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Everything posted by jlhaslip

  1. Well I am a geek by heart --- aren't we all ... I dabble in Scuplting, art, graphics, website design, etc etc etc. --- mostly I do the etc, etc, etc ... I have been known to be a class clown and the all around nice guy. --- again, the second part sound familiar ... I have never been convicted of a felony, base jumping, and never had a venerial disease. --- Hope that isn't your 'pick-up' line... My son and daughter are older thn the average age of the members here, and out of the nest. Good luck with yours. Got to see your Tutorial Topic posting and replied by PM. Look forward to seeing some more info. Enjoy the Forums.
  2. I just saw it fine on a Netscape 7 / Mac Browser. It is the same Gecko engine as the older FF uses, so what error page are you saying gets displayed? Is it a '404' Not Found? or an error on re-direct? What? It can't be the suspend page... or we wouldn't see it.
  3. Moolkye,Sure, why not.Only thing is, as you might notice, Topics in the Tutorial section aren't displayed immediately. A Mod or Admin has to review their Tutorial and make it 'Visible'. So what I'll do is create a "Tutorial Request" Topic and Pin it up on the top of the Tutorial section. If there are any requests for the applications you have, reply to them. Okay? In the meantime, submit one of your basic Tutorials and we'll see if they are accepted by the Mod Squad. Maybe you'll start a new focus here at the Xisto Forums?
  4. Looks like OpaQue, Mayank and the other Xisto Forum members from India that are involved in the Computer field are positioned well. I received this information in a Newsletter today. source: https://www.aacb.com/
  5. There are several reasons why "Host/Server" not found errors appear, including a server at either end being faulty or improperly configured or maybe some maintenance being done. I know that locally, they swapped a new server in December and it caused mess-ups to no end for the local users. Also, Xisto has recently transferred to a new server. And they are preparing to Upgrade the Forum, so maybe any of these issues are to blame. Who knows. Trap's reliability and up-time is pretty darned good for my requirements.I'm moving this topic out of Xisto dot NET, since you mentioned that it is Xisto dot COM you are having trouble with.
  6. The requirement to have files renamed can be avoided by altering your .htaccess file to include a line as per http://forums.xisto.com/topic/32661-heres-a-nice-and-interesting-way-to-make-comments-in-your-php-files/
  7. First of all, what sort of info will be in the file and ultimately in the box? How large is the Table cell? If the 'box' is large enough, it might be a place to use an iframe to insert information, but there may be scrolbar and or viewport size issues that won't be nice. Sample here. Other than that, I don't think Html by itself will handle dynamic info. Use php 'includes' to fill the box with text is an option, too. Simply 'include' a file by name. The server needs to be php enabled for php scripts to run, though. <?php include 'filename.txt' ?>I have a script which requires php enabled to run it and it looks up stuff from flat files. This Sidebar Generator script looks for files within a specific folder and displays the file names as links. This Other One reads a list of folder names from a flat file and creates a list of links using the same techniques as above for several folders. In either case, the list of links is based on the folder contents at the time the script is run. If you want to change a link list, upload/ddelete a file to the various folders. So it kinda depends on the nature of the content you want to include inside the box, and how 'dynamic' it is.
  8. Mistakes happen. Or maybe there was a Water Main leaking and they had to fix it? The Infrastucture in our Towns and Cities need regular maintenance. And how do you maintain something which is buried underground?Shampoo shouldn't hurt your hair. It is pretty safe.Tell that O/C to go to a neighbour's house for a while until this situation gets resolved.
  9. Well it might be nice if the ads were missing altogether, too, but please remember that those ads are what is paying for this Forum and the Hosting Accounts here at the Xisto, so in my humble opinion, OpaQue can place them wherever he wishes to. When you cruise around the Net these days, there are many site that are 3 Column layouts like what you are suggesting and Ads fill up pretty much the entire screen. They are excessive with the ads. I don't think that the ads are 'over-bearing' here (except that one smilie one that screams at you). As for returning to the Index Page, there is a 'Breadcrumb' trail of links just below the shoutbox area that contains the path in the Forum that you are presently located at. It looks like this : Free Web Hosting, No Ads > Have your say > Support and Feedback > Questions & QueriesIf you hover on any one of those labels, the colour changes. When you click on them, it links you to the Topic chosen. The first one: " Free Web Hosting, No Ads" will return you to the Index page. Near the bottom of the page, there is a Drop-down list to select the particular Form Topic you want to go to. Unfortunately, there is one additional click invovled, but it works good, too. And the Edit feature will be returning as soon as the new version of the Forum is ready. OpaQue is working on it right now, but I don't know what the schedule is for the changeover.
  10. When an 'alt=' or 'title=' is included in a link definition, the label which is applied to the field is displayed on mouse-over. (It depends on the Browser which one is displayed, IE uses Alt, FF and Opera use Title.)Example: <a href="#" Alt=" this is a short Alt label that plays nicely."Title="this is a Title Label that is too long to display completely when you hover over the link in question." />Displayed Label Here</a> However, when the labels get too long, the full fiield doesn't display properly. It gets truncated and the client doesn't get to see the full message. How do you make it so the full text field is displayed on your browser? Are there settings within the Firefox Browser where you can set the maximum length of this 'title=' field? Or is a client-side script required?
  11. Moldboy,Check out cutepdf writer. It behaves as a printer that spools output. Instead of going to a printer, the output gets caught in a piece of software that saves it as a pdf format, then you send the 'document' as an attavhment to an email. The guy at the other end prints it out, or returns it with his notes as a second email. Freeware. No Nag Screen. I've used it for a couple of years now. Works perfect.They also have CutePDF 3.1 which lets you merge pdf's, add pages, watermark things, but it is about $50.00 USD. It is also available as a free download, but there is a nag screen and it 'stamps' the output until you pay for it. But a good product, no doubt.http://www.cutepdf.com/
  12. Hey, djluki, good luck with your graphics site. Don't forget to post some tutorials right here at the trap. And keep us posted about how it is coming along, okay? In the meantime, don't forget to read the tutorials at the gfxtrap site. I'm pretty sure there is an answer in there if you search for it. In fact, I know there is a good tutorial about slicing an image using Photshop.There is plenty of infon there for all you gfx people.
  13. A site I am working on needs a logo for a background image and I need to have this gif turned about 50% opacity and maintain the transparent background. Anybody interested? I have credits to give to you... Image is here to snag
  14. There is a Help Topic that explains it all, but I don't have a specific link to the right page, so here is the breakdown for you. Guests and Members Hosted Members Moderators Administrators See how it works now? When you receive your Hosting Account, your colour will change to Maroon. Banned isn't a good colour.
  15. I guess I have had a site up for a few months now and the Googlebots and others are beginning to find the site, according to the Web Stats at least.My question is: when the Bots travel through and spider a site, do they actually see the sub-domains associated with the main domain? And do the contents of the sub-domains affect the schedule for the return of the Bots in the same way as good Content would affect the return? For instance, if you regularly update a sub-domain and keep adding or changing the content, will the Bots be back quicker or more regularly? Are the domain and the sub-domain inter-related with respect to the Bots?Another question, if I may: similarly, should the Meta-tags for pages other than the Index page by different than the Meta-tags for the Index page? I would think that the Meta-tags for the inside pages could be more specific to the particular page, and if the Meta-tags for the secondary pages are different, will the Bots pick these up and handle the secondary any differently? (assume the robots.txt file does not exclude bots from sub-domains, of course.)
  16. For the float to be positioned correctly in an IE5/Mac, there must be a width stated on the item being floated or the float is created at 100 per cent width and pushes down the next div. Including this width doesn't seem to bother the other Browsers. I made the width smaller than the Image, so it works perfectly. Thanks for your assistance, Tyssen. Good link up there, by the way... Notice from jlhaslip: edit typos and close topic * topic closed *
  17. I have an HTML page that the client is viewing with an IE5 Mac and the title page includes a picture with the text material floated beside it. However, because the Browser she has is IE5 Mac, the float fails. Does anyone know of a hack to get IE5 Mac to accept the Float???This is the htnl I am using. It works wonderfully in FF and Opera. <div style="padding: 6px; float: right;"> <img src="images/m1.jpg" alt="Name here" title="Name here" width="200px" /></div> thanks.
  18. Well, I'll be darned... it does so work. Thanks for the lesson. Syntax can be so picky about these things sometimes, it was something that I thought might help.
  19. That referal thing gets lots of new members. We like to think that these Forums are an excellent source of 'content'. And it seems to be working out quite well, so far. Have a look at the Main page and scroll down to see the list of Forum Topics. There are loads of sub-forums inside each of them and loads of tpics inside each sub-forum, so find the main area of interest and follow the links. Or use the Search feature from the top of every page.Hope you enjoy yourself.
  20. Start by using the function in the correct form. The brackets are required for Include functions to define the target of the file to 'Include'. <?php include('header.html') ?>
  21. Start here: Golden ratio This link has a lot of info about the Golden Ratio and Mathematics. I am more familiar with it being used to design buildings, but there is lots to learn about it.
  22. I am just learning to code some php and have been fighting this problem that should be so simple, but I am having a real problem with it. Since I am new to the language, and I haven't done much coding lately, I am inserting 'echo' or 'print' statements into the script I am writing so that the script can tell me whether the contents of a couple of variables are in fact being altered during the script. This tells me whether the script is functioning as I think it should at various times, so I can 'de-bug' the code. BUT, I can't seem to get the 'new line' or 'carriage return' escaped properly. I have been using "\n\r" inside single quotes, double quotes, no quotes, a variable name, and still the output is all in one long string which is not easy to read. I even went to phpbuilder.com and snagged a line from their tutorial and can't get the output to print onto new lines for me in order to make the debugging simpler. I'm thinking the correct code should be: echo "this should be \n\n a new line here \n\rand here, too";but it all comes out without the line feeds. As I said above, I've tried single quotes, double quotes, variables, no qoutes, concatenations, but they all fail... Example output: a long string all run together: Any suggestions?
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