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Please stop smoking if you are...

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If people keep trying to be everyone's self righteous savior, I'll start smoking just to spite them. I swear to God.

That's the spirit. :P
Just another note- recently my local church (Called Saint Michael's funnily enough) were ordered by the government as part of the new smoking laws to put up no smoking signs all around the church. Now you honestly tell me that any person entering a church wouldn't know that smoking was frowned upon inside. To the shock of the local council however, at the end of church nearly all of the priests go outside to light up now. :P

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That's particularly weird, since people usually complain left and right for seperation of Church and State all over the world, but don't bat an eye when it's the other way around and the government pushes the churches around.

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I just want to say that YES i smoke and i know people that have been smoking for more than 30 years...mather fact i build computer with a 52 yrs old guy who have been and will smoke for a long time and let me tell you not every one gets cancer and in same cigarrete box it says "cancer will affect you the way you INHALE the smoke" so you pretty mucha have to know how to smoke to not get cancerThanks and dont be mad at me i didnt invent the cigarrets


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Those people who do smock and they know that it is harmful for their health. But still they do smock. The question is why. As i am a smoker i think because i did not get the instant effect. However i often think about to quit. But i never take any steps. It may because i got something from it. Being a smoker i do not hate smokers but i do hate smoking

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Those people who do smock and they know that it is harmful for their health. But still they do smock. The question is why. As i am a smoker i think because i did not get the instant effect. However i often think about to quit. But i never take any steps. It may because i got something from it. Being a smoker i do not hate smokers but i do hate smoking

You know we have the same problems...today i totaly forgot about smoking...it reminded me this topic i mean i've been here in the computer all day working and i didnt even felt like smoking i just wanted to be in the computer and i think been in the computer takes alot of ur life time such as doing stuff u know so yeah if u wanna quit something that u cant defenatly go to the computer do what ever i bet u u'll forget aout it

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Nobody has said anything in this topic that has not been said eighteen zillion times or more. Everybody on the planet knows that smoking can cause negative, harmful side effects. Everybody on the planet knows that I'm going to have yellow teeth and smelly clothes because I'm a smoker. Even I know that, and I don't get out much :PSmoking is the hot thing to hate right now. Here in the United States, we're banning smoking in ALL public places within certain cities. Dallas, Texas did that not long ago; other cities around that one are following suit. The problem is that the ordinances include privately-owned businesses like restaurants and bars: places where people have always smoked. Even the businesses that already had separate sections, each with their own air-filtration systems (read: effective ways to keep the non-smoking sections from inhaling secondhand smoke) were forced to go completely non-smoking. All that because we love to hate smoking and smokers.Here's my question. Heart disease is one of THE big killers, at least here in the United States. So people scream and rant about how we shouldn't smoke because that MIGHT lead to heart disease. (Many smokers never have ticker problems, so it's not a definite result of smoking.) But most people don't say jack when people cram Big Macs and other toxic "foods" into their gullets. Oh, right. We can't pick on big people...and we don't have the authority or right to tell other people what they can and can't eat. But we can rag on smokers all we want even though they (or, more accurately, we) are consuming a product that is 100 percent legal. And yes. Some people rag on big people, and people who eat garbage for food. But for the most part, people would rather harass smokers than Big Mac addicts.I'd *so* rather weigh 350 pounds and have a cheese-pizza addiction than be my ideal-weight, smoking self. I'd take a lot less flak for it...at least until this country goes on a crusade against food.

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Why do people brag on smokers all the time? whi cant you just leave the smokers alone? its their lifes and thanks for caring about them but aparently they just dont even care about them selfs...and its ok cuz its their lifes and not yours....or is it that when they smoke it affects you? well im sorry but move...people im sure the smoker wont give a damn so just let smokers die....its better for them to die than to have them alive here contaminatingAND GUESS WHAT! IM A SMOKER TOO! and im sorry but thats thee way it is im trying to quick...i bet you every smoker wants to quit and if he doesnt its because he really dont care about his life at all...got nothing to loss

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You know we have the same problems...today i totaly forgot about smoking...it reminded me this topic i mean i've been here in the computer all day working and i didnt even felt like smoking i just wanted to be in the computer and i think been in the computer takes alot of ur life time such as doing stuff u know so yeah if u wanna quit something that u cant defenatly go to the computer do what ever i bet u u'll forget aout it

Well that could work, especially if you have a lot of important work to do, but I remember a friend who couldn't concentrate unless he gets to smoke a cigarette every once in a while during work. He even interrupts me while we're conversing, saying he needs to take a break and "calm" himself down (by taking a cigarette of course).
But the willingness to stop smoking is on the person, not just because you're doing something and you've "forgotten" about it. True, some people might be able to brush it away easily, but most people has made it a habit that it's quite difficult to get it off their system.

Smoking is the hot thing to hate right now. Here in the United States, we're banning smoking in ALL public places within certain cities. Dallas, Texas did that not long ago; other cities around that one are following suit. The problem is that the ordinances include privately-owned businesses like restaurants and bars: places where people have always smoked. Even the businesses that already had separate sections, each with their own air-filtration systems (read: effective ways to keep the non-smoking sections from inhaling secondhand smoke) were forced to go completely non-smoking.
All that because we love to hate smoking and smokers.

I think there's a similar thread about "hating" smokers... Hate is such a strong word, and I guess that's one step away for "World Peace" :P But seriously, I don't think complete banning of smoking is the best thing to do. You can't really force smokers to not smoke, and some might not able to hold the urge long enough. Smoker areas are, I think, necessary, with proper air-filtration of course, because it's really difficult to be in a closed space without being able to see the opposite end of the table.

Here's my question. Heart disease is one of THE big killers, at least here in the United States. So people scream and rant about how we shouldn't smoke because that MIGHT lead to heart disease. (Many smokers never have ticker problems, so it's not a definite result of smoking.)
But most people don't say jack when people cram Big Macs and other toxic "foods" into their gullets. Oh, right. We can't pick on big people...and we don't have the authority or right to tell other people what they can and can't eat. But we can rag on smokers all we want even though they (or, more accurately, we) are consuming a product that is 100 percent legal.

And yes. Some people rag on big people, and people who eat garbage for food. But for the most part, people would rather harass smokers than Big Mac addicts.

I'd *so* rather weigh 350 pounds and have a cheese-pizza addiction than be my ideal-weight, smoking self. I'd take a lot less flak for it...at least until this country goes on a crusade against food.

I disagree. EVERY weight-challenged individual (you could include me on that) is ALWAYS under scrutiny. It's probably even more threatening than people scrutinizing smokers, as you claim. All over the world, doctors and nutritionists are giving out warnings to help decrease the growing numbers of obese people, giving information as how to lose weight, eat the right stuff and exercise. Why do you think there are a lot of exercise machines on your home TV shopping, or diet fads that may or may not help people lose weight? Why do you think there's such a thing as an eating disorder and why most people suffer from that? Of course, it may be on the physical level, that they're insecure on how they look, but that all boils down to the PRESSURE that is put on these individuals. True, smokers are scrutinized as if they're scum if they're seen smoking, but I don't think that equates to the glaring stares of almost everyone. Truly, you won't understand that from the statement that you gave.

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I think the point FRF is making is you're not going to find a fit or "ideal weight" smoker on a disabled list just because he/she's a smoker. There are thousands of "morbidly obese" people who just don't have the willpower or smarts to make simple choices at the grocery store and are 300% over their ideal weight who are actually collecting a disability check each month because of it! I made the choice long ago to take great care in what I ingest and that includes cigarettes. I know, I drink alcohol and smoke, but I drink "healthy" drink and smoke "healthy" smokes? Yeah, it's true. You can choose the nastiest rot gut garbage the liqueur store sells that contains many more toxins and carcinogens then the more expensive stuff. The same is true to an even greater extent when choosing which brand of cigarette to spend your hard-earned money on. You can smoke cigarettes that contain about a third tobacco and the rest hundreds of "filler" ingredients including known carcinogens, or you can choose to smoke cigarettes with 100% tobacco. You can choose to drink tequila that contains 100% agave, or rot-gut that contains "some" agave. It's your life, it's your choice how high your quality of life is. And it all comes down to how you choose to spend your money. Do you want to eat real food and drink real natural liquids and smoke real tobacco? If so, I'd argue, you're life just got a whole lot better.

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I've tried many times to convince my mother to stop smoking, but it isn't that easy.I'm just as worried as Second Hand smoke than inhaling the cigarette itself.

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going back to riar's comment about how they smoke more in turkey than in canada. Its kind of a trend for less developed countries to smoke at a higher rate. Even India, china etc. I did try smoking a few times, just to say, "oh, so thats what it is" but more than anything it just put me to sleep, not something i could imagine ever being addicted to. @punisher- i did hear a few studies that said that second hand smoke had 3 times the carcinogens, i can't cite that or anything, its probably best to look that up. (although i cant imagine why it would have more carcinogens than first hand smoke)

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In my opinion, smoking is an anti-social activity. The one who invented smoking must be a devil. Smoking kills. Cancer is one of the most deadly killers, just below AIDS. Once you get cancer, it will take a long time for you to recover and by the time you've recovered, you would have your body weight halved.Smoking affects the health of others. You are indirectly killing someone else. You are killing your own children, if any.For those who have the mentality that "I will not be so 'lucky' to be the one who get cancer", change it right away. Just look at the statistics.Be wise, withdraw yourself from the march to doom.

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i've tried plenty of times to quiit smoking but nothing seems to work i always promise myself that i would stop and not buy anymore cigarettes but i always find myself back at it over and over again i dont know what it is and sometime when i smoke too much it hurts my chest..i usually smoke when im taking a walk or when i have alot on my mind. I started smoking around the age of 14

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To be intellectually honest in this discussion, all one needs to do is study a little bit of history. It's a fact that cancer has been on the rise, almost exponentially, for the past 60 years or so. Before then, when the cancer trend was much lower and people were more likely to die of other disease or old age or from some side effect of their employment like coal miners disease or chemical lung damage, it was common for people to smoke. People smoked at work, in the theaters, in their homes, at their desks at work, you name it, smokers were everywhere. And cancer wasn't very commonplace. Several things that began to happen at around this time, too, was the introduction of above-ground nuclear bomb tests in Nevada as well as other radiological testing on the Eastern Seaboard. I wouldn't be at all surprised if the tobacco cigarette companies began to introduce other ingredients into their products during this time as well. I'm sure there are all manner of poisons that were introduced into the food and water supplies during this time along with the drug prohibition which removed all the safeguards regarding the regulation and manufacture of those products. Before the 60's LSD, for example, was produced in a lab in Switzerland. Once it was outlawed, however, it was made in labs in people's homes which were unregulated and I'm sure didn't make for the purest product in the world. How can you have a product that's pure when it's made in someone's filthy bathtub? All of these factors and more that I couldn't possible go into detail about in a post on this forum, changed the environment in which we live and introduced carcinogens into our lungs and bodies. It's no coincidence that cancer rates began to climb dramatically from about 60 years ago up to this day. People have been smoking for a very long time. People have been dying in droves from cancer, for only the past half century or so and it's only getting worse. You can't solve a problem if you don't even know the cause. Do some honest fact-finding and determine what cause(s) are responsible for the high cancer rates, and while you're at it, find out why diabetes is at an all-time high. Instead of blaming tobacco for all the world's ills, place the blame where it belongs.

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