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Please stop smoking if you are...

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I smoke and I honestly am not effected at all by that. Show me a picture of a black lung and maybe I'll think about it. Trust me, when your a person who smokes and you see adds around that say silly little things like "Smoking kills" and a picture of a cigareete, you could really careless about it. But, try putting a picutre of a black lung and the words "smoking kills" and I guarentee you'll get someones attention. Media doesn't really know how to make people quit. Maybe if they put a few commercials on with a few smokers coughing up a lung(not literally) and a few black lungs they might be affected.

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Well here ya go your comparison of a good lung and a bad lung. They are all over the web. The good one is of a non smoker and the other of a smoker. You can't really make a person stop smoking, it is their desicion and they are liable for whatever happens. It is there own fault if they get hurt or whatever and almost everyone knows that. If they enjoy doing it by all means go ahead. As long as they are curteous to other people who don't smoke then it's fine with me.


Anyway, here is that image.

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Smoking is bad. Not that I am a doctor, but I know one that tells about his experiences in the hospital. Most people are:1. Alcoholics and are dying, or,2. Smokers and dying.Choose you're pick, or none at all. It is bad and thanks to some new laws, we don't have to smoke in the second hand in most states. and some states are making it law so you can't smoke within twenty five feet of doors. Senseable to me guys. Quit smoking and live!

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I do smoke as well and I won't try to quit, because I know I can't.It helps me trough stressfull times though and on top of that, we have more chance of dying due to exhausts from car, planes and factories, so rather have those gone first B) (yea, i know, I'm stubborn)

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Yep you should stop as many people have already said but I think they have wierd ways of making you stop, I mean why put quotes on the front of the product that people dont want them to buy? they may have a point I dont know.They have tried graphical but I think they need to do more, yes using tv adverts is a good idea but the broadcasters need to think what they can show, I think they should get more, longer, tv adverts but make them more graphical and show what can really happen B)Just my opinion.

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I know the harms smoking gives to you, I'm not worried about that right now but I should be. I mean you can get so many different cancers, along with heart disease and breathing problems. My ex's cousin has throat cancer from smoking, he's only 22. So I guess I should be worrying more.I've been smoking since I was 11, so that's almost 7 years now. It's not a lot compared to people that have been smoking for 40 years and it is a lot more for people who have been smoking for less then a year. I agree that smoking is bad but it's so hard to quit.My mom and I have been trying to quit for the last month. It's not easy what so ever. We try go a day without cigarettes and we end up smoking more! We tried cutting down and that's really the only thing working. We smoked a pack a day each and now we're sharing a half a pack a day. We can't go on the patch because I'm not old enough and my mom has high blood pressure and is allergic to the adhesive. I can't take Ziban and my mom can't take Ziban. We wanted to try the hypnotizing but you have to go on Ziban or the patch for it to work... we can't. I try chew gum but I go through two gum packs a day... I don't know what's worse... brain cancer from the aspartame or lung cancer from the smoking. So best thing for us to do is cold turkey but we're not ready yet.I want to quit before I turn 18, that is my goal. I turn 18 in two months from now so I have two months to quit, I should have tried months ago.. having pressure put on me is hard too. I mean with me and my mom trying to quit it's like bickering back and forth 24/7. I mean if we try to do it seperately it wouldn't work because you'll just be pulled back into the smoking habit.And on and on with my pityless excuses.

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LOL, that was really funny. Succesfully installed cancer, lol. Its sad cause here in Mexico you can see lots of teens from middle school smoking thinking they are cool. My girlfriend was one of those but she quit and looks back at how stupid she looked. Its really really sad lately cause now its not only smoking, but cocain is the new trend, and its really really easy to get. I wonder what will come next..

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I hate smoking. It gives you bad breath and lung cancer (which can/will lead to death). While waiting online for the Q10 on some mornings, people are smoking and I am suffocating. I can't stand it. If everyone on Earth will stop smoking, we will have a better planet (I don't really know-just maybe).

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I know smoking's bad but i can't help it. I've been smoking for a while now and i seriously want to stop but...it's kind of hard to explain. At first i started smoking because i thought it was "cool", i used to say "i'll stop tomorrow" or whatever but...4 years later...i still haven't stopped smoking. I advise ppl not to start because it's HARD to quit.

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I know smoking's bad but i can't help it. I've been smoking for a while now and i seriously want to stop but...it's kind of hard to explain. At first i started smoking because i thought it was "cool", i used to say "i'll stop tomorrow" or whatever but...4 years later...i still haven't stopped smoking. I advise ppl not to start because it's HARD to quit.

Of course it is hard to stop smoking, I know it is even though I haven't smoked before. My neighbor smoked for like 30 years and she was 87 years old or something. There are ways to help you stop like the patch or whatever but you have to really try hard and you can't give up. I think if you really try you can do it. Anybody can. People have and people will continue to do so. I think they should make something like the cigarrette that puts something in you to help you stop. It is smoking but instead of tobacco it has a medicine in there. I have no idea how they would do it. Try smoking the gum cigarrettes. I hope you can help yourself out.

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Yep you should stop as many people have already said but I think they have wierd ways of making you stop, I mean why put quotes on the front of the product that people dont want them to buy? they may have a point I dont know.


They have tried graphical but I think they need to do more, yes using tv adverts is a good idea but the broadcasters need to think what they can show, I think they should get more, longer, tv adverts but make them more graphical and show what can really happen B)


Just my opinion.


Yes, but TV advertising is expensive! If they made longer commercials, those informercials would cost a pretty penny. Then again, it is going to a good cause, trying to get people to stop smoking. Personally, I don't understand why you would start smoking. If you never started smoking, you wouldn't have to deal with trying to stop!

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"Smoking kills. If you're killed, you've lost a very important part of your life."  B)


Dear mates, if you smoke, you better stop now... Imagine this picture on top everytime you smoke. You will stop soon, if you love your life.



Agree and guess what :PB)? I have talked with my dad and he sayd to me that he will not some again B). Realy nice post :P

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"Smoking kills. If you're killed, you've lost a very important part of your life."  B)


Dear mates, if you smoke, you better stop now... Imagine this picture on top everytime you smoke. You will stop soon, if you love your life.



though the picture speaks for itself and gives insight as to what a sigarette does, for those like me who have been smoking for over 5 years, and who's family member smoke aswell, it is quite tuff to quit. Their is a time for everyone, people dont just say im going to quit and do it(some do, very little), it takes allot more then that...their's just a special time for everyone when they take the initial step to quitting, and quitting for GOOD.

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