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Everything posted by jlhaslip

  1. Somewhat similar to Thunderbird as a Portable Application... although I do not recommend storing your emails on a thumb Drive for security reasons.
  2. Tiki,Make a Daily schedule that includes a walk-around-town as a time for your 'alone-ness'...Very unlikely that the rest of the Family will want to travel around with you.Enjoy yourself, take loads of pictures and come back and tell us all about it... and most importantly, have some fun.:)p.s.: say hi! to MB and serverph for us...
  3. Are you referring to the 'red' paragraph on the main (index) page of the Forum? Where it alludes to actually reading the Rules? (which very few Noobies do)Might not be a bad idea, but also, we could make their posts for them, too. That would work.I am being cynical, of course... Any Member that reads the Xisto readme file will be quite aware of the Credit system, how it works, and the consequences of not regarding the Rules.
  4. Might help if we were to see the complete page coding.Setting the height 100% will make the Iframe 100 % of the height of the container which holds it. If the container is sized, so will the Iframe be sized accordingly.
  5. Install a copy of XAMPP or WAMP or Easyphp onto your laptop to set up an Apache, mysql, etc that will not affect your Internet connection at all.It allows you to run php scripts on your localhost with no Internet connection at all.It also saves the Server at the Hosting account from getting messed up by your testing of Scripts... Google XAMPP, for example.XAMPPlite is also available as a Portable Application so you can run it from a Flash Drive, too. Again, no impact on your Internet connection.
  6. Fixed. Might need some time to work for everyone, but the issue has been resolved. http://forums.xisto.com/topic/54649-website-not-loading/page-2#entry366551
  7. Thank you, Opaque, for working to remedy this problem for us.There is no doubt that you had (have) the best intentions and would never knowingly affect the accounts in this manner.
  8. I see your site just fine. And Server Admins are working on it. No indication what is wrong. Until we know, please don't make accusations.
  9. Not sure.Support has been advised that there are issues, and we are waiting to hear back from them about what might be the problem.Please be patient.
  10. I would urge members to be patient. The Support people are undoubtedly working on the issue and they will do what they can as fast as they can.
  11. Moderators deal only with the Forum and offer advise about the Hosting Account issues. We don't have any more access to the server than you do, so I suggest a Support ticket is in order to resolve these issues. Please post back here the results so a moderator can mark the Topic completed. Thanks. And my Account was having a problem, too, but it seems to be resolved now. Members are able to connect... Hirishiolo, This link works fine for me. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Repeating Image of a lady???
  12. Has anyone issued a Request for Support from the Support Desk? https://support.xisto.com/
  13. Clear your cache, and reset the Router???Since we can see it, it might be an issue at the ISP???
  14. I am getting a 404 error rather than a page loading problem. That means the server has been found, but the Aice/playtv.htm file is not found. Check to make sure the file is in the public_html folder or a sub-folder under that. Your account Default Index page is displayed properly, so this confirms a bad path... Works fine for me. Link to test?
  15. I would recommend that you stay with PHP as a Server Side Scripting Language.Very popular, very powerful, php5 is fast becoming the Standard of the Web.Oh, yea, with Mysql as a Database, of course.
  16. 2 years already??? I can't believe it either...Well, I told you way back that you might be better off at the Trap, and your length of Hosting time-in certainly proves that the place suits you, Mich...And a great "Greeter" you are... keep up the good work.And I love the influence and insight you offer all the 'younger' members. I truly believe that it is a great system here that allows us old folks the chance to mingle with the youths... and your calming, mature approach to the problems presented here is very welcome.Enjoy the next two years, but stay away from all that Spam SM is serving up. I doesn't digest well...
  17. Have a look at an AEF Forum Board for a pretty cool Board with lots of Features
  18. Content Management System, like Joomla or Mambo.What they are trying to say is: keep coding and you will get better...
  19. I remind the participants in this discussion that the Topic Replies MUST remain civilized.Mud-slinging and Flaming will be grounds for this Topic being closed and Warnings issued.Now, let's get back on-topic, please...FINAL WARNING!QueenBee, I am sorry to hear about your loss.
  20. This technique can also perform Random Image Generators and a Random sig or avatar rotator script. I have another Tutorial around here on the trap that shows the Random Avatar, I think it is... gif's, png's, jpg's or a combined image script. http://forums.xisto.com/topic/52136-image-rotator-script-another-one-easy-to-implement/ There it is...
  21. Man, that is a tough one... around here, you could pay $5000 for a super-deluxe paint job in a Paint Booth, by real Pro's...Or $500 for someone using a 4 inch paint Brush...Quality costs money, and you usually get what you pay for.best thing would be to get a minimum of 3 prices and ask for 3 referrals from each outfit. Or ask around your friends/relatives in the area. Word of mouth means alot. Ask them if they would take their vehicle back to the same shop...
  22. Couple of quickly typed suggestions which will/should help you out. 1. Use a Doctype on all of your pages. A Valid one that does not put the Browser into Quirks Mode. 2. Code to the w3c Standards if at all possible. 3. Use a Strict Doctype on New pages. 4. Set your Margins and Padding to zero at the top of your Styles and then adjust them on a per element basis as you need to. 5. Validate your page early and often. http://validator.w3.org/ 6. Avoid using Tables for Page layout. They are perfect for presenting Tabular Data. 7. Use CSS to style the page. External CSS is good. 8. Build your page in a Compliant Browser and adjust for IE using IE Conditional Comments. 9. Xhtml is not required unless you plan on using XML on the pages. (I doubt you are or will be) 10. Have fun, Be creative, Learn lots... That should be enough for now.
  23. Try this one: https://xisto.com/ the xisto domain service which is a partner with the Xisto Free Forums. The money they earn helps keep the Xisto a free service. It would be a great gesture to use Xisto - Domains since your friend will be hosted for free (hint)...
  24. Interesting discussion, but let's hope it won't get out of hand... My input to the discussion would be the following snippet fron the Bahai Faith. No, I am not Bahai, but it is an interesting concept. Source: http://bahai-library.com/writings/bahaullah/pb/1.html Essentially, wouldn't it be great if Schools received funding at the same level as the Armed Forces, and the Air Force needed to sell cookies to raise money for the Bombs? Seriously, is it impossible that the different factions can not set aside their differences for the benefit of all mankind?
  25. I'm not sure where you mght live, but here is a ink to an Ebay "Buy it now" http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ for under $50 USD
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