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Everything posted by kasm
1. I don't know why we celebrate new year. In fact it is indicator that we lost one year from our life. 2. May be we celebrate it in hope that we will alive until next year and wouldn't depature as people we lost during the past year. 3. But it is good as a day of gathering and pleasure. 4. Some people get drunk just to do things that they would not normally do when they have their consence. 5. But some people spend all the night in church praying and singing and end with early mass. They affirms their pretending and hope to be good for while or forever. They promise new beginning. Their churches organise that to protect people from drinking and fellow the stream outside. 6. Since we celebrate it, I say HAPPY NEW YEAR
1. In general Christmas is Jesus Birthday and we all know to who we give presents. 2. But the business people invented Santa and they are doing business in that season. 3. Parents are happy to surprise their children with some present as symbol for celebration. Then the matter extended to all family members and friends. 4. Business invented as well christmas tree that people can put down the presents to be picked by each member of family in Christmas day or Boxing Day. 5. So be realistic and don't dream much about miracles to satisfy all your needs. Enough you receive any present as a symbol of love whatever it cost $2 or thousand. 6. Merry Christmas and prepare yourself to a new year after few days. Hope you the best.
Let me explain or summarise or recap hope you will understand me. After that summary read again my first post: 1. The thread topic is Science and spirituality . I said I am scientisy but believer. And I explain that and refer to my old post of mine. 2. Somebody mention the Evolution . I responded and asking to have say which Evolution he/she refer to. I explained that there are 6 types of Evolution : Cosmic, Chemical, Stellar, organic, Macro [Darwinism] and micro Evolution. Saying Evolution without its type make the decussion naieve 3. Then I said all mentioned type of Evolution is not Science or even Scientific Theory. To explain that I give quotation of definition of Science or Scientific Theory. There are in text book and philosphy of cience books. but I refered to some in the net instead giving printing reference. Thest sites are refered to these books. Also I gave the legal defition of science by High Court 4. Then I said the relegion and the Evolution [except the micr Evolution ] are faith and belief. Both of them can't approved but you beleve in them by another measures. I referred to another previous post in the forum. 5. One mention the tail as proof for evolution then I responded saying that the similarities doesn't mean the things evolved from other and explained my opinion. 6. Using quotion for the definition of science and scientific thories were necessary. Also quotation from my previous postings in the trap forum were necessary that not accusing me by spam. 7. By the way I studied Darwinism Evolution 49 years ago when I was 14 years and volunterly because in that time it wasn't compulsary subject. NOW I involved in it deeply but the threat not for it.
1. Why we doubted that Jesus was born 2007 ago, if for 2000 people refered to date as how many years the event was before or after Christ birth. 2. Morever the Roman Empire was against christianity and many are killed . My ancenstors in Egypt was killed in millions and many cities were empted from their people by killing them. It was genoside with our time termonology. 3. St Mark breached in Egypt and become the first Pope of Alexandria. We have 117 Coptic Popes of Alexandria and we know when each of them has ordinated and when he has departured. THEN DO NOT TELL ME THAT ALL THESE IN DOUBT. 4. St Antony established the monstry system and these monstries has the old documents. First Printer Machine in Egypt was in one of these monsteries. 5. Christmas is Jesus Birthday. In past churches didn't celebrate the birth of saints but their departure. First Churches didn't celebrate Christmas that much but the Easter . That because without Easter is no christianity. 6. But nowday people celebrate birthday [in middle East countries they don't celebrate birthday but now they immitate the West and celebrate children's birthday] . Even recently I saw in Australia they celebrate the birthday for zoo animals. SO WE HAVE TO CELEBERATE JESUS BIRTHDAY AS WELL. 7. Celebration is not necessary by Christmas trees or carol. But with any sign of pleasure. Christmas Tree started as tradition where the European and the American using it as decoration for their celeberation and symbol for pleasure. Christmas tree are the only green tree inEurope in the snow time. In middle East where Jesus was born people don't use christmas tree but few now use it as moderation and immitation for Europe.
1.I am a Scientist (B.Sc , M.Sc & Ph.D) in Science and with Master in Systems Engineering and many others disciplines(Operations Research, Economics, Finance, Accounting, Project Managements,..) But I am believe in God as many other Scientist do now and in past. So science and spirituality can go together. If there are seem some contradictions then we wait and try to solve them. It is important to read my posting in the forum : I am Scientists but I believe in God 2. It is very important to be quite clear about using the terminology : Science, Theory and Evolutions. 3. For definition of Science and Scientific Theory read my postings : : What Is Science? And What Is The Scientific Method? And What Is Scientific Hypothesis And Scientific Theory? 4. There are 6 types of Evolutions : Cosmic Evolution -Chemical Evolution- stellar, Organic , Macro Evolution and Micro Evolution . See their defination in the quotations down taken from a previous post to the forum]. But I will concerate on this posting on Macro and micro Evolution which related to Darwinism. Macro Evolution (Large-scale, or major changes from one kind of life form to another while Micro Evolution (small-scale, or minor changes and adaptations within a population of life forms i.e. the variation within the kinds. Micor Evolution is a science since we can observe. But Macro Evolution and all the other types of evolutions can't observe or approve so they are Historical Science. see my post at: For details of the 6 types, see the last quotion from a previous post. 5. All types of Evolutions except micro evolution are not Science or Scientific Theory. See my post Evolution is not Science nor Scientific Theory 6. Believing in God is not Science but faith. Exactly the big bang theory, Darwinism or Evolution [except Micro-Evolution]. Who believe in God doesn't need exact proof. That why it called belief or faith. But any belief has bases. Who believe in star evolution believe that "The sky could have been created from some kind of star exploding or something. " . They believe in that belief without any proof. The same who believe in big bang haven't exact proof but it is their belief. 7. In replying to dark_viking-m For the boy/guy/man who doesn't believe that we evoluted from monkeys (primates to be more precise), how do you explain our "tail"? (that thing called coxix) Coxix is the proof of our evolution. 2nd, how do you explain our similar acts? protecting the child, the male is who hunts, the female take care of the nest. 3rd, how do you explain our similar brain? 4th, 5 fingers on each hand? what other species has it? That not mean is that is evolved of that. If you want explanation of many similarities is the designer is the same or learned from the same source. If you find two computers have some similarity: hard drive, chips, cd, cpu etc but they can from different types PC or apple or mac they are not involved from the same. How you explain that the eye of man [the top category ] is less complicated than eye of another creature. How you explain that human child can't live without support for many years to eat or to learn to walk or talk while the chick is very lower in the ladder can hatch by itself then move and eat alone. There are many but enough this time. 8. I will quote next from one of previous posting to show why Scientists are believe in God. They do because they logically think deeply about phenomena and events as examples only , I will list some: Here is the 6 types of evolution. .
US , Western countries and UN wanted declare Kosova to be dependent from Serbia. US helped Irak Kurdstan to have seperate identity but not the Kurdstan of Turky. Why this double standard. Also in past south Sudan parts was strugeling for seperation for 30 years and no body helped and said yes they are different culture and identity. When we become fair for all.
- What nonsense, grazy non responsible and unrealistic feeling. - Without children you wasn't now whatever you man or woman. Whetever you teenager or adult or old. - Without children there are no life continuations. All animals are start with being child. - Without children there are no adult or marriage or new generation. - Without children will not be civilization. - Having a children is good blessing. How many milionaires dream to give all what they have to get child from their own. - How many women put themself in risk that they gavebirth to new generation. - How mothers were happy when they are pregnant and people congratualated them. How the by patience carry their kids inside 9 months and visit doctors and hospital. How pregnant women and surrounding people are careful during pregnancy. - How prgenant woment are suffering in huge pain in labor to give birth to their children and after that they forget the pain and enjoy the new life. - How mothers keeping nursing babies for year and be patient to learn them walk then talk. It is enough Our Children are our bodies. So be patient until; these kids become inventors, engineers, Doctors, professional or worker. Enjoy with the inventions from tv, dvd, cell phone,.....and evertthing that who made these things were one day children.
1. The headings is not correct. We can live without mobile phone. You by yourself said that in the body of your posting. 2. But the mobile phone give this generation a more facilities and compfort. 3. I all the time remind my kids how lucky they are and how we lived without the computers, the internet, TV, VCR, DVD, ipod, cell phone, video camera, etc..... All are now in colour, monitors, photos, books,magazines,... 4. How we searched about books and scientific articles before. 5. How we copy pages on hand before the copiers and between these copiers were many attempts[ not neceassary the details]. 6. How people traveled before areoplanes. In signing the federation of Australia, the west Australia delegate was three days late.. They came by ship and was trouble in the sea. 7. Our generation [the elders] were also lucky by inviting printing machines before that books were writen by hands. I saw the thesis of my supervisor was written by hands. 8. Also our generation was lucky than previous generation by invition of rail , electric light and power, telegraph and telephone. 9. Last weeks we was watching films about Captin Cook who discover Australia, New Zealand, Antractica etc. He was in seas without for years without any comunications with London or his wife for years. There were no radio and telegraph or telephone . 10 But life can without all these but is not easy. 11. I say to my kids that as our generation brought to you these facilities you also have to give the next generation more invintion and utilities.
As you celebrate Thanksgiving, you have to remind yourself to be thankful for: You are with more healthy than sick. There are many mental and physical sickness prevent you to know what's going on around, You could choosed your faith and practice it without fear. You can read because u had the chance to school. You have fridge, clothes and roof on your head You have TV, Video, Mobile and car You can see while there are many blind in the world. You can hear while there are many deaf in the world You are free and not in jail or detention center. You have children , there are many ready to pay millions to have children You are in your family because they are many their duties prevent them to be with family [rember those who are fighting in Afganstan and Iraq] Count Your Blessings . Have a happy Thanksgiving day
1. If the question is how many language you speak it mean how many language you can speak at the moment then m answer is THREE. Arabic, English and Russian. 2. But I see the initiator of the topic spoke about what language he studied or used in past. If that the case I will tell that that i know Frensh and German. 3. I studied Frensh 3 year 50 years ago but I can't speak Frensh now but i can read mathematical articles and books in Frensh. I used this experience when I taught mathematics in Algeria and use reference in Frensh and give the students the terminology in frensh. 4. Then I studied German as extra language in the univeristy and to read scientific articles in german. I did exams in two years in my last two years of Bacholr od Science Then I sat again exam in during preparation of Master Thersis as a prequests to get the degree. In all these exam it was allowed to use dictionary.
Google Vs *other Search Engine* Which is the best???
kasm replied to Thorn's topic in Search Engines
1. I prefer using google. To me, i seem to always find what i am looking in the few pages if not the first one. Also i witch to advanced search at almost. 2. I used yahoo and msn sometimes as addition . I think the givin link to dogpile depends on yahoo and not take from google. This was from the first search i applied but can be not the final conclusion 3. Advanced research: - Google has advanced search where u search for something in particular language, added in specific time, in URL, in headings, in title,..with specific word or phrase, or excluding words that reduce the number of pages. - Yahoo has now advanced research but to who knows the link of that but not easy to switch from the normal advertised yahoo but from: http://searchenginez.com/yahoo_search.html - Msn has now advanced search in the new live search 4. Video research: - google has video search. . Yahoo has as well. msn has in its live search. google also have its own youtube video search, well if you search videos it mostly all youtube - Yahoo has video search - msn in its livesearch has video search 5. Book Search: Google has book search and you can read any books [10 pages by 10 pages]. 6. People Search: Yahoo has people search:: http://search.yahoo.com/web?fr=people 7. Image search : yahoo has image search as well as advanced image search 8. Site search: - yahoo has site search for yahoo sites - google can useb advanced search for the site want to search 9. News search : Yahoo has news search to give real-time news stories from Yahoo! News and across the web. !0. Blog search: yahoo has blog search for yahoo blog and all yahoo blogs: http://www.ysearchblog.com/ 11. Web Services: yahoo has web service search to help developer: https://developer.yahoo.com/search/ 12. Disadvantage of all search engines: Many websites use tricks to ensure they are listed higher in search results, for numerous keywords. This can lead to search engine results being not relevant or contain little or no information about the matching phrases. Genuinely relevant web pages are pushed further down results lists. many create websites containing random sequences of high-traffic keywords, often with misspellings in order to attract a higher ranking on a search engine. People using tags and keyword to decieve us. ] -
Egypt puts King Tut Mummy on public display started on Sunday 4th of November 2007. Now for the first time the tourists will be able to see the face of Tutankhamun who was died more than 3,000 years. He is displayed in a simple glass climate-controlled case and Covered with a white linen cloth covers his body. Only his face and tiny feet were exposed. King Tut died when he has 19-year-old king. His life and death has captivated people for nearly a century. His Tomb was discovered by British archaeologist Howard Carter. British archaeologist Howard Carter discovered the tomb in the Valley of the Kings 85 years ago near the modern town of Luxor in 1922. His treasures, including the famous funerary mask and stacks of furniture, stunned the archaeological community. The mummy was broken into 18 pieces when Carter took it from its tomb and tried to pull off the famous golden mask. The only good thing (left) in this mummy is the face. Until Sunday 4th November 2007, Tutankhamun's mummy had rested in a gilded coffin inside the stone sarcophagus inside the tomb. His fabulous gold and precious stone treasures moved the world as a mobile Musuem exhibit traveling the globe So million visited these exhibits in many cities in UK, US and Russia. He wasn't Egypt's most powerful or important king, but his staggering treasures, rumors of a mysterious curse that plagued Carter and his team. In 2005, scientists to resolve lingering questions over how he died, performed CT scanner for 15 minutes to obtain a three-dimensional image. It was the first scan done on an Egyptian mummy. The results ruled out that Tut was violently murdered ? but didn't tell he died around 1323 B.C. But was suggestion suggested that days before dying, Tut badly broke his left thigh, an apparent accident that may have resulted in a fatal infection [may be by speedy vechicle] The CT scan also showed he was well-fed and healthy, but slight, standing 5 feet, 6 inches tall at the time of his death. The Egyptian tourism industry is hoping to capitalize on that interest and draw tourists to Luxor [the famous ancient city in upper Egypt]. I personally think our ancestor mummy should be left alone in quiet, in peace and I opposed the display and should not be a subject of a show I think any corpse of a body should stay in its original place. Especially the ancient Egyptian preserved the body and put food beside it in believe that the spirit will return back to the body," he told Reuters.but putting this mummy in this glass case may make the golden boy live forever For detail on the new display visit http://www.nbcnews.com/id/21623825 and there you also can watch interesting slide and Take a virtual tour of King Tutankhamun?s tomb and see the newly revealed face and feet of his mummy. at : Also don't leave there without watching the video. You will enjoy it Also visit: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ and watch videos from Router and BBC.
1- I will use US instad of America in the original topic. The people in other countries in America object. 2- Australian is a country and contenent. Its total Area: 7,686,850 (sq km) while USA area is 9,631,418 (sq km) 3- Australia is 20 millions from different ethnic baground while USA population is 300 millions. 4- Both Australia and USA were British Colony. While US after its independence has a presidental republic system, Australia after independence preferred to have the British King/Queen as a head of state. So Australia under the Queen but not under the British Governments. The Queen has a representative called "General Governor" and has "Governor " for each state. They acting as head of Australia or the states and are appointed by the primer mister after the endorsement of the Parliaments. They have no intervention in the ruling but for consitutional function [Receiving the visiting head of States , ambasodor, call to election, resolve the parliament, call the head of the winning party to formulate the governement, perform the swaring of the ministers,...] 5- Australia took the Westminster Democracy as in Britain. With two houses of parliament where one is called House of representative and Senate [like in America] 6- Legal system is similar to what in America 7- The weather on the south Australia is as the weather in meditation and in the north as the weather near equator. So you find Oranges as in meditrerian and Tropical fruit. 8- In America the original people called Indian and the the original people of Australia called aboriginal and they are very minority now and most of them at north. 9- Kangaroo and the emu [a bird like ostrich] are only in Australia so it is in the offecial logo . Welby also is unique in Australia 10- America is 51 States. Australia is a federation of six states (New South Wales, Victoria, Tasmania, Queensland, South Australia) and two terriotories [CT , NT] 11- More than 85% of Australians live in urban areas, mostly on the east coast. Sydney and Melbourne , Adelade, Brisbane, Birth, Hobart 12- Both USA and Australia has the same sports, Football, Rugby, Sopccor,.... They call the real footbal Socor. 13- The English in Australia is similar to which in America but with more British English effects. 14- In Australia we use the same terminology as in USA. Family Court, Social Security, MediCare, Family Payments, High Court, SupremeCourt, County Court, Fedral Court, Magistrate,... 15- Most of the shows on Australian TV Chanels TV are American shows. Beside the films, we watch Seasame Street, Bold and Beutiful, Days of outr life, Disperate House Wife, Simpson, Futorama,..Judge Judy, Orpha, Dr phil,...and many other series that i don't waych or know. 16- Also other TV programs immitate what in American TV. We watch Australian Idol [instead of American Idol] Good morning Australia [insteas of Good morning America], ABC as in America [stand of Australian Brodcast Cooperation instead of American]. Dateline, Lateline, meet the press. 17- We in Australia have most of franshise as in USA: K-Mart, SafeWay, McDonald, Kentuky Chicken,.... 18- Currencyin Australian called dollar as well (AUD) [about 90 cents] 19- Australian use the metric system [centigrade for temperature, grams for weight, metric for distance But in US they youse , fahrenheit , pound and yard/feet. 20- Autumn in Australia is the Spring in America, Winter is the Summer [vise verse] 21. Australian time at east is +10 and USA at east is -5.
I enjoyed the following films: - Sound of Musics - My Fair Lady - Oliver Twist - Le Mesrable - Moses - Jesus - The Bible
I mam living in Melbourne Australia. 2. Melbourne has a mild temperature climate with following seasons: (i)Spring [september- October-November: Cloudly with average 5-8 hours of sunshine Temperature is betweeb 10C-20C. (ii) Summer[December -January February] with average temperature about 25C. For few days the temperature exceeds 40C. (iii) Autumn [March-April_May] temperature is around 20C cloudly and shower at the end. (iv) Winter [June-July-August ] Temperature between 1-14 C. No snow but at the high hill receive a light snowfall. 3. The temperature changes everyday, one day high and few days low. Today is 21C
1- This Senator wanted the fame by doing that. He may read about the case in Romanian who sued God [detail in par 7 down] or the comedian Australian film "The Man Who Sued God " in 2001[detail in para 8 down]. 2- If he sued God and complained against him, then he recognize of God existence and that he is the creator. 3- Nobody sue the scientists for what they are doing with their creation or the architects in destroying their projects or the animal breeders to Slater their animal or the farmer to eat their corps or government in demolish an old stadium or building.... 4- What the outcome of this proceedings except wasting time of the courts to gain some fame. Nobody can fine God or impose order on Him. Moreover who will represent Him and where to approve that the senator serve Him the summon. 5- What this related to women can't speak about the accuser as the rapist? I don't understand. All who is not happy with the judge restriction have to study the legal process. The defended ant is not guilty until the final decision. He is named "the defendant" or "the accuser". You can't named the accuser in killing case as "the killer" 6- Abusing of God's name and religion is a difficult and layered issue for the church and church-going people. 7- In Romania in July 2007. a court dismissed a case in which a man who is serving 20 years in prison for murder, brought charges against "the defendant God, who lives in the heavens and is represented in Romania by the Orthodox Church[ http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ ] The Romanian man accused God of "fraud, betrayal of trust, corruption and influence peddling." and declared: "At my christening, I made a deal with the defendant aimed at freeing me from evil. But the latter has not respected that agreement until now, although he received from me various assets and numerous prayers," The court in dismissing the case, ruled that "God is not subject to law and does not have an address." 8- In 2001, Australia produced a film named: "The_Man_Who _Sued _God : [ http://www.celluloiddreams.co.uk/themanwhosuedgod.html ]. They put God on trial for all the "acts of God" that God does for insurance companies. But in fact the movie was putting insurance companies on trial and showed how God can always be the excuses. The movie is about a man who is an ex-lawyer who living in Australia, having given up law out of frustration . Suddenly a lightening destroyed his boat and he is unable to collect insurance money from the insurance company because it's an ?act of God'. He finds this unacceptable, and re-registers himself as a lawyer to begin an extraordinary court case. Knowing that if he sued the insurance giant he will surely lose, he decides instead to sue the ?person? responsible for his boat?s loss: God. As God?s earthly representatives, Christian Church and Jewish synagogues. They are held to be the liable party, putting them in the difficult position of either having to pay out large sums of money(from others who have lost out in similar situations) or proving that God does not exist. . The church couldn't?t escape liability because they would have to deny the existence of god. But at the end nothing was been ruled except the philosophical issue. 9- So the case of this Sen tor will be like this Romanian case and this Australian films
You can not say that somebody is addicted to the internet but u can say he/she addicted to play game and/or gambling and/o non-objective long chat OR watching adults pictures. That because internet has many function and services and you can go from one to another searching, browsing, studying, reading articles, watching news, emailing,.... As long you gain knowledge then you are not addicted. But it is called addiction if you repeat the same things without adding new information and loose time while you need these time to study or rest. That the case in games, bambling, watching unnecessary videos The same is chat without purposes and for long times. Exactly as we say about phoning by hours. Phone or chat can be concluded in minutes
I use the computer for: - finding the largest prime number - finding the optimal solutions by using or developing the suitable mathematical algorithms - making the statistical analysis and method - using the numerical analysis to solve complicated and large scale problems - programming - Searching information - Download musics and videos - watch video - listening to musics - watch TV - recording - editing - catching the headlines events and news instantly - Chat with friend - Send electronic mail - word processor - Data base : edit-build- search - making movies - editing pictures - drawing - Design my web pages and upload and download them to my sites - transfer files . - net banking, paying online, paypal, eGold, etc.. - seeing friends and relatives around the world. - producing courses , electronic books , slides and videos
1. We have in Australia the same situation to the soldiers returned from Vietnam. They were treated badly . They are still complaining and fighting for recognition. 2. In general, when people compare Vietnam and Iraq they know there are difference but there are common factors: - It is difficult to decide to withdraw or to continue - Soldiers aren't the ones responsible for the war. They are victims They're just doing what they're told. - Solders didn't feel that they are really fight for their country as the case of WW2 3. In both wars were support at the beginning and were given a real hero's welcome to returned solider es. But by the time this support was decreasing. and they would be less welcomed. 4. It is inconsistent to demonstrate against the war then to hero's welcome the returned troops as hero's. Even people respect the troops and valued their sacrifices but they looking to them as a victim of the government policy. They considered the official award by the army or upgraded them is enough to them.
What's The Hottest Place You Have Been To?
kasm replied to assassin9110's topic in General Discussion
For me was Upper Egypt and Algeria. -
City : MelbourneState: Victoria Country: Australia Population 3.7 Millions. - Melbourne was first settled by the British in 1835 - Melbourne become the capital of the state of Victoria established as a separate British colony in 1851. -When the Australia's Federation anounced on 1 January 1901, Melbourne was specified as the temporary seat of government and remained the national capital - The first Federal parliament was convened on 9 May 1901 in the Royal Exhibition Building. Only in 1927, when the Federal parliament was moved to the planned city of Canberra., the current capital. - With the discovery of gold in Victoria in the 1850s, leading to the Victorian gold rush, Melbourne grew rapidly. - Melbourne is often referred to as Australia's garden city, and the state of Victoria was once known as "the garden state". There is an abundance of parks and gardens in Melbourne, the CBD.- - Melbourne is known as an Australian cultural and sport capital, and is the spiritual home of Australian rules football.called AFL. Last week the Geeloing club won the Grand Final of AFL. - On 6 of November there is a famous Melbourne Cup for Horse Racing. - Morevere it conducted Gran Prix of Motor racing each year. - Melbourne has hosted the 1956 Olympic Games and the 2006 Commonwealth Games - In Melbourne there are 6 Universities in Melbourne: : The University of Melbourne - RMIT University - Monash university - LaTrobe University- Deakin University - Victoria Universit - Next are some links to maps, videos and photos to places in Melbourne: Map of Melnbourne, Park and Garden, Places, LandScape, Buildings, Feature movies, Google Map
1. I can't sleep naked. Not because I am old but it is all times. 2. Of course is not in the time making love. 3. But I sleep in home clothes that not in use outside[old shirts-old sport suits,...] 4. First time I noticed that some people are sleeping nakeing was in Russia. I lived there 5 years. I was astonishing to see that was their normal habit. I saw it when I shared host room or in sleeping lodge train. That was In that time of Communism where they have a helthy worm water heating. I don't know the real situation now in post soviet regime.
Saint_Michael, the problem is not "Forgeting the password" or "the need to recover the password". Moreover you can't change the password. Please read the past messages for different complain, suggested solution, attept and failure. The problem now is only in the hand of Xsito to respond.
nothing in purpose and even I didn't notice your name . If your posating are criticized all times, then correct yourself and not blame the others.
The same situation in case of ftp or c/panel without firewall or security.