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Everything posted by Saint_Michael

  1. Here are several links to online port scanners and scanners to install on your computer Site 1 - Online Test Site 2 -Software Site 3 - Online Test Site 4 -Software Hopefully these will help you out and others as well.
  2. Now that I am 5 weeks into my computer hardware class I can say that depending on your tastes of computers; including name brand hardware and software. I would say it would a matter of preference; this is because of the Intel has been leading the hardware business for a long time until AMD brought out it's athlon processors, then AMD was becoming more popular especially on the fact that their hardware was a lot cheaper then Intel and could do just as much at lower MHz. Howver, Intel came back with a vengeance with the Core 2 Duo processor and reproclaimed it's title as Processor King. Right now AMD best hardware has yet to meet or beat Core 2 Duo in terms of raw power, but rest assured most likely they have something that could meet or beat C2D. Although both processors and motherboards can be over clocked to the extreme, AMD processors are used more for gaming machines like Alienware computers for instance use the AMD processors, intel is used more primarily for business and heavy multimedia production because of what it can handle for it's price range. Of course there are other factors that separate the two including the form factor, chip sets and various other hardware.In early 2004-2005 the BTX form factor was supposed to replace the again ATX form factor (been out since 1995), and since the ATX form factor has been standard for over 10 years, not many people were going to switch over to BTX because of the costs to replace the hardware and towers. Since Intel was the producer of the BTX this help AMD a lot because many people and business didn't take to the new change, of course Intel stopped producing the BTX form factor in 2006, but other companies are still selling BTX hardware for the BTX machine. with the chip sets its a metter of preference will your building a custom computer from scratch, since you want the processor and motherboard to match the chipset that is being used for optimal performance. Of course though Intel and AMD both have a third opponent Nvidia, they are coming up fast and furious with computer hardware that rival both of them. All in all though it is a matter of preference and the question you have to ask yourselves is How much am I willing to pay for a good set of hardware? and is it what I need for the computer that I am making?
  3. After doing some research on this question you be surprised on the answer; and from what I read SQL is the command structure for the database, while MySQL is the program that runs the SQL command structure. With that giving you a small idea there is a difference between the two types of servers, which of course is MySQL server and SQL server; From the looks of this quote it would seem that MySQL server can handle a particular load of data, while SQL can handle a much large load of data, but it seems though MySQL is used for displaying data why SQL is used to store data. That would be the big difference between the two SOURCES http://www.gidforums.com/t-554.html http://www.tometasoftware.com/
  4. Although I don't use these two to program with; I would be more inclined to ASP, due to the fact from a book I got and doing some searching. It would seems that ASP is more flexible then JSP since almost every programming language, through a series of mods, can work on ASP. If I remember correctly JSP is java based so that means you would be stuck to one programming language (correct me on that). Like I said though I don't program in either language so I am throwing a noob opinion on the question.
  5. For the most part welcome to the forum, of course we distaste hacking, and script kiddies so hopefully your not one of them or your stay will be rather short here, Of course I highly doubt your a hacking god to begin with so I don't have to worry about anything. Make sure to read the Xisto Read Me for all the important rules and infoamtion ot make your stay here on the forums pleasant and enjoyable.
  6. Also to add to that just a bit more if you click on the Free Web Hosting tab at the top of the forum it give you a link to change your cpanel password. Although this only a recommendation, if you a firefox user just save your password in the password manager that way you don't have to worry about forgetting it. Mind you over time you will forget it especially when you clean your cookies or web history; nonetheless, the best thing to do is make the password easy enough for you but still difficult for others to try and crack it.
  7. shadowx is correct in order to set up a sub domain, you just type in the name you want and then click add. When you do this a folder will be created for that sub domain for you to set up your files in. What your asking, which I agree with shadowx is just make a folder either through FTP or the file manager and your set. If I remember my terminology correctly this is just a sub directory and not a sub-sub domain.
  8. Interesting question, that I am shocked no one has brought up? I would assume that it would be possible through a series of credting folders for those subdomains and then using hte redirecting services through cpanel and the domain admin panel. However, since I have never had a paid hosting plan or own a TLD I am only guessing .EDIT: Call me a moron, after I was reading this post about sub domains it is possible to do it, all you have to do is either park or add-on your domain through the cpanel and then go to sub domains set up in your cpanel put in the subdomain and your set.
  9. I have to concur especially since that most people disable javascript to begin with and doing it through php would be a lot cleaner and a lot smaller in the code size as well. <?php echo $_SERVER["HTTP_USER_AGENT"]; ?> That little one line of php cod and you just displayed the person's browser without making hte document look unorganized and large in document size
  10. The question would be why would you want to delete posts? Besides the fact the post could spam related, or off topic or something else that is against the rules. On top of that when a post gets deleted 1.5x the credits gets taken from your account and so if you start deleting more posts you will lose more credits then your making. Also if your post contribute to the forum then there is no need to have them deleted in the first place.
  11. 1. If I remember correctly if you have 1-2 small meals (proportion size) then of course the bigger dinner that could help. Of course I am a big snacker so it kind of defeats the purpose for me It's All about proportions and it seems that your doing it right now. It's not hte size of hte meals its the amount of calories you take in and then of course the calories you burn as well. If I remember correctly again, you need to purn double the calories that you take in or something like that. 2. eating fresh veggies and fruits is a good thing as well, not aware of what smoothies can do, although if you start packing a lot of stuff into the blender then maybe. 3, for the most part your eating healthy I guess but if you make the sandwhichs and salads your self they be a lot fresher without ther preservatives and junk. I drastically cut down on Mcdonalds and Burger King, I usually go to subway or D'angelo's for my subs . 4. Good idea you can also mix in juice as well like cranberry juice to flush the system out, I practically cut down on my soday as well, drink like at least 6-8 liters a week, switch over to Gatorade to calm down my sugar needs and what not. 5. Exercise is always good, instead of walking job with your dog you will get a better work out by doing that. 6. It's all about proportions and what calories you take in, so if you follow the tree pyramid somewhat you could eat most everything. As for beef make sure it's like 90-95 lean, and that way your cutting out a lot of fat and grease when you coolk it. 7. Alcohol is fine in moderation so stay away from binging on it and you will have a tighter tummy. Overall if you have a work out that consists of a lot of cardio and muscle toning it will help you drop some of the fat. I should practice what I preach as well because I am about 30+ over my weight limit
  12. Yri you have the layouts mixed up Fixed layouts used absolute values and positions, which means all your hieghts and width's will be in either px or em's. What your describing is a liquid layout that adapts to the a users screen resolution either 800x600 to 1920x1200 (thats my resolution). Example of a Fixed layout coding HTMLheight="700px"width="900px"CSSheight: 700px;width:900px; If you use percentages like 100% it will match against the browsers settings and either shrink or enlarge depending on the resolution. Fixed layout are usually done by layout that have been sliced in adobe photoshop or websites that off very little content and are used for promotional needs.
  13. Most likley Tetraca answered your question but hte question I have to ask though why do you have so many partitions though? IT seems a bit ridiculous to have that man to begin with when you have other methods of storing back up data. You have external Hard drives, Gmail () and of course the few million filehosting websites that are there. I can see installing several OS onto your computer and what not but for storing and possible restoring data seems kind of frivolous to do as such.
  14. While searching some stufff about using two different browsers I came upon this little site that last some of the best firefox tricks ever (including the pipeline trick) they even got tricks for lowering ram usage from firefox which is hte best thing ever, because I soak up a lot of RAM from FF with all the extensions I have. They even got tricks I don't think most people here on the forums know about either. For the ones I have tested so far they seem to still work on firefox which is a good thing, but I haven't tested them on FireFox 3 yet. I would recommend the RAM especially for those who are in the 512-1GB RAM range it is very useful. For even more tips and tricks on firefox check this link out Here is that link
  15. First that is interesting that it could be done, but after it was mention about setting up profiles and all that good start I started doign some searching and it seems that there are two ways to do this; one is running firefox on linux the other is is windows. Fair warning some don't mention which version of the browser they are using and some do, and also this post is not liable for any damages you may cause to your system. How to set up a profile http://lifehacker.com/231646/geek-to-live--manage-multiple-firefox-profiles Firefox 1.5 http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ (windows) http://www.cts.wustl.edu/~allen/2copiesoffirefox.html (linux) I would assume though that the programming is somewhat the same, in the sense that they just tighten up the coding and this could work with FireFox and FireFox 3. Google Keywords search:run two copies of firefox
  16. Well my review http://forums.xisto.com/topic/49028-hey-daddy-o-saint-michael-reviews-ocean-13/ gives a general idea what his movie was about; for me though it was an awesome movie and I am a big fan of the trilogy the actors and actresses that played in this movie. I think the only bad thing would for people is all the talking that is done through out the movies, which I believe was the best part about the movie and I would less lines and dialog would have ruin this series even more. I consider these movies a cult classic which is based on the original 1960s and so I say it is worth it if your a big fan of these movies and the way the actors portray the characters.
  17. I think serverph has you beat by a few months, you got me by 11 days and I believe there are a couple of more people in the 2004 group that are still around or come around every now and then. Most of 2005 are still around, well actually thats where most of the members joined the site was in 2005. Can't remember any from 2006 though, but if I check my lists I think I could remember a few people.
  18. Well I would say depending on the content at hand especially if your using a comment system which you expect a lot of people to reply to. But as for resolution Rob and and haslip are correct that you want to design in those resolutions; however, depending if you use a fixed or liquid layout would determine which resolution you want to program for. If you want a fixed layout you want to design at 800x600 and if you plan to use a liquid layout you can either code in 800x600 or 1024x768.As for the topic at hand if you plan to have a website that does reviews or tutorials that are several pages long then setting up pagination to help break down the content. You could do the same for using a comments script so if you expect hundreds or in today's millions of people to respond breaking down the comments will help keep the scrolling down for a minimum. So if you have something that Tetraca posted then you start breaking down the site, of course one of those sites has a lot of spam comments that should be deleted; nonetheless, if your scroll bar looks like that when presenting content then you lose visitors since it it doesn't give them a change to "blink" and give them a chance to interpret the information that is presented to them.Remember your building a website for the user not for yourself.
  19. I thought was an interesting article because of the fact it has to deal with spam and spam laws so to speak. It seems Mark Mumma has to pay Omega World Travel $330,000 for suing them for sending unsolicited emails to him, because he called them spammers (phew that was a mouthful). Then of course the back and forth fighting continued on about this little fight, but it seems that Mr. Mark Mumma is a anti-spammer guy and of course takes spam seriously. To the point that he has two websites that deal with spamming laws and of course how to sue something for spamming your domain. Of course they gave a whopper of story in which two spammers are going to jail for at least 30 years for sending millions of spam messages that consisted of porn (of course). Which really brings me to this point spamming is one thing but sending a people to jail for 30 years on a petty crime such as this is kind or stupid, because of the fact there are worse people in this world that need to be there. It is not hard to restrict computer access to a person (keeping track of them is), I don't think many people especially computer spammers are not learning any by spending 30 years in a jail where they most likely won't see the light of day if they mess with a gang member of some sorts. I will agree that spamming is a big issue and very volatile, however, compared to other crimes this is cruel and unusual punishment for those who do get caught who are practically spending life sentences in a prison for send emails that can be easily deleted. It will take years to have a solid game plan on how to crack down on spamming, but sending people to jail for 30 years just for spamming (thats not including all the frauds that go with it) would be a bit ridiculous. Which also reminds me of the fact there is more to spamming then just sending emails (you all though I forgot, well I somewhat did); they include, wire fraud, bank fraud and of course Identity theft. If those are included then I would change my position depending on how deep the bad spammers are in. So I toss two questions to all of you first one being about this article; do you think the guy had the right to sue this company based on the fact 11 emails got sent? Or the Judge ruling stating they can sue this guy for wrongful spamming? Second question I send to you is depending on what the spammer uses for sending out spam do you think the prison terms that are sentence justifiable? SOURCE Here
  20. The colors work perfectly, well except for the blue, if you look at America's Army website it works with the same theme as well. Since it is a military theme would want to use colors that would be in common with military type sites like black and gold and some grey for good looks. I think this site is more for promotion then public, although they did have a small forum on the site, but that don't make a difference. This is a clean layout with some good idea's, hopefully ithe site will improve over time for that web 2.0 look.
  21. Well for the most part this matter was already settle a couple of weeks ago, I am not aware of the details as to what sony would besides champion gun control and all that good stuff. But the reason COE got into a huff puff about this is a violent game, and so blow up aliens or whatever inside a holy sanctuary is forbidden or some nonsense like that. Sony did have rights to use the church just not for blood and bullets to be splattered all over the wall. It's a matter of taste and respect in the case of the church of england and misuse of that location. Although my history of England maybe a bit lax I do believe a few people wanted to blow up or destroy that building in some way.
  22. Like haslip mention it oculd just be the php version and if thats the case you would have go through the structure of your scripts and adapt them to php 5 standards. Or if you want to save yourself a large headache (thats arguementative) recode the scripts so they are both php 4 and php 5 compliant.
  23. Well the other problem was that the credits where rushed to everybody because people kept on asking when they were going to get them, and so that is why the credits where rushes as they were. I know I told a few people once this started that it was put together in the last minute with little organization and so when I was writing all the names down, I was going to wait until we got enough people listed (top 40 or top 50) before sending it out, so it could be done in one shot instead of doing it over time. Although the blame game could be started, just too many things where happening all at once which made this more confusing.So with this topic made it should help out in someway I guess.
  24. For arguments sakes Melinda got robbed big time, Blake and his beat bopping was horrible and not necessary in those songs he sung. If that was his trade mark then he hasn't much of a career, beat bopping was back in the 80's and 90's and should stay there, since it is not needed in this era as people are trying to bring good music back again.Jordin was good but Dolittle was better enough said on that.But my opinion on this show overall is that should be on any more because so far ever winner except for Carkson and whats her name have not done anything so far. Personally I believe that TV air time could be put to better use then watching people make fools of themselves, because they think they can sing and most of the time they can't. I know I can't sing so I have no need to go on TV and convince 3 people I can and if people where smart they would realize that to. Singing is a natural talent and with year of practice and training that person can become great.
  25. Almost sounds like the Help system got corrupted, I would trying reinstalling the help file system and see if that works. From the general searching I did it seems the XML file that is used by the help and support might be corrupted, but I would suggestion searching around vista support at microsoft's website and see what can be found.
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