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Everything posted by jlhaslip

  1. Your site looks pretty heavily Modded. Your question may be such that you might need to review all the Mods and perhaps go back to the source to find the answer you require.
  2. An interesting approach to the concept of navigating a site, however I have a couple of comments.I-frames are not the coolest thing in the Web. They don't get indexed, I believe, like a regular div on a page, so that is one stike against them.Your zip file contents are nice. At least they work to do what you describe, but the pages are missing a Doctype Declaration. Might be a shortcoming of the software you used. Not sure, because I have never used Dreamweaver or Frontpage, so I just don't know how they work.A Doctype is critical for cross-browser rendering of pages. If you don't know what they are, I suggest you learn about them. w3schools can provide some information about them.I appreciate that you have a good concept of the method which will make the 'one set of links' work for your site. Have you considered using a different techinique? Like a php scripting and / or a php include?
  3. Be present at the critical times for her. Call her often, if you are distant. Let her know you are aware of the importance of this event and provide a shoulder to cry on, and an ear to listen with. That's it. Should be all you need to do. Be her best friend...
  4. On my pages, I rarely use the http: or the Domain name for my own pages. I use relative URL addressing: "./" and "../" etc... Google html relative addressing ie: http://www.felgall.com/htmlt60.htm
  5. Server should be back up now...just checked a few sites and all appears to be working...
  6. One never knows, but it has been so long since this has happened while I was on-line...I have attempted to connect with the Powers that be... patience please, one and all...If it is a Server issue, the worst thing you can do is continuing to attempt to make a connection. That only overloads the Server yet some more.Best thing you can do is walk away and come back soon... let the Server Admins handle things...
  7. Does your Cpanel now have this email set-up? or not?And is there a question in there somewhere? Do you need something fixed?
  8. Acid, If you have an XAMPP installed, phpmyadmin is available by:1. open your Apache Server2. open a Browser window/tab3. enter "localhost" in the Adress Barphpmyadmin is on the left hand side under tools.
  9. As far as I know, it does not 'cost' anything to use the copyright symbol on a web page. I would likely cost a fee to have a Government-approved copyright registered and issued to you. I would encourage you to also check out the 'copy-left' and/or Creative Commons Licencing.Musicmaza, You seem to be missing the point on the lack of 'copyright' from that site you refer to. Simply because they SAY there is no copyright and the information is freely available on the Web, you should actually track the original source of the material to confirm there is no original copyright holder, or that they have made the material available in the Public Domain. This is to protect yourself in case the original copyright holder, in fact, does want to apply a copyright. Even material which is 'free' should include a reference to the source you are copying from, in order that others can confirm the copyright status. I am not a Lawyer, so I base my reply on what little I know. You should cover your backside, is essentially what I suggest. You can never go wrong by being too careful. What happens if your site gains as much popularity as Google? and then the original copyright holder comes after you claiming a big chunk of change from you because the content on your site is copied from elsewhere? You can bet they will win if in fact you are violating the copyright laws. IMHO.
  10. You would need to contact the Copyright Holder and determine whether they are good with you using the information. Regardless of whether the site which posts the information states the information is free to use, you must apply Due Diligence to confirm that information. If the actual Copyright Holder finds the info being used on your site, things could get 'sticky' for you. Always best to determine the actual Copyright status for your self-interests. An angry Copyright Holder could make things uncomfortable for you, whether or not the 'middleman' gives you permission or not. And how does he mean 'freely available' on the web? did someone else violate a copyright? In that case, the actual Copyright Holder can take action against you if he feels that you are benefiting at his expense (or loss of income). The results could be a shutdown of the Server you are operating from. That is why the Xisto is quite determined that non-copyrighted information is to be avoided here. Too risky. Be forewarned that the Server Admins WILL shutdown your Hosting Account if you operate in the Grey areas...
  11. Well, I don't think you can actually upload directly to a web page.I think you will need a Database/CMS system or at least a CMS using Flat Files. (Or maybe a Forum Software?)There are Open Source Auction Scripts which might work. Fantastico has at least one, but I can't recall the actual name.It will allow fixed price or buy-it-now auctions, I believe.Make some good posts and get a Hosting Account here at the Xisto. You will need a Hosting Service regardless of whether you write the Script or install a package, right??? This one is a good as, (or better than), many paid Hosts, so do yourself a favour and save some money by using the Xisto.
  12. This link will take you to the site of an Author (Larry Ullman) who has recently completed a book about building Dynamic Web sites using AJAX. I have not yet had the opportunity to read this, or study AJAX, but be certain that this will be the book I use. His style of writing and teaching is fantastic. Sight unseen, I would highly recommend this author's book above any others, simply due to the intuitive nature of his teaching methods. I have used (or own) several others of his php/mysql books and absolutely love them... http://www.larryullman.com/books/building-a-web-site-with-ajax-visual-quickproject/ And Larry also includes a Forum for answering questions about not only his books, but the topic covered by his books, regardless if you have a copy or not. How many Authors will answer your questions on a Forum on a daily basis? Excellent stuff...
  13. Complex Numbers are mathematical elements which are (somewhat) connected to Imaginary Numbers. I'll let you discover the concepts yourself from this Wikipedia link: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Complex_number It has been a long time since I have dealt with any of this stuff, so I might make an error trying to explain what I know (or is that 'knew'?) To me, Imaginary Numbers are the ones missing on your Pay Cheque...
  14. Pop, That comment was uncalled for. The members are trying to assist you. No need for the reply quoted above. And do not expect the Admins to reset your credits, either. The Xisto Readme clearly states the method to 'reset' your account. Earn credits to have your account above 4 credits and the script will reactivate your account. As per the Readme the others have suggested you read. Closed. This is becoming a Spam bucket.
  15. Page worked fine for me the other day.And I passed it on to a friend. She said she would do it, too.Haven't talked to her since Xmas Eve. Wonder if she had any problems...
  16. Technically, No. The original author of the site continues to hold the copyright for their material subject to the terms of the Copyright Act where they wrote the page.Whether they would pursue you for any damages caused to them by your use of their material is another matter. Read the previous posting by Avalon.
  17. AEF Forums has the ability to add Ad bars quite easily. Simply cut and paste the Ad code using the Admin Panel. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ There is a Tutorial on that site. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  18. What are the details of the virus? Name, etc... Try the Norton Security site. https://us.norton.com/ They offer some assistance there.
  19. If I understand your situation correctly, you are asking about the Xisto sub-domain versus a purchased domain name? http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ is my Xisto sub-domain name. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ is a puchased domain PARKED on top of the Xisto sub-domain. Visit either link and you see the same pages, but the URL is displayed according to the link you choose from the two links. If you use the jlhaslip.com, the link stays as jlhaslip.com. Likewise with the sub-domain.
  20. Not sure about the registration or the Hacking thing.Your site is working fine for me, by the way.Have you recently deleted any files in the Account Root? The ones you did not place there? Or any Mods to your .htaccess file?How are your credits?
  21. I have passed the link to Admins. Hopefully they will receive it and act ASAP, but with Timezone differences, and being Christmas Eve/Day, no telling when they will be around.Soon, I hope.
  22. Your site and mine both work fine.Check your firewall settings?
  23. A Table-less version of this script is available at the Xisto Annex. See the link in the pink bar above the Shoutbox. Select Annex > Scripts > Targetframes for the Demo. or http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Source code for the div-based layout is found at : http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ When there are multiple parts in the Query string, such as "?type=admin&act=edit&id=1234", the value of id is frequently used inside the php script as a value for data retrieved from a database, so you would not need to 'handle' the id = in the logic flow of the script. Using the script logic I wrote above, I will demonstrate the use of a data value here: if ( do == admin) { // first if block starts hereif ( add ) {... add an id here ...... present a form for inputting a new member here... complete with the mysql code to insert the member into the Database}elseif ( edit ) {... find the id number and edit it here...... present a form here for editting a member's information... and then update the Database with the information}elseif (delete ) {... delete the id here ...... using a mysql query, find the member with id = 1234 and delete the member's information}} // first if block ends hereAs you can see, not everything in the query string affects the Logical flow of the script. in this example, id is a value for retrieving information from the Database. Is that like what you plan on doing? This is a good example of 'dynamic' web site scripting. Instead of checking each and every value so you match an id, use the database features to write one set of scrpting code to perform a task based on the value passed in the query string. You do not need to write a code snippet for each id = value. Use the value to change the database. Hope this helps. Incidently, the above code will not run properly. It is called 'pseudo-code' and is used to represent the logic flow of a script/program only. the full scripting would need to be inserted in the correct places, etcetera. All the php and mysql is missing, but the pseudo-code explains what needs to be done at various spots. It is used to define a solution before the coding starts in order that you have an understanding of the solution and the methods to solve them.
  24. Which game are you discussing here? Certainly these tips do not apply to all games...
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