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Everything posted by jlhaslip

  1. No. One credit per day for Hosting. The Domain expense is 250 credits up-front, annually. It has not been a year since the Free domain name thing started, so I haven't actually seen a renewal, but I assume that the Account would be charged 250 per year on renewal, so you need to have those credits in your account in advance of the Renewal date.
  2. I think so. Credits are credits... I am not certain that the system keeps track of "bought credits" versus "earned credits" Yes, see also below answer... I have a subdomain of the Xisto named jlhaslip.trap17.com and I have the Domain Name jlhaslip.com "Parked" on the sibdomain. Users can access either one. Depending on the manner in which you code the site's links will determine the handling of the visitors. If you have 'absolute links', such as:<a href="http://subdomain.trap17.com">link</a>, and they come to your site via domain.com, then any link they press will take them to the subdomain. If you use 'relative links' like: <a href="./page.html">link</a>, then the entry domain or subdomain will be active. It might take a period of time for the Users to catch on to the domain name, but a conversion is possible. The good part is that Parking the Domain will allow access to both the Domain and the Subdomain. Overriding (changing to just the Domain) will not allow the access for the subdomain. I recommend Parking the Domain. See above... keep the subdomain will allow these scripts to continue to work. (I think ) I hope this helps. Post any further questions you might have.
  3. Some languages use a Right to Left for their characters. Hebrew is an example, but I am sure there are others.Usually, the language will also require a character set other than the one you might normally use. UTF-8 is a character set which handles many of the internationalizations. Check it out.
  4. Pretty cool.Any chance you could supply the code for that?Perhaps it would become a challenge for others to get involved with the glitches and become an Arcade game on the Xisto Annex account?
  5. Topic is resolved.Please PM any moderator to continue this discussion. Until then, this topic is closed.
  6. A Football player? What's your take on this year's SuperBowl?Have a good season last year? Any plans to continue playing after your Senior Year?Lots of good Coders here, but we could always use another one. Look forward to seeing your stuff.Enjoy the Forum and ask all the questions you want. Someone will have an answer (or two).
  7. I visited your site using Opera and the images worked fine.Check that you have the Browser set to allow images in your Preferences.Tools > Preferences > Web Pages > Allow Images.
  8. It seems that you missed placing the URL of your web site into the Posting above. It might be a good idea to do that by an edit to your posting.
  9. And we look forward to having you as a member, too.Spammers have lots of other places to go. This Forum should not be their favourite place. A warning or two usually gets them moving along quite nicely.Enjoy your visit and I look forward to reading your posts.
  10. When I run php_info on my localhost, the HTTP_USER_AGENT is listed as : for the Firefox 2 version 11 that I use.I think the most important part is the "Mozilla/5.0" to identify a Firefox/Mozilla/Gecko-based browser.
  11. Pizza is good any day, hot or cold... The Pizza, I mean...
  12. jlhaslip

    Point System

    Moved to 'Software' from PHP programming.
  13. Topic is resolved.Please PM any moderator to continue this discussion. Until then, this topic is closed.
  14. Please read the pinned topic to see your requirement(s) in Request Free Sig Or Banner section. Click here In the mean time please improve your post quality and continue to contribute quality posts.
  15. Please read the pinned topic to see your requirement(s) in Request Free Sig Or Banner section. Click here In the mean time please improve your post quality and continue to contribute quality posts.
  16. Please read the pinned topic to see your requirement(s) in Request Free Sig Or Banner section. Click here In the mean time please improve your post quality and continue to contribute quality posts.
  17. Please read the pinned topic to see your requirement(s) in Request Free Sig Or Banner section. Click here In the mean time please improve your post quality and continue to contribute quality posts.
  18. It is no bother at all. Experienced Members help newer members and they help still newer members. That is the beauty of the Forum system we have here. It is a collection of people with different strengths, all assisting one another to develop the skills needed to run a Web site and other stuff. We share what we know and others share the stuff we need to learn. A win-win situation.What system are you downloading the php5.2 on? XAMPP, WAMP, easyphp? or the apache http server directly?
  19. Here is a sample code showing paragraph tags instead of div's, but the concept is the same since p tags are block level like Div tags. Div's are a generic container, whereas paragraphs deal with text. <p style="float: left; border: 1px solid red; width: 300px;"> float:left paragraph </p> <p style="float:right; border: 1px dashed red;"> float:right paragraph </p> <p> non-floated paragraph </p>Try it out in your template. Of course, you could move the styles to an external CSs file nand give the p's classes according to their behaviour... Hope this helps.
  20. Use a Proxy Server to access the Web?Your static IP number is assigned by you Internet Service Provider, so to avoid displaying that IP number, a Proxy Server will act as a Middleman in the navigation of the WWW.Google Proxy Server for a list of possible suppliers of Proxies.
  21. If you are php savvy, you might want to download a copy of the snews cms software (free) and have a look at their RSS functions.
  22. I don't think you can re-write the php.ini file since you do not have full access to the Server files.Also, as you call php to perform this re-write, the directives are already configured. Look at adding the ini_set() into your Configuration files for the scripts? to alter what changes you need.
  23. Certain things can be modified using the ini_set function in php. Check out the function description etc at http://php.net/, in particular, there is an Appendix to the php Manual which tells you which directives can be modded via scripting. Good Luck.
  24. That link is not working for me. It might have been edited by the word censor on the Forum?
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