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Everything posted by Saint_Michael

  1. I Agree with truefusion that now school is starting once again the forums going to be a little more quiet here in the forums, and most everyone that do come here after school will be here to keep there credits up. I keep posting new ones, but I won't have much time adding entries of my own since my course load is pretty heavy this semester.
  2. Well here is an example if what you would have to do in your area expertise: Software Engineer Technical Lead/Manager As you can see you need to be doing a lot of hard work to be even considered, now in your case as being a student theGoogle Operations in India web page might be of some interest to you.
  3. Incidentally the Win98 support page is still up and you can check it out here, but anyways Windows 98 became extinct the moment XP went online. However, the support continued until July 11, 2006 and thats when everything got cut off, and which ut brings to the point of why support an operating system that the parent company is no longer supporting when you got *cough* better operating systems to use *cough*? On top of that it would be a waste of time and resources to program for an operating system that only 2-3 people in Antarctica are using. I would suggest looking into upgrading to Windows XP or if your feeling very adventurous dual boot with XP or upgrade to Vista, although I am not surprise if someone still has a working computer with Windows 3.1 or 95 running on it.
  4. I would check the cables first and although its not rare for this to happen; static electricity, power surge, usually a loose cable would be the only problem. So recheck your connections and make sure your power supply is connected to the hard drive, and that your hard drive is connected to the motherboard, and like wise with the DVD Rom Drive. Also when you booted the computer did you here a series of Beeps before receiving that message? If so reboot the computer and listen to how the beeps sound and then use this site to determine what the beeps are about. By the sound of it you did what I did when I first built my computer I messed around with the hardware so much that I fried the RAM slots (wasn't wearing that ESD bracelet).
  5. As a football fan I will give you audible to that plan of yours, when asking for her number ASK HER OUT!! It is that easy due to the fact that you got the biggest open in talking to her (asking for her number) and all you have to do to finish the play (pull her aside somewhere private) and score the touchdown (ask her to a movie or something simple).
  6. I have to go with adsense due to the fact its more customizable then bidvertiser, but on top of that depending on what content is being displayed the ad's will adapt to that content type. Plus I am making money with them and so that why I choose with adsense; yeah the rules are a bit strict but its understandable since all you have to do is click on an ad and BAM!! you got some money.
  7. Welcome to Xisto and pretty much enjoy your stay here, and as velma mention make sure to check out the Xisto Read Me since it pretty much answers all your questions who what to expect to do here in the forums. So enjoy your posting, hosting and everything else Xisto related and see you in the forums.
  8. I have to agree it is awesome book, loved it as a kid and interestingly enough I have a copy of it somewhere in the house. Yes mermaid, "release" means the old, criminal, and the undeveloped children are put to death since they do not serve no purpose in the perfect community.. Why do you think there is no emotion within community in this story and its the sole responsibility of the giver to hold these emotions? Because with emotion there becomes chaos and so in order for this community to survive and bide by the rules, all emotions are removed so no one can experience what Jonas did as he began his training. You can say this book is like 1984 and Harrison Bergeron, in which everything has control and order and the consequences of ones actions or life usually result in death.all three books are awesome and really get down and dirty about what life would be like when you have no control over it.
  9. Before I get into the movies I like to say RIP Moustapha Akkad, without your support the Halloween franchise would not be what it is today and you will be missed.Now to start off I saw Balls of Fury on Wednesday night and the story is simple a has been Olympic ping pong prodigy seeks redemption in the world of underground ping pong playing. Of course with some great comedy to help it along which made it a good movie, although I think Christopher Walken, and James Hong are the two that made this movie even more funny or it would have been pretty lackluster. Due to the fact that this movie went by pretty quick before it got any good which wasn't really til 30-35 minutes left in the movie when it became a dark comedy. Maggie Q and Jason Scott Lee did ok as supporting characters, however, Dan Fogler needs some more work on his acting skills, he had his moments in which I laughed a good solid 5 minutes from one scene. Meh its worth seeing if your a BIG fan of any of the actors that I mention and need a good laugh, but after that the movie becomes a rental or a DVD purchase, and thats if you haven't seen the movie yet.6/10 it was a funny movie and it had its moments but I think they could have done more slapstick and maybe a few more spoofs into it.Now for my second review, all I have to say Moustapha Akkad and Donald would be proud for helping financing this movie, and I know John Carpenter is really stoked about how well Rob Zombie recreated the original Halloween, which first came out almost 30 years ago (next year marks the 30th anniversary). I would say Rob Zombie extended the original movie by at least 30-40 minutes with a back story as to why Michael Myers went Psycho on the residents of Haddenfield, If you seen any of Zombies movies you know he likes to make the death fast paced, gory, and with some sweet zooming to make it better. On top of that Zombie and with the help of Tyler Mane (played Sabertooth in X-men) made the Character of Michael Myers a hell of a lot scarier then Carpenter did from the first two movies. That Raw dark power that came out of of this remake was beyond surreal and I could only imagine what the people felt like 29 years ago when they first got a taste of Michael Myers when he began his rampage. I have seen all the Halloween movies and only parts of resurrection and I would have to say that I would put the franchise in this order of the best movies in this franchise; Halloween (remake), Halloween, Halloween II, Halloween 5, Halloween 4, Halloween 6, Halloween 3, Halloween H20, Halloween Resurrection. Also I would like to mention that Donald Pleasance would also be proud for how Malcolm McDowell help recreate the loomis character as well, although Scout Taylor-Compton did an awesome job in this movie, she will never top Jamie Lee Curtis's role as Laurie Strode, not even by a long shot.I gave this movie a 10/10 as Rob Zombie redefine the Michael Myers character beyond anyones imagine.As with all movies reviews I will give my box off predictions, and as for Balls of Fury I don't see this movie breaking 100 million; I would say $20-30 Million opening week, $60-70 Million after it finishes its run, any more and I would be surprised and anything less I wouldn't be surprise. Now for Halloween I put this movie at least $100 Million for opening weekend and I top it at little over $200 million after its run through the theaters and make the rest of its money through DVD sales.If horror greats were smart I would say pit Kruger, Jason and Michael against each other and against the world and make it the ultimate body count ever, but of course we all know how big of a flop Freddy vs Jason was :XD:.
  10. Actually its quite the opposite as Xisto came online after Xisto and so Xisto is more like Xisto but more technical and more detail. However, I have to disagree with some of these posts that Xisto is more general. I would say it has become more Xisto, since the quality of the posts and more importantly the quality of the topics have improved in the last year. Just like trap the longer your posts are the more credits you receive; tutorials are a great source of credits **hint hint***.
  11. **Sings Newegg is my hero*** Anyways the first suggestion I bring to you is build your computer with the parts you want, because you can get the parts cheaper and then build it to your specifications, and htat way the only searching you have to is make sure the parts are all compatible. Now if thats not an option then I would go to newegg's website and browse around there and see what they have to offer for complete systems, well for the most part complete systems since you will either have to get a monitor, keyboard and other stuff or just a monitor. Your Price Range Like I mention earlier if you haven't found the pc close to it, build it yourself and you be set, I built my computer for under US$1000 (including OS) that beats all of those specs, mind you I did some trimming such as no graphics card and using a DVD ROM drive with minor writing capabilities. But if your going to the laptop route then your pretty much stuck unless you know someone who is very good at building laptops from scratch, but again luckily for you a narrow your search for laptops once again : Your Price Range for laptops I start searching at the US$850 price range, since thats where most of your specs are being covered at and or better specs, and so that should help you in your search for that special computer of yours :XD:.
  12. I thought I get my two cents in since google nor yahoo pulled up a search result for this yet, it would seem to be at this time all fluff at this moment since the author failed to mention the name magazine or scan the article to read more into it. Now as for server hard drive space the most I have seen at any given time or heard about is running in the 500Gb - 3 TB per hard drive per rack, and depending on the size of the server rack (ball park figured) anywhere from 10-30Tb per rack. Of course with that being said I have to start looking at server technology just to get basics down for that.Now with that being said and of course the price tag which is unknown ($10K-$20+), I would say this would have to be the very impractical for any home user and be primarily used to replace old server technology. Even then who is going to risk spending the cash for something that if damaged the right way would have to be trashed completely? However, dre would have to be correct and that this hard drive is something completely new set up (add about another $35K-$30K to it), in a which that the hard drive would #1 always be cool, #2 have the best security protocols on earth, and #3 be very hard to damage. To finish up though we need more information fro mthat article to get a better idea what this 30K TB hard drive is all about
  13. Its nothing new, google has been in talks about designing a phone for a year now with word that a prototype has been floating around but no one has seen anything except for now and eew is all I have to say about that.
  14. Yes they will move your Xisto website over to the Xisto - Web Hosting servers and for free :XD:, and yes Xisto - Web Hosting does support trap as well, and pretty much do what the previous posters said by going to Xisto - Web Hosting website and select your packaged.
  15. To easy and thats what I love about Newegg Graphics Card $25-50 Range http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/+-+ RAM $25-50 Range http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/+-+ Now the best way to decide what to go with, first check out the prices and cut them down to about 5 choices for the best prices, then after that look at the ratings and number of reviews. Then when reading the reviews, read the cons of that product and see whats the the worse off or could have the most amount of problems. That way you can cut down to 1-2 choices from there. However, I would look into the Kingston memory as they are the most universal in all systems and good overall, and as for the graphics card I would go into the geforce model, since you get a good gfx card for a descent price.
  16. Its a 19" LCD flat screen as for specs this is the full specs of the computer I built.
  17. Well that is me with my new computer in all its glory, and don't make fun of my face for I have a cookie monster disease and the doctors don't know why. :XD:
  18. Although I would go either way I have to beg to differ on the battery life for the Rzer is pretty long, when I don't use it the battery last about 3 days :XD:. Of course he Rzer's are expensive if you don't get some sort of deal with them.
  19. Haslip is correct in order to transfer any credits you need to be a hosted member and which you are not hateheals, of course if you were to become a hosted members the credits you have now would be lost.
  20. Or if you don't want to go to the php route and want to stick with a CSS/html menu then go to http://www.cssplay.co.uk/menus/ since they got a nice list of multiple drop down menu's and of course other types of drop down menus;
  21. Well that is the reason I don't buy from the stores I buy straight from the company/website that way if anything goes wrong I know who to talk to and not deal with getting the work around. Since owning my Dell XPS I have had the best support from Dell ever, I even talk to some of techs even after my problem was solve. You though I would have renigged on the deal and reposted the bad review up with an edit saying, "although the problem was fixed months after it started that they still deserve this bad review" or something like that. You would think, I had a copy of windows vista collecting dust for awhile now and I was so tempted to install that on my laptop. but after talking with a dell tech about, I made sure to keep my computer Vista free and then just install vista on my custom built computer. For you Dell fans that still want XP go after these computers and reasonable price check these brands out: OptiPlex 740 OptiPlex 745 Dell Precision M4300 Latitude brand Vostro 1000 Vostro 1500
  22. Its your motherboard, and although your board maybe working your burnt something else best thing to do is take it apart and smell around and you will find it. My board was working as well when I fried the RAM slots last weekend, and as for the power supply you will see more smoke then smell. Hmmm makes me wonder about something I will have to look into when I get my new motherboard this week, I wouldn't doubt you gave your motherboard a electric shock either so make sure you have something to discharged the static electricity from your body when working on the hardware.
  23. Well it could be possible to build a system like that if you do enough searching, this is due to the fact over time the prices for hardware become cheaper and cheaper, the computer that I built cost me $741 and if you look what I have most of the hardware is 1-2 years old and so I could be paying even double if I where to get this hardware brand spanking new, and new as it just came on the market. Of course if you go after refurbish parts they will be even cheaper.
  24. Well all computers load junk software to pre build computers, I still kick myself sometimes for the junk software that I got when I bought my Dell XPS. So yeah I would wipe the computer clean but before you do that make an inventory of your hardware because you will have to spend the time updating drivers and the BIOS to your motherboard which I would highly recommend after you do a clean install on the computer.Now for the price I say is pretty descent since your processor alone is $119 and the RAM and the hard drive you will set you back at least another $2-300 dollars, the graphics card seems a bit old so I would ball park it at $80-$100. S oyeah you got a god price based on the price tags for the hardware that is out there.
  25. Photoshop CS3 is what I am using now for all my designs, been using it for a few months now and I am giddy like a school girl every time I design something with it .
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