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Everything posted by jlhaslip

  1. That posting is a bit confusing. Can you describe the situation as it is, again, please, for clarification. To answer this part: Parked Domains are attached to your Hosting Account main public_html folder. You then have the option of browsing to your main account using the parked domain name or the Hosting sub-domain name. Example: parkedDomain.com shows the files as if you had used subDomain.trap17.com Parked Domains are only there to allow users to find you using the different domain names. Add-on Domains are a folder under your public_html. They hav their own ftp accounts and the way to get to them is by using the folder.trap17.com. Add-on Domains exist inside their own folder, which will be created for each Add-on Domain you create. Another difference is that Parked Domains retain the Domain name in the user's address bar if you use relative addressing in your links. Add-on Domains change the Domain name to read as per the folder.domain.com, I think.
  2. I think the Credit script assigns less credits based on the number of credits you have, not the account status, but I could be wrong since the details are secret.
  3. I don't think I have ever seen those knee-high sweaters around here. I live in a place the gets down to about minus 30 C for a couple of weeks. I can't imagine those doing much good here.They might be okay where you are going, though.Regardless, a good hat and gloves will be suggested, with a good sweater and a pair of decent boots should be enough for minus 10. Leave your swim trunks at home.
  4. javascript could add the difference between the Server generated time and the 'local' time. I don't know enough javascript to do that myself, but I'll search around while I travel through a couple of places.
  5. Further to Saint Michael's reply, each Member can select to alter the skin on their Cpanel. These is a selection of choices for both color and format. I prefer the 'light' skins rather than all of the Image based ones. Runs a little quicker. Easier on the bandwidth and cycle times.
  6. gisellebebegirl, The best answer to give you is "yes", your site could be deleted by the Host if you violate their Terms of Service or Acceptable Use Policy. Here at the Xisto, the Terms of Service and Acceptable Use Policy are available in the Xisto Readme file which can be found in the pink bar on the top of the Shoutbox. For easy reference, the link is HERE . The Terms of Service and Acceptable Use Policy here at the Xisto are not unusual. Many Free and Paid Hosting Services are very conscious about the risks involved with allowing 'illegal' activities because they could be shutdown for providing these services. Copyrights are crucial. The free things you might make available on your site should be truly 'free of Copyrights' and you need to retain information about when and where you were given access and permission to distribute these items (if you did not create them). It is often as simple as emailing the 'creator' and keeping a copy of their permissions, or making note of the source of the goods. If they came from a site which publicly provides these items for free, it is good netiquette to link back to them. This would also provide the 'copyright' for the items. If anyone can go there and download them, and the site says they can be further distributed, then you will be okay with offering them for download. Having said all of that, I remind you that I am not a Lawyer, so kindly re-read the TOS and AUP once more and continue to search for better replies to these good questions.
  7. All Servers have a time setting inside them somewhere in the vastness of the Server. The time setting is whatever you want it to be. It might be set to GMT or whatever the Local time is in the timezone the Server is located at. It really doesn't matter if the Server is set to GMT or not because the format of the Server Time is always in a format which can calculate the GMT time, so GMT is a calculated value on all Servers. Most Forums I belong to *gasp* (I go to a few) *gasp* have a User Profile page and the Profile page includes a drop-down for selecting my time zone. I set my time-zone and the forum software adds the time-zone difference to all of the times that it displays for me. It does that by calculating GMT based on the Server's Time Settings, so when I browse to the Xisto, the IPB software includes a series of processes for providing me information. One of the processes goes to the server, fetches the Server time, then goes to the database and gets some information which includes the time I posted this reply. It has a time of the posting, usually in GMT time. Then the software grabs the time-offset for me from my profile and adds the two together before it displays the time of posting to me. Simple enough, really. The key to the whole issue is basing the time on GMT which is a Standard and easily referenced as per the above pseudo-code explanation. Hope this clears things up for you...
  8. I think the answer to your question will lie in using GMT as a time base and then adjusting according to your preferred Timezone. PHP includes several time functions including gmmktime() http://ca3.php.net/manual/en/function.gmmktime.php Browse that link to see several suggested solutions to International timezone problems. When in doubt, refer to the php.net site for a solution. very likely that someone else has had the same or similar problem in the past and many folks post their solutions to the Discussion board there. It is always my first source for answers regarding server-side scripting.
  9. Thanks.The site checks Sessions and Permissions both to deny access. I'll post the full version later as I complete the package.Might take a few days/weeks since it is a hobby, not a job.
  10. Minus 10 C? That-s a nice spring day around here... :PThe secret is 'layers'. Many small layers will work better than 1 big one. When I work outside in the winter time, I wear an under -layer of wool, a long-sleeve T-shirt, an short sleeve T-shirt and a regular shirt on top of that, with a sweater covering all of those. Followed by an appropriate Jacket. I have several that are good at different temperatures. Sometimes a 'hoodie' is required under the jacket as well, with insulated coveralls. The outer layer should be wind-proof, water-proof and breathable. Many ski-jacket fit the bill for this outer layer.Of course, it really depends on what you are going to be doing outside, too. If you are active, hiking, skiing, etc, it will take fewer layers and breathing outer layer becomes critical. Long-johns, good wool socks, and very good (expensive) boots are also critical. Again, it really depends on what you are going to be doing. Of course, gloves and a tocque (ski hat) are required at all times, too.
  11. Use your Scanner in Safe Mode is better. I always had the best results using safe mode. I run Nod32 now, so no worries. Very effective package, but $35 a year is cheap when you think about the pain that a re-install causes.
  12. You need to have a Mysql (or similar) server installed on your machine. The best way to do that is with a one-click installer like XAMPP or WAMP which adds an Apache server, MySql, and PHP along with other stuff. One of the 'other stuffs' will be phpMyAdmin, which is a graphical User Interface for your MySql databases.The other method is to use the MySql Command Line Interpreter (CLI) from a DOS prompt, but that is terribly out of date.MySql also has a GUI package, but I have never used it, so do not have an opinion.
  13. The graph says it all. Xisto placed 5th out of 28 Free Web Hosts in a Benchmark test performed in 2006. Not too shabby... For comparison, I set up the same benchmark on my Laptop and the Xisto results were better by half the average of the test results. My Laptop would have placed around 23rd on that original test, if those results are still valid as posted. There is a WoW! factor when a Hosting service can beat a local single user test. Mind you, there is now data transmission involved, only the results are sent across the web, so as fast as my machine is, the Trap is faster... and this test was only one process for the Server. Mine was the only thing being done on my machine at the time the test ran. Another WoW! Test Results Here I wonder what the results would be today with all the improvements and the new equipment?
  14. Have you considered transferring your site to another flat-file system? http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Or snews cms http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ is a database system that run on php and mysql? Or Joomla? There are other alternatives.
  15. There have been several recent request for methods to restrict access to various pages on a web-site based on User Permissions in sites that have a Login System in place. Here is some code showing one method to restrict access by providing a sub-set of your site's links based on the User's permissions. In this demonstration, I have defined a string for each 'level of user' determining which set(s) of links they can view on your site. Normal MySql procedure would be to read the User's permission level from a record in the database. For the purpose of this demonstration, an array is constructed. The output reflects the various combinations of their permissions. The strings are a series of concatenated Boolean values for the permissions allowed by a group. 0 = false (no links) 1 = true (links). As you can see, the Guests get 'some' links, Members get 'some more' links, Mods get 'still more', and the Admins get 'all' links. Array values can be read from the User Profile or from $_SESSION values, or from a 'group' table depending on their group membership. Each member is assigned to a Group and their permissions are given according to the Group they belong to. Whether the permissions string is stored with the member Profile ( not suggested ) or in a separate Table in the database ( suggested ) does not really affect the function of this procedure, as long as the permissions function is fed the correct of string. Replace these simple echo commands with the code which will generate the links for your site. And normally, you would not use the else statements, so those could be removed from the code, too. Adjust the details and particular to suit your own needs. Additional Permissions could be set for allowing certain Groups the right to add, edit, delete stuff, or Ban Users, etc. I'll leave that to you, since it would be very site specific. Happy Coding. 'Users' => "1100", 'Mods' => "1110" , 'Admins' => "1111" , ); /* *Function to assign Permissions based on Group membership */ function permission( $p ) { // Split the levels string into an array $perm = str_split( $p ); // Permissions array $up = array( 'can_view_links_1' => 1, 'can_view_links_2' => 2, 'can_view_links_3' => 3, 'can_view_links_4' => 4, ); $combine = array_combine( array_keys( $up ), $perm ); return $combine; } /* * Procedure Test Printing */ foreach ( $levels as $i => $value) { /* print Group name here */ echo '<h3>' . $i . '</h3>' ; /* call function to assign permissions */ $p = permission( $levels[$i] ); /* check Guest permissions */ if( $p['can_view_links_1'] == 1 ){ echo 'can view Guest links ' . $p['can_view_links_1'] . '<br />'; } else { echo 'no links here ' . $p['can_view_links_1'] . '<br />'; } /* check Member permissions */ if( $p['can_view_links_2'] == 1 ){ echo 'can view Member links ' . $p['can_view_links_2'] . '<br />'; } else { echo 'no links here ' . $p['can_view_links_2'] . '<br />'; } /* check Moderator permissions */ if( $p['can_view_links_3'] == 1 ){ echo 'can view Moderator links ' . $p['can_view_links_3'] . '<br />'; } else { echo 'no links here ' . $p['can_view_links_3'] . '<br />'; } /* check Administrator permissions */ if( $p['can_view_links_4'] == 1 ){ echo 'can view Admin links ' . $p['can_view_links_4'] . '<br />'; } else { echo 'no links here ' . $p['can_view_links_4'] . '<br />'; } } ?> linenums:0'>$levels = array( 'Guests' => "1000" ,'Users' => "1100",'Mods' => "1110" ,'Admins' => "1111" ,);/* *Function to assign Permissions based on Group membership */ function permission( $p ){ // Split the levels string into an array $perm = str_split( $p ); // Permissions array $up = array( 'can_view_links_1' => 1, 'can_view_links_2' => 2, 'can_view_links_3' => 3, 'can_view_links_4' => 4, ); $combine = array_combine( array_keys( $up ), $perm ); return $combine;}/* * Procedure Test Printing */foreach ( $levels as $i => $value) { /* print Group name here */ echo '<h3>' . $i . '</h3>' ; /* call function to assign permissions */ $p = permission( $levels[$i] ); /* check Guest permissions */ if( $p['can_view_links_1'] == 1 ){ echo 'can view Guest links ' . $p['can_view_links_1'] . '<br />'; } else { echo 'no links here ' . $p['can_view_links_1'] . '<br />'; } /* check Member permissions */ if( $p['can_view_links_2'] == 1 ){ echo 'can view Member links ' . $p['can_view_links_2'] . '<br />'; } else { echo 'no links here ' . $p['can_view_links_2'] . '<br />'; } /* check Moderator permissions */ if( $p['can_view_links_3'] == 1 ){ echo 'can view Moderator links ' . $p['can_view_links_3'] . '<br />'; } else { echo 'no links here ' . $p['can_view_links_3'] . '<br />'; } /* check Administrator permissions */ if( $p['can_view_links_4'] == 1 ){ echo 'can view Admin links ' . $p['can_view_links_4'] . '<br />'; } else { echo 'no links here ' . $p['can_view_links_4'] . '<br />'; }}?> Here is a demo using the above script. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Any questions, post them up here.
  16. Cutenews will likely come along with a 'fix' before too long. In the meantime, it might not be such a bad idea to drop the Search feature from your site. For security of your data and all of that... Has anyone been to the Cutenews site to confirm this is a problem? and what versions of Cutenews is affected? Might only be certain (older, unpatched) versions which are affected. *EDIT* Seems there is a simple enough fix for this one: http://cutephp.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=25900 *runs off to fix his copy* bbl
  17. Have you searched through the Tutorials yet?Seems to me that there are a couple of Tutorials that do that. You might need to stitch a few together to do exactly what you want. one for the log-in and another for the captcha question. You would need cookies or sessions for the captcha, I think. And a database for the log-ins.Or look at a Content management System with user Log-ins. Do you need the Log-ins to 'protect' pages from clients who are not registered? Would a Forum software work?
  18. Windows XP Sp2 on a Compaq Laptop. 1Gig RAM, 80 Gig HDD
  19. As per the following image, I have several java updates stored on my machine, and I wondered if the older ones could be deleted and have the java runtime perform okay? I'm simply trying to clean out a bunch of junk on my machine... make some HDD space.
  20. Opaque, Thanks for continuing to provide a secure Hosting environment for us, and for continuing to provide the service. Great job.question about the eAccelerator... what sort of time does the Server cache the pages for? Can a re-load or CTL-reload of the Browser over-ride the cached version? The reason I ask is: I am adjusting some css files and they do not appear to be working properly. Just curious if perhaps the caching at the server might be the issue?
  21. That's what he will need to do, but first, he needs to release the Domain from another set of Name Servers.
  22. The parser is likely correct in saying that the function is defined twice. Just because you use "require-once" for the include files, the function is apparently being declared twice, which is not allowed.I would start in the functions.php first and work backwards towards the start of the process, checking for a duplicate idefinition of the function in those files. You will need to search those files to see where the first occurrence of that function is and decide which file needs changing.
  23. Use phpinfo() to see all of the $_SERVER, $_ENV, and GLOBALS that are available on the Server. I doubt if the client's Computer Name is accessible via those arrays, and I believe there are restrictions against using javascript to find them, but I might be wrong...
  24. Is the Domain Name "Parked" or "Add-on"?If you want the dot net to appear on the user's browser, then "Park" the Domain onto the Xisto sub-domain.
  25. 1. create a page that only they will recieve the link to2. send them the link3. check your lastest visitors log in the Cpanelvisits to your pages are recorded in the log files and their IP should show in the data for the sending of that file from the server.
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