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1. Christian use the egg as Symbol of Jesus Resurrection, Some dead was resin by Jesus but Jesus was risen by itself as the chicken brooks the egg to get out by itself. 2. Also Christian are using fish as symbol for Resurrection because of the story of Jonah in the Whale. As Jonah was inside the whale 3 days , Jesus was in the tomb 3 days. Even Jesus said about that [i will quote from revised std ver]: 3. But I can not find any explanation for using rabbit in the Easter. I think it is business invitation or act my some to confusing people of the meaning of the Easter. If anybody know the reasons of rabbit chocolate, I want hear from him. 4. You can find egg and Fish images in the very old Churches in Egypt but nothing about rabbit. 5. On Monday, the next of Easter Sunday, Egyptian Christian (The Copts) is eating eggs and fish and going to breath fish air in parks and garden. The Muslims in Egypt are use to do the same as celebration of the spring.
Us Congress Says Us Troop Pullout In March 2008
kasm replied to Saint_Michael's topic in General Discussion
1. That why we said that Iraq is another Vietnam. People argued that it is not for the geographical and supported neighbors difference. It is an Vietnam in the sense you cannot end it and will be worth if you continue. Now it is bad the pullout but it is worth to continue since there are no light at the end of tunnel. You encouraged the Kurds and Shite to separate either my wrong aimed phrases or by resolving the army and banned the Bath party.or to call the Resistance a terrorists. You who destabilized the country, called the terrorists to came and train and they taught the Telepan in Afghanistan to do the same. 2. Remember that you by yourself was in Civil war and your country was established on the balance of power. The Russian Federation and Italy was also established after civil war. Old Ancients Egypt also unified by war etc etc. 3. Hope that US learn another lesson and not repeat using force to intervene in the affair of other country by false reasons. 4. Whatever Bush veto it or not, in March next year he will be in the last months to him. And the chance for another republican president are small. 5. By the way, I am against this war but against the pullout after distbelized the country and the region. I am as well against these terrorism. I was enjoying traveling everywhere by plane, train and ships without any restriction and fear. I am not comfortable now to travel and living in luxuries hotels. Thanks to the Internet, I do the communication and visits in verbal matter. 6. Be Just in your policy and don't depress the right of the others. Don't deny the other right to live and fight between them until settlement as you did. Don't critic the other. Don't deny other to prepare their defense and make the balance with your power. This will kill the terrorism not the force. No court procedure or punishment can stop this sick idea. The solution in justice which will protect you. The world was safer when there were two power in the world watching each other , competing and not acting lest the response. 7. I think Democrats want to do it before taking the presedincy as well because then they can not pullout by themselves because it will be disaster to US, the region and the world. -
Are Girls Prettier Without Makeup? Vote & Say You Thoughts
kasm replied to lihuyt's topic in Health & Fitness
1- I prefer her natural without makeup especially if she has the natural beuty. 2. I like the makep that you can not notice it as make up. That can produce by natural mean : washing, perfming a bit , intelligent hair remova from the body using little cream or powder. No lipstick. 3. I remember I attracted to my wife in first moment because her beauty was natural . She don't need libstick since her lips was coloured by itself. Her nail not need colouring. In fact She was with coloured hair coloured I thought it was natural. I saw her nail in red only on in the wedding cermoney. 4. I dislike that girls that use non familar colur for libstick or the nail. I can not stand that excessive make up that you feel that you before a painting in musuem -
1. I like to watch the official state channels. That because: - It concentrate on all the world news with their correspndents reporters - No advertising annoying you. - Has quality and culture subjects and debates. - Can easy records the cultural programs and good films without the annoying ads. - I recorded from them a lot for the children when they were young: Children Programs, Jesus, Moses, Sound of Music, Oliver Twist, Jane Ayre, My fair Laidy, Princess dairy, Santa Claus...etc 2. In Australia there are 2 state channels named ABC and SBS has reporters in the world andproduce many valuable programs. 3. in Australia there are 3 commercial channels: Channel 7, Chanel 9 and Chanel 10. Their correspondence covers the local events especially crimes and court hearings. They use lot of American famous series . 4. Recently I watch some series in the commercial channel not for me but to guide my children and to know what constitude their opinion and give my hints without intervention directlely in what they watch or not watch. 5. I don't have satellite channel since We are busy with the internet.
1. The exact times for the Nazi's army in the Soviet Union was 3 years and three months. It started by the invasions in June 1941 and ended August 1944 in the Balkans [ Russian victory over the Germans]. See please a) the battle of Minsk , Ukraine and the Balkan battles in Battles of World War II (1939 - 1945) : http://ehistory.osu.edu/search/ehistory?search_api_views_fulltext=wwii%20battles%20cfm . in BBC ON THIS DAY | 22 | 1941: Hitler invades the Soviet Union: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ 2. The exact times of Leningrad's Siege is 900 days [from 20th of August 1944 till the 20th of October 1945. See please: (i): BBC ON THIS DAY | 27 | 1944: Leningrad siege ends after 900 days in :http://news.bbc.co.uk/onthisday/hi/dates/stories/january/27/newsid_3498000/3498330.stm with summary: ii) Siege of Leningrad -- Encyclopaedia Britannica :https://www.britannica.com/event/Siege-of-Leningrad with summary: iii) in Page 18 / History / Petersburg CITY / Official guide to St. Petersburg [ http://petersburgcity.com/city/history/page18/ ] 3. I was in Leningrad 5 years and the father of my girlfriend there was soldier who participated in the Liberation of Berlin.. Also I met many veteran. Moreover, I have met the woman that was model to the statute in the park named after Leningrad Siege. 4. Nothing in what I posted can suggest that I said that everything was alright. War is bad. But what if other attack you. You have no choice but react. The results of the attack depend on the surprise, tricks and many other factors. Japan surprised USA. Hitler surprise the Soviet Union who was in agreement with him. Poland and France and others was fallen in one day. But we can not blame and criticize them. Hitler was with plans and surprise. The others were not ready.
Of course we thanks for that. Despite that after the last upgrade I can not post or reply. When I tried the browser is erred and closed. My site down because I spend my credit. At last I do this temperrory solution. I create a small partition has no firwall and post. By the way trpa17.com in my trust sites zone.
Despite calling it "The International day of women" but many countries do not celebrate it. That because it is invented or started by the former Soviet Union. When I was in Russia, I noticed that it is the important celebration day there more than the first of May, the [labor day] or the Victory day. My wife's country , Poland and the other Former Warsaw Pack countries was celebrating it and they continue. We in Australia not celebrate it.whatever the country or the women even the feminists . All are ignoring it because it is Communist invention. The same US and UK and other western European countries is ignoring it. But we celebrate a Mother day as well Father Dayin other date. In Egypt they celebrate Mother Day on 21 March [ the beginning of Spring] but some organisation mentioning the 8th of March. Also they invented recently a women day where many women were killed by the British Occupation during a demonstration. The same attitude is towards the First of May what is called Labor Day was established by the Soviet Union even it was in support of worker in US and in struggle of the American worker. In Australia, we celebrate the Labor day in another date . The same in US and western Europe. In Egypt they celebrate the First of May and it is holiday. That was started when the line of the country was towards socialism but still by the inertia.
1. I don't understand your headings. How Hitler won us? in some place you spoke about two Hitler's mistakes allowing the allies to win the war. 2. What your meaning of winning you have? 3. My definition and I think many will agree. The winning is achieve your objective. Hitler at the end hasn't ac hive his/ He loss the last Battle and departure [we will not argue how he died]. 4. In 1956, Britain, France and Israel attacked Egypt. The objective of Britain and France was re-size Suez Canal and return it after Egypt nationalized it. France has another objective that remove Nasser regime from Egypt because Egypt was intensively helping Algeria in its independent war. Despite that Britain and France occupied Suez Canal but at the end they withdrew after 2 months under the pressure of Russia and USA. The result is the Egyptian continue own and manage the Suez Canal and the Egyptian regime strengthen for years. Then who won in that war?. Egypt received slaps , occupied but at the end strengthen what it want. Britain and France haven't achieve their declared or hi den objective. 5. You are sitting in your comp fort place and distribute your attitude on or funny description and characters of different nations and their reader. History will not formulate that method. Of course Britain was the rare country that not occupied by Hitler. Winston Churchill make a great effort to lead his country in their determination despite the daily air attack. Scientist in Britain and Russia established the mathematical methods to minimize or maximize what was named "Operation Research" to tactile problems as Transportation and diet and assignment , queue theory etc.But you accused them with lacking strategy. People in Leningrad [now st Peters-burg] under 4 years of siege eat the cats, dogs and may be as some claimed the human dead.and the bread make from the used flower in blasting the wall papers. 6. "he decided to go to war with Russia. near winter.". Whenever he start he passed all the seasons since he was there four years. 7. Hitler has to be defeated because he attack the others and occupied many areas and people . It is matter of time that things settle at the end.
I think the disscusion withglenstein is going in cycle. This is my opinions:1. Beliefs is different than Facts that why we call it "belief". 2. Choice is in any action or event. Any action is happened either by choice or was enforced to be done. Belif is a choice i.e you believe in something or not. to believe in your own theory or other's theory and reject the others. To believe in Darwinism or not. 3, I don't suggest to the Athesist that he is to beleve as a safe matter. I speak about my status and answer their claim. I said I believe for many rerason [whetever right or wrong] and if I was wrong as they claim I don't loose anyhing. If I was right then it is OK that I did. 4. We all know except the wars to spread Islam or of Crusade, were wars for Economic reasons and Colonisations was for Economic benefits either directly or to secure path to the main points [e.g Suez Canal, Temperory ports to way to the End points e.g occupation of part of Yemen to the way to India]
Even it is not the issue here but belief is a choice by believer. They chose to believe in God and not to unbelief in Him. They chose in one belief and not in another. Every action for us is either our choice or we enforced to do that. You choose to go bed or continue awake. You choose to eat or not to eat. You choose to obey the law and rules or not. Arabs Moslem's when they conquered many places they gave people choice between entering in Islam or to be killed. They give our Egyptian ancestors a special treatment. They added one extra choice, either to Convert to Islam or Pay a big amount of money or to be killed. I think my ancestor were rich and they paid for their survival. I don't think anyone argue that the creator was Christian. Every believer know that the creation was long long time before Christianity. I know lot of history. Also I use logic , reason and effect frequently. When we say that war was for a religion reason, it mean that they went to war for enforcing a religion or spread it, or for defending something related to the religion. I don't know that happened except in in two occasions[you can remind us with any other] : First was the Arabic invasion from Arab Venezuela to North Africa, Asia and South Europe to spread Islam by the sward.[Please don't argue that fact otherwise tell us how and why Arabs went there]. Second was the crusade war to protect the Christian objects in Philistine. But everyone knows why Hitler went to war and occupied territories under Christianity. If Hitler used a symbol which is that funny sort of crosses it does not not mean he went to these countries to make them Christian. The British, Greek, Sweden and other Countries have a Cross in their flags. If Hitler acted against the Jews it was for two reasons : First because as they consider themselves the chosen and selective nation which contradict Hitler's Nazism [ i.e the German National Distinction]. Second because Hitler has found from Jews, blackmails awarded by promised their own land by Britain in the Philistine.[belfry's Promise]. So you confuse CAUSE with Effects. AS saying the Britain colony was for spread Christianity is wrong it was not. It was fight and competition between France and Britain. Both of them are Christian. Britain was in Egypt, Yemen, Syria, Jordan, Kuwait, Oman, Emirates, Iraq, India, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Bangladesh and people there were not converted to Christianity. France was in Algeria, Tunisia, Morocco, Mauritania and people there weren't converted to Christianity. But that doesn't mean the ministries and Churches found a way to invite some to Christianity or spread the Christian Culture through hospitals and schools. This called EFFECT. So you are again confuse CAUSE with EFFECTS. I am Australian since 20 years and know that Britain came to Australia mainly to bring crowded criminal to there. Moreover it was lest France took it first since French Navy was around. It doesn't matter what he was believe?. Many people aren't speak about their belief including me. I only speak about that in this Forum only and without verses or extreme.
The US Mistakes in Iraq issue: 1- Going to war in Iraq?without UN backing but against its will.. 2- Ignoring the investigation by UN inspectors about WMD. 3- Depending on information from on Iraqis in exile. 4- For a political reason they stressed that " Shiite are the majority " and stop. In fact this is not the whole truth. They could say that Shiite is the majority among Arabs in Iraq. But Shiites are not the majority in Iraq. Since the Kurds [who distinguish themselves from Arabs now day] are Sunni. Then the Sunni's from Arabs and Kurds are the majority. That why the president of Iraq after the invasion was either Sunni Arab or Kurd. Morever the American invasion brought many Shittes to Iraq [and many non Iraqis as Iraqis] 5- Resolving the army. This make a huge vacuum. So the border can not observed and the internal security as well. Also it make all the former Army members without pension and without job . So most of them join the Resistance. 6- Helping the Shiite to dominant the political institution in Iraq. Shiite will be affected by Iran without doubt. Most of them were in exile in Iraq. If they are not fighting USA occupation that because they happy that USA derived them to the power. They achieved that cheaply. They continue to not resist to strengthen their presence. Until arising contradiction towards achieving their goal, the will continue to not resist. But one day they will be in conflict with US and with backing of Iran will be disaster to US. This will be big trouble to USA By the dependent Shiite branch [El Sadr group] are making some trouble to US. But most of the other Shiite [The Hakim group] has Iranian relation and easy to be influenced by Iran. 7- Blessing of Grand Ayatollah Ali al-Sustani because he is not declaring war on the Occupation and the majority of Shiattis are influenced by him. But he an Iranian and has no Iraq's citizen. He is living in Iraq in what named Holly cities to the Shiite. He has the blessing of US since he is not call to the Resistance so far. While he has been scrupulously non-violent and restrained even in his speech, Sustani is extremely forceful ?. It will be mistaken if American think that this will continue. 8- It is mistake to accuse Syria and Iran with allowing the terrorists to come in Iran. Never they accused Saudi Arabia where there are strong border with Iraq and strong acting of Al_-Qaeda in that kingdom. Syria and El_al-Qaeda are in odd. Iran is Shiite and El-al-Qaeda is Sunni, If anybody pass from Iran or Syria pass to Iraq is the same as terrorists are living and passing to USA or Germany. Any body can travel to another country by getting Visa for different purpose. He/she will not prevail what he/she is intend to do in the country. Moreover blaming other country to not secure their border to prevent illegal entering is not fair. The complaining country is who has the responsibility to protect themselves by their mean Moreover does USA can secure their border with Mexico to prevent 100% the illegal immigrations? 9- Banning the Bath's party and their members in the new political system. Is that a democracy to exclude a huge portion of the society from the political process. Of course with their removal, the Constitution and the Parliament will reflect this shortage. This will generate a group working under ground and resist the outcome of these process. 10- Supporting the Kurds for Seperation and this will upset TURKEY and the Sunnis. The armed militias of the non-Arab Kurds are real armies that have been trained and supplied for years in their autonomous homeland under the protection of the allied "no fly" zone. If anything threatens their important interests, Kurds could start resist the American. 11- The political events, the transitional Administrative Law divided rather than unified and create the divided Iraq. So the constitution follow that. The problem is that division is opposed by Sunnis[ and most of Arabic countries] but the desired unity threatens the Kurdish bottom line of autonomy from the Arabs and Shiiti dream to unified with Iran in future. The Sunni demand that they not be ruled by what they consider heretical Shia law. 12- Calling all the Resistance as terrorists. In fact wasn't any presence to them in Iraq in the former regime. Both are in odd. Even if Abu Musab al-Zarqawi was living there that not mean that there are cooperation between them. How many terrorists were and still living in USA, Germany, UK,...etc. Who acted in 11 September attack were living and training in USA. Who did London attack were born and living there. The same who did Madrid booming. So don't tell that Zarquawi was living in Iraq and this is to approval of the relation between Saddam and the Quadi group. As you can not say that because the deputy of Osam benLadin is Egyptian that mean Egypt is blessing the Al-Qaeda. .The same you can not say that because Osam Bin_Ladin has Saudi citizen and most of 11 September terrorists were Saudi, give you to decide that Saudi-Arabia is blessing the terrorism.
1. What will be if you were wrong?. In mean time , my belief not for fear but for doing the right thing. If there was no heaven or hell, I don't loose anything. In the opposite case you will the looser. Please the thread not about religion or the evolution. It is about that you believe in God and in the science in the same time. 2. I don't use any verses from the bible because you can not convince non believer in the bible by giving verses from the bible. 3. The thread not about the necessity of religion . There are many thread about it. 4. The thread is not about wars and whatever the religions are their reasons of war. The war of Alexander , Napoleon, Xan and Hitler weren't for religion reasons. The British colonize in US, Australia, South Africa and India,... weren't not for religion reasons. 5. The thread is not about Evolution there are many about that and I believe in the micro-evolution [real science]. To be related to the subject, you can explain , if possible, how the primary cell was evolved and distinguished and have different functions. How it evolved to the cells in this gland what I lost [the core of the thread] and how it could control many from the human body functions. Moreover have anyone succeeded to create the primary cell from scratch . But we need that in reality not imagination or assumption [which make it science not belief] 6. I studied a complicated theories of Albert Einstein and Stephen Hawking . I followed Einstein's mathematical formulas [From one equation to another ] but I have nothing to find what he said about re legion with or against. What Stephen Hawking said about belief, doesn't concern me but I study his theories and saw his gaps and contradictions with that of Einstein. 7. No, I don't go to religion for sadness.
I Am Scientist And I Believe In God Believer Scientists
kasm replied to kasm's topic in General Discussion
1. It seem that you didn't read my post. I didn't say that removing the tumber has connection with God. I said when the tumor was removed they removed with it a 2 tiny pituitary gland and I have now a hormon replacement course and take daily 6-7 medication to reduce the impact of loosing this gland. Then I explained how many functions these tiny glands are doing. Then the question is : does the Evolution thories can explan how these glads come to be. I don't think so as it failed to explain eye evolution. 2. I don't claim that every scientist is believer. But I want to declare my staus. There are millions of scientist are believer as the case in the past and as Newton, Galilio, Friday,Pasteur,Mendil,Mendleef,.etc,... 3. The deiscussion here not about Evolution and Creation or Evolution and God but it is question of looking the miracle design that in our body [read last sentence in my post] including these tiny gland. How they control Groth, Hair, Sex activities, Milk production, dehidration, Works of kidney, works of heart,works of another glands... -
1. Before I start, I want stree that I am not iraques, arab nor moslem. 2. This another mistake US did hat allow that happened after all the reasons to invade Iraq are false. If a police caught somebody and charged him then if their case are false, the police have to aspologise and compensate . They are not allowd to change the charges and find another crime. If the police has permission to search house for a weapons and they find insteaf "drugs" can not be charged with possing drugs. 3. Morever that Bush said after wake up that " ..despite his terrible crimes against his own people, Saddam Hussein received a fair trial." Calling that joking trial as fair trial is another lie from Bush. 4. There are lot od dectators in the middle East, Pakistan and Chili are with the blessing of US. 5. The real challenge is catching Osama and approve that he kill these thousands of Americans
No he wasn't in hospital. He died at 6:45 p.m. Tuesday at his home in Rancho Mirage, He is called "An accidental president" because he didn't elected neither as President nor vice-president. On Dec. 6, 1973 he became the US 40th vice president when the vice-president Spiro Agnew had pleaded no contest to a charge of income tax evasion and therfore removed from the office.. I also want to add that Presiudent Ford Disagreed With Bush About Invading Iraq. That what published yesterday in Washington Post on Thursday, December 28, 2006 of interview and conversation in 2005 -- took place for a future book project could be published at any time after his death. He said:
I Am Scientist And I Believe In God Believer Scientists
kasm replied to kasm's topic in General Discussion
It is not quite right. I didn't say that I don't believe in evolution because I believe in micro-evolution not the macro-evolution. The first is a real science the second is belief. [for the types of evolution see the last pragraph or the thraed : Evolution Is Not Science Nor Scientific Theory Second I didn't agree that Ion "instead choosed to believe in God" because I believe in God before that and and this event strengthened my belief. When you belief in something mean you go in that way whatever the other ways. That is reason to call it belief". Exactly as you said you "believe in Evolution" even you don't explain which one?. I wonder how you believe in "aliens" which was created by the science fiction and expanded in Hollywood films and series. you say "life may have been created by some extra terrestrial life form" why you can not call that God. By the way you used "may" which means you not certain but you believe in that. If God is exist, you will the looser and if not I am not loosing anything. If God exist then you don't have excuses to not belief upon your opinion that He agrees on the bad things to be happened.. He allows things for purposes. Look in nature, how one animal food is another one without that no cycle. How the seed be died first to generate another life. Sun produces a hazards material but it is necessary to lightening the earth. In the same time He invited the atmosphere to protect the Earth and the life on the Earth. No my post wasn't complain for my status nor it was inquire for medical advice. I want to show how these 2 tiny pituitary glands could have all these functions. No one can explain how the "extra terrestrial life form" can produce that. Exactly as the Darwinism are failing to explain how the eyes was evolved. Now I will quote the types of evolution as was quoted in previous discussions: "Evolution Is Not Science Nor Scientific Theory" at http://forums.xisto.com/index.php?sho318&hl=kasm -
Merry Christmas to You too, OpaQue. By the way the Russian, the Serb, the Romanian, The Bulgarian , the Egyptian Coptic Orthodox [including me], the Asyrian Orthodox, the Ethiopian, the Eritranian have their Christmas on 7th Of January according to the old Calander. I am living in Australian since I immigrated 19 yeas ago, we celeberate the two days 25 December [especially for kids] and the 7th January.
1. There is no relation between Christmas and the Tree. But people in any feast are preparing Food, biscuits , making fun and decorating. On of decorating to Christmas is the Fir Tree or evergreen tree. It Started to be used as decoration for the Chrismass from 16th Century in Germany and this spread-ed to all Europe. Americans were learning about Christmas by the German immigrants. This steadily evolved into what we have today from decoration and lightening it. Decorations with candle light is seen from the begin of 1800, because of the risk of fire it is changes later for artificial light. Russian and all former Soviet Union was using The fir Tree as Symbol of NEW Year. 2. Christian weren't celebrate Jesus Birthday but Easter. In that time no one was celebrating birthdays as we do now. Easter is the main rock in Christianity. Without Easter no Christianity. People their greeting were "Jesus risen" and if the other answer "truly risen" mean he/she is Christian. But Christian started celebrate it since 400. 3. ?Christmas? is derived from the Old English title ?Cristes Maesse? which means ?The Mass of Christ.? . In Arabic we used "Aid Al Mi lad" i.e "feast of the Birth" or "feast of nativity." 4. I believe the most important point is Christmas is Jesus Birthday It is for celebrating the birth of Jesus and Christmas tree is a decoration in some parts of world to the Christmas Feast. For example in middle east the Christ mass tree is not a decoration for the Christmas. 5. It is my position that Christmas is not pagan once Jesus in the celebration. doesn't matter if many customs have gravitated to Christmas that have pagan origins. It doesn't matter if people used what were used before Christianity to express pleasure and fun. Every day we invited or adopted new methods to celebrate. This exactly as people using Chin ease firework for celebration does not mean you become Chin ease. And using old musical instrument is not mean you become pagan. Doesn't matter what was edited by individuals in the wikipedia [all we know anybody can ad or edit]. 6. Moreover, we have not to debate the date of Christmas. It was established by investigation and decision of both East and West Churches. So we are after 2000 year can not challenge that sitting in our place, Do we argue when G Washington born or Queen Victoria took the crown. The present date be the origin of the feast in East or West, Paul of Emesa and Cyril of Alexandria in their sermons show that the December celebration was then firmly established between 427 and 433. The difference between 25 December when the west celebrate Christmas and the 7 January [where the eastern churches celebrate the Christmas IS DUE TO THE DIFFERENT CALENDARS. It is between who adopted Julian Calender or who do not.
We Must Travel To The Stars To Save The Human Race!
kasm replied to james2002's topic in Science and Technology
1. First of all the headings tell " We Must Travel To The Stars To Save The Human Race!" . It is wrong headings of the topics or the newspaper article. There is a specific definition of "Star" and stars are in the same category of our "Sun" . Our planet and eight other planet are moving around sun. Sun is a star. Every star has its planets. 2. We can not live in star as we can not live in "Sun" . In facts we can not go near the Sun even if we could travel there. Our atmosphere protect us from the the Sun and without it we can not live on the earth. I think you and the article's writer mean trying to live in one of our neighbours planets not the stars. Even Prof warned that future generations would need to leave the planet to ensure the survival of the species. He used "Planet" and didn't say "star". Only he urges to find a speedy travel mean as in science fiction "star trek" where they use to travel with light speeds. 3. I think people are confusing Science fictions with the reality. In science fiction as in wicked science there are unlimited of imagination and dream what the science can do. I think you used "travel to Star" by influence of "Star trek". 4. Until now after 60 years of space travelling man could visit moon for few hours. Moon is not a planet but a sputnik to the planet "Earth". So we have long way to travel to one f our neighbour planet. 5. We know that human can not survive without air and water so before inhabiting any of these planet you have to prove the existence of "oxygen" and air there. That why the missions now concentrate on Mars for that possibility. 6. Or may the scientists can find ways to use the resources there to generate Oxygen and water . and even they find that way it have to be cost effective. I think it is more thousands times harder than changing sea and oceans water to be drinking water to human and planting. This will change life in many places and find places to more population and produce food for them. I think it is better to concentrate on that direction . -
1. The scientific team who conducted the research, was consisted of radiologists, pathologists, and anatomists under the oversight of the Dean of Medicine at Cairo University. It included three international experts, two from Italy and one from Switzerland. They were permitted to review over 17,000 images. 2. On 8 March, 2005, Cairo announced that the Egyptian team has finished their examination of a non-invasive CT scan of Tutankhamun?s mummy and the General of the Supreme Council of Antiquities, states that there is no evidence that the young king was murdered. 3. The scientific team confirmed that King Tut died at about the age of 19 for the following reasons: 4. In answer to theories that Tutankhamun was murdered, the team found no evidence for a blow to the back of the head, and no other indication of foul play.` 5. Some team members interpret a fracture in the left thighbone as evidence for the possibility that Tutankhamun broke his leg badly just before he died. There is no obvious evidence for healing and the associated skin wound would still have been open which suggest that this fracture would have had to occur a short time, days at the most, before death. 6. My theory is that this was result of accident happened in speady vechicles by an teenager as it is happenining in our modern days of grazy speady cars by teenager. 7. You can find more details about the scan, previous scan and Tutfacial reconstruction at: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
1. Of course human is the most smart and intelligent animal but my question for another animals living in homosexual relation is because I want show that "homosexual relation" is not natural. But in lat posting said "Yes for the most part there aren't many "gay" animals. I want one example . Would you give me one example. I like to know. What that animal who are living in homosexual relationship. Don't give me one casual example to one event that one animal acting on another male as symbol of domination. It is hyping in human and in some regime it use it as torture in intergation. 2. I am not comparing bad things or ordering them but I give examples for feeling we are controlling and fighting until override them as the feelings towards mother, sisters,brothers, teachers, kids, etc etc. 3. If in "why most people .....". and "why most people...". you mean it Must not most then we read it all people instead of most people and all is greater than most. It is not matter i manipulate it to prove or to be satisfied. 4. No body enforce you to tell us who you are and what your feeling. Your orientation and feeling have to be inside you. Nobody ask you. That is the problem. In liberal society today there are no prosecution for that. But no need to cover it without reason or question in interrogation. We love all people and pray to them even for enemies. But don't insist you are right. Person who have heart problem have not insist to play in strong physical sport. 5. When I answered your question asking reasons why we oppose the homosexuality, I gave some examples. Doesn't matter you among them or not or whetever you participate in the prades ore not. I speak about facts we read , listen and watch everyday about cases in courts , discussion in your congress and senate, appealing to change the laws, fighting to enter the subject in curricula in schools. I don't have to give the special events and where were published. It is current affair matter if you are reading, listening or watching. When I oppose adoption to your group because it is for people wants children the normal way but failed for biological reason out of their hands. 6. Nothing me or hetero are afraid Nothing we think about how long you live more or less. The Aids/HIV problem I already answered on your behalf because I am not quite sure. But all knows that the epidemic is more in *person* than in hetero [ask statistics, societies,...] so I suggested if it is true then heteros took it through outside marriage relation.
1. Human is in the animal category whatever you believe in Darwin's theory or not . It is a no debated science. Living thing either plants or animal.. When we asked example of another animal living in homosexual relation, we want to return to NATURE. Then we deduce that homosexual is not natural and not normal. 2. Because you give question "why we fight the homosexual feelings?" Then I gave to many feeling we are fighting or control by ourselves to be in right track as : feeling or rapists towards the victims, feelings of students towards teacher, feeling of the killer towards the victims, felling of people towards others' spouse, feeling towards sisters or mother, etc etc. 3. You repeat "why must people .....". I think you want say "why most people...". So you recognise that my ideas are in majority "most". 4. Surprisingly you decided that all things I stated are wrong in generic term and stopped. This is not good discussion. You have to debate the points. 5. You asked one reason how you being gay effect me. Here are many: - you or your group are attempting to change the "marriage concept" - you or your group want the homosexual to be taught in curricula of school. We don't want our children be taught that is normal because it is lies and against my contract with the schools. - you or your group want the right of adopted people. - you or your group from women want receive donation Ebro and this against the Donner desire to help women who can not give birth a ready to generate life egg. - you or your group are making parade frequently in many cities organised internationally. While heterosexuality consider their orientation are sacred and is not in public. Heterosexuality people if the cheated they know they doing wrong thing and not debate that they do the right things. - I will not add the "aids" problem because you will tell that hetero may be have also aids disease. Even though I believe that HIV problem in hetero peoples are initiated by casual mistake in *person* relation. But neither my ideas or yours can be approved.
There is need to fight wrong feeling for examples: - Rapists have feeling to sexual attack women .Do we bless them? - Children abusers have feeling to rape kids, do we allow that or say these feeling must end. - Killers has anger feeling against another and kill him/her do we acquit them. - Some has desire of wife's friend or neighbour and they have to control this feelings. - Also some women has desire of men other husbands for some moment but they have to control these feeling which will destroy their family and may be not result to get that man. - Many shool girls dreams about their teacher and they have to control these feeling because it is temperory and not reliable. - Also many boys in school desire their female teacher and they will be plamed if someone discover that. - Many young are grazy feeling about celeberaties and if all of them coudn't control their feeling or the society prevent them , then these famous peoples will end with thousands of sextual relation with all these youngs. -Freud school says about sexual feelings to the mothers do we recognise that if somebody act or it will be story of that day. - Some are confused for love sisters and develop it to desire temporary, he has to control this feeling until healing and see the real love between brothers and sisters. The same is in case of the feeling for same sex can be control and override to the right stream. It is wrong as I said all the times and asked "Give me an example of that another animal in nature is living with the same sex relation". Exclude casual events which sometimes occured as a sign of dominion in animals including human. Some regime use same sex act as a mothod of torture.
Congratulations on stopping smoking!. I think there is no benefit at all for smoking. Even I am not drinking too (except in occasion and by invitation) but I think drinking may be has some nutritional benefit and help in warming in cold weathers as in Russia and Finland and may be has medical usage but I can not find any benefit for smoking. My big brother is smoking and can not stop even after heart attack. He stopped for few month but return back to this habit secretly. I warn my kids about smoking saying how it is addicted things so don't try. I gave them their uncle example as proof for warning. One of my Mathematics Professor was heavily smoking. I don't forget that after 45 years, that he was smoking one cigarette every quarter of hour with a Turkish cup of coffee brought to him during the lecture {in that time smoking in public place was allowed). In last day of his life , he was very miserable.
1- Sorry I didn't notice this topic before, so I will respond to the original post first. 2- We again in cycle. The poster must define what he/she means by "evolution" and what the poster means by "theory". Is "theory" the scientific theory or any hypothesis or direction. I guess the poster uses "theory" in public definition i.e. the second option up. That all these three theories are suggestion, hypotheses or thought. Then there are long way to prove these these hypotheses to become theory [i will quote from some previous postings in this forum before:] See "What is Science" at : http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ and "What is Scientific Method?" at: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ 3- There are many types of evolution. So it is better to count the types of the evolution. . There are six types of evolution in my accumulated knowledge base from many sources]: I will quote them from my previous posting: 4- How can the poster proves the first theory or hypothesis? what he/she means by "human evolution"?. What he/she means by "the end of the world". Is that what some religions are teaching. I don't think there are any scientific point for the "end of the world" 5- Also from where that human be characterised as "the most dominant creatures on the planet. "? 6- In what called theory two[i.e. hypothesis 2, I can not tolerate calling it theory]: "Humans have evolve thousands of times already". From where came "human evolved these many times?" 7- Getting smarter or the discoveries in science , exploration of space, building rockets, launching satellites, landing on the moon, sending robots to some planets can not be considered as "evolution". They are achievements, conclusions, deduction or engineering of our accumulated knowledge. They are mutual progress using our brains given to us and advantage knowledge stored in our brain or documented in books, magazines, research, theses etc.... Deduction theory from previous theories is not evolution but deductions. 8- Theory three or hypothesis 3 is an imagination that the Human will be wiped up "Humans will be wiped out before we have a chance to evolve. Like the dinosaurs lay live as the dominant creatures of the planet for millions of years." It is the poster who think that i.e it is his/her belief., expectation or imagination. . 9- Evolution is not science nor scientific theory : [Evolution Is Not Science Nor Scientific Theory: at: http://forums.xisto.com/index.php?shoc=34318= ] or http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/