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Everything posted by jlhaslip

  1. basic Form: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ styled form: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  2. Have a look at this link: http://www.w3schools.com/html/tryit.asp?fitml_form_submit A very basic form, and there are several different ways to do the same thing, but this should work for you.
  3. The only file-type I have ever had problems with was I once tried to upload a .tiff file and it failed.Simply converting to a .jpg solved the problem though.
  4. Do you really need 250 Gigs a month? Are they over-selling their capacity? Will this lead to problems? ie: downtime?Xisto - Web Hosting also offers'reasonable' paid plans at $9.95 per month tat would likely be suitable for a beginner's Site. And you can upgrade 'on-the-fly' as your site grows in its requirements. Personally, I would choose a smaller Xisto - Web Hosting plan to start with. That 'free' Domain is only $7.99 per year, and starting with the $9.95 plan found at the bottom of the Xisto - Web Hosting Main page would be around half the cost of their lowest price plan.
  5. Spamming the Board to earn Credits will only make the matter worse. the Xisto Forum awards credits for Original Material only. If a posting is sent to the Spam Can, then you will be penalized by having more credits deducted than the posting earns. And a suspended posting status won't help either... Board Rules for Xisto Xisto Readme
  6. You do not need to use absolute positioning, either.Floats, Margins and Padding can be used to place block-level items on the page.Do you have a page of code for us to look at and assist with your layout problem? If so, post it up.thanks.
  7. jlhaslip


    we do not allow Advertising and since you are new to the site, I would ask that you read the Xisto readme file to understand what is acceptable around here. Referral Links are not cool.
  8. You may need to contact a Counselling Service or some such thing.Since you are a Student, It might be a good spot to start by contacting a Counseller at the school, or a trusted Tesacher.No doubt the break-up has affected you, and your parents need to be aware of the impact it is having on you.Best of luck to you. Stay in touch and be sure to keep us posted.
  9. Very interesting approach to determining the "value" of a Web Hosting Service. (Free or otherwise)Do you have a list or table of the data for the various Free Web Hosting Services currently available on the Internet? Just curious about how the Xisto compares with others.There might be other criteria you could measure in this process... Add-on Domains and Parked Domains allowed? .htaccess available? php.ini limited?
  10. The available banners for the Xisto can be found at http://forums.xisto.com/topic/125-user-contributions/ Please pick one to suit your site design and layout. Thanks for promoting Xisto on your site.
  11. Nameserver Changes need to be done at the spot where you Purchased or Registered your Domain Name.Example: GoDaddy, Yahoo, Xisto - Domains, etc. There * should * be a place to unlock the Domain and modify the Nameserver Information.Change the information as per above.
  12. No, IPB is a paid Board. You need to purchase a licence from them to set up an IPB Forum.Fantastico includes several Board softwares, like phpbb2.I would encourage you to check out AEF Forums.
  13. Thanks Opaque for continuing to improve the Service and Features here at the Xisto.I have a question about this nameserver Change process:Should this nameserver change be done for add-on and Parked Domains?
  14. Topic is resolved.Please PM any moderator to continue this discussion. Until then, this topic is closed.
  15. White wordpress Blog with a Blue header?Works for me.
  16. Sonesay is correct. The re-instatement script runs *about* every hour. Please give it some time to do its thing. Post back here in an hour to tell us if it is active or not. Thanks.
  17. What is the URl of your site so that we can check to see if it is working for us?Is the site still down for you? How new/old is the domain name? Is it propagated? It takes 24 to 72 hours for a new account to get spread across the Web.
  18. I don't think you can affect the cache of Google which contain the old (previous) pages.
  19. Sign in to your cpanel, select the file Manager, navigate to the public_html folder, delete the index.html file, then install Drupal again using fantastico, or a download. Should work fine without the conflicting file name.
  20. You are welcome. Glad it worked. Also, check out this link: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ and do a view source of the code to see a more semantic layout for your page. Copy it if you want to, but it is a full width design, not fixed and centred like yours. It should have a few pointers in there to get your page coded more semantically correct. (specifically the link list in the sidebar) Don't be discouraged if things don't work the first (or 12th) time. There is lots to learn about html and it takes time and practice. More practice than time, actually, so offer your skills to friends and Forum members to develop the skills you need. Good Luck with the site, of course...
  21. I have a friend that just bought an Acer with pretty much exactly what you are asking for for around $800 Cdn, including the Webcam, but without the Bluetooth, ( as far as I know... ).Check them out.
  22. First, Remove the min-width and max-width from the .padding class. .padding { background-color : #ffffff;font-family : verdana, tahoma, arial, sans-serif;font-size : 8pt;color : #000000;text-decoration : none;text-align : left;padding-left : 10px;padding-right : 5px;} the width for the div is already set in the css for the div which contain these elements, so you are overwriting the width from inside the div. Not a correct thing to do, even though it might validate. Second, add: clear:both; in the footer css code. .footer { font-family : verdana, tahoma, arial, sans-serif;font-size : 8pt;color : #000000;text-decoration : none;width : 780px;text-align : center;background-color : #ffffff;clear:both;}These changes will affect the page presentation, however, there are some things in your page which should be changed.CSS works best with semantically correct html. The list of links in the right hand column should be an ordered list (or unordered list) to be semantically correct. Also, the br tags are unneccesary if you use margins or padding to space the page elements.
  23. Do your school work.There will be time enough for Browsing when you are old, like me, with no life... :)Seriously, get an education before you get to the point where you no longer have the options available to pursue the career of your choice. I got mine a long time ago... before Al Gore invented the Internet, but, of course, I had other distractions...
  24. Well, I just read the Stats for the Local Ski hill, and they advertise that they get 100" at the Base annually, but they don't seem to have the Year-to-date information posted.We got 23" in 24 hours one day last month, but a rain came the following day and shrunk it down to about 8 inches overnight, so how do I measure that? As 24" or as 8"?I'm pretty sure that if I was to get off my couch and go plant a stick randomly in the middle of the yard, I would have a couple of feet out there, no problem. Annual accumulated snow would be around 48 inches so far this season. The snowbank beside the driveway is around 1.2 meters (4 ft). If I can get a pix, I will post it here...
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