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Everything posted by jlhaslip

  1. This place ROCKS... The list of features is incredible compared to the Free web Hosts out there. A full cpanel full of stuff, Forum software, Content Management systems, Photo Gallery scripts, Shopping Carts, everything for web site building you could possibly want except someone to do it for you... and that's what these Forums are all about.Ask questions, get answers and answer other questions to assist each others. A community ... and welcome, by the way...
  2. Okay, Thanks everyone. I didn't realize the deal was still on. I'll turn her on to the Yahoo! deal.Thanks again. ***Topic Closed***
  3. Yahoo! had a great deal happening, but it ended in December.Where are the good deals now???A friend needs one.
  4. Well, guess I stand to be corrected. Seems you got an attachment working in there somehow.. I have been told they were disabled, but that is off topic. That age thing can be tough, and the illness isn't helping at all. I have a sister who married a fella that is older than both my parents by about five years. It also took some time, they have been together since forever, but I think now it is finally catching up to them. Same situation. My sister is still quite active, but the Bro-in-law isn't. It does seem to be as much from an illness though. I'm guessing that'd emphasis the differences. All I can suggest is that you measure your difficulties against the love you have for the man, and that'll tell you if it is worth the stress you seem to be feeling. If you have been together for 8 years now, there must be some love between you and that is what will pull you through this period. Best wishes, of course. Notice from jlhaslip: Just realized this was posted in the Dating and Relationship Forum. It might belong in the Vent, but then again, it is sort of 50 / 50, so I'll keep it here.
  5. And reference this article to learn about mysql. Page 3 talks about creating a database. The first two pages are good, too, for background information. If we write your script for you, without you knowing how it works, then you won't be able to maintain it properly, so the best thing would be for you to write your own script using the Topic OpaQue linked you to. At least then you will be able to make the Mods you need. Good Luck.
  6. elevenmil,Thanks for letting us know about your plans. It seems that sometimes you can't stop progress.Good Luck over there, and come on back and visit anytime.
  7. I was successful in finding an Image Mapping Software which is really good. Better than anything else I have found. I did this: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ using two "layers", the entire image and then there are about 16 other hotspots which sit on top of it. I'll add better definitions for it next. Fill in both alt and title, because ff and Opera use title= and IE uses alt=. Javascript functions are also available by defining them. Check out their sample. The package is called geohtml, the source is: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  8. The exact same machine that is bothering you. IE5 Mac. And it is a different Browser than IE5Windows, so if you fix it for one, the other will act up. I played with it some more, but couldn't get the footer to stick on the viewport. It wants to go down to the bottom of the page.The jumping menu is from the padding and margins being different between the onhover and onmouseout states. If you use the same padding and margins for <a> and <a:hover>, it doesn't happen. I got it looking great in FF and Opera, but ie5 Mac and IE5Windows isn't even close. The top banner moves on scroll and the footer drops down to the bootom of page. I don't know how you are going to fix this. I couldn't find a Hack for it. Maybe you can. Let us know if you do... since I use the same Browser on one of my home machines, I might need it.
  9. I don't have a personal site, but I use my hosting here to create sites for others. And to test stuff like the html and php I am learning. Some day I imagine I'll fire a site up, but there is always the part about 'content'. Seems that I don't think anyone would be real interested in the content I could provide based on my daily activities. I mean, how many ways can you build a garage??? would you look on the Net to find pictures of me standing on the roof of a building fixing something? I don't think so... See. Content, content, content...
  10. I like the look with the background images on the Forum and stuff. Nice job.
  11. And in addition, the System should want to do a disk check on restart because the machine isn't smart enough to know the switch was hit instead of the disk crashing. I don't know about you guys, but if these machines were any good, they would be able to tell the difference.Reminds me of a problem we used to have on a system at a Compnay I once worked at. They had an H-P 3000 machine. At the time it was pretty darned fancy. I think it had a 16 bit processor. It needed its own "room" to set up because the 400 Meg disk drives were the size of a school desk, only taller. Makes me laugh when I see the technology available today and think back to those times... but I digress... Anyway, they were prone to overheating and the system would shutdown, a bunch of data would have to be re-entered just like xjedix explained, until someone smarter than the average toilet seat (an Systems Engineer) came up with an idea to hook a thermostat to the thing and when it got too hot, the power supply would shut the machine down. Seemed that the machine handled power outage better than a heat shutdown, so the data all got saved on a Power off. Maybe only the last entry would have to be re-done. That's my story for the day.So aside from a disk check on start-up, I don't think the machine would be any worse for wear.
  12. Lozbo,I copied the css and source to my iMac running IE5 and the page content shows up if you remove this line from the css: * html {height: 100%;overflow:hidden;} It might not solve all the quirks you are fighting, but at least I get some formatted text out of it. Of course, I didn't go so far as to download that opaque background which is all I saw when I went to your site, just like you, but it is a start. Unless that hack is in there for another Browser???The roll-over on the right-hand menu fails unless the display is scrolled up just a couple of pixels. I've never seen that before, so I can't help much on it. I do have javascript enabled. Noticed that the last two links are js.That Black box on the lower right is a mystery, too. Can't seem to find it in the code anywhere.(?) Do you see it? It doesn't scroll with the display, either.Good Luck with it.Might be the footer is displaying full width instead of stopping at the same location as the Main content. #footer {position:fixed;bottom:0;text-align:center;clear:both;height:1em; * background-color:black; * color:white; * width:100%; * padding:.5em;font-size:95%;} And because it is partially covering the Menu, the on-hover doesn't work??? Who knows...
  13. Yes, you can upgrade later quite easily. More info here: http://forums.xisto.com/topic/32789-upgrading-your-account-question-help-lol-im-such-a-newb/ Closing Topic.
  14. Check this Topic which is pinned in the Hosted Members Section. All Unsuspend Requests should go there. If you read the Topc, there is a Help Desk Link to be found. Please use it.
  15. Yes, Spybot is good. Updating it regularly is a must do, because there are new "things" being discovered all the time. Also, look inside your c:/windows/temp folder and whack all of it. Sometimes "things" hide in there. Never surf the web without a virus detection of some form running. By careful where you surf. Those places your Mom warned you about are not good places to go. Same for peer-to-peer downloads. And DO NOT open e-mails you do not recognize the name of the sender on. All these will help you stop getting the 'diseases', but run some sort of detection and removal program to eliminate the ones presently found on your machine. A disinfectant script check from this source might be helpful. They have helped me in the past. It closes off ports and such entry points as can be found on your computer. Quite useful, actually. Running THIS will also help identify any security entry points.
  16. Sent xisto Help Desk link to Dawiss and Heavensounds. Both had credits (heavensounds, barely) but suspended accounts. Check for these problems if your account is Suspended: 1.) Check credits on the Index Page 2.) Check to make certain the URL is correct (Caps Lock, spelling, typo's) 3.) Check another URL (ie:google.com) to confirm your ISP is up and running okay. 4.) Check that your warning level hasn't gone up. Some warnings include a suspension, so the account may be affected. 5.) Have you sent the Mods a present lately??? (just kidding). 6.) See if you can log-in to your cpanel using the correct password (sub_domain/Xisto.com/cpanel) After checking all those things, post your request for re-instatment here. An Admin or Moderator will be along shortly.
  17. Dawiss, based on this part of your posting above: If I understand correctly, you saved a php-generated page that will only be an Html document, so the Server-side aspect of the php page is now static. Get what I mean? You have lost the capability to be dynamic with your passwords and the variables passed by php. When the page you " saved as " is generated, it produced only the html. So when you did the " save as ", you saved only one set of variables trapped into the page and the php functions are all gone now. Does this make sense to you? Best you be writing a new page with the php dynamic variables included in your Log-in script for the page.
  18. So aside from trying to create a 42,000 kilometre long rope and getting it into space, and getting the counterweight there as well, how would you return the counterweight to the space platform after it got used the first time. It would take a whole mess of energy to haul that thing back up there. (again) Mind you, I'm no engineer (thank the stars).
  19. If you are cursed with something, I get it too, on occaision. The jealousy / stalking thing works on both sides of the gender fence. Some people don't take rejection well. Had a girlfriend (well, partner) once who did all that, but now she's over it. Course I had to move 400 miles away, but she's over it... the things I did for her...
  20. If she is into 'fitness' chat her up and suggest some activity which will enhance her fitness level a bit and get her outside of the Gym. I'm thinking a walk through a Nature area, hiking, biking, something aerobic...
  21. Email me the info you want used and I'll set it up on my sites, too.
  22. Well I don't see how to make $500 a month out of this. Your image shows a max amount paid of $58.00 and that took two months to earn.
  23. Oops, sorry, upon re-reading this topic, I now realize that you have a handle on the techniques, but want to 'reshape' the hot spot for the rollover? If so, go here and check out the part about polygons. I googled on "Image mapping html shapes" to find this link. (hint)
  24. I'll confirm that it doesn't work with IE5 on a Mac. I don't have access to other browsers on this machine or I would check them. Maybe later today.
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