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Everything posted by Saint_Michael

  1. Same here, man that has to be tough but there are always things to help a bad situation, and being the oldest you have a lot of responsibilities as well. However, I think the best thing would be to help break down responsibilities between the siblings, that way you won't stress out. It obvious they know whats going on so they have to step and make things easier and help your mother out. I would also look into taking up sign language so you and your family can communicate it with her. Well a girlfriend isn't really the answer but I would say people that understand the situation your in that will be the biggest support you can get. Another thing I would like to mention and most likely your doing it this already, if you feel your going to break down and people are around I would leave the room for a few minutes and give yourself some time alone.I only can imagine how you mother feels because I believe she understands the pain and suffering that you are going through right now, but feels helpless about it, the best thing you can do is show her how strong you are even if the situation is pretty bad. Good luck and keep strong .
  2. Yep I would start with Newegg first since you get to compare prices, how people review the products (pros & cons), get combo deals are different hardware parts as well. I would say the next place to go would be Tger Direct, I know a few people in my hardware class that was a few months ago, had to buy some parts from them. The only problem though was it took forever for the parts to get there as well.
  3. Well if you got a warranty it might get covered, just make sure you don't mention the fact it was intentionally broken in a fight. Although it is a long shot you can bring him to court for damaging property worth more then $1000 or something like that. I would get back at him in someway just to make it sweet, maybe let loose a bunch of animals in his room or something. I would take it he is not a computer person then if he has no idea why you have to do the work that you need to for the website.
  4. Although I am speculating and would have to be tested out, I would think the ice would dilute the mentos long enough to kill off that effect of when when the mentos and the coke are connected. When you do this make sure to record it and post it up somewhere so we can see if the theories that people are speculating about this little venture are true or not.
  5. I had to ponder this topic for awhile and came to the opinion that all they really did was reduce the size of the hard drive for EHD (External Hard Drives). Yes they are actually working on making hard drives bigger for laptop which would be a ok thing, but not necessary, due to the fact that laptop are supposes to be portable and used for temporary storage to be move to a desk top.So you could say in about 1-2 years that you could see companies like Dell, Sony offering larger hard drives for laptops.
  6. He did it as a payback its obvious, because if you have to pay that much in taxes, what every few months, then you might as well make them work for all that money. Yeah I feel sorry for the person who has to count all that money, because its their job but its the governments that are screwing people on taxes. but that is another topic though.
  7. Man some serious posting been going on about this topic, however, I disagree with the huge monitors go dual monitors since you got a powerful set up to handle two monitors. Also Odo I bought my case and power supply separately and the prices were still cheap. Then referring to what Watermonkey said 700 would be necessary for what your trying to do now with this set up.As for a chip set question is has to do with compatibility issues, meaning that the chip set is design in such a way that you could put any type of gfx card made by that same chip set company and not have any problems. One more thing don't get a open box Motherboard because that means it has been used and repair and put back on the market again, I would get it brand spanking new so not to have any possible problems in the future with the system.
  8. Well with talking to odo online, better make sure to get a hold of him later. we were looking at ATI motherboards and the ones that I found were pretty crappy, and thanks dre for the big reminder as I can't believe I forgot about just switching out the Crossfire with the Nvidia gfx card.
  9. Your not suppressing your anger, you have a very good control over it, unlike some people. It took me 20+ years to finally get control over mine; although, sometimes that cork will pop and you will bust out some good rage but thats only if you hold back and don't say anything. However, since you talk it out and express that anger I don't see that cork popping at all for you. As for your father being angry well that could go either way and most people are difference when have angry parents. Right now your doing the smart thing and talking it out, instead of walking away and thinking about it, and so I would say keep doing what your doing and you will be fine. Of course if you do go postal make sure not to mention my name j/k.
  10. Nice set up, but I could see a potential problem and thats your power supply; 500 seems not enough I would bump it up to about 600 watts since you have 2 hard drive, 4 gigs of RAM, and everything else. Now is the VGA built in or is it a card? If its a card then I would look into adding a bit more juice to it for safe keeping, and I just answered my own question so if possible bump up the power supply to 600 watts.As for hte video card you might have some capability issues since the mobo supports SLI and your VGA is ATI, but of course I am right now helping you out on yahoo so my post ends here.
  11. Although I have maybe listen to his music all of like 5 minutes, I have known his opera fame for many, many years. I wouldn't doubt many in the music industry who started out would list Pavarotti as a big influence, especially those who would even start their own opera careers. Interestingly enough he has done many movies and what really shocked me is that some of his song are in video games as well; Grand Theft Auto, Full Metal Black. He will be sorely missed as he was one of the greatest artists to ever live.
  12. I would like to introduce to you the members of Xisto Network and Xisto.com 7gears.com, the latest website to be added to the Xisto network and connected to thousands of members who visit our websites. The website is branched off from the gaming forums (The Gaming Zone (7Gears.com)) to help expand its content on this site, and ipbgaming.com. Gaming News ----------Gaming Reviews/Previews -----Old School Review: This section of the website has topics that authors talk about old games from the 1970's through the mid 1990s. In which they talk about playing them back then to playing them now in the new generation of gaming. -----New School Review: This part of the website authors talk about games from the current consoles (Xbox, Playstation, Nintendo Wii), and playing games on the PC . -----Previews: This section of the website talks about games that are about to come, which are based on either authors previews or previews from other sites. ----------Gaming Console News This section of the website posts articles from across the gaming news world about the latest ups and downs on the top 3 gaming systems in the industry; Xbox, Playstation, Nintendo Wii), and playing games on the PC ----------7Gears Gaming This section of the website has various flash, online, forums games for visitors to play while enjoying the rest of the site or taking a break from various tasks and what not. Thanks to smashingames.com, 7gears has over 600+ flash games for every to enjoy. Or if you want to play some of those old school games then check out gametap.com. Also lets not forget the forum games and the Army System at IPBgaming.com. ----------Gaming Magazines These links are to various gaming magazines that bring your reviews, demos, previews, cheats and more, so go checkout their sites and see what they have. ----------Gaming Cheats This part of the site list various websites that have the best walkthroughs, hacks, cheats and anything to help you as the player beat that game. ----------Gaming Music Trying to remember that awesome tune from your favorite game? Then check out vgmusic.com for they have thousands of your favorite gaming songs from all gaming platforms. ----------Gaming Wallpapers Looking for a cool gaming wallpaper to use on your desktop then take a look at GameWallpapers.com ----------Gaming Trailers check out the latest gaming trailers from all gaming platforms thanks to GameTrailers.vom. ----------RSS Feeds RSS feeds from some of the top gaming sites on the net, as they bring you up to date on the latest happenings on their sites as well as gaming news across the world. ----------Other Stuff ----------Forums: We have a gaming forum for those who like to talk about nothing but games, clans, cheats and more, so register an account on Xisto.com and enjoy your gaming posting. ----------Top Sites: You got a gaming website and want a few more clicks? Then join our topsite and enjoy some good old fashion free advertisement. ----------Affiliates: Want to become a member of our affiliate network? Then fill out the form and display our banner or link and we will do the same. ----------Gaming Stores: Also if you want ot by a game or what not then check out either ebgames.com, gamefly.com, or gamestop.com. With that being said we are looking for staff for the following positions, if interested get a hold of Saint-Michael Through PM, EMAIL, OR IM and talk about which position your interested in: -Gaming Reviewers -Gaming Previewers -Console News Posters -Affiliating/Marketing So stop on by and enjoy Xisto Network's new gaming site and make sure to tell your friends about finding out the latest in gaming news, console wars and more.
  13. Correction it is used for both Web applications and regular applications, interestingly enough java and php toughly came out about the same time; java in 95 php 94-95. Although actionscript is has the same syntax as javascript, but that would lead into the difference between Java and JavaScript.
  14. Story All I have to say is that the US government is so damn lucky those weapons were secured or all hell would break. Of course there was no danger because nothing happen to the plane itself, but if something happen to the plane itself they wouldn't be saying that right now. Of course they would cover up that mistake and say terrorists shot the plane down or something, but either I hope some people lose there jobs over this because I know for a fact what needs to be done when transporting ammunition and I don't even want to know how they missed 5 nukes.
  15. Nah PHP is not dying, because php and java are two different programming languages; Java is application programming and php is server programming. I believe they are looking for people who can develop programs for both languages and then work those programs together.So you can breath a bit easier and sleep soundly that PHP will be here when you wake up tomorrow.
  16. I think I got the timing down pretty well its .01 credits every 15 minutes or .04 credits per hours, which is roughly .96 credits per day, So in reality your not losing a full credit per day it just feels like it. These calculations are based on what I have observed on my credits during the day.
  17. If I remember correctly I was paying attention to this new weapon until I got out in the military, the problem if I remember correct they had problems with the hand guards, problems with sustain a goo rate fire, over heating, and the fact congress wouldn't drop $26 Million dollars for this. Of course they don't mind dropping a few billion on a war that isn't even about terrorism anymore.I think they should have kept this project going, because M16A2's are not really cutting it any more.
  18. Yes its a remake, and people wouldn't know a good remake if they asked to direct it themselves, because Zombie finally brought this franchse back from the dead. Yes I saw it opening night and I gave my review here Yes Halloween is on October 31st BWAHAHAHA.
  19. for those who are interested I was at Xisto yesterday when I came across a post about an article that breaks down of what changes SP1 is supposed to have. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ The one interesting note I remember from this article is that the SP1 is not going to be like a regular update and that's coming on a disc?? Of course copies of the beta SP1 are around so if you really wanted to you could install the beta (yeah right). @dooga by the time SP1 goes for version it should be about a year now, wasn't SP1 and SP2 like a 1-2 years apart from when XP went online?
  20. @rayzoredge I am still waiting for that day to happen when a computer tech tells me different, because I will take my computer, put it in a car, come back and point and laugh at the guy . Telling me that something else is wrong HA!!But on topic rayzoredge is correct I would go test the hard drive and DVD ROM drive on another computer, however, since the fry smell is very distinct just smell around were the cables are connected in the back, and if you get that funky oder then you know you did some damage to it.I been pondering what Habbo been talking about, and I think he's talking about the F6 method, but again google is my friend and with a little luck the Start up disk is used for booting to the prompt. However, I think that will defeat the purpose if your hard drive is connected properly and it can't be detected.Another idea does come to mind though, if you can get into your CMOS/BIOS and see if the booting order is messed up, or if the BIOS has picked up the hard drive or DVD drive. If it hasn't then your stuck to either the motherboard or the drives themselves. Thus refer back to rayzor's post about connecting the hardware to another computer and see if they work or not.
  21. What I thought about it Until I finish the season (4 weeks left) I would have to say that this is the most butched version of madden football ever, franchise mode is non existing, madden got replaced by a radio announcer, the only good thing is they finally got rid of that madden card system. Thats just on the PS3 version and so I don't know what they did with the xbox or the PS2 version if it like that or did EA spend more quality time on one version (xbox).
  22. WOW!! 4 GIGS!! I wish I had that AHAHAHAHA Nah most of the applications are based on ajax coding and some C++, but since the ajax is a browser thing you shouldn't have to many problems, but on the fall back to C++ that could be a different issue. Although, just now thinking about it did you try to install any of the applications onto your computer? IF so what where the errors?
  23. Yeah I would stay away from Alienware unless your parents want to pay those price tags for just a basic computer that you can get about $2000 cheaper from somewhere else. On top of that building a laptop from scratch is a bit harder then one might suspect, since you will be working in a tight space when trying to connect everything. I would check out newegg's laptop section, that way you can compare prices, and set ups and also read reviews of what people think about these laptops. However, to get everything you would need to buy 2 laptops that have Intel and AMD hardware, so I would stick with being practical in your purchase and get what is needed and not what you can stick in a laptop.
  24. Voting is opening for 2 weeks while entries are open for 2 weeks, and GOE your thinking about the rules for Sig Battles in which a preset number of votes are determined in order for someone to win. For SOTW it the number of votes after 2 weeks that determine the winner.
  25. I extend this SOTW for another week.As for your questions Mich:-any "appropriate" render can be used-Yeah blur would be considered a fliter, and I check out the plug-in for Harry's filters and those are acceptable.
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