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Everything posted by jlhaslip

  1. That sample likely doesn't validate because the Form is not complete. Check this version: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Do a View Source to see a Fieldset/Legend combination that validates. The Fieldset includes a div, etc, so that may be why it passes.
  2. Can you explain in detail what feature you want changed? In FF2/Win XP , it looks fine to me.
  3. Width of 100% on the table will cause the table to be 100% of the *container* it resides in.And some Browsers handle width to be only as wide as the content contained inside it.We would need a link to the page or a posting of the entire page to assist further.
  4. I've switched to Decaffinated. Tastes the same, and I can drink it all day without worrying about my intake. Only thing is that it isn't always available at Cafe's and restaurants...
  5. I would suggest you submit a Support ticket to https://support.xisto.com/ and also PM to velma the Mod.
  6. And a Demo site here: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ which will actually allow you to access the backend for a preview of the Admin Panel. Register and request the Demo Admin Status. Simple.
  7. Nope to the Sub-domain Cpanel idea. I believe the only way he will have Cpanel access is by you giving him your Cpanel Log-in information, which is just a bad idea...I really do not recommend doing that. It means that you will need to do all of the Cpanel stuff for him. Your account information should not be shared, in my opinion.
  8. well, don't shout at her...figure out a school event that you think she might enjoy attending and see if you can 'hang out' with her at that event. go to the movies with some friends. ask her for tutoring in a class. carry her books home for her. (am I that old?)offer to wash her car.start slow and easy. let her get to know you a little bit at a time.And good luck with it.
  9. Topic is resolved.Please PM any moderator to continue this discussion. Until then, this topic is closed.
  10. I was referring to the 55 errors/warnings that show on the Html Tidy Validator for the site you reference. Nothing to do with 404's. And I understand your post entirely. You want someone to design your page for free and possibly get a little advertising from it. Is that a clear enough understanding?
  11. As I understand it, the Credit Sysytem is unique to the Xisto and Xisto (a sister site) as a method for determining Hosting Account status. I believe it has been written in-house by Opaque and possibly Vujsa, an Admin over at Xisto, but I am not certain about that. i know Vujsa wrote the Hosting Application script, but I digress... AEF Forum Software has a Mod that is called the Bank Mod. It accumulates points for Posts, starting Topics, etc. AEF can be found at http://www.anelectron.com/ and the Mod can be found at http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  12. Seems contradictory to me, but whatever... Have you considered using a Content Management System to maintain the site and allow for updates, etc? There are a bazillion Templates available for free on the web already. Look at oswd.org, or Google "free html templates". Oh, ... and did you want all 55 validation warnings/errors from that page included in your design? Could we add a few more? Or did you have a specific number of warnings in mind? Aside from that, if this Request was for a Siggie, it would be refused due to your Post count. Why noy just use one of the free templates found on that reseller page? http://www.resellerguide.com/p/free-hosting-templates Good luck with your Hosting Service.
  13. No idea if you are correct or not.The details of the Credit script are known to very few people. Opaque, of course, knows the criteria, and possibly Vujsa, but the parameters are not public.Basically, you are correct in that the more (or less) credits you have, the less (or more) credits a posting will earn. Other than that, you will need to continue researching the matter, but none of the Mods are aware of the actual details.
  14. php.net reference page here: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ I believe this function requires the PECL Class installed, but I could be wrong. Do you know if you have that in place? also, do you have any other output PRIOR to this call, since it issues Headers and NOTHING can precede the Header in the page output. Even a blank line sent to the HTML page will cause a problem with Headers being sent. You may require a different function. Here is a sample of a re-direct that I use. It builds the re-derict URL from scratch. // Start defining the URL. $url = 'http://' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . dirname($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']); // Check for a trailing slash. if ((substr($url, -1) == '/') OR (substr($url, -1) == '\\') ) { $url = substr ($url, 0, -1); // Chop off the slash. } $url .= '/index.php'; // Add the page. Change the filename to suit. header("Location: $url"); exit(); // Quit the script.This was written to redirect within an application. If you need to re-direct to another location on the web, I would suggest another method.
  15. Try using the php function ini_set(). Might work??? Check this link out... http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  16. Well, we Mods are always looking for some fresh talent. Most of the Mods here have been selected by the then-assigned Mods. And those are indeed the characteristics we look for. Rule knowledge is important, but more important is the 'skill' of non-confrontational conflict, fairness in applying those rules and a helpful nature. Additionally, a Mod needs to be reasonably knowledgeable about Hosting Services like cpanel, and some scripting experience is good, too. This helps them assist the members to solve their Hosting problems.As for the 'late night' coverage, it is important to remember that the Report Button is your best approach to communicating with a Mod. The system is designed such that a Mod is made aware of the Reports needing review as soon as they Log-in, so the Report is usually best handled using the Report button rather than the shoutbox or a PM to one specific Mod only.
  17. I can't decide which to vote for. I'll be back after a day or so to have another look.Both are good examples. Good luck to each of you in this Battle.
  18. I think that you have summed up the situation correctly when you listed the volume of the articles and the comparison to an Encyclopedia. Encyclopedias are historical information and carry with it the opinion of the author of the Article. The Wiki is no different. Depending on who writes the article will determine the contents. If Alex, the Flat-Earth-proponent, wrote an article about the shape of the Earth, it would be flat, not round. Get my point? When discussing Wars, the History lessons belong to the victor, so their opinion and reports skew the data and opinions about the War. See what I mean? So, the Wiki might be a good source for 'General Information' about a Topic, or a good starting point while researching a Topic, but the more current reports from Researchers in the field will have better information. Compare it to finding out about the current weather condition. Which will provide more accurate results about the current weather where you are? Looking it up on Google (the Encyclopedia approach) or stepping outside (The current researcher method)??? Definitely the step outside.
  19. That would work with Users that have a Static IP, but how do you handle Dynamic IP's?
  20. Might be able to assist you if you were to tell us the name of the script, or perhaps show us some code, or maybe what version of php it actually does run under? Is safe mode on or off where you are running it? Is Safe Mode required? Is there a database required?Too many questions, not enough answers...
  21. I have trouble believing that their Role is required or that it is actually doing any good. I also do not agree that armed conflict is required in this situation. It is a 'policing' action and will result in becoming the Canadian "Viet Nam", disgracing our Forces and the International image of Canada as a strength in the Peace Keeping role it has been so successful at. Pray tell, what would Canada as a Nation be like had the British mounted an armed force to 'cleanse' our country when we wanted the independence we received peacefully? I suggest that the Afghanistan Conflict is just us sucking up to the Americans since we failed to join the Iraq war... and a political boondoggle.Of course, I wish that all of the individuals performing their duties over there will come home in good health, but, so far, this hasn't happened. God Speed to them all.
  22. ... effectively scaring away {most} users and having them never return to your page... Not exactly my idea of "a truly effective" website, but ... what ever turns your crank... Alex has listed all of those things which Beginner Web Designers include in their pages because the features are soooooo cool, but which distract from the real purpose of the Web and that, of course, is to supply information to the web site visitors. Having the best information on your page is usually defeated by also having all the wild colours, flashing, moving gizmos and poor colour contrast to boot. And another thing to do is NEVER optimize your Images for the Web. When you include an Image, make sure to use the largest version you can make, and a format which no-one has. That way, only the geekoids with the 4500 x 2400 displays and a library of image handling software can read. Those guys also have super fast Internet connections, too, so serving them a 30 meg image is no big deal. Of course, many users use a 800 x 600 display on dial-up, but if you serve a really huge Image, this might force them to upgrade their connection to DSL or something...
  23. You seem to have found yourself a 'niche'. Good catch.Continue to be productive, and continue to show your 'worth' to the Company and, indeed, you just might get his job.I also need to express my opinion on the Manager, though. Chances are that he is very good at his job. He is responsible for getting things done, on-time, and on budget. Not really for doing things himself. Chances are that he does have 'people' skills, instead of 'hands-on the tools' skills. A real asset in a Manager.
  24. Your request will be reviewed by one of our GFX Crew or members.
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