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Everything posted by Saint_Michael

  1. Ah another skype virus, it seems these have become very popular this year as a few more like the one you mention above use the same concept to sucker people into clicking the link. It was a couple of months ago that Skybe shutdown because of a windows update that messed with the system, I think it took a couple of weeks for them to fix that, but not to sure though.
  2. first off Chesso ROCK ON!!! teach those noobs a lesson , second, just don't get caught, third after you finish all that work I would apply for a job there and start firing people when you get to upper management. Heck I would take her advice it don't take much to wipe a hard drive clean and start over.
  3. As far as I know there is nothing in place for being told that your low on credits, the best way to know your low on credits is on the index page or when your sites get suspended. That is why its always good to have a good amount of hosting credits just in case you have to go somewhere, the usual good amount is 10-15 credits but I recommend 1-2 months worth. Also if you don't have the time to post you can purchase hosting credits as well by click here. Hopefully that helps.
  4. Tdktank is right the graphics card that I be ordering in a couple of days so I can get aero kicked in is $139 and it is a XFX PVT84JUDD3 GeForce 8600GT 256MB 128-bit GDDR3 PCI Express x16 SLI Supported Video Card. The specs for it and what it all has packaged in is insane, ok maybe not but still pretty good for that price @kubi aaah I misread that post, plus I think there were some 6000 series who claim to pull it off as well but I would have o recheck that as I was blazing through hte hardware pretty quick looking for my own video card.
  5. It all depends on the computer system you have, but so far everyone is split between how vista is running and right now with the up and coming release of Vista SP1 I would wait it out until SP1 is fully integrated. When I installed vista 2 weeks ago I spent about an 3 hours setting up my vista computer; 31 patches and security updates, software installation and then their updates later it was running smooth. Only problem I have is that I have to buy a gfx card in order for Vista Aero to kick in since my onboard video won't support it.
  6. Interestingly enough I been talking gfx cards on Xisto and it falls in the line of gaming. If your looking in the Geforce cards plan to spend some good cash, because you would want to look at the 8800GTS, 8800GTX, and the 8600GTS series cards. I would check out newegg.com video card section to take a look what they have and compare prices. Then go to Cnet to check out to see if they have a benchmark for that card or just google the card with benchmark in the search.
  7. Really?? I always thought it a bit odd that I get two emails every time I sent credits to people, well in that case Tramp I guess someone on the forum saw your plight and donated some credits to you.
  8. Well the only reason he would need two if them if he was doing pixar animation type stuff, but if its gaming then he only needs one because thatt could be the only that could fit depending on the size of the motherboard and the case. Of course it all depends on the set up of the motherboard, if he has or gets a motherboard that allow the video card fit in comfortably with out knocking into wires or parts on the motherboard then he will be fine.
  9. The difference between RAM and bit on a video is that RAM on the card tells how much it uses while running without the need to use system RAM, while a bit is the size of the video card bus itself or rather how how much info the card cycles through every second or 16 bytes a second. In this case 128 bits per seconds. As for your cards without providing any links to them I am only using these as an example; 256Mb(256bit) video card, and a 512MB(128 bit) video card. With that information I would saw go with the 512MB card with the 128 Bits and in that way you use less system RAM then the 256MB card might. Actually I can take you one further Kubi a 7600GT can work vista just as well, and of course tdktank59 is as correct about using the 8600 series for gaming applications.
  10. Usually a email is sent to the person receiving then as well as the person who sent them, and so check the email account you currently used on your Xisto account and it will be somewhere in there.
  11. Well I might be tempted to buy one, but with prices as they I be better off getting the 500 or 750gb hard drives and just combine them, the problem is that I would have no use for all that space useless I set them up just to be file backup and nothing more. I know movie downloader's will enjoy all that space because they would have about 1600+ movies on one hard drive I don't think they will have to go to another movie ever again. However, I think these big hard drives would be better suited for large networks that store a lot of files and what not; home use would be impractical unless of course you plan on doing doing file sharing of the illegal kind. Now using this for a reference would most people agree that 3-4 Brontobyte hard drives could store everything on the internet, after going through and delete all the dead, useless, and copy cat websites? I believe the internet as a whole is in the thousands of tera-terabytes (1000x10^12x10^12). and so the question would come out would it be more practical or more convenient?
  12. Well those ad's and spam hosting sites are bad sites with crappy services. Although I am hosted on Xisto's sister site, I been with this hosting company since the the beginning, or at least close to it. The staff is beyond dedication to making sure everyone is happy as I know the long hours most of them have put in to make sure everyone else is enjoying their hosting.
  13. Now hopefully you did the smart thing and went to 110.com and sent a email stating the fact that this domain is a bad domain. Of course you need to show the proof of it as well so hopefully you save something to that fact.
  14. You are correct a 64-bit OS will not work with a 32 Bit CPU, however, the dual core 2 processors do support 64-Bit, but I would double check on that just to make sure. Now as for 32-Bit Windows XP Professional, I believe this is the copy you might be looking for . I double checked everything on that page and it makes no mention of it be 64-bit Operating system. Again the smart thing would be to look for a cheaper price and in that case I would check out amazon as I fould the lowest price for $145USD, and thats better then paying $286USD for. So hopefully this helps you out Chesso.
  15. This might help booze I take a $20 , they are both non MySQL DB gallery scripts Script 1 Helpful Guide Script #2 Both of them seem simple enough, but the first one provides a download file with everything in it, which you can fine here. Make sure its not monopoly money . edit*** NOOO!!!
  16. I would say categories are the way to go, however, I think what would really change if you got rid of most of the no credit/ no post counts on some of the categories.-Life count should definitely be a credit and post count, -combine the Lobby/intro/welcome/Text categories into General/Intro/test category with a credit and post count for general/intro and no post/credit count for the test category-Make website review a post/credit count with strict guidelines on what can be allowed to earn credits-As for Adding new categories maybe take a small Junk of the Real World Forum topics at trap-Then add some of the xisto website related forums as well (wellnesspositive.com)-google forum could be added for the more advance usersI would think most of them will work well for the advance users here on asta and still follow that advance user guidelines.Well school is always a factor on the number of posts that happen on a forum, especially on trap, I biggest surges happen during the summer and during school vacations, after that people come on when they get the chance to make the posts they need to stay active and thats it.If people need credits I can give mine away from my Xisto account since I don't use them and it would be a waste to keep them, just pm me and I let the admin know who to give 15 credits to. Of course this 1 account per donation and you must be hosted.
  17. its in XP but in order to see the square you need to have a dark background on your desktop or in order to see this white 1 pixel size square in the upper left corner. Also for those who don't because I didn't till I tried it out but the timer doesn't start when you put the flags on, and so you can get a very lower score like those who don't cheat .
  18. Spybot is pretty much the most effective way to protect against adware and spyware from being installed on your computer, although many anti-virus programs have this not all of them are effective. Been using spybot for over a year now and I haven't had no problems whatsoever with this software and how it works.
  19. If anyone isn't aware about this but spybot has been upgraded and this time they included more browser support, so if your a firefox user and a opera user or if you both of them on your computer this is would be a recommendation to get the new update spybot software. Also for the vista users it has been updated for it as well, although I think spybot 1.4 works for it as well, I have to recheck on my computer to see If I installed it or not. Heres whats all new in it Hidden and of course here is the link to the download section for quicker download action. So if you like spybot before now you get to like it even better.
  20. There is no manual way to install a hard drive, except for connecting the cables and what not. I would say the best thing to do is boot up your computer and pay attention to the screen if you got one of those motherboards that display the boot sequence on your monitor watch out to see if the second hard drive shows up. If not wait for it to finish loading and then check the my computer folder and see if its there, if not restart and go to your BIOS to see if there. Just remember there are two ways to connect the hard drive so if one doesn't work try the other, but if the BIO doesn't recognize it then the hard drive won't work, but thats seldom the case though.
  21. With the case interesting that they put the power supply at the bottom, just make sure your power supply doesn't have any vents underneath or you might have to prop up that power supply so to get 100% proper ventilation. However, I don't see much of a problem with ventilation but double check anyways when you do receive the parts. As for the power supply I would say that a good start but to be safe set everything up but with exceptions; plug in one hard drive, 1 monitor, gfx card, no tuner card. Basically what I am trying to say is install everything for a basic set up just to see how well your computer is doing and then one component at a time connect them to the power supply and then turn it on to check for problems.
  22. Well I couldn't find it but with a little search from google that lead me to the vista web page says that those three people are the the Anti-Piracy team that worked on hologram design for the discs. Now how bored were you? because that image is 1mm in size so you would need to magnify that image just to see it as they mention on the site its hard to see with the naked eye.
  23. You better be more specific because there are a lot cards with those names 8800Ultra and 8800GTX. Either way I wouldn't be spending that kind of money on cards like that when I could get something better and cheaper. Heck my built computer cost almost just as much as one of those gfx cards, and on top of that you be sacrificing a lot of space and other possible hardware to fit one of these in.
  24. Well for stability XP and Server 2003 would be to go along with whatever linux flavor is current and provides the best security. However, its not about the operating as so much as your firewall and Anti Virus programs are current and offer the best protection. I know some people still run windows 98 and surf the internet on that computer, but it would be kind of ridiculous to be surfing on a operating system that hasn't had any support for almost 5-7 years now. Again its all about the proper protection and you could surf the internet without any problems; vista so far performs excellent on the internet with no hicups that I have seen or heard about yet.
  25. Read my mind on that velma, although it was funny for the 30 seconds doing that now when your older could become a problem. For now its funny although someone did a clone of that video and dubbed it 15 years later.
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