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Everything posted by jlhaslip

  1. When I was starting out learning php, I wrote a Contact Form that displayed the messages onto the Web page below the Form. It used a csv file to do that. Example: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Let me know if you would like to see the zip file for it.
  2. Magic_quotes function adds slashes to strings going to a Database. If it is set 'off', then the Database does not contain the escapes "\", so they won't be there when you return the data. Magic_quotes is deprecated in php6. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  3. What I mean by saying "Hn" is "H" followed by a number (n).Html recognizes 6 levels of Headings--- h1 to h6.
  4. Have you checked at the Vbulletin Community Forums to see if a Convertor exists?What versions of phpbb and Vbulletin?
  5. Good to see a Tutorial on the lowly <span> tag. It rarely receives the attention it deserves.'Span' is an In-line element in (x)html. A 'generic' Inline container much like a 'div' tag, except that div's are Block elements.Using the Span tag as a 'Heading' identifier is not correct usage of the Span tag. For semantic mark-up, you should use the Heading <Hn> tags since the Heading tags impart more information about the structure of your page to the search Bots. And as for using the span tag as a 'marquee', a div tag is better suited for that purpose, too, since the span tag should be for 'In-line' content. You can expect that different Browsers will handle the height attribute differently, possibly throwing an error on validation of your page.
  6. Moved to Introductions.Welcome to the Xisto. I see that you have a series of links in your Siggie. Care to tell us all about those?
  7. jlhaslip

    The Presidency

    I'll vote for Alex... Can Canadians vote there? or do I need to hax the voting system?
  8. I hang out on other Forums, most of them have to do with html/css/php. And I am nosey... ... with a full set of Bookmarked pages in my Browser.
  9. Design your html page with the sidebars as you want them. Instead of adding the content to the div for the sidebar, do the php include as per above for that div. Make sure the page has a php file extension and not an html extension. (Or mod your htaccess file to have html pages parsed as php.)
  10. Here is a site which offers 40 different CSS based Layouts. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Pick one which most closely resembles the basic page and start with that. Add the finishing touches and you are done.
  11. I can write a Table-based layout, but why would I do that when CSS is much cleaner, faster, more Standards Compliant and Tables are out-dated?If you need assistance overcoming IE's crappy rendering of your page, post another Topic and someone will assist in its 'fixing' for IE.
  12. Check this link out for definitions relating to the final question you asked above. Both of these are 'Pre-Defined Variables' in PHP. http://ca.php.net/reserved.variables Edit the script and echo out the variables in question. That is a standard de-bug technique in most Development Environments. Have the machine tell you what you have done and see if it matches what you 'think' you asked for. Also, inside the script, have the php_info () called for output. That will list all of the SERVER ARRAY which relate to the script and then you might get a better picutre of the differences in the Server Array contents.
  13. Aloe Vera works well as a scar reduction method. Simply 'snap off' a chunk and rub the open part of the plant stem/stalk on the wound will speed up the recovery process and it greatly assists in reducing the scar tissue.Even if you end up with some scar tissue, it isn't a big deal to proudly wear your battle scars... consider it a conversation starter...
  14. CGI = Common Gateway Interfacecheck the Wikipedia for a better answer
  15. I like it. Nice Avatar, Alex.I will suggest this Topic to Opaque for consideration...
  16. Opened per Report.Members are reminded that lists need to be quoted inside your posts. There are several postings here that need to be inside quote tags. Likely why the Topic was locked once.
  17. Nope, can't be done via CSS with an XHTML Doctype.Javascript would be the recommended method, but consider that the rule against opening up new windows is there for a reason. Let the client decide which windows (tabs) get opened in a browser... that is the intent of the restriction in XHTML.
  18. Must be something unique to your Cpanel because I just used the CGI Centre to create a countdown Timer...Worked okay for me. Might need to wait for an Admin to review stuff.I suggest you submit a Support Ticket at https://support.xisto.com/
  19. Do you have a link to the site you need help with? And are there specific issues giving you problems?
  20. It varies depending on the number of credits in excess of the minimum required for the Hosting Plan.If you are looking to get the Plan2 (30 credits) and have 32 in your account, it will reset to a lower value than if you had 300 credits. With 300 credits, you will likely have closer to the maximum of 4 after the account is approved and set-up.The number of credits AFTER account approval will be something between 1 and 4 according to everything I know...
  21. Topic is resolved.Please PM any moderator to continue this discussion. Until then, this topic is closed.
  22. No problem.ps: I edited that posting with a small explanation...
  23. Select "create a Hosting Account" before you check your account?You would need to "create" the account before you can check it.Also, the Admin's 'approval' of the account does not actually do any thing except allow the permissions for the account to be set-up, which needs to be done via the 'Create an Account' selection on that page.Post back to tell us if that worked. thanks.
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