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Everything posted by Saint_Michael

  1. to put it bluntly, everything is wrong with this sig and I break it down what you need to work on: Text- it is hard to see, outer glow doesn't work, the gradient text doesn't go with the background Background - To bright, needs some more blending, doesn't go with the render or the text, lack of depth and lighting border - needs one Render - no blending with test or background How to fix it border - this is easy to do create a new layer > press ctrl + a > go to edit > select stroke > 1 pixel black > press ok and your done background - usually this takes layers of brushing and changing properties the best way to learn how to do good background is tutorials text- most text effects don't go well these days, again tutorials are the best way to learn how to work on text and the right use of fonts render - same thing tutorials are the way to go, sometimes feathering or using filters helps, but depending on what render you use or the type of background render blending is a bit tricky.
  2. Saint_Michael


    use registry cleaners/defraggers for awhile now and haven't really seen any major problems, of course the one problem I do see is that when I try a new registry clean it seems the other finds more errors then the other. Best example is when I downloaded and ran registry easy from the giveaway site it found nearly 2000 errors in my registry, lets just say I looked like this :XD: when I saw the results with that scan.
  3. Well here is my latest wallpaper, and instead of my usually dark color blending I decided to try a color to black and white blending combo. You could say the way it looks that the render I used almost looks like a vector in itself , and so enjoy this new wallpaper :XD:. Hidden
  4. I agree on some parts that online education is good, but when it comes to taking computer classes I prefer the hands on method in a classroom environment then reading a book and don't doing practical exercises. Best example was my hardware class, it was mostly reading and answer questions and then putting a computer together at the end of the semester. Of course you lose that interaction as well with people when your discussion things on the computer. Nonetheless., I agree its the most convenient thing ever because most of my classes I would have to take is like 3-4 hour (one way) to take this class, and with whats going on in the world today that isn't possible to do on a daily or weekly basis.
  5. Dual booting will not void the warranty, however, the tech guy I talk to mention they won't support the other OS. So making sure the drivers, and hardware are supported you will have to do that yourself which shouldn't be much of a fuss, but who knows, some hardware will be fussy like that. A suggestion I would have although a bit unnecessary is get another hard drive (same type of course) and then install XP that way, but like I said a bit unnecessary just make sure your partitions are properly set and won't affect the other OS.
  6. Yeah I saw this article to and what I found funny is that Star Trek: TNG and I think Voyager had episodes loosely based on it., and I have to say that I am amazed something like this actually exists. What I find interesting and although I doubt this is true at all but you could say thats what the inside of a black hole looks like except for the huge amount of gravity that's inside of them. I was browsing around and I found this picture of what the team believes it looks like and how it would be done: The article goes into some more detail then the one on yahoo, but what I find interesting even more that there are severals voids in our know universe and no one really has talked about them until this big boy was discovered. So far it has been an interesting year for the universe with discoveries, disappointments (pluto being knocked). I wonder what 2008 will have in store for about knowing our universe just a bit more.
  7. I would say its hte best version compared to IE 5 and 6 in terms of what it can do, but thats where it ends because its the most hacked browser in the world, extensions are horrible or lack nay good ones etc. etc. Lets face the only reason IE is still around is that its got about 9 years on everyone else, of course if Microsoft was smart they would build a new browser and let this dinosaur go and design something that don't have the problems IE always had.Now compared to other browsers no chance, firefox is catching up in the most used browser then of course opera is next and of course then there's Apple's Safari in 4th place, the first two got IE beat in some many things; extensions, displaying proper code, although opera likes to cheat me sometimes, and some other stuff. IE 7 is great to the fact its the best browser Microsoft has built since the 90's but compared to everyone else it is lacking.
  8. Well here is my list of least favorite sports (to watch)1. Golf - Oh my god do I hate this sport, its just so boring to watch and nothing really get excited about when getting a ball into a hole there. Yeah there is some science to it and all that stuff, and yeah its awesome ot score a hole in one 300 yards away and stuff. Still its horrible to watch and it ruins my other TV time :XD:.2. Tennis - Although not as boring, I watch a few minutes of it every now and then, but its there on my least favorite sports to watch on tv3. baseball/basketball/Boxing - I group these three together simple on the fact there is some excitement to watching these three sports but again I am fan, but not into watching them.
  9. Let's see the last time I watch tv was 8 years ago last night when I went to bed around 11 PM :XD:, I usually listen to the tv when I am posting or talking to people and sometimes for the heck of it, thanks to my enviromental class, I keep it off for 4-5 hours and enjoy the peace and quiet of my computer and fans running .
  10. The the price of the xbox was lowered in Europe this week, of course with the $1bn that it will cost in replacements part they might have to bump that price up again just to turn around a profit. Imagine that, 1 billion dollars to replace parts; however, I will never get an Xbox because those bulky controllers is what ruined it for me I be sticking with Sony until my hands fall off.
  11. Well hopefully you come back and tell more about yourself because that short of an intro doesn't help us get to know the members of the forum. So I start and and say check out the Xisto Read Me as it will explain everything you need to know, especially making short posts such as yours. So enjoy your posting here, and soon the your hosting and welcome to Xisto.com.
  12. A bit late in the welcome to the Xisto website, and since your well informed about how Xisto works I have no need to spend hours typing about the rules and stuff. So enjoy your hosting and posting and see you around the forums midnight blue.
  13. It's always good to have trap veterans come back and begin posting once again and of course enjoy the free hosting that has been doing well for so long :XD:. Also it seems your hosted again as well so welcome back to the maroon color and enjoy your website once again.
  14. I think the only thing that works well with this one is the skull in his eye and the color, I couldn't get the lighting right for this one and so I left it as is. Hidden edit: auto resizer didn't bring it down enough so its in hide tags.
  15. B's YOU GOT B's!!! I think you need to take them over again and get A+'s, but finally after years of studying and making your eyes bleed after reading books. DEAR GOD!!! taking physics at your man that must be some sort of brain school to drop that subject into your head; by the looks of it you could go either maybe even work in the field of physics itself and build some quantum accelerator that turns people into cute stuff teddy bears :XD:. Wait never mind I don't think that would be the best thing to have in your hands as you might turn it on me and turn me into a cute, evil teddy bear .
  16. Just for revenge I start talking about the guy and when he comes around just stop talking and look at him to get him really annoyed , the dude has some serious problems and I would bring up to the managers on the fact that he rather ruin others opportunity or earn some more money. The dude needs a serious reality check and realize that if he wants to get anywhere that he should voluteer and do the work instead of complaining when other people get the benefits for doing extra work.If I had someone working with me like that I make their life miserable and paranoid just because they rather be that person who has nothing else better to do then bring people down because he fails to take the opportunity to do the same work. :XD:
  17. Well to give a small update and quite a few people know about this, I was able to get my computer running, but somehow I burn the Ram slots the modules go into. So I sent my motherboard out on Monday hopefully will see a new one on Monday and get it installed. I did get vista installed and by the time I had to reboot my computer the second or third time to make sure sure vista was completely installed thats when I smelled the magic smoke. When I installed vista it took forever to install, of course I never had a chance to see what Aero look liked so I have to wait.As for installing adobe and all that stuff I won't do it since I do most of my work on a laptop, so right now all this computer is a vista run machine, and as for the video compatibility I can't give you a straight answer until after I install the new motherboard, so you have to wait on that.
  18. Well if want to think of it at a scientific view, life does continue after your body dies, as it slowly decomposes bacteria forms and eats away at the dead tissue, fat, muscle; then once the the wood deteriorates then the insects and worms come finish you off and then your body becomes one with earth. Of course if you think about it, the memory of your life to the friends and family that knew you will continue long after they pass, however, if you do something beyond greatness for the world then your image and name will be honored in the books. Look at the names of great people that go back almost 6000 years, we got rulers, heroes, and even the people who have done evil things are still remembered.
  19. Well there are several scripts for this, but now that I want to get into ajax a bit and for tool tips I would think this set of scripts that make this tooltip box look good. This is the link to the main page for it and this is the demo link to what it looks like. Also the book I got for my class has a link preview script in it, but it will take some time to type out and test it of course to make sure it works correctly.
  20. That would be awesome if google did do that, however, being the astronomy nerd that I am, google sky would be huge in terms of GB and not MB of data. I would say 1/2 of 1% of the sky thats been explored is a few hundred Gb of data to store, thats unless they don't put the galaxies and all that other good stuff.
  21. Well the dude is going to auction off the ball because the government wants to make their money to fund a war :XD:, I can't believe the dude is going to give it away like that, hell if I was smart I would partially destroy the ball to make it worthless or give them a fake ball and keep the real one . It still sucks the government wants to screw someone like that because of the history behind that ball .
  22. That is very unlikely if he were to do any of those things would he make a comeback, Any sports player who did that, career would be over. Interesting they were only going to give him a light sentence, but it seems to be that is career is going to be over if he goes for more then 3 years. Yeah he could still work out and stay in shape, but with all that time away from the game and on top of that he's already been replace this season. So by the time he gets back into the game he will unneeded, and I know I won't be surprise if he does make it back but I hope they sack the crap out of him every time he plays.
  23. It seems the Storm Worm has gotten a bit more smarter as it keeps on morphing and trapping more people as the authors are changing the way the emails are being sent out. So basically if you want to keep your computer zombie bot free really look at emails that your friends sent or you don't know who the person is. Of course people are smart enough to not open up spam that say you won a thousands dollars. By the looks of it, the security teams have so far not broken the worm to either patch or finally disable it, so watch your email accounts more carefully. SOURCE Here Here
  24. I have updated the look to the wallpaper so hopefully I won't be blinding anyone with the new one.
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