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Everything posted by jlhaslip

  1. Since $row['id'] is an associative array element, try enclosing it inside {curly braces}. Might work. echo {$row['id']};Or variations thereof. Not tested. One other thing, do you have error_reporting enabled? Are you receiving an error message? You are not checking to see if the query in-fact is pulling results from the database. Does this query work using phpmyadmin? Echo the Query to see the actual question you are asking the database. Try this, too, after the results are added to the fetch_array: echo '<br />';print_r($row);echo '<br />'; These are standard debugging tips and things which you can do to test that the value of the array contains valid data.
  2. Where do you get that statistic from? You must live in a different Canada than I do, or a big city, locked in China Town.Not that I am trying to be racist here, but Canada is as Multi-Cultural as a country can be. We love all races, and glory in their differences.
  3. Functions are good. The best thing about the use of functions is that you only need to 'call' them and they happen. It saves copying a lot of code into the text files, etc. Simply make the function call, and be sure your page can find the function in the "included" file. Typically, you would "include" the function file, which contains all the functions you might use in a page, at the top of each page you build.
  4. Uninstall the Instant Messanger and then re-install to get a new name/number might be the only way out.Someone has 'connected' to your ID and will likely continue sending them. And replying to the request to delete only confirms to them that you are active.
  5. Looks good.If anything, I would widen the main column and centre the page, but that is just me... <_<The contrast between the background and the text is not great for reading, but I guess not all the eyes on that page are as old and tired as mine.
  6. I very much doubt that the cause of the problem is the use of PHP 5, which is the level of PHP on the Xisto server. The improved MySql functions (Mysql'i' functions) were included in version 5 of PHP. Otherwise, many other members would be receiving the same errors. One likely cause of this error is a busy Mysql Server at the time you connect and process the pages. Or there could be a restricted 'pipeline' between you and the Server, at the ISP your members use, or between the multiple of the connections made between the Server and the end-users. Without further diagnosis, it is premature to suggest this is strictly a Server issue. It might be, but you do not have the data to support the claim that it is solely a Server issue. Sorry. The simple solution, until the Server is improved, or the Load Balancing gets tweaked, or the connections improve, is to simply hit the Reload button on the Browser. Pass the word amongst your visitors. Another issue is the amount of 'bloat' in the Software you are running. Phpbb3 is a feature packed Community Forum, with all the bells and whistles. How many mods have you added to the Vanilla package? All those Mods add demands (queries) on the database. Check out a less-bloated Forum Package, maybe. AEF Forums now have a convertor from Phpbb3 to AEF. Might be worth checking out??? The MySql Manual lists the following information about Error Number 2002, which you report above: Where %s is a string value and %d is a numeric value. It also suggest that the Error Logs may contain more information about the source of the Error. Perhaps contacting the Support department at Xisto will resolve this issue. They will be able to do the checking of the Log files and better assist you in resolving this issue for you. https://support.xisto.com/ to register a Ticket.
  7. Here are a set of three Web pages I wrote a long time back when I was first starting to develop sites. The first one is a two columned page with a full length sidebar for navigation links. There are two that are identical except the sidebar positions are reversed. Another is "one way" to create a three column layout. And lastly, a 'framed' look on a page. These are not 'fancy', you will need to look into the code and colourize it to suit, maybe set a width and centre it if you want, whatever... Please feel free to snag the source and develop the pages into something you need. The only cost is please pass on the information to assist others as they need assistance on the Forum. Full height sidebar Left sidebar - full percentage width Right sidebar - full percentage width Three Column Framed, single column Should you have any questions about these layouts, or need help in Modding them to suit your particular design, please post a new Topic in the Cascading Style Sheet Sub-forum in the Programming Forum. Thanks, and you are welcome.
  8. Yes, the php mail() is enabled on all Xisto accounts. Qupis.com does not have the mail function enabled. If you need the mail function, read the Xisto readme to find out all the details on creating your free web hosting account.
  9. Take care of your Mom. The Trap account will take care of itself.{{{krazygoddess}}}
  10. -Trapper of the Year: Opaque - for all the time and effort he puts into making it the best Web Host around. -Most Valuable Poster: Buffalohelp - always knowledgable, concise (usually) and mostly all the geeky stuff -Moderator of the Year: rvalkass - he is just new and is fitting in great -Most Helpful Member: rvalkass - always working to assist others from what I see. -Most Improve Member of the Year: - mermaid, Archangel and tiki are all quite improved over their first coming to the forum -GFXtrap GFX Elite: Saint Michael - needs an apprentice (or 12) this year... -7Gears Gamer of the Year: bk2070 -1337 Programmer: true_fusion, Alextheprogrammer - I don't leet speak xD -Comedian of the Year: Saint Michael is hilarious, when he is not spamming... -Shoutboxer of the Year: KansukeKojima and cool_cat - dreaming of the day when food is available inside the shoutbox -Lives at Xisto: bthaxor - he is on every day as I am leaving and often there as I wake in the morning sonesay - same thing. those guys are always here... -Most Reported Posts: Tough one - bthaxor, karlosantana and master_bacarra come to mind -Tech Geek: true_fusion, alextheprogrammer and rvalkass - pure geekness -Welcome Committe: Mich -Trap Eye for the Poor Guy: Lyons - always has a good nose for the "deals" -Crazy Reviewer Person: Saint Michael - watches too many movies -Dr. Phil Wannabe: Darran is always keen on this junk -Most Creative Trapper: alextheprogrammer is, well, creative is a good word -Youtube Junkie: - abstained - I don't think we have too many youtubers -Person most Likely to be Bill Gates Boss: Plenoptic - most of the members will not remember him, he doesn't come by very often. This "Trapster of the Year Awards" is his fault... If I have missed anyone, too bad. You will need to wait until next year's Polling. In the meantime, thanks to everyone that contributes to the growth of this community. Each of you deserve an award for making this Forum the best place on the Internet. It is a privilege to be here with you all...
  11. You won't be able to un-install Ie on a Windows machine. It is an integral part of the Operating System.if you do the un-install, it will persist on your next start up, so don't even bother trying it.
  12. Check out MK Portal with an AEF Forum included as a default. It might fit inside a Plan 1 package.
  13. It would be interesting to review the research methods he used to determine their level of Intelligence. Chances are good that he used an ethnocentric IQ test design by a group of WASP-ish folks raised in an Urban environment used to watching television and reading newspapers while using the Internet to catch a weather report. I wonder what percentage of the Africans have the same socializations as that group does? Culturalization is a common factor in the results of testing. The IQ tests do not measure the inherent intelligence. It measures the testee's social setting and the adaptation of culturally induced standards of intelligence. This has been a flaw in the system throughout time. If North Americans are given a culturally biased examination, they do not perform at the same level as those whose standards are enforced by the test. It doesn't take much research to discover the flaws in IQ testing.
  14. Let's understand the connection between a few things here. HTML is a "mark-up" language that is used on the Internet to provide information (web pages). In the form that it is intended to be used, according to the 'standards', the HTML of your pages should ONLY supply the content in a structured manner, meaning there is no 'styling' of the content based on the HTML. CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) is what is used to 'style' the content of the HTML page. The CSS can be supplied in an external CSS file (preferred method), embedded in the head of the HTML page, as 'in-line' styling (not preferred, but it works), or as a default 'user style' in the User's Browser. There are rules about which of the styles apply to the content, basically, the closer to the 'content' the more important the rule. The User's style sheet can over-ride an Author's style. Okay, now we have the content in the HTML and the styling in the CSS. Where does javascript and PHP fit into this equation of supplying HTML and PHP? Simple. Javascript is a coding language (yes) that works inside the user's Browser to do things 'local' to the machine. Example, get the time off the User's clock, but it can also affect the HTML and CSS, on the local machine. It can actually write to the html or css in the page if coded correctly. PHP is a server side scripting language which can be used to supply the HTML (or CSS) to the Browser based on the GET or POST request, or based on the time of day AT THE SERVER, for example. PHP is used to provide a dynamic Web Site. It also is designed to do many other things, like red and write to files or databases, connect to remote servers to get information, etcetera. You do not use PHP and CSS together. (sort of) You use php to write HTML and then the CSS styles the HTML output to the Browser. About all you can do with php, with respect to the styling, is provide the class or id's for the css to style. The styling can be written to an HTML page as it is presented from the Server to the Browser, or you can use PHP to select the CSS to be used in a Link tag based on a User's preference, but you do not use CSS with PHP without the HTML in-between them. So the point of all this is to say that you do not 'format' the php using CSS, you 'format' the HTML using CSS. You use PHP to provide the HTML to the Browser. [Notice how I avoided mentioning AJAX?] Ajax uses javascript to interact with the server to provide updates to the web page (HTML) in an asynchronous fashion, without a page refresh, but don't worry about that until you are more aware of php and javascript and their coding uses. AJAX combines them to perform tasks. I hope this helps explain the whole process a little better. Now, to answer your question... You need to learn HTML and CSS so that you can make a web page and understand the 'structure' of the page (html) and the 'style' of the page (CSS) first. Then you can use PHP to write dynamic content into the web browser as Html, complete with the classes and named id's of the structure. Then the CSS acts upon (styles) the HTML (content). Wow! that took a lot of thinking about, but I hope it assists you, and others, to understand the relationship between these factors that could affect your web designs. The most important first steps are to learn html and css. Those two are the building blocks that your site is based on. Have a look though the Tutorials to see about learning html and css. Of course, there are some good php tutorials as well.
  15. Check the tutorial sub-forum right here on the trap. Lots of good, basic information in there. Log-in scripts, mail forms, and many others. Ghostrider wrote up some pretty good tutorials for php last year, eight of them that went quite a ways into understanding lots of good stuff. http://forums.xisto.com/index.php?acte=%2Bghostrider Start out with those and also, become familiar with the php.net site. They have all of the functions defined, explained, with code snippets and syntax examples. And be sure to ask for help by posting a Topic in the php programming section. Many of the Members know php and are more than willing to assist you.
  16. When I was a bit younger, in my late Teens/early 20's, I was running competitively and for all but 3 months of the year, we would train at around 120 miles per week. It was hard on the body, but it worked for staying in shape, for sure. Then we got a new Coach. He lightened our schedule down to about half of the distance and concentrated on a three level approach, based on Strength, Endurance and Speed. Strength was built by a weight Training program, Endurance was based on a schedule which included long, slow runs and Speed was done by a repetition of quite short, but quick timed distances. Basically, he was using the same approach as Jeff Galloway, who operates this web site here: http://www.jeffgalloway.com/. Good program. The long, slow run is the secret he uses. It works for training middle and distance runners, but your needs are a little different. If I were you, I would look at a "cross-training" style of fitness. Instead of running, which you do while playing Football, take up bike-riding or swimming, which uses the same muscle groups, but in a different sequence and will assist the overall conditioning, too. Or play Tennis once a week, do something which will keep you fit while developing your legs in a different fashion. Cycling and running and playing football are complimentary in that they all require a good overall fitness level and good strong legs. Good luck in your program, whichever way you go.
  17. Nope, they go into your nose and drain the fluids. Sometimes they leave a tube in so it drains over a day or so. Often they use a fluid (saline-like) to rinse it out. It doesn't really hurt, but it is 'invasive', sort of.
  18. Not really certain, but I'm thinking that the joomla! forums might have an answer. Maybe?
  19. you are missing one... http://forums.xisto.com/topic/56426-trouble-creating-hosting-account-i-would-have-posted-in-the-hosted-members-section-but/
  20. I am not certain about this, but there are differences between a directory/file that you create and those created by an Apache process. If the directory in question is created by a script, then the Apache server is the directory owner, so only an Apache script can chmod or delete the file (unless Apache 'chowns' the file to you, but that is a whole other can of worms).Just curious, but did you install the Joomla! yourself? or via fantastico?
  21. asp is a Microsoft scripting language, I believe, and php runs across more platforms, like Apache, which is the pre-dominant web server.Asp is not available on the Xisto, and php is more widely used than asp. I learned php and mysql because they work together so well and are so much more useful across the web..
  22. Yes, he looks healthy and very aware of the world.That'll change as he gets older and becomes a Teenager... <_<Congrats to all, and I hope everyone remains healthy and well.
  23. Check the code that is posted above. It is using a salt value already. INSERT INTO login (username,password,email,activated) value ('admin',sha1(concat('yourpasswordhere','0dAfghRqSTgx')),'youremailhere','1');
  24. Do you people realise that you are replying to a 3 year old Topic?I appreciate that you are concerned about the present state of your accounts, but please wait for the Admins to handle it. thanks.
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