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Everything posted by brandice

  1. He was actually the pilot of the plane, and the only one onboard. They are reporting that 3 other people have died and several others have been injured.
  2. Yes, I hope so, too. It's very handy to have a quick way to know that when there is a problem with your SQL (like i am having now) that it's not just you, but the server. I was in the middle of changing my site when I got the message that the sql was down. I don't know if it's something i did or not. Hold on- there is a link in your cpanel that shows the server status, but that's not very useful when you can't get into your cpanel.
  3. The first thing that I would do, if I won even a million dollars in the lottery, is split it with my mom and my sisters. That's what's important to me. And besides, they'd bother me for the rest of my life if I didn't and that's not the sort of thing that you want a family to break up over. I would travel around the world. I would try to pack in as many life experiences as I could before I'd find a place to settle down and start adopting all sorts of children or something.
  4. The books are 100 times better than the movies. Especially these last two movies. They are leaving out more and more stuff from the books as the series goes on. I guess that is because the books are getting twice as long every time. haha. If you like the movies, though, you will like the books. They are well worth taking a few minutes a day to read.
  5. I disagree with the thought that Harry is the source of all evil. But I do agree with Albus Dumbledore, here. I want that last book!I've heard some people say the the whole thing would be a waste of time if Harry ended up dying in the end. But that's not true. He might have to die, he might not. Whatever happens is going to make sense and it's not going to take away from how great these books and the lessons in them are. It's all going to come together and hopefully we all won't feel gypped (sp?) in the end. I would like to see Sirius come back somehow. Forget Lily and James. haha.
  6. The longer you go on not doing anything, the harder it will be to finally do something. Maybe you could take baby steps. Just look over and smile when you go by. Do that for a few days. Then say hello. Work up to asking her, "how's it going?" or whatever the kids say these days... It's always tougher right before you do something than it is to actually do it.
  7. Anonoter thing that I have to do sometimes when this happens to me is go into thee control panel>network connections>and then right click on the modem and select "repair." That resets things. I try that before unplugging and that works sometimes.
  8. You have to bring up the subject. If you don't ask right away and it turns out that he does have a girlfriend, it's going to get really messy. Get that part out in the open and over with before you invest anymore into this guy.
  9. I've been around a lot of people in my life who have smoked pot. I really don't know how I feel on the issue of it being leagalized. But, gosh darn, it sure makes people dumb. Honestly. There's always the arguement like, "Well, people only use 10 percent of their brain cells. Smoking pot isn't ruining me." Even people who seem reasonably smart could be so much more intelligent if they weren't stoners.
  10. This will show my age, but I learned BASIC on an Apple II in grade school. Then my parent's got me this weird Timex computer- yeah, like the watches- It was basically a keyboard that had a couple of slots in the back for cartridges, one cord that went to a tape recorder and another cord going into your tv. Wacky. After I broke that, it was several years before i got a Colecovision Adam (? I think that's what it was called) It was their "gaming system" with a keboard that you could do BASIC on. I didn't get a "modern" computer until about 1996, a Gateway
  11. Which language would we all have to learn, then? Would it be English, because that's what most of the people here can speak and understand? Or would it be Chinese, because that's the world's most spoken language? Sure, it does make me feel a little insecure when I am in a place where everyone is speaking a language that I can't understand, but I like diversity in the world.
  12. oh yeah! that annoys mee more when I was the first person to make a point and then someone comes in and changes some words right below me. What? Am I invisible?!
  13. Just a minor annoyance here. I thought I'd start a new thread instead of hijacking the other one. It's not in the vent forum anyway, and I need to vent. :)There's a thread in particular that I am talking about, but I see this quite often- people will respond to what they see in the thread title and not what the person is actually posting about. "I don't have a dream" is what the thread that sent me over the edge is called. A girl is talking about how she feels there is a void in her life because she doesn't know what she wants to do. Dream = ambitions and goals. Half the responses in the thread are explaining how it's okay not to have sleeping dreams. You don't need to read the whole first post if it's going to take up too much time. At least read a few sentences. Get the gist of things.Does it matter in the long run? Everyone got credits for a day or two.
  14. this is true! I can't believe how much I've actually taken to this job. It's funny. I thought the hardest part would be random strangers coming up to me all day. I'm am extremely shy and I didn't think that I would be able to handle it. But I am three weeks into it now and I'm doing just fine. I know that I won't be doing this sort of job forever. What I really want to do is become a writer. So, I am trying to get the most out of retail that I can. Learning about new people and all of that. I actually kind of like it.
  15. I know about the teabags on the eyes thing, but the problem with that is that sometimes it will stain your face if you keep them on to long, at least that happened to someone I know. I've had this thing over the last few weeks where I wake up and it looks like I've been crying all night long. I started sleeping with a wet washcloth over my eyes and I think that it might help. It could be because of this cold that's going around or it could be some allergy. I don't know. I am going to have to ask when I go in for my eye exam/new glasses next week.
  16. My mom and sister get these all of the time and Thorned Rose's solution is the one that they use. Cranberry juice/pills and plenty of water. Flush it all out. No caffeine. That's got to be the toughest part of all.
  17. Yes, you have to read the books to figure these things out. :)As the series is going on the movies are having less of the book in them. I mean, the movies still have the main storyline of the books that they were based on, but none of the subplots and other things that might help you understand why people react the way they do and give you insight enough to form your opinions on what is going to happen next. I can't believe the last movie only had about 25% of the book in it. You are missing out if you just watch the movies.
  18. Yeah, I saw the A&E biography on her. They showed her in a coffee shop where she did a lot of her work, sitting there with a pen and paper! Actually writing everything out by hand.
  19. There are certain phrases or slogans that go in and out of fashion with time, but "your mom" is one of those sayings that is stuck in an age group. Everyone who passes through that age group will have to put up with it for a year or two. Then you'll pass it and you'll see kids in five years saying it to each other.
  20. I've never had a problem personally with interracial couples or being a part of one. I do actually find guys of all races to be attractive. Maybe it comes from growing up in a very racially mixed place. Or maybe I just don't want to limit myself I really can't understand why people have problems with it.
  21. Dreams= ambitions. Yes, I know exactly how you feel. You just have to keep searching, as I am doing. You need to do what people in the hippie days used to say and "find yourself" Start keeping a journal. Write about your thoughts and your opinions on various topics. Politics, how people are acting around you, your hobbies. And write about what makes you happy. Just write about whatever is in your mind. It may take longer than you think, but you will see a pattern. Stuff that you keep coming back to. Hopefully you can find something that interests you. There are also personality tests out there that will help you to figure out what you would be good at. I have a book by these people and now they have a website. http://www.personalitytype.com/ I hope that helps. just don't give up. You will figure out what you were meant to do with your life.
  22. I write whenever I get the chance. on breaks at work, in the car (I'm not the one driving!)I haven't done it in a while, maybe I'll have to start again now that the holidays are coming up, but I like to make collages and do decoupage. I also like to get crafty and make my own Halloween and Christmas decorations. I'd like to start making purses, as well. I've got a great idea for a style. I guess I like to try to invent weird things, too. I made a couple of prototypes of a funny sort of windchime made out of tiny flyswatters.
  23. I've got the basic stuff, like rude, selfish, and mean people. And then the weird ones--Toast crumbs in the butter. Or, yesterday I opened the mayonaisse and saw crumbs in there. disgusting.-The sound of someone chewing in a quiet room.-People who sniff in instead of blowing their nose.-The sound of someone clipping their toenails. This gets worse to me when I know the person is just clipping them onto the floor and not over the trash.
  24. Confidence is important. You don't have to just walk up to a girl and ask her out though, try talking a little first. Ask her about herself and what she likes to do. Find out what she is interested in and then Figure out something that you could do together that she'd like. It's imporatant to be specific about things. Like, "Would you like to go to the movies on Saturday night?" or something like that. If you just say, "maybe we should do something sometime" it could be a little awkward for the girl. It's easier for us to know what we are going to be doing before giving a yes or no answer.
  25. i've seen this before. I don't think I like the idea of that at all. So sneaky. So diabolical.
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