooling systems (liquid cooling). However, due to the costs of converting ATX computers to BTX not many people took it like Intel thought it would. Intel would discontinue producing BTX hardware in 2006, however, like the other forms factors BTX will just need time for it to grow with that most smaller companies are still producing the BTX hardware needed if someone wants a BTX computer. LPX Form Factor The LPX (Low Profile eXtension) form factor was designed small computer, in which case only one expansion slot was used and of course that was used by a Riser card. Which was used to connect everything together in order to work, thus it was hard to maintain this form factor especially from the heat today's processors use. Same can be said about it's mini-LPX as well that it was hard to maintain against today's current technology. NLX Form Factor Basically the NLX (New Low Profile Extended) form factor was produced by Intel in 1998 to make up for the mistake of LPX form factor, it still uses the Riser card to connect everything together and of course the riser card was move towards the edge of the motherboard while the LPX was more in the center. However, another important upgrade was made and that was the NLX could use ATX power supplies while the LPX was restricted to LPX products, in this case made it more customizable in a sense you are not restricted to the type of power supply needed. Backplane Form Factor Now for the final form factor called the Backplane; this form factor in a sense is not a motherboard because of the fact it sites on the back of case instead on the side of one. The backplanes have two forms; the Active, which contains no circuits other the ones used for drivers, bus and buffer, and the other version called a Passive Backplane uses no circuits whatsoever, but in all actuality they are put onto the CPU card which is connected to a processor. You will find these form factors in all servers and rack mounted computer systems. Now if you remember the pictures of the cases well here is a list of what form factor can be used in what. Minitower - AXT, Micro ATX Mid Tower - ATX, Mini-ATX, BTX, Micro ATX (depends on the ATX case type, in this case any Tower that is Branded with ATX 2.1, the micro can be used) Full Tower - ATX, Mini-ATX, BTX, Desktop - Although not as popular anymore because of their design they can be set up to use all form factors. Slimline Desktop - NLX, LPX, Mini-LPX So if you feel like building a computer from scratch like I am, this information is good know when purchasing all the hardware that is needed to build a computer.
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