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1. My advice was to not you. He can tell himself. I advice that people read what he say . 2. First time I hear this interpretation about Crusade. Many soliders? to the degree the kings came with them. We arrest the King of France in Al Mansoura and that house still there as mesuem. I worked in University of that city. Also the history I studied in governement school didn't told that. All series and film we produced about that don't told that. 3. I who initiate that topic and I have the right to call people to abide with the subject. We will not go to discuss Mormon cult here. You can initiate your topic if you want.
sylenzednuke, even it is out of topics, but I don't notice any post about women in Islam that they promised except my posting to this forum on 31 January about Women in Islam. May be they mean it but they found it shows the unequality. Visit my post:Women in Islam: http://forums.xisto.com/topic/55358-women-in-islam/ I have lot of clips in Arabic discussing the man right by Koran to beat the wife.
1. tricky77puzzle, this out of the topic. My topic is "Christianity is the religion of peace". Nothing in Gospel call to fight, dispute or kill. Don't confuse Gospel with Tourat or old testament. 2. The Christianity is not easy. it is against the human nature. Control anger, Control revenge, Give continuously, forgiveness etc etc. 3. It is the last line. Each one try reach it as can. If you fail then there is a solution by going confessing and start again 4. Don't despair what the others are doing. Concentrate on your effort and happiness. 5. In Christianity you can think, criticize and convert You have to practice it like in sport.. But in Islam for example you can't criticize or think or convert to another religion. You under the death if you converted. If you are women, your status will be downgrade. read my posting in : http://forums.xisto.com/topic/54456-islam-and-peace/ Women in Islam: http://forums.xisto.com/topic/55358-women-in-islam/ 6. No problem if you couldn't justify every thing. Try and go confess then your sins will be removed and start again with white page. 7. You have to know that US is secular country and many European country too. Even their constitution based on the Christian value but there are many thing neither government or the people are doing as Christean teaching. So don't despair for that and look after yourself. 8. Death penalty are demolished in European Union but it still in USA. It is not big problem. Even I am Christian trying to do what Christian have to do but I with death penalty. It is contradiction that if one in school or supermarket kill many Innocent people and in the same time he will live. Don't worry a lot about that. Think how many people your sold ires in Yugoslavia, Afghanistan or Iraq was killed by accidents. How many American soldiers was killed in Iraq [4000 so far] . How many were killed in car accidents. 9. Do the right things. Be simple belever. Don't worry about what in old testament except the Ten commandment and the stories of Abraham, Josef, Moses[ I know them once and i rember them for years]. 10. The Copts that are Egyptian Christian [the native of Egypt] are survived under the Arab by paying high tax, obey the rules gives moslim family the key of the Churches [i saw that]. 11. Don't be extreme in faith or blind. 12. Notice the miracles in your body out everything around. ever thing in your body.
1. Thanks to "Tourist" for these information. We are here to learn from one to other. 2. It is appoximate matter when I say chicken lay egg everyday. and u told us ,they give 250 eggs every 420 days. 3. When I studied biology was in Arabic and they taught us and was written in books that women produce egg during their period . You call it Ova not egg. It is matter of terminology. I think Ova is egg in latin and when ova and egg will translated to another language then it will be the same word. 3. You explained to us that chicken like duck, turkey, quell, pigeon, ostrich, guinea foul etc are birds under poultry which mean those species of bird which render men an economic services and reproduce freely under there care. Then you explained how scientist are trying to increase production of these eggs. 4. Then in "vijeth" reply he/she that : I don't think the life span is the reason to chicken giving egg most of days. swallow, ducks , Dave are not giving daily but monthly. Dogs and cat are not breeding every day even they have the same life spam. Then saying that gens in the DNA is designed in such way will not answer the question. Because the DNA reflects the reality and still the question why? 5. Thanks to explanation but it is explanation to what is going on and not why. Exactly like we in science speak about gravity but we can't explain why it is 9.8 m/s (32 ft/s) 6. The question is still why chicken or other Why poultary birds gives these big amount of eggs?
Why Cows. Sheep And Goats Give Milk Without Giving Birth
kasm replied to kasm's topic in Health & Fitness
1. I read your reply long time ago and was happy to gain information starting from your answer that open my eyes to some facts. Thanks. So I went to do some search. 2. You told that they giving milk for 90 days after giving birth then if the cow re-breed during the 60-90 day, then they give milk for another 300 day. That what is doing by the milk industry and this which make me to think that cow gives milk continuiously without giving birth. 4. Morever you told us thankfully that there are cetain breeds of cows produce milk without ever being pregnant. That why let me asked the question in headings of this topic. That why they keep a male cow in the breeding place. 5. Then my question is still exist and continue by other face. Why that the cow can give milk most of time? Why this are happening to the cows, sheep or goats? -
1. Please Jushu consider who read your is not Christian so reduce referring to any word or phrase with a lot of versus from old and new testament using the software tools. Enough one versus from the new testament. You are not making Master nor Ph.D Thesis. 2. When we speak about Christianity teaching, we have to concentrate on Gospel. We read the bible and take the orders that not changed by Christ. We have not confuse the matter what was in the time before Christ. Once Christ said "It was told you ,....but I tell you.....", then the previous thing was replaced. 3. God in past was punishing people on the earth. Like Noah's Flood , Sodom's Fire and all removing people in the old testament by order of God to his promised people. Abraham and his generations was the only people in that time worship God and obey them. That why he promise Abrahm and then Moses to take the promised land. 5. I repeat that nothing in Gospel support the idea of War whatever the reason. But Crusade, Fighting Hitler and Turkey in WW1, fighting Hitler in War II, going to Bosnia and Kosovo to help the Muslims, went to Afghanistan to destroy Tale ban AlQuada and terrorism ALL HAVE NO RELIGIOUS BASIS. It is secular thing. Nobody can find versus in Gospel support these violence. It is different from the Islamic Terrorists who find versus in Quran support them to the degree , that they consider them-self on the right interpretation and all governments in the Islamic words are wrong and must be fought. 6. Ancient Egyptian when they accepted Christianity, they rejected everything in past and didn't resist the Roman or Arabic occupation. . I am as one of their ancestor, criticize them but in fact they applied the real rules of Christianity.So don't worry about the christian kids behavior mentioned by "sonesay . They are l acting as all other the human races. But they have take the other site with their milk and one day that will be obvious in their behavior whatever the reconsider that or not. Read the example given by Bluebear [it is clear he is not Christian] that his friend can't be mad with his attempted to make her mad. American r WARS which everywhere came from the secular principal in your Constitution. 7. Even the liberation of Spain from Arab invasion and occupation for 500 years is against Christian teaching but sometimes there is limitation but we have not to blame Christianity. 8. The Crusade War was also to protect Christian places in Jerusalem but it not fellow the Christian Teaching. 9. Don't worry a lot on the hundreds of Christian groups, they all are trying to apply Christianity with different interpretation and biocracy. But all united about the roots of faith that is "Jesus incarnate to save us". They all united in help all races. Who go help Iran, Bosnia, Kosovo, Indonesia, Bangladesh when there were Tsunami, earthquake or floods. I don't see any of the wealth Islamic countries helped until years after the math. In facts it is work kobra500 . 10. Also to Joshua, you said : I don't agree that Catholic and others are claiming that Jesus was setting Kingdom on the earth.
Happy Easter 2008 To Western Christian Happy Easter
kasm replied to kasm's topic in Web Hosting Support
1. Even it is not my time to celebrate Easter, I congratulated WHO are celebrating now. 2. In Muslims or Jewish feast, I congratulate them too. That is the love to all. Also my friends from other religions congratulate us and visit us that day. In the Church celebration , the governments and each party or organization send delegations to each church even we are the minority. 3. So congratulation to your colleque in Xisto is not bad but is social obligation. 4. You can ignore the matter completely and don't participate and wound their feeling. It is social matter in which we have to forget our differences. From where the idea that you have to introduce yourself being "Atheist". 5. Choclete Easter egg it is business invention to gain our money. 6. The bunny choclete is business invention too but with hiden message to move the atention from the meaning of Easter as Santa legen in the Christmas. 7. The Christian were using natural egg as a symbol for Easter. Because As chick get out from the egg by itself. Jesus reseruct himself. This is to distinguish that Jesus return life to other three persons. But in this time it was by himself -
To Christians in Wesren Churches Happy Easter ________________________________________________________________________________ Passover Week in Western Churches
1. All religions have nearly the same moral. No murdering, No raping , no cheating, no lying, no stealing, no nude, respect and obey parents. 2. We here in Australia and all world heard about shooting in USA not Canada. Then it come this thread from person in USA with subject " What happened to Youth of America" Then he/she talked about US school and the shooting and dropping school plus the English language. Moreover I didn't suggest to convert people to Christianity [i never do]. From where this came?.[see first paragraph above. . 3. That was my diagnose . Give us yours and explain it and response to any respond not yours. More over I don't say that was solely reason. Read my first respond again. 4. Why you defend the people who changed the matter to be religion matter?. it is my diagnose. Ignore it and give us yours. 5. I repeat again The Crusades was against the Christian teaching: Love enemies , give others what they ask and turn check after slapping . Nothing in gospel justifies any war. Tell me if I am mistaken. 6. I am trying to diagnose the problem to suggest the therapy. But I wander of people who argue about the religion. They have to tell us their diagnoses and why the American youth is different. 7. Why you said that sex in family life has no pleasure in it. God put the pleasure in sex. Religion is not against the pressure in bed rooms. God could make it mechanics or manual. But the wise thing to do that during the family life. Everyone will be old one day. If there is not satisfaction with your partner to the end whatever he she looks like, you will be miserable. 8. [n/a] 9. Of course parents/children is mutual respect. But in reality, parents has obligation naturally and by law too to scarifies themselves for the children. But children have to listen to experienced people and obey their decision until they become independent. Parents are responsible by the law for any damage children done. They paid children's fine and the damage they done. So children have to abide with the rule. 10. You said that "Early sex is a decision". What is the decision of person very young . Is he secure financially? Is he/she ready to make family in that age?. Don't tell me about condom?. Many pregnancy is happening. Why both of them and coming child be miserable for this early sex? Why driving license is 18? why the election right age is 18?. Why some decision is considered OK after 21? . We don't judge or dispute this matter . It is big issue but here we are trying to diagnose why that happening and answering why the American youth problem. We need your input in that matter. 11. When youth see how in series people is easy kissing and have sexual relationship, they think that is real and apply it . Try a kiss and don't find it as sweet how the series and film shows. Then he/ she think that the matter of because of her/him [that opposite individual] so think try other and etc etc. If one boy was rejected then may he steal the gun and go to kill many.The religious convention may be resist him to use his anger to kill people against the commandment. Atheists follow the moral established in the society. If he/she can cheat without being caught, no guilt they call feel. But the religious person if he/she felt , he knows that was mistake and feel the guilt. 12. I repeat that Jihad is not reasons of the shooting in the schools.. 13. I said "eye for eye " is justice but not allowed to done by the individual but it is what the government do in behalf the victim(s). Tell me how you describe the process where the government's agencies catch the offender(s). Put them in Jail till the trial where the prosecutor shows the evidence and the judge and jury decide on guilt of the offenders and suggested the suitable punishment [including death of he convicted by murder for the first degree] then the authorities execute the order including the death penalty. 14. How You claim that "America didn't go to Afghanistan to fight terrorism" ?. Why then they went. Did you hear on Taliban and AlQueeda Headed by Usama Ben Ladin.. Did you hear 11 September events and who was accused done it? Also the funny thing you say the opposite about Iraq and said ". They went to Iraq for that[i.e terrorism[". It is the last reason among 5 changing reason why America s in Iraq. After every reason it gave approved to be wrong. Did you hear the first excuse on which the President and Congress agreed is that Saddam of Iraq has Weapon of mass destruction" so they want prevent him using these weapon.. This matter is not depend what you believe but it is in history and events in the News
1. It seems that there are people are very sensitive for word "religion" and by doing so prevent the society to investigate a problem thoroughly. 2. There is a problem is the status of American Youth. There is obvious problem in US school. that is the he American school is no longer a safe heave for kids and every year the news show an extreme shooting in school where one students kill many other students and teachers. 3. Then when people investigate using the scientific approach to diagnose the problem, the investigator has to study the factors, dimensions , corners and status in the past and comparing them with what is now. Then isolate the new factor and put finger on it. 4. But people who are sensitive of particular matter like religion, instead of making their input and diagnose, they crying and trying to stop others to investigate and diagnose. 5. Moreover they using a generic expression like "religion is not promote peace" which has no ground and contradict what religions are calling and promote. They also mixing the teaching and what sometimes happened. They forget what happened in the past of war before Christianity. They forget Geneva Conventions and War criminals. They forget how the loser countries were destroyed and their peoples were killed or bought as slaves. They forget how the Christianity called to love enemy and turn other check. 6. By that approach they kill the original issue. The issue is the American Youth Problems. Please contribute in that. Not only criticized the other diagnose and accusing others to quick judgement. I notice that Qittie deKay used that accusation in 2 responses in minimum[see the response to kasm and the response to saying "You're really quick to pick apart everything" . Then Qitte deKay derived us to Atheistic Site not related the issue we discuss. i didn't see his/her opinion about the matter These sites have their objectives and are not the decisive factors in any matter. 7. without religions, the sacred relation of sex is changing from the objective that Reproduction to entrainment as the media imagine and influence the youth. 9. The weakeners of religion, degenerate the respects of parent and obeying their instructions also reduced the respects to the elders. 10. The weakening of religion affect the early sex thought by the youth in this age and affected by the series and films that make pressure on the youth. 11. Weakening the religion allowd these unrealistic vilent series and extreme sexual relations and infidality. 12 Trouble in school is nothing to do with the jihad. 13. Even the principal of eye for eye not mean that the invidual do it by itself. It is exactly what the society in past and governement nowaday is doing on behalf of society. 14. Crusade is not match the christian teaching but it is reflection to the desire to protect the Jerausalem from the Moslems exactly as you the American went to Afganstan to fight the terrorism.
1. About Education : The system of Education in USA [as in Australia] is not good. You have nice schools with nice library, computers , laboratories and sports utilities but the schools is lacking the value of schooling. The students and their parents see the schools as place to spend the times and free the parents from their responsibilities and free them go to their works. Students see the school as place to play and socialize not a place to facilitate the knowledge and organize the sequencing of the knowledge [which first and which after] It is as building blocks. That mean a good restricted and unified curricula . The students have to feel that skip a class required lot of time and efforts to cover what they skipped. When I was lecturing Mathematics in Egyptian Faculties, I saw how the students came early to reserve place to sit in the firsts rows. I was suffering seeing how many students has no place to sit in the auditory and standing hour and half, writing their notes on one hand and writing with the other hand while they listen to explanations. That because they know how they will spend hours to recover the missed hour and half. Classes in developed countries as Egypt, India and Pakistan has windows broken their glass but they are studying two foreign languages plus the native language. They study the same Science and Mathematics mostly theoretically with limited scientific experiments nor computer in each class. They have to prove the scientific laws and remember on head the formulas While in your schools they allow to use sheet for all formulas and calculators to use even for each simple things. Your students are not seriously study foreign language. Even the English language they are speaking English as mother language and they don't know gramme or id oms etc..What passive what active speech? what direct and indirect speech. Many people [even in high positions] they confused between "their" and "there" , "than" and "then " , "to" and "too". Many can't pronounced a word hasn't met before even it easy to do that. The System of schools in republics of former Soviet Union are good too. Also the French and German School Systems are good. The schools in India, Egypt, Palestine, Iraq, Iran, Russia, Ukraine, Serbia produced students who are working doctors and famous surgeon in your hospital , Professors in your universities Engineers in space or telecommunications or programmers in your IBM, Microsoft, Yahoo, Silicon Vally.... It is 30-60% of the worker working in US in computer related industries, are people has received their education in developed countries or Eastern European countries 2. About Violence It is your series programs and films that produce these violence. Plus the weaken influence of religion.
The Atom Everything weve ever known is wrong.
kasm replied to Dagoth Nereviar's topic in Science and Technology
Why this pessimistic ideas. You don't see the gravity but feel it and agree on Newton or Galileo laws. You don't see the magnetism but you see what magnet is doing. You don't see the electricity but you feel its effect and use it in lightening, heating, power, cars, trams, trains,etc etc. You don't see the TV emissions to your TV nor the talking waves to your phone or mobile phone. You don't see how the emails, messages or webpages come to your computer. The same is about Atomic Model or Theory. You said by yourself that the periodic table of elements might working perfectly....then why this "WHAT IF...". It is not the first Atomic Theory and may be is not the last. But until u find something can't explained by this theory and introduce us with another better which can explain WHAT THE CURRENT THEORY is explaining plus this case where it failed then we recognize yours and say with you : that something [but not as you said every] was wrong and here the replacement to this theory. Please don't use the word "every" for some or in your case NONE. If you are student you have to try hard to understand what they are teaching you . Neither you or your teacher will change what in the books. If you or your teacher want to change some , you have to prepare your Thesis and submit it to committee to discuss it. Atomic theory as well relativity theory and electromagnetism theory and it is nearly impossible to imagine them ever being falsified. Atomic theory are so well-established. It has survived many empirical testing reduction without being contradicted. The current Atomic theory is a standing scientific theory after Dalton .It was developed my the time and ending with the current terminology and tables. It is scientific theory because: 1. atomic theory is simple unifying the description of elements in the world and suggest the formulation of it as combinations to 2. Atomic theory is logically consistent (internally and externally) 3. Atomic theory is useful (describes and explains observed phenomena). We fellow the chemical reactions successfully so far. We produce compounds Evey moment and everywhere.We apply it in nuclear energy generator to generate electricity . We use it in producing the atomic bombing and they testing it successfully. Also it use successfully in medicine and treatment to diseases like cancer etc. 4. Atomic theory is logically " and " Empirically tested and based upon Controlled, Repeated Experiments . A theory which cannot be tested empirically is useless for researchers. 5. Atomic theory leads to successful prediction predictions e.g preaching Uranium, the power of the bomb . 6a. Atomic theory has used in reproductions of phenomenas were and are happening in space and universe. 6b. Atomic theory is falsifiable (i.e., cases must exist in which the theory can be imagined to be invalid). For example saying "This atoms has how many proton ..." will be invalid if we find an atom of a matter has more protons or the atomic weight is different than the theory said. When a theory is falsifiable then it scientific theory. 7. Atomic theory has explicit boundary conditions so that it is clear whether or not particular data are or are not relevant to verification or falsification. [Newton's laws of motion is not valid to very big speed and Euclidean Geometry valid in small distance where assumed the area is flat. Otherwise we need spherical geometry. 8. The current Atomic theory is Progressive i.e. it superior to theories which people have offered in the past . In the same time, it i). meet or surpass all of the criteria set by its predecessors ii) it can explain all of the data gathered under previous relevant theories in terms either of fact or artifact (no anomalies allowed) iii) be consistent with all preexisting ancillary theories that already have established scientific validity Because the atomic theory has these character then it is Scientific Theory. If you have doubt then go to evolution theory where is no test or experiment or equations or mass or rays can be measured or collected. True Scientists never claim absolute knowledge. Unlike a mathematical proof, a "proven" scientific theory is always open to falsification if new evidence is presented. But you have to remember that The validity of a hypothesis does not stand or fall based on just a few confirmations or contradictions, but on the totality of the evidence. A hypothesis should not be considered falsified until thorough testing has produced multiple lines of positive evidence indicating that the hypothesis is truly inconsistent with the empirical data. -
The declaration of independence issued Sunday by Kosovo's ethnic Albanian majority. They didn't wait , UN decision of the matter. This will encourage many separatist movements around the world as in south Sudan, Darfor, Chechnya in Russia and two areas of Georgia are wanting independence. Also this declaration is against the international rule that national borders can be changed only if all parties agree. The U.S. Australia, and many European Union quickly recognized Kosovo as an independent nation Russia, China and some of EU members strongly opposed to letting the territory break away from Serbia. This indicates how much US and UN make the things worse and not give the real solution. I think Russia will do something especially they have some troops there But Russia and China will use their veto power to block any attempt by Kosovo to gain a seat on the international body. Then "The so-called Kosovo state will never be a member of the United Nations. I think the strategy of declaration was to provoke Serbs under the protection of the NATA and UN troops. They said that, since they couldn't hope to match the government in Belgrade on military footing, then the declaration either will be succeeded or provoke Belgrade to act but the international troops will abort it. Other way they reach their target that is giving Kosovo the Independence that it wanted. If that is really they think But the International community will know that it is not the end of the problem when will be they reaction in the future. Kosovo is considered a center of Serb Culture. Serbs will not let this . May be they are not strong now to act but that not the end of the matter. This Kosovo problems started by the the expansion of the ottoman Em ire into the Balkans. The Turks defeated the Serbs in Kosovo and killed their king. During 450 years Bosnia and Kosovo was under Ottoman rule.Serbs will not agree about this and one day will act. Their churches and monasteries are there. Many Serbs are driven out by the reprisals committed by the Ethnic Albanian after Serbs troop withdrawn.and will be more after NATO forces withdrawn. This will be embarrassment for NATO as ethnic cleansing was one of the main reason that they intervened in the first place. This is another example of double standards. Compare that and what is going in Palestine for ages. What US will do if Palestine declare their country and don't wait more years?. Why nothing was done to them by the International Organization. It is also double standards on the terrorism's. KLA [Kosove Liberation Army] was terrorist organization , they planted several bombs prior outbreak of the fighting killing several Serbs. That why Belgrade was fighting them as USA went claim why they went to Afghanistan and why they stay in Iraq now after " the weapon of mass destruction" lie.
1. Please be specific and not generic. We here to learn from one to another. 2. Read my post [ http://forums.xisto.com/topic/54456-islam-and-peace/page-2#entry367642 ]and tell me where I was wrong in my understanding. Tell us why these verses "ayahats" that I mentioned in my posting and what the situation in which it was revealed!. The extremists still using these verses to justify their nasty actions. You can explain to them what were wrong in these understandings and why you decide that verses were deleted or replaced and why they are not relevant to our days. And that not only because of the weakness. 3. Also you have to teach us by telling how Islam was spread to Egypt , all countries of North Africa, Spain, Syria, Iraq, Iran, Afganstan, India, Pakstan, Bangaladish, Turkey, Bosnia, Albania, Islamic republics of former Soviet Republics, Mangolia, etc... Tell me what they taught to me in history in governement school in Egypt [was wrong]. Egypt is now Islamic country after conquest of Arab and they call that proudly "Al Fath". I know all these from school and my mind and feelings and know how few of us the native people of Egypt survived and still Christian. How we are suffering till now. How we suffering until we coud build or repair a church. Why we imigrated to Australia, USA, Canada and Europe for the prosecution in our land. Ask Armenian, Serb , Asserian people how they suffered. 4. Using the language literally and say "Islam mean peace" is not correct. I know Arabic language and know Islam" mean surround [but to God] i.e surround yourself to God. 5. We want to learn from you and you also have to learn and think what happened in the history without any prejudice or be leaded with other interpetation. We are here to exchange knowledge
1. I think no abortion after 8 weeks except for the risk of mother's life if she decided so. 2. I think the member of congress is important than the Presindent when it comes to making laws. The congress who make the law and passing a law sent by the President. Then it was your fault to making him Senetor in the first place. 3. The candidate to presidency can't be judged by one issue. You didn't explain what the other candidate are standing for this issue. Then about other issues. 4. voting in this poll is not accurate since you have to give complete comparison. It will be likr "vote for me which are sent to us by anyone. 5. The problem in US is the voting is optional and not cumpolsary.
1. Saying that "women should have control on their body" is another issue and is the free abortion without limit . I think it must be limited in reasons and the time. 2. But I agree for abortion up to 8 weeks for rape cases. I said 8 weeks that period eveyone realise that she is pregnant. 3. No need that the raped woman no give birth to not wanted child and remind her with the terror she faced. How you ask woman to be realted to criminal person for life and next generation too. 4. What if the raped female is a child?. It is herrible that we insist to influence the child to be mother in early time and imagine what effect will be of that on her education, career and future love and marriage? 5. But about abortion in sake of mother's life, it is allowable in all times. Usually the mother mostly want to sacrify herself. Then the decision is up to her.
Before I start, I admit that I respect Islam and consider it as one of Abrahamic religions [see my post [we believe in same God:. But I don't agree on two things, that Islam is religion of peace and Islam give Women equal right. Previously I told my opinion why Islam is not religions pf peace. [see my post at: http://forums.xisto.com/topic/54456-islam-and-peace/page-2#entry367642 and http://forums.xisto.com/topic/54830-the-christianity-is-the-religion-of-peace/ ] Here I will discuss the status of women in Islam. Before that I have to admit that Islam gave women in Arabia protection and many rights not avaialable to them before Islam. At least Islam stopped the habit of killing female born baby that was familiar before Islam in Arabia. But in Islam: 1. A woman?s testimony counts half of a man?s testimony. 2. A female gets a half share of the inheritance over that of a male 3. Women can only married a Muslim person while men can married Muslim women as well as Jew and christian women [People of books] 4. Women can only marry one husband while Husband can marry 4 wives and women of entrainment and have has slaves[in time of slavery] 5. Slave-girls are sexual property for their male owners. 6. Wife could share his husband with other wives and slaves. 7. Husbands may hit their wives . The Q'uran in Sura 4:34 says: 8. According to Islam's Prophet, most of hell's inhabitants are women. Islam's Prophet said, 9. women's right to work is subject to certain conditions:: - The work should not require the woman to violate Islamic law (e.g., serving alcohol), - The work is mindful of the woman's safety. - The work should not affect women's commitments towards her family.
Here is another question is puzzling me: Why bees produce a lot of honey many many times as their needs?
I have another question that is: Why Chickens lay egg everyday at almost and without setting on them. You know human women produce egg one each month and generally most of birds lay egg every specific period. Ask your teacher if you are studying if you have not your own suggestion.
We know that human's mother produce milk only after giving birth and not before. It is the case of the most of mamals. But I am wondering why cows, sheep and goats give milk almost every day and without giving birth? Please ask your biology teacher, if you don't have your own sugestion. Morever let us know if there are mammals other than cows, sheep and goats that give milk without giving birth.
1. I recognise Islam, Judaism and Christianity as Abrahamic religions. I explained that in my previous post that "We believe in the same God", that is God's of Abraham [ibrahim] 2. The Islam brought to people in the Arabian Peninsulas many good moral things and principles like workshop Allah [God in English], Justice, no stealing, no killing baby girls, the equality between people,...... 3. But the last thing is to claim that Islam is religion of peace. Sorry, I don't know from where this myth came from?. Tell me how the Islam was spread to Egypt and all North Africa? How Islam reached Spain and was there for 400 years?. How the Parisian Empire became Muslim? How Syria , Iraq, Turkey became Muslims. Why Constantinople name has removed from map [it is now and become Istanbul. How the St Sofia Church became a mosque. How some people in Balkan are Muslims [like Bosnia, Albania and Kosovo]. How people in Azerbaijan, Kazakhanstan, Tajakstan, Uzbekstan, Turkmenistan, became Muslims. 4. The answer is that Islam was spread by war In Sahih Al-Bokhary:? Narrated Ibn Omer: the prophet said: Notice ?rescue their blood and money from me? so one should testify that ?No God but Allah and Muhammad is the messenger of Allah? or he will be killed by the sward, so that was an existing principle. I am Australian now but I am Egyptian Coptic Christian . 5. I was in Egyptian government schools and all the time they taught us about Islamic concur. It was in proud matter..It is the Islamic history and it is not our analysis for the history.. Muslims , read those verses and history and they are proud of the power of Islam and its defeating of the Rome and Faris, they are proud that Islam conquered those nations and defeated them. 6. So execuse me when I don't agree that "Islam is religion of peace" event though I respect the Islam..But Muslims taught me this history. 7. If you ask me as Coptic Egyptian [the native people of Egypt before Arab invasion] how they live and how they build their churches with difficulties , resistance and may be with destruction and violence. It is not matter of Al-Qaida. That was before Al-Qaeda from long long ago. It still till now. The last events happened last month when Egyptian Copts completed renovation for a church in Sena in upper Egypt. Then in the same month Muslims burned and destructed many Christian Churches and proprieties Watch this: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ 8. Did you hear about the Armenian massacre by the Turk in 1915 9. Watch this from former Islamic lady who changed her attitude about Islam after the violence and killing by Muslims Brother group in her village. Now she is a psychologist in USA. and speak up: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ 10. I return to say it is not matter of Al-Qaeda. Before it were many other names: Muslims Brotherhood, Jihad, Takffeer, and many. The problem is in what the Islam taught and what are written and told. Most of reader of Islamic books including Quraan , Sahih Al-Bokhary and other prophet's words order kill men to enforce him for embracing the religion 11.In the Islamic encyclopedia, under the title ?Al-Jihad ?it was mentioned literally:? Al-Jihad (The fighting for Islam) is a war for propagation of Islam 12. If you make a research for the number of times the ward ?Fight, kill, war, Al-Jihad, assassination?in the Quraan and Converses, the result will came as: 35213 times those words were mentioned in the Quraan and Converses (that can be verified by you) 13. The Islamic books mentioned that during the ten years the prophet stayed in Al-Medina, he made a total of 84 incursions, and military squads (all mentioned in the history and the prophetical life history books) 14.The most serious thing is that there were Quraan verses inciting for killing as: the Repentance chapter (Surat At-Taubah ) 5 The Repentance chapter (Surat At-Taubah) 29 15. So my family are survvived and still Christian because our ansestor paid the required tribute. 16. The Quraan says that Christian are not believer in one God so they are infidel and must be killed. Even it is wrong to think that Christian is not believer in one God [see my post: http://forums.xisto.com/topic/54632-christians-believe-in-one-god/ ]. The extremist can rely on these passages 17. Muslims accuses Christian and Jews by corrupting their holy books. They calling Christian infidel since Christians make Jesus as one of the trinity, so they are not believer in one God so they are infidel and have to be killed. 18 Muslims are accuses Christian of claiming wrongly that Jesus was crucified [they don't recognised why Jesus came] then the Gospel is falsified so they have to be killed. 19. Muslims believe the all prophet are non-sinner. Then since bible are telling about the few sins by the Prophets, then Jews corrupted their holy book and then they are non-believer and have to be killed: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ 20. So please don't claim that Islam is Religion of Peace. I am ready to give in details the related verses. You can say many other good but not this one.
1. When you judge Christianity, dont judge it through the behavior of people, but through what written in the Gospel and what it instruct people to do. 2. Jesus called to love all people Christianity calls the life of complete love and to self ssacrifice.and if people follow it then no war at all. 3. Love Your Enemies: That is the top evidence that Christianity is the religion of peace . It is the maximum of love to Love your enemies and pray for those who spitefully use you and persecute you. Do not resist an evil person." (Matt 5:38-44). . Jesus had changed the human nature by loving the enemies 4.."turn the other cheek," Cancellation of "eye for eye" principleThis is other evidence that Christianity is the religion of peace. Jesus asked us to constantly be in reconciliation with people, even with our enemies and said, "If anyone wants to sue you and take away your tunic, let him have your cloak also. And whoever compels you to go one mile, go with him two. The Gospel said: When insulted, we bless people. Some consider that is weakness, but it is the forgiveness while we are capable and sublimation of the human and bodily motives and: . 5. Jesus Christ said: Do not resist the evil by evil but by love and peace 6. Jesus Christ came and made peace among people. He first made Peace between the Jews and Gentiles, He call the Gentiles to place themselves under Gods protection, to do away with the idea of the "chosen people"; to praise both the Gentile centurion and the Canaanite woman, saying that He had not found such great faith even in Israel. (Matt 8:10; Luke 7:9). 7. Then second he reconciled the Jews with the Samaritans. He taught the parable of the good Samaritan and considered him a true neighbour.. He preached in Samaria and said to His disciples to preach to the ends of the earth: 8. Murder Begins in the Heart 9. Jesus blessed what he named "Peace Maker". Jesus explained how you become peace maker:: - Don't hate your brother otherwise you considered a killer. - make peace as much as possible.and - avoid the material and worldly matters which cause disagreement among people- - Avoid story telling and bearing criticism from one to another is one of the most important supports for peace among people. - don't gossips if you do then you are like a person who sets fire to people - don't plant hatred and malice among people because it destruct peace. - if you have something good, say it, otherwise be quitet. - if you hear something bad said by someone about his brother, be silent as if you have heard nothing. - if you hear of a dispute between two people, try to reconcile them and bring love back into their hearts. - don't add more and more words and agitating expressions to the original words - don't invents exciting stories in your own mind to be told to others - don't reminds another of an old controversy which had been forgotten? - Don't think that you can acquire others friendship by attacking his enemies. It is better for you to reconcile two people if you can. 10. When Peter wanted to defend Jesus and tried to kill with the sward, The Christ said: Put your sword back into its place. For all who take the sword shall perish by a sword as the sward makes many fights and wars, but the Christ mission was the mission of peace Glory to God in the highest, and peace on earth, love will be among men and when the Christ ascended to heaven he said: I leave peace to you, my peace I give to you. 11. The wars in the old Testament The wars in the Old Testament are not related to Christianity and were not to propagate the religion, as Judaism is closed and not a preaching religion, it was only confined to the people of Israel.. It is not related to the Christianity since Jesus change the rules. 12. What about cross crusades Some say that if Christianity banned war what about the cross crusades Unfortunately they considered the cross crusades in the name of the Christ, while they are not belonging in any way to the Christ.The crusade wars has not related at all to the principles of Christianity. They wanted take the Holy City of Jerusalem because they think it was in danger. Nothing in the Gospel or Jesus Teaching was mentioned to prepare army to breach or to fight for place. 13. What about the wars in Ireland between catholic and protestant: The same in Ireland there is a political party named the catholic party and another political party called the protestant; those are political parties who used the religion as a pretension . Those who are using the religion for achieving political targets has no relation to religion at all. Also they don't rely on verses in the Gospel. hey acted against the Christianity teaching. 14. What about the American wars America didn'tt go into Yugoslavia , Iraq or Afghanistan in the name of religion but for many other reasons., They are pure political wars with no relation to religion at all What about Colonization wars by British, French and other: They are for economic and competing objectives and were not for enforcing the Christianity. They are wrong from Christianity prospective. 15. What about WWI and WW2: They were for economic purposes and don't related to progress Christianity and they against the Christian principles explained up.
How do some people accuse Christians that they believe in three Gods? So they consider Christians to be infidels. If we the Christians start our Creed of faith with "I believe in one God,...." If when we draw the cross or start something we say: " In the name of the father, the son and the holly spirit. one God amen. Then these people have to stop and think and say : " We are wrong because it seems that Christians believe in One God, and we who don't understand Christians and maybe are confused when Christians speak about the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit". If you don't understand then you ask and don't jump to conclusion that we are infidel. In fact , the Father the son and the holy spirit are different entities of the God. Exactly as Sun can have three entities: the Sun's body [the sun star], Sun's heat and Sun's light. We usually say: - earth goes around the Sun OR Sun's body is [?] diameter or has how much degree . - It will be hot siting in the sunshine or Sun's heat -In sunny day , I read in Sun light.