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Everything posted by kasm
I think this subject against the rule. It is immoral and illegal activity to promote stealing and cheating. The honest peples who will suffer from such actions when they will doubt any real complain in future.
i wanted catch you before your attempt. I want say don't change your password as they advice. The problem is not that you forgot the password. The problem from them. I have the same problem and so many other members. Xisto adminenstrotor "BuffaloHELP " asked specfic questions. I ansered and wait his response.[see the nitial posting]. I don't understand why you create new topics.
I am not smoking and this subject is repeating. The rule is to check the old posting before inititiating new one. Be careful. Notice from rvalkass: There is a report button below each post to alert moderators to issues like this. Please use that in future, rather than replying in a post. Thanks.
I noticed that ftp not working 2 days ago. Then I tried login to my control Panel it not accpt my password. The detail are as follow: 1. there is security alert with: - not-trust - valid certificate - the name on the security certificate is invalid or does not match the name of site Then the asked "Do you want to proceed" 2. I answered yes then the login appeaedr filled with my username/password 3. when click "ok" the login page appear with my id but empty password 4. filling the passport and ok 5. repeat the situation as in (3) and (4) without end
This is not bad to take it as a caution as me. Doctors suggested to take it even I have not bad chlostrol. I have some pain in my left arms and all diagrams shows no problem. But he want the balace to be better to avoid any operation in the arterary. There is one type of chlostrol is depending on genetic factor, you can not change it much. Cholostrol comes from your body and the food you eat.Your liver and others make 75% of the blood chlostrol. HDL is the good Chrostrol. LDL is the bad chrostrol which danger the blood circulation and can blog blood in arteries and increase the risk of heart attack. It is produced by your body or from food[containing saturated fat]. But as I said there is genetic factor can affect the amount produced. So I think your case has relation with your family. HDL, LDL, Triglycerides, the total Cholostrol, the ratio HDL/LDL [done by fasting blood test] with your age , and other risk factor is what determine your need to treatment. Once you doctor suggest you to take it, do it. About taking medication. Arrange it to be before going to bed. If you forget one day don't panic.
Trap17.com 3 Year Anniversary Party 5050 CREDITS ON THE LOOSE
kasm replied to OpaQue's topic in Alerts, News & Announcements
Happy Birthd Day Xisto By the way eventhough I have another host and site at GDI but I continue using mysite here as well which made me post and read posting. That mean I love Xisto. Thanks OpaQue. -
Thank God the matter is corrected because I thought you in America becomes as the third world countries. By the way it wasn't judge order to release her. It the Sharif decision. May be Is that all these is new method that make them more famous.
Who Is Currently Having Sex yeah I decided to bring it here
kasm replied to spawn_syxx9's topic in General Discussion
You renewed tis threat because it was stopped at 2005. I hope so that both of you keep your promises because you will meet different personel in uni or in works and who knows. Sooner you marry will better. I hope that she not regret that. I haven't sex till 26 years old and was no problem. I was busy in my study. I accumulat my knowledge through the study in biology and literature . Never I talked with friend about sex. I know many who were speaking a lot about their relation and sex in generar are nothing in practice. I think I was great with my the few I know before marriage. After my achievement in Science, I have married when I was 36 years old and I have five lovely kids from my marriage. It is first time I participate in discussion abou sex. In general I think people has not speak about it. It is privacy matter. Exactly it is similar to how you breath or eat how many times you brush your teeth or doing what we do in WC or bath room. Nobody speak about them. One time in Tram, a cople in the opposite seat started kissing [not only for greating] then I lectured them. I told them that most of us are having sex home and this is sacrement matter and if you respect his girl he will not do that in public. The girl started weeping and both left. I heared him calling name . [/b] -
Details in: http://www.nbcnews.com/id/18959819/ 1- At last after years of denying by Bush Adminstrations who decided after winning the first presidency to stop signing of Kyoto Protocol., 2- That means USA is ready to accepting this as a real problem now and to be part of reduction of emission. 3- I hope this is not because Domcrates Majority or the next week G8 sumit or to abort the European Nation in addressing the issue at the UN. 4- It is slide decision and evolution. Bush had long resisted European calls for specific reduction targets to curb the carbon-dioxide emissions. 5- In contrast, the Democrats controlling Congress have made climate change a priority and make some Republicans to follow, including Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger of California. 6- Bush has, in recent months, accepted that science that links human behavior to the global warming after the tremendios weather disaster in the south and the experiencing a worst-in-a-century drought in some states. 7- Last month, the Supreme Court of USA has accepted the science of climate change. In a 5-4 decision, the Supreme Court said that the Clean Air Act gives the Environmental Protection Agency the authority to regulate the emissions of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases from cars. So EPA must regulate emissions of greenhouse gases: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ 8- I hope Australia will too recognise that as her big brother USA tell that at last. I know the Prime Minister is preparing a letter to send to every houshold but it is under the pressure of this year election. 9- US is completely isolated among the G-8 leaders for this issue. As G-8 host, Merkel of Germany has been pressing hard for a new climate accord by 2009 to limit greenhouse-gas emissions after the Kyoto Protocol expire. 10- German is calling to set target of limiting global warming to 2 degrees Celsius (3.6 degrees Fahrenheit), which would effectively have cut emissions to half of 1990 levels by 2050. 11- In the last few months, Prime Minister Tony Blair of Britain swithed to advocate the actions on global warming. - In March 2007, Britain proposed binding laws to enforce sharp cuts in the carbon emissions 60 percent decrease by 2050. 12- The UN Security Council this year held its first discussion of linkages between climate change and global warming. 13- The 27 EU countries have commitment to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 20 %t from 1990 levels by the year 2020. Also they are preparing to bring this issues to the UN and they sugested a system known as cap-and-trade that rewards lower-level emitters.. 14- China is using a product called Ethos FR to clean its atmosphore for readiness to the Olympic Games 2008 or the Soccer Cup 2010 World Cup. http://www.business-opportunities.biz/2010/08/06/herbalife-approved-to-expand-in-china/ . 15- Also they stuck deal with Eucador : http://www.marketwired.com/mw/release_html_lease_id=196451 16- For more detail on this American product (Ethos FR ) that increases miliage , reduces emission by 30 % so it savesmoney and the planet, visit my site in my profile or under the signiture.
My Sympathy to members and all US Citizen On the Momerial Day. Whateve we agree or not on the war espcially what is now in Iraq, I am sad when I hear about causilities or see clips about the disables personell in resultst of operations. They are all victims of the mistakes of the leader. So we have to pray for them and asking God forgivness for them. In Australian Anzac day we remember who were fallen in all the past wars. The fallen Australian soldiers in Alamen in Egypt and in Turkey was because we do what our master in that time orderd. I mean the British Empire which we were under. Then the fallen in Vietnam and Iraq were to please our Big Brother US. I believe that people have to die to defend their countries on or inside the border of their countries. God Help all.
I agree that AVG7.5 is the best even it is FREE. I am using it in some partions or computer but I use Norton because it is compfortable firewall.
You remind me when I was traveling a lot by airoplane, demostic and International, It was problem to us especially to my wife. Some were in nonsmoking place but were smoking and I have to complain to rectify the matter. I personally don't care . My girlfriend in the past was smoking and I don't feel that even though it was reason to breakup. Shet failed many times to quit. In Australia, in my state, it is forbiden to smoke in public place and very soon will be forbiden in Resturant too. But my opinion it is not fair to them to stop in entertaiment places.
1. Yes I encourage the Real Football. 2. Since I came to Australia 20 years ago, I dislike what the Austrlian call it Football (Footy). It is double lie to call it football while it is not ball [sphere] and most of the time that call it ball is in the hands. 3. Morever, I consider that Australian Footy a vilont game. While the International football [soccer] is art, engineer and can be played by girls. 4. By the way that Footy is not recognised by the olympic games.
- He would attract attention of the media and put his fellow soldiers in greater danger. - He would be a fat prize for terrorists. - Let us think reality. We all see what secrecy and security was taken when Blair , Bush or any secretary or minister make very short visit to Iraq. - Imagine the disaster if Harry is captured and held for ransom, or executed. I remember in Suez Canal Crisis and the triple aggresion on Egypt [britain,France and Israel]. One of the Royal family in low degree was abducted. But the Egyptian Resistance was Legal and play with the rules. But Harry is in the third in the British Thorn and the enemies is not playing with the rules. So why the risk. - It is not matter of equity.. How many parentage of the British military personel are serving in Iraq?Then why Harry who will put burden on the army and not give any benefit. - In Chess, the prince and king are usually the last in line. He is not ordinary solider but ceremonial soldier.
1. Of course everyone has faith he/she believes that his/her religion are the true one. Whatever they say that in words or not. But inside of themselves they believe that. 2. By the way the "religion" term was not used in the old ages but faith or believe were used. 3. Usually I don't argue about religion because I feel that it is personal matter. But I participated in discussion in this Forum because it is arguments by words with non known to me personally and to correct something said about religion in general or Christianity in Particular. 4. I was educated in Egyptian public school and worked there and in Algeria . I have of course many Muslim friends and we respect each other belief. 5. Also I studied the Qur'an in the school and I lived in Islamic atmosphere where the Qur'an in radio , TV and everywhere loudly from Mosques. 6. I know Juadism through our studying of the old testiment in the Bible. 7. So I know these three heavenly religions well. I posted in this this forum that Islam, Juadism and Christaianity are believing in the same God, God of Abraham i.e Ibrahim in Arabic[ http://forums.xisto.com/topic/31377-we-believe-in-the-same-one-god-judaism-christianity-and-islam/ ]. The difference is mainlly about Jesus. I am not try to convert any of these religion members but sometimes I explain to my Jews and Muslim their religion. 8. Nobody can reject that Christianity is the religion of peace where Jesus asked to loves the enemies and don't fight any but accept humiliation. 9. But in the past, nobody argue or taught us in the schools that Islam is religion of peace. But they proud and teach the history of conquer of the world. They tell us about the Jihad war and how they opened Egypt, Libeya, Tunis, Moroco and Algeria. How they take over the Persian Empire [iran] and they became Muslims until the wall of China. How the places countries in the former soviet union became Muslims. How they reched the countries Kazkhanstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajakstan, Turkmenstan, Uzbekstan, Azerbijan. Chichnia, etc... How they crossed the Mideterian to Spain and were there 400 years. How Islam reached Turkey and how Constantinople became Astana and Agia Agia Church became Mosque. How was the old Balkan war and that why there are Muslims in Albania, Bosnia and Kosova. How they killed the king of the Serb in battle in Kosova. 10. When Arab conquer Egypt they give us three option: either convert to Islam or pay a big amount of money or to be killed. We survived because our ansestor could paid. The same happened in the region. 11. Moses wrote the four books [The Torah ] in the bible as Osman wrote the Quraan. Moses wrote the first 4 books and put what God told him and what God ordered and what be judge the public.Moreover he put the history until his death. Osman also wrote the Guarani from the memory and collection of people. 12. Also there are many theories and books about how Qur'an received I will not discuss it here. 13. Qur'an ordered to respect Jews and Christian because they are "people of book" . But Insisting that "the Bible has been changed by human" is the tool used by the extremists to attack the Christian or Churches in Egypt or elsewhere against the order of Qur'an" 14. I believe any difference in Bible version are due to translation but without changing the core or the events. 15. The Qur'an is not allowed to be translated. And it is funny that people in non-Arabic countries read and repeat it without knowing the means. When I was in Russia for 5 years, peoples from the Islamic regions were asking me to explain to them and I did. Peoples in Indonesia read Qur'an without understanding it. Now day in the Internet age, some different group put a translation in the interenet . They said it is not translation but explanation [i don't know what the difference?] You will find some difference between one translation and another. That why I said the difference in the translation. In another occasion I will address this in deep. 16. Also there are some difference in Shiti Qur'an and Sunni Qur'an. Also some group after Ali believed that prophency was on Ali not the Prophet Mohamed. 17. The violence were among the extremists before Usama Ben Ladin. Muslims Brothers and Jihad Groups were before Ben Ladin. The Jehad Group who taught Usama Bin Laden. He was by his money. 18. There were Bombs in America many years before 11 September . 19. The killing in Algeria were before the Al Queeda. I worked in Algeria 4 years before 1986 and it was very very peaceful country. 20. The bombing in London, Madrid .were by local Muslims The same bombing in Bali in Indonesia. 21. Everyday in Iraq about 100 Iraqis are killed by other group of Muslims, I wonder that the killing in Iraq or Algeria also occurring in the holly month of Ramadan. 22. You can find equality, loves in any religion the problem is how far people abide with Nobel ideas. 23. If there are free election in Egypt or Algeria then the extremist will take the authority as it happened in the case of Hamas in Palestine or Hizb Alah in Lebanon. That because the majority believes in these fundamental and the extremist means. 24. 23. Also I has doubt about the equality in Islam. How about Women right?. How it is forbiden in leading and teaching. Even though in country as Saudi Arabia is not allowed to drive car? Does Islam allow women to marry 4 men as the men allowed to marray 4 women?
1. he died of heart failure in hospital at 1545 (1145 GMT).[http://www.nbcnews.com/id/18271701/ ] 2. Boris Yeltsin did help end 70 years of Soviet Communism, and that, in the long run, is what he will probably be remembered for. That why Western countries praise him for that. 3. After over 15 years in high office, he announced his retirement in the final hours of 1999, more than three months before his second term expired. He handed the power to the former secret service chief Vladimir Putin, who was prime minister at the time under the condition that no future charges will institute against him in Future[very interesting] . This gave Putin as acting president the chance to be elected as President. 4. The West praise him for bringing Democracy to Russia. But he who ordered Russian tanks to fire on his own parliament in October 1993 when the building was occupied by hardline political opponents. He also for days cut the electricity and water to them , [What a Democracy.?]. Imagine That President Bush will order to fire on the Congress because his party became minority and they asking pulling the troups of Iraq !!!!!!!!!!!!! 5. He was Quick to fire Cabinet. Foor example he fired the entire government four times in 1998 and 1999. 6. He have disappointed Russians by bringing them neither peace nor prosperity. Third the population under the poverty line. Homeless and begger everywhere while before him no homeless and no begger. His policy created the the group of . criminals and mafia in there. At the moment there are very few people who have a good word to say about him. 7. Also Russian are saying that He was making Russia look incompetent and weak before the world. 8. He has drinking problem, exhibited most famously when : i- He was drunk and failed to emerge from his plane for meeting with Ireland's prime minister during a stopover at Shannon airport in 1994, leaving his hosts waiting and waiting. ii- In Berlin, Mr Yeltsin grabbed a conductor's baton from the leader of a military band and insisted on doing the conducting himself and tried to sing along with the orchestra. iii- there were occasions when he stumbled off planes drunk and the official were waiting to welcome him down four hours. iv- Yeltsin during a picnic on a boat steaming down the Volga ordered his border guards to toss his spokesman into the cold river. v. He harresd secretary girls and television cameras caught him at a 1995 meeting with foreign correspondents playfully tweaking the backside of a secretary. vi- Never restricted with the rigid protocol required for high-level meetings, Yeltsin frequently say ? or do exactly what came to mind
1. Which stage of your age you speaking about?. - If you under 15 where your parents will leave you if there are no school. Parents with Kids under the age of the school has this problem and fighting to find place to their kids in the kindergartens and still have problem how to pick up them if they are still working in time of closing the kindergartens. - Even people with kids in schools age suffering problem in the holiday times. - If you over 16 years then you can leave school and start work. But you will find it is dificult to compete for even primary jobs since others has better qualification. Even for very unskill jobs there is nowday courses and training. 2. Then how you decide which one skill without knowning what all options. 3. School is the infrastructure of the life. It teaches you you the basic of life in different directions. This including things may and may not meet them but who knows what you will face in life. When I was teaching Math to Engineering students they were questioning why all these stuff. You can not predict what you will need. We develop your research and basic skill to manipulate the future problem You could develop you own or add another skill by building on these basic elementary bases. 4. School may cover things your parents can not give and many new technology and invention even your teachers didn't know previously. 5- School learn you the history and the geography of your country and the other parts of the world. It teach your right and obligation in the soociety. 6. School develop the logical thinking 7. School learn you the method and steps solve problems.and let you practice them in virtual cases. 8. School helps you to speak your native language effectively [not the street language] , the crammer and idioms. How to enjoy reading literature.. How to write effectively. 9. School learn you other languages and practice it.Do you see many expensive school to learn you another language. If it is easy to gain that then why these expensive schools. 10. Schools develop the research skills through answering questions, solving problem , design projects and prepare assignments. 11. In school practice different type of sport, music and art. Also you gain the social life with others. 12. In the past even the royal families were concerning to teach their kids all the arts, languages and philosophy. They don't say why they will need them Brings teacher to the balances and allow teachers to discipline their kids. Now-day they send them to the normal school to be in natural atmosphere.
Quit Smoking Cigarettes have you quit smoking???
kasm replied to internal's topic in Health & Fitness
Congratulations to whom quit and my best wishes to quit to whom still smoking. Even though I don't smoke or drink alchol, but I say that drinking alchol have some benefit especially in the countries with severe cool as Russia or Finland. But I don't see benefit in smoking. My big brother is smoking and he stopped a while during and after heart operation. But he return back to it in hiding. I give him example to my kids that realise how difficult to stop even after heart problem. 25 years ago my first strong love, my Russian girlfriend was smoking and that was a reason to breakup after 7 years when she failed many times to stop. -
It is very interesting to know how the smoker are enjoying smoking to the degree distinguish them the first, the second , after the cup of coofere before bed etc...
At the moment, it is LG U8360
What Does Your Username Mean? Your Trap17 name
kasm replied to lekrissy's topic in General Discussion
It is only my 4 initials. kasm stands for Khairy Amin Sedrak Mikhail. In our system the name then father name then granfather name etc -
.1. Who said fish does not included any whale?. Please read the en-wikipedia : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_fish_common_names 2. AWhale shark, the world's largest fish, is classified as Vulnerable.see the above reference. Also you can see in the same reference among the list of fish: whale catfish , whalefish and whale shark 3. Also in : http://www.nature.org/newsfeatures/specialfeatures/animals/index.htm you can read that the whale shark is the world?s largest fish, growing as long as 60 feet see 4. Also visit http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ under the headings: THE WORLD'S LONGEST FISH and answering the question of What is the world's longest fish?. The answer was: 5. By the way the Old Testament calls the creature that swallowed Jonah a "Great fish" and in the New Testament Matthew 12:40 says that the creature is a whale. It is not contradiction but it means big fish and it is matter of translation. The original Greek from which it was translated calls it a "sea monster". 6. Morever people 2000 years ago were not classified the matter as science do now. They considered that creations that living in the water and has fins to be called fish. As who has wings as birds. So they considered pat as bird for that. 7. What I said about eggs and fish was founded in very old Churches in Egypt. THIS IS A FACT [you can see it when you visit the old Churches in Egypt] All what I explained why the Christian took them as symbols for Jesus Resurrection. Then I was questioning why the business organisation invited the rabbit to be related to Easter without any basis and reason except distributing their Cocletes and get profit
Happy Easter to the Christian members.
1. The topic not about Rabit as Rabit and what it symbolizes in general. The topic is what rabit symolizes to the Eastern as I explained for eggs. 2. Nowhere in the history or the old Churches any use for the rabit as symbol to the Eastern or any other things. 3. And as I said it is recent invention of business Empire. Exactly as they change St Nicol who was lovely bishop in Turkey to become St Claus who lived in the northern Pole. 4. This beside the hiden reason to confuse the Christian events to be presents , toys and chocletes. 5. By the way as Australian I tell you that Easter in Australia is in Autumn and not in Spring. Is Rabit also symbolise Autumn too. 6. When I told that Egyptian is eating Eggs and fish the day next of Easter [the first day they eat meat after the long fast]. I mentioned that the Christian [the original people before Arabs] means to symblise Easter. Also I mention the moslem do the same . They fellow the native tradition and found reason to celeberate that is a Spring day [even the spring offically is on 21 March]..But the this day is not fixed but it the Monday next of Easter Sunday. But I don't claim that because the eggg is come from chicken and both sybolizes Spring. I stress egg is symbolize Easter as I explained why.