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Everything posted by Saint_Michael

  1. its a halfway decent try on designing a sig, but the key to making a good sig is flow; background, render, text all need to blend smoothly to make a good sig. I would suggest trying out some tutorials posted here on trap and then when you get comfortable hit up some big gfx sites and get into the bigger and more detailed gfx tutorials.
  2. Well after messing with the coding for a bit I place the problem on the table widths and all that good stuff; I can say that your header is the only part of the code that looked fine, however, once I got to the nav coding thats where it broke down from there. I would suggest re-designing it again but this time leave out the javascript and use absolute values instead of percentages or go full CSS; based on the design you have, use this template as your starting point.
  3. It is a simple drop down menu, nothing really secret about it, of course most designers have gone with the CSS version or AKA suckerfish menu. However, if you really want to impress your friends check this site out for it is loaded with menus of various kinds. Not to keen on the fact that you have to view the source code in order to copy and paste the code for the menu, but I got over it rather quickly :XD:. Vertical Drop Down Menu Example Horizontal Drop Down Menu Example Unless your using forms I wouldn't be using that version of the drop down menu and stick with a CSS based menu.
  4. BIS NOOOOOOOO!!!!!! another one from the first generation of trappers is leaving us . Another one of my feathers falls off this Archangels wings of good . So now who will have to talk to bis?? WHO???? :XD: Don't forget to buy lots of Xisto stock if OpaQue gets an IPO for it
  5. Ahh the fears of the unknown is what makes people great, of course it also helps to be one of the longest members here. To start off the only abuse I seen is that members keep coming back for more, and quite a few of them have moved on to paid hosting because their free trap domain can no longer handle the load of a free hosting account. The only problems that made on this forum are done by spammers, and people who decide rules are not important; people forget this is a business and all businesses have rules, if they didn't capitalism would be pretty much non existence.Most likely that person who domain you so kindly posted, failed to the follow the rules, its not hard to follow them if they did they be enjoying the same hosting as I have for the last 3 years. Of course they failed to realize that the internet is all about content that is useful and can help someone out, spam is what ruins website and on top of that there is a difference between a business community website and a community website. That difference is simple a business website is trying to earn money, and a community is for people to hang and talk about stuff.I found a particular interesting post that mentions "Xisto Owns Posts", if they did I wouldn't be posting all my posts on other websites and on top of that no one can tell me where I can post. Of course I like to use my name on other sites so those who like to claim otherwise will have a hard time proving me wrong. Of course I find it more interesting that a person on that website you point has nothing else better to do but try to bring down a community that has been a second home to me, I may have had some problems with a few particular members in the past but I moved on and I have gain the biggest respect from all the members. If the IPB reputation mod was put on this forum I would have quite a lot of it.Finally I would like to say that I know everyone and everything that goes on trap and I would know who trying to make themselves look good while to bring down the site, so for those who are listening don't start fights you can't win, because my Kung Fu is stronger (The Core) and it will hurt.
  6. I can't help that I am a ladies man :( :(

  7. After that evil stick figure sig I got, and the fact I found a render to cut for a later use, I thought I get this sig designed and posted for your enjoyment. Although I was going to add Tiki Curse somewhere, but couldn't find a spot for it, and so I present to you the Tiki sig.
  8. BUMP, anymore entries I be starting up the voting tomorrow night so this is a last call.
  9. Well I thought I start off my football season (NFL, College) season with EA Sports biggest franchise game in the gaming world, and that be Madden 08. I though I give a little background on my football history which started all the way back to Tecmo Bowl for the Nintendom in which I played almost every football game console wise; genesis, Super Nintendo, Dreamcast, PS 1, 2 and now 3. Over the years I seen the graphics, game play and AI improved hugely over the years of course it all stopped once the Madden franchise hit the playstation, and ever year since Madden 01, where I got my start at, they brought in new ideas each year improving either offense or defense, but I would say the biggest improve was in 2005 when the hit stick was introduce and watch as he nail the crap out of the player who had that ball at the time. I know I took some nasty hits and gave them right back as well, but if those kind of hits I create or saw where done in real life, two words "career ending". Nonetheless lets get down to the dirty to this, first off FINALLY!! they got rid of those madden cards, I don't even know what they had them in the first place because only a noob would use them in a game, I think I used the cards maybe 2-3 times since 2001 because I just thought they were worthless. Instead they replace it with the Ring of champion, in which you get certain amount of points depending on what you do and once you get that ring level, you get to see a nicy shiny ring on the display in the main menu. For me though thats were the good things end, first off they got rid of Tony Bruno Show, replaced Madden and his partner with a radio broadcaster, they got rid of customizing your franchise which including raising prices for tickets and food, and advertising games, no stadium building etc etc. The only thing new they added to was the scout set up in which you can scout players you think will be good for your team OOOOOH!!!. Of course then theres that attribute thing, my god EA get a clue bad enough in order to boost those stats you have to train the players before the game, which I think is a complete waste of time because of the fact by the time I finish a season I nearly triple most of my players stats and make them powerhouses. EA sports had 2 years to improve Madden 08 but instead they butch it down to Gameday 2001 level (worse NFL series of games ever), and with the graphics and sound there is not much you can do improve on them except maybe remove a pixel here or there. Same thing with the online mode which I think that is the reason they butch this game so they could improve online gaming, everyone knows I am not found of online gaming because of the junk goes on, but of course the few times I did play madden online it would be like 100-0 in first half, and yeah I know there are people out there better then I, which I accepted long ago, but if you going to improve online mode don't ruin it for those who don't play it. If I were to rank the franchise in terms of which year was the best I would start with 2005, 2006, 2004, and 2007 as the top versions as these four season of football is where they made the most improvements in terms of making the game more realistic and enjoyable. Now don't get me wrong the Madden franchise is awesome but they made some bad idea's on what they thought we hte players would want in this game, although I will be play at least a season or two by the time the fall line up of games comes out, but hopefully they will wise up and bring back the Madden I enjoy. Whats funny though is I saw an article I was a bit surprise by the fact that the Xbox got he better version, and so far the lag they claim in the PS3 I have yet to see any so thats up for opinion on that one. Either way love or hate football the Madden Franchise will continue on long after John Madden finally scores that big touchdown on the sport hes enjoyed for over 50 years (maybe longer). --Now for some copyright info-- Images and of course games are copyrighted to it's perspective owners blah blah blah..Roms are illegal and so don't get caught blah blah blah or else blah blah blah. Reviews and opinions are my own so don't argue with me unless you can prove other wise why this game sucks and 100% of the time you are wrong because one your either new school gamer and don't know a good game when you see it or two, well their is no two so HA!!. All slogans, trademarks and names excluded the games I review are copyrighted to me blah blah and blah. 2007 SM New School Legend.
  10. At one time I was a legend in my youth, well of course that legend was based blowing good hands. However, I do remember you blowing Good Nil hands though :P.

  11. YO YO YO it is SPAM time. This message brought to you by Spammers of America foundation

  12. Easy enough, log into your cpanel > click on file manager > click the folder icon next to public_html and then delete the index file or up load your own and your set. I know several topics have been made previously about this, so before you post a question, search the forums for it first or ask in the shout box before posting.
  13. Although I don't have IPB, it is upgradeable, when you get the files it comes with instructions on how to upgrade and install forum updates. So read it carefully and make sure you read over the forum backup procedures to make sure you don't lose anything.
  14. I have to agree, that is the reason why the credit system was put in place, for people to post content and on the rebound earn free hosting on a package that would otherwise wold have ot be bought for like $2-3 a month. Also that is why you can buy credits as well. There have been a few people who purchase credits for emergency purposes, and if your making good money in adsense, you practically paid your emergency credits right there. It is a good suggestion but like t3jem said it would have to be a 365 package since it lasts 1 year.
  15. Well after looking at that sig for a couple of month and realizing what was horribly wrong with it, I decided to reopen that sig and get rid of that layer with the broken lines and made some minor adjustments to it. So in a rare showing I present you Version 2 of a Velma's Gift Sig.
  16. No you would upload your files in two ways 1. Login into your cpanel 2. Click on File Manager 3. Click folder Icon next to public_html 4. Then Click the Upload file link and upload from there the other method is through FTP software in which you just click on the public_html folder and then drag your files from there.
  17. The best method is do a system restore the day before the virus hit and it should restore everything, if that doesn't work then this document from microsoft should help to get it running again. If either method doesn't work, which I doubt, then reinstall the OS. Interestingly enough thats the order you should do this to restore your recycle bin .
  18. The Evil Doc's birthday is today? , well I did bake you a cake, but you might need to perform an operation instead since I forgot you can't bake a cake in the oven with a person still in the batter . By the way I thought I had two years on you and not 1? BTW I FINALLY FOUND YOUR PIC
  19. When uploading your website make sure you load the in yourpublic_html folder, because thats how your website can be viewed by the public. Anywhere else and only you can see it since your logged into your cpanel.
  20. Sadly I couldn't make a evil looking simpsons character of me but did a evil like simpsons character of me. It just screams evil I guess, of course I could just remove the glasses and have scary looking eyes.
  21. Of course if we all remember when Safari went on the PC we were all like ***toss are hands in the air*** and went OMG . I have come across a few IE clones never used it but know that they are there, some of the clones have a cult following but if your not IE, FF, Opera, Netscape, and now Safari; don't expect to have 100 million downloads over night. I think its good people are trying to program things like browsers and sweet applications, but if your not a name brand technology company you have a long road ahead of trying to get up there.
  22. Yeah I heard about, all I have to say the IRS and the government do enough to take as much taxes out of us as they can, yet they need to make a baseball worth millions so someone who can't pay it could go to jail for it . If they were smart I would leave it alone, or if the dude was really smart sell it now to the Baseball Hall of Fame and let it stay there to collect dust. They already got the two helmets there, I think bonds is keeping the bats, and right now the guy who has the ball could get ruin if the government does pursue this venture of theirs. I wonder if the owner of the Honas Wagner 1898 baseball card is paying taxes on it, last time I remember that card was worth over $400,000 dollars back in the 90's. Can you smell British taxation without representation again??
  23. I would have to say FINALLY!! but I am a bit surprised they started beta testing it already, but again I am not as surprise since Microsoft spent a good large amount of money on Vista, I won't be surprise if it doesn't come out by next year since it gives Vista a time to settle down and enjoy it's new home.
  24. Nah Crazy Rob has nothing on my craziness, although I should stop talking those blue, and yellow purple pills though.

  25. In reality you can't or you shouldn't because then you wouldn't be able use the hard drive, this link should provide a good answer, and maybe this link as well. However what I suggest is that you bet a whole bunch of software that consist of a registry cleaner (updated), Spybot (fuller updated), Anti Virus software (fully updated), Firewall (updated), and install the latest windows updates. Now after doing all that disconnect the computer from the internet and then go through the process of cleaning out the computer and then make sure you have the windows firewall on and the anti-virus have that firewall on as well. Or if your friend's computer has nothing important on it, reinstall the operating system and then install all that protection, either eay I high discourage putting your hard drive into that computer because you could suffer the same fate as him.
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