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We have to distinguish between two types of tools that developers can opt for - an editor, or an Integrated Development Environment (IDE),If you want to code fundamental PHP applications, any standard text editor such as Notepad, would do. But, for the same reason most of us prefer creating documents with a word processor over Notepad, Professional PHP developers always prefer an IDE over a simple editor. There are many. But I select for you five and all is FREEWARE. You will not loose if you download them and experiment with them to decide by yourslf which will better for you. 1) Davor's PHP Editor (DPHPEdit) from Davor Pleskina is a free PHP IDE (Integrated Development Environment) which allows Project Creation and Management, Editing with customizable Syntax Highlighting, AutoCompletion and Completion Proposal, Running&Previewing Project/Files using Internal or External Browser, Code Exploring and Multiple PHP-related special features. The program is totally FREE and runs on all Win32 platforms. It can posibly be used to manage projects and scripts in languages other than PHP. Download at : http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ _________________________ 2) Maguma Workbench is an Integrated Development Environment (IDE),. It is original PHP-only IDE Maguma Studio, a fast and efficient PHP editor.It is now open source under a modified MPL (Mozilla Public License).Download at: http://www.maguma.com/ ____________________ 3) HAPedit is an acronym for Html Asp Php editor; a win32 text-mode editor useful for all developpers of dynamic web pages.Its main features are: page preview in browser; project manager for example: - syntax highlighting for html/php, html/asp, html, JavaScript, CSS and SQL; - preview images; - with SQL console; FTP Manager; Code Explorer - completion for html tags, php functions and php variables, - Brace-matching' highlights blocks '{}', '[]' and '()' while typing code. - Ctrl+F1 displays the page of php manual that describes function. if you download the manual. - Ctrl+F9 returns compilation error in php pages if you have the php engine installed..code and more. It is is freeware at one of the sites at: http://hapedit.free.fr/freewares.php _______________ 4) Alleycode 2.15 for Windows, is fast HTML editor with turitorial. But beyond HTML, Alleycode's wizardry focuses on PHP and CSS interaction. It is FREE! .; additionally focusses on PHP and CSS interaction. https://alleycode.com/ Download free at: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ _________ 5) PSPad is a full featured text editor that you can use to edit and validate HTML, PHP, Perl, JavaScript, C, etc. code explorer for Pascal, HTML, PHP, XML (etc), matched bracket highlighting, etc. . you can download it free from http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
They Took 30 Points For Package 1. problem in subtraction point
kasm replied to kasm's topic in Web Hosting Support
Anyhow it is benfitless lesson. Because it will not repeated. But I will not forget that. Nowhere this rule was mentioned. If I know that why I didn't wait more post and ask package 2. Now you sugested that I asked in upgrade forum. But already I lost 40 points my points. I have from today post only 10 points. THAT IS THE POINT WHICH I WANT TO FIX AFTER REALISE THE REALITY. I want others knows about that and not repeat my situation. The lesson for others: Apply for the package 1 when you get 10 points. Or wait and ask package 2 when you get 30 points. Thanks for my birthday's present -
They Took 30 Points For Package 1. problem in subtraction point
kasm replied to kasm's topic in Web Hosting Support
You said that. So I expect if I had 30.7 points take away only 10 and I'll have 20.7. Otherwise why i didn't ask the package 2. How I can now change it to package 2. It is need your intervention. -
If you refer to the Bible you have to take all the story otherwise you have the right to not use or recgnise Bible.It is not the whole truth or the whole story when u said : Actually Genesis chapter 19 never really meantions why Sodam was destroyed specifically The story was given in big details and sory that I will put a big quote to show the reason was known . After the angels gave good news to Abraham and Sara to have a son. [Genesis 18:1-19] . Abraham was told about going to punish Sadoom and Gomorrah. Then Abrahaam went into long negotiation with the Lord to resecue the cities [Genesis 18:20-33]. Please notice the underlined: Then in [Genesis 19] So as you see they come specially and also they mention why they will do that . So no need for your suggestion: It is also disguising the facts by saying: . I will not discuss it because it out of the subject.
1. when I had credits about 26 I have applied for package 1. 2. When I received that my application has been approved my credit points was more than 30. 3. I din't receive the promised email, so after 2 day I went directly and succeded to activate the account. 4. After that my points changed to 1.8 days. 5. That mean my points droped 30 point not only 10. 6. I shouted about that : 7. I don't receive answer to my shout so, I am sending now from here. I repeat, that I welcome if u fixed the matter and assign to me package 2. 8. I uploaded index.html files and few mimum files to experiemnt file manager and ftp account. But my page http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/. still "not found". 9. The question is there anything I have to do to make my page appear?. Or there delay day until my account will work?. Or I put the files in home directory. Is that right?
What Day Is The First Day Of The Week? What do you think?
kasm replied to Dooga's topic in General Discussion
It depends on the country . In Israel it is on Sunday since their rest on Saturday(Sabbath). In Islamic countries the first day of the week is Sunday since they rest on Friday . And in Christian majority countries including Russia and all former Rebublic of Soviet Union , the first day is Monday since their Sabbath is Sunday . I don't know what in China and India.? I know Arabic language, the Sunday in arabic is Ahad i.e "the first" and Monday "Ethneen" i.e two, Tusday is "Elhalathaa" i.e three, Wensday is "Arbaha" i.e four, and Thursday is "Khameese" i.e the fifth. But Fridy is Gomha i.e gathering (in pray) and Saturday is "sabat". Notice from serverph: fixed quote tags. -
The Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki have marked the anniversary of its destruction by the world's first atomic bomb 60 years ago. Yes the bombing ended the war but many innocent civilian were killed so it is War Crime. Nobody was charged for this crime. Why? Why the last Chinese Emperor with others charged with War Crime. and who bombing innocent people with nuclear bomb hadn't blame. Now days Slovan Milosevic of former Yugoslavia curren still on trial for War Crime. and Saddam Husein of Iraq will face trial for the same reason. It is double standard. and political immorality.
I don't know what PHP you have and what manuals or guides you use. So excuse me if you find some of the following material you already know. 1. If you already have an understanding of HTML and basic web designthere so you can read the first 16 articles at HTML Goodies : Beyond HTML : PHP : http://www.htmlgoodies.com/beyond/php/ [ articles 17 and over are related to data base and sql] 2. There is manual at weberdev.com site: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ 3. There are 3 parts guide at weberdev.com: -PHP 101 (part 1): Down The Rabbit Hole : http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ -PHP 101 (part 2): Calling All Operators : http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ -PHP 101 (part 3): Looping The Loop : http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ 4. Also from weberdev.com I have chosen to you the following articles: -PHP Classes And Objects: A Guide To Development: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ -Coding Criteria: Sloppy VS. Clean: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/* -PHP Classes And Objects: A Guide To Development: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ -Using Control Structures in PHP: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ -A Test To See If You Write Sloppy Software: : http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ -Counting - Creating a simple counter: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ -Beginners Guide to PHP - Introduction to cookies: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ 5. PHP Coding Examples online at : http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ * 6. Using mktime and date function to skip dates and create simple calendar functions: http://www.php-scripts.com/php_diary/051003.php3 7. Image Creation with PHP https://www.wired.com/?tw=programming 8. PHP Example Scripts : http://www.php-scripts.com/php_diary/php_scripts.html 9. The official PHP Manual online: http://php.net/manual/en/ [just in case u haven't ]
Introduction On January 5, 2005, the mummy of Tutankhamun (c. 1355-1346 B.C.) was removed from its tomb in the Valley of the Kings for the first time in almost eighty years. That to perform CT Scan on it. Previous Examination1. In 1926, the mummy of the young king had been essential dismantled by the team of Carter [the discoverer], who were interested primarily in recovering the almost 150 jewels, amulets, and other items wrapped with the body and gaining the maximum possible scientific information from the body itself. To order to remove the objects from the body and the body from the coffin, to which it was stuck fast by the hardened embalming liquids (most likely resins) used to anoint the mummy, Carter?s team cut the body into a number of large and small pieces (for example, the trunk was cut in half, the arms and legs were detached). The head, cemented by the solidified resins to the golden mask, was severed, and removed from the mask with hot knives. 2. In 1968, the mummy has been X-rayed by a team from the University of Liverpool under R.G. Harrison, and 3. In 1978, the mummy has been X-rayed by by J.E. Harris of the University of Michigan. The Benefits of CT Scanning CT scanning is a non-invasive tool that can scan the whole body in a very short time, and can differentiate between various types of soft tissue and bone in three-dimensional images. Conventional X-rays can see two planes only and cannot clearly distinguish the soft tissues. The scope and ability of CT scanning to diagnose and differentiate between diseases is also far superior. The body also does not need to be moved repeatedly, as is the case for X-rays. Results of the CT Scan The analyze of CT scan images of Tutankhamun confirmed that: - King Tutankhamun died at about the age of 19. - He suffered no major childhood malnutrition or infectious diseases. - King Tut was not murdered as previously thought. No evidence found for a blow to the back of the head, and no other indication of foul play. Plus many other interpretations. See by yourself the details at Press Release of Egyptian Supreme Council of Antiquities (SCA)
Before I start I am with eliminating nuclear weapons from all.Why the nuclear Countries oppose others to get the same. It was bitter to eliminate their threat before prohibiting other?Why they make noise about Iran and North Korea?Why they don't mention anything about themselves or Israel?They think that they are responsible and others are not. In fact who used the atomic bomb to kill hundred of thousands of innocent civilian 60 years ag?If they say that Israel under threat, I answer that Iran and North Korea under threat the strongest power of the worl that is US.What is called that who criticie others for thing he has and want be the unique to posses? Notice from BuffaloHELP: kasm, please refrain from using such a large font that it does not fit the posting form. And you do not need to bold all your post. Changing the font size.
An Ph.D Egyptian chemist freed Tuesday after four weeks since he was in custody since 14 July. I am Chrisian and against terrorism but I am wondering for "Human right" How a person could be in custody for investigation for 4 weeks only because Britain notified Egyptian authorities they suspected he may have had links to some of the attackers and he casually knew two of the attackers" in mosque or through the landlord.? How a person be held 4 weeks in custody if he have met a criminal in Supermarket, school, Church, Mosque or in left . After his release, Dr Magdy el-Nashar told reporters outside his home: Also he said that: " Also : Reference:AP / Yahoo: https://www.yahoo.com/news/?ref=gs ABC - US : http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ NBC - US: http://www.nbcnews.com/id/8886034/ USA - US: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
President Bush last week appeared to endorse the push by many conservatives to give intelligent design equal treatment with the theory of evolution in public schools. During a press conference with a group of Texas reporters last week, President George W. Bush responded to a question about teaching "intelligent design" in the public schools. The reporter referred to "what seems to be a growing debate over evolution versus intelligent design" and asked, "What are your personal views on that, and do you think both should be taught in public schools?" In response, Bush referred to his days as governor of Texas, when "I said that, first of all, that decision should be made to local school districts, but I felt like both sides ought to be properly taught ... so people can understand what the debate is about." [Click here to visit the Washington Post for the complete Transcript of Roundtable Interview]
The absolute separation of Church and State is myth 1. It is freedom of religion and separation of civil authority from ecclesiastical authority.. not the Separation of Church and State absolutely. 2. The absolute separation of Church and State as if there is a wall between them .. is a myth. 3. Many people think the statement "Separation of Church and State" appears in the first amendment of the U.S. However, the words: "separation", "church", and "state" do not even appear in the first amendment. The first amendment reads: 4. Such amendment - ensures that religious beliefs are removed from attempted government control. - ensures that the government cannot tell either individual or church what to believe or to teach. - ensure that the government would not establish a national religion or dictate to men how to worship God 5. I consider that this amendment contains a declaration of the principle of a "religious liberty" or freedom of religion. 6. In fact the same can be read from the unamended constitution, Article VI, Section III This article had a higher object; to cut off for ever every pretence of any alliance between church and state in the national government 7. Some argument that the First Amendment guarantees the principle of the separation of church and state - by implication, because separating church and state is what allows religious liberty to exist. 8. In fact the statement about a wall of separation between church and state was made in a letter on January 1, 1802, by Thomas Jefferson to the Danbury Baptist Association of Connecticut. Jefferson's letter from which the phrase "separation of church and state" was taken affirmed first amendment rights. Jefferson wrote: 9. They said that the reason Jefferson choose the expression "separation of church and state" was because he was addressing a Baptist congregation; a denomination of which he was not a member. Jefferson wanted to remove all fears that the state would make dictates to the church. The "wall" was understood as one-directional; its purpose was to protect the church from the state. The world was not to corrupt the church, yet the church was free to teach the people Biblical values. But using "separation " by a president doesn't constitute fact. (2) The meaning of Separation is not absolute . 11. The word separation can be used to indicates: - separation of civil authority from ecclesiastical authority - religious liberty or freedom of religion. - The government does not get involved with enforcing, mandating, or promoting particular religious doctrines - The government cannot tell either individual or churches what to believe or to teach. - The government would not establish a national religion or dictate to men how to worship God - no alliance between church and state in the national government The U.S. Constitution was founded on Biblical principles The founding fathers of US constitution were God-fearing men who understood that for a country to stand it must have a solid foundation; the Bible was the source of this foundation. They believed that God's ways were much higher than Man's ways and held firmly that the Bible was the absolute standard of truth and used the Bible as a source to form our government. Without people of the United States upholding good moral conduct, society soon degenerates into a corrupt system where people misuse the authority of government to obtain what they want at the expense of others. If one did not believe in God one could not operate from a proper moral base. And by not having a foundation from which to work, one would destroy the community. The U.S. Constitution was founded on Biblical principles and it was the intention of the authors for this to be a Christian nation. The Constitution had 55 people work upon it, of which 52 were evangelical Christians.(3) . The source they most often quoted was the Bible, accounting for 34% of all citations. Sixty percent of all quotes came from men who used the Bible to form their conclusions. That means that 94% of all quotes by the founding fathers were based on the Bible. The founding fathers took ideas from the Bible and incorporated them into our government. If it was their intention to separate the state and church they would never have taken principles from the Bible and put them into our government. An example of an idea taken from the Bible and then incorporated into our government is found in Isaiah 33:22 which says, "For the Lord is our judge, the Lord is our lawgiver, the Lord is our king..." The founding fathers took this scripture and made three major branches in our government: judicial, legislative, and executive(2). The US founding fathers strongly believed that Man was by nature corrupt and therefore it was necessary to separate the powers of the government. For instance, the President has the power to execute laws but not make them, and Congress has the power to make laws but not to judge the people. The simple principle of checks and balances came from the Bible to protect people from tyranny. Don't forget that the majority of US Citizen are Christian This affects other matter as: - Thanksgiving, Christmas , Easter holidays - Sundays holiday - The phrase "In God we Trust" on dollar tell that we - Swearing ends with "help me God" - One spouse , no stealing, no killing , no perjury, ... are from the bible. Separation doesn't mean zero influence: - Exactly as the President of the United States is free to influence Congress, although he can not exercise authority over it because they are separated. - The president can influence the supreme court by appointing judges from particular thinking. These judges will not abide with the president wishes and they will stay as their life permit while the president appointed them will retire after few years. - In the same times church can influence state but not directly: - Also the state can influence churches by- suggesting laws restricted people or churches. For example allowing abortion, allowing cloning, pressuring on Islamic leaders to not preaching Jihad in the name of God and to condemn suicide bombing. - So why should the church not be allowed to influence the state? - by telling their opinion on current issues, by influence their member can promote to elect candidate who are coincide with the church teaching . As example the second election of President Bush in the second term [51%] by the votes of Evangelists. The two primary places where morality is taught are the family and the church. The church was allowed to influence the government in righteousness and justice so that virtue would be upheld. Not allowing the church to influence the state is detrimental to the country and destroys country's foundation of righteousness and justice. It is absolutely necessary for the church to influence the state in virtue because without virtue our government will crumble -the representatives will look after their own good instead of the country's. The separation of church and state must be understood as separation of civil authority from ecclesiastical authority, not moral values. Congress has passed laws that it is illegal to murder and steal, perjury, single spouse which is the legislation of morality. These standards of morality are found in the Bible. Should we remove them from law because the church should be separated from the state? The state should not be allowed to interfere with churches. There simply cannot be any religious freedom if the state is allowed to dictate to churches what they may and may not teach, what permissible dogmas they can hold, and so on. References: 1. Thomas Jefferson, Jefferson Writings, Merrill D. Peterson, ed. (NY: Literary Classics of the United States, Inc., 1984), p. 510, January 1, 1802. 2. The Myth of Separation of Church and State http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ 3. M.E. Bradford, A Worthy Company: Brief Lives of the Framers of the United States Constitution (Marlborough, N.H.: Plymouth Rock Foundation, 1982), p. 4-5. 4. US Constitution 5. The Bill of Right
Finally freed from cables Russian submarine surfaces with entire crew alive... USA Today Sun Aug 7 14:16:28 UTC+1000 2005 Details at : USA Today with regard from kasm
The Egyptian Supreme Council of Antiquities in its Release Press shows the results of three independent attempts [Egyptian, French and American] to reconstruct the face of Egypt?s most famous king, Tutankhamun. An effort to see what King Tut, who died over three thousand years ago, might have looked like in life. These likenesses are based on CT scan data collected using a portable CT scanner. Details and photos at: Press Release of the Egyptian Supreme Council of Antiquities (SCA) With Regards of KASM Notice from cmatcmextra: Fixed url bbcode
A 1.8m-tall statue of Egypt's King Neferhotep I has been brought to light in the ruins of Thebes, the capital of ancient Egypt [ now city of Luxor] by a team of French archaeologists were carrying out repairs around Karnak Temple in the southern. Details at:1. Press Release of the Egyptian Supreme Council of Antiquities (SCA) 2, Statue of Egyptian pharaoh found after nearly 3,600 years, AFP ------- with regards of kasm
Schapelle Corby Drug smuggling to Indonesia
kasm replied to theRealSheep's topic in General Discussion
The lawyer asked funny request:. - The lawyer is asking the Australian authorities to give immunity for unknown witness to say that he/she has planted the drugs. Are the Australian authorities foolish to give that immunity for a person not caught by the authorities. How they can be sure that it is real thing and not fabrication or paid-for witness. Moreover I think if Australia did, Judges ain Indonsia are not naive to accept it as evidence. - Previously the defense asked prisoner to flew with guard to testify that he heard story from other prisoners about planting drugs in bags !!!!. It was waste of money since testimony of prisoner is not admissible [i.e not accptable as evidence] I will not make a judgment myself if she is guilty or not. The judges in the different levels will decide that not me or the media or the audience in the media. kasm -
Hi I post yesterday for first time. My posting had URLs. When I posted it, I found that the URLs didn't work. So I tried to find Edit button to edit it . I couldn't find Edit button and the help show titles without moving to details when i click on subtitel. When I couldn't find solution I copied the message in new message , correct what I want and posted agin. it took the next serial number. i.e#20 and #21 were the same. I report the matter to remove #20 as u suggested . After minutes, #20 was remove as I wished, but my creidits become -13.30 instead of +10. I penalised by reduction 18.30 instead of subtracting 5 from 10 . the nearly double pages were only for 5-8 minutes and I reported it bymeslf to remove one. How and where I ask to fix the matter. With my regards Kasm
Should Gay Marriage Be Allowed Should gay marriage be allowed
kasm replied to kahat's topic in General Discussion
If there is a club for kids then the adult will not allowed in. If there is a club or organization for women then it is not allowed for men to be members. If you want be a candidate to local cities council or federal or state Parliament member you have to be resident in that place. If a disco club assigned Wednesday for example as day when women invite men to dance, then in that day male have to sit and wait invitation from a female. The Marriage is between male and female. Mariage is club or association of couple one is male and another is female It is their choice not to satisfy the condition of the membership. Nobody forced them to do so. People who not satisfy that condition, they should not to bother to apply for the membership They can do another association with another name. I will not refer to any religion or to any sin but I think about nature and wildness. Can anybody show me in the wildness that two male or two female animals live together as married couples? I know that two lions can not live in the same region. The bee queen can not live with another bee queen and the kingdom must be divided. KASM -
Life after death is difficult to be proved or disproved: There are many attempts to prove it by near death experiences(NDE). I can give you pages. But the clinical evidence for life after death is subjective and arguable. Also It's often hard to assess the significance of "out of the body experiences" (OBE) encounters with bright lights, long tunnels, or angelic guides. It's difficult to know how to respond to those who speak of temporary near-death visions into heaven or hell. What we do know is that there are enough of these kinds of experiences to create a sizable library on the subject. Taken as a whole, this body of evidence shows that as people approach death, many sense they are coming not to the end of existence but to the beginning of another journey. The oppositions are refuting the specific examples of evidence for life after death as not being sufficient proof and the evidence can be scrutinized and rational non-believers are left to make the conclusion that life after death cannot be pr oven . Also there are attempts to prove it mathematically or logically [e.g Life after Death - A Logical Proof and I have others] but this will difficult to comprehend without dealing with high mathematics, Logic and probability theory. Not having direct knowledge of an after life can not constitutes evidence against life after death. In the same time, there is no actual direct evidence against an after life. Therefore after death cannot be aproved nor disproved. It is matter of belief: So it is matter of faith and belief as the matter of believing in God. The Follower of Christianity , Islam and Judaism believe in the life after death. I can tell their passages [ I can give you a lot if any request What these three relegion say] Another afterlife concept which is found among Hindus and Buddhists is reincarnation, whether as humans, animals, or as spiritual beings. One consequence of the Hindu and Buddhist beliefs is that our current lives are also an afterlife, and both Hindus and Buddhists interpret events in our current life as being consequences of actions taken in previous lives. Ancient Egyptian believed in the Afterlife. The entire civilization of Ancient Egypt was based on religion, and their beliefs were important to them. For Egyptians, the cycles of human life, rebirth, and afterlife mirrored the reproductive cycles that surrounded them in the natural world. Their belief in the rebirth after death became their driving force behind their funeral practices. The Egyptians believed that death was simply a temporary interruption, rather than complete cessation, of life, and that eternal life could be ensured . The Egyptians believed that the next life had to be provided for in every detail and, as a result, tombs were decorated with depictions of the deceased at his funerary meal, activities of the estate and countryside, and the abundant offerings necessary to sustain the spirit. After death, the Egyptians looked forward to continuing their daily lives as an invisible spirit among their descendants on Earth in Egypt, enjoying all the pleasures of life with none of its pain or hardships. This vision is vividly depicted in the sculptures, reliefs, and wall paintings of Egyptian tombs, with the deceased portrayed in the way he or she wished to remain forever accompanied by images of family and servants. These forms of art not only reflect the Egyptians' love of life but also by their very presence made the afterlife a reality. Details in [Ancient Egyptian believed in the Afterlife]. I believe in Life After Death [LAD] As Christian, I believe in the life after death [LAD]. Also even I didn't become Christian, probably I believe in the LAD as did my ancestors , the ancient Egyptian . I am Australian by citizenship but I am Copt [ the aboriginal people of Egypt before the Arab]. My high education in Science and Mathematics, my career in research or university teaching or systems engineering, my living in Russia 5 years in the time of Communism, my immigration to Australia 18 years ago, my surfing to anti-christian sites couldn't affect this belief. Nothing to loose when you believe in LAD: I act for this life as I will live very long and do for the next life as I will die today. Continuing gaining knowledge until death, love to others as to myself, respect laws even without to be observed. restrict myself from unnecessary but harmful things, love people and help others are not disadvantage for me. I don't loose by abide with the moral principles of Christianity which formed the bases , values, principles and the laws of the modern societies even in the non christian majority countries. By the way many of christianity values came from Moses'law. Also Islam has most of commands. I will not loose if there is no next life.The opposite is for who don't believe if there another life after death. Facing Death in Peace If one believe in the life after death, he/she will not fear the death especially when he/she satisfied about the next generation. So we should not have a fear of death as we could make the assumption that we would likely have some instinct built into us that we don't need to worry about our mortality since we are immortal. So believer of LAD is facing death with peace.. Our empathy to the beloved'death is easier. When the LAD believer loose beloved one, it is totally unnecessary to despair, to be sad and to be miserable. If you believe in afterlife you feels that your loved one continues to exist in the afterlife, usually in conditions much more pleasant than on earth. We know the loss is only temporary for everyone effected and it is as if the person who dies only just goes to a foreign land for what is a very short period of an infinite life. We know that our loved ones stay close to us and send their love and that when we cross over we will be met by them. When we know that they we will be reunited with the same loved ones in the afterlife that they leave behind when they die, then our empathy to the beloved'death easier. Gain hope , Justice and Peace of mind It would be difficult to believe that life is good if we knew there was nothing beyond the grave to compensate for problems of inequality and unfairness So it gives us peace of mind, a sense of purpose and justice in life, and hope in better life. As mankind has progressed through. Also it is good that there is something to be "paid" or accountable for what we have done in our past life. Otherwise it will not be fair. _____________________________________________________ Khairy Sedrak (KASM)