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Everything posted by jlhaslip

  1. Sometimes the ISP keeps a cache of frequently requested files at the server. It might have been there. If you are having trouble like this again, on the next batch of edits you do, insert a "Expired" Meta tag that shows an expiry date of sometime in the past, so they don't get stored along the way. I'll post an example Meta Tag here as soon as I find the exact one. ( ... thought I had one handy, but ... ) Here ya go... <META HTTP-EQUIV="expires" CONTENT="Wed, 26 Feb 1997 08:21:57 GMT">
  2. PM to Opaque. There is nothing the Mods can do on this one.
  3. Like this, except I don't have the overflow:idden there yet... http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  4. try this if it is IE: http://www.cyberwalker.net/columns/jul01/190701a.html
  5. What Browser?Some browsers show the directory path and file name when you type 'about:cache' in the address bar. Use that to find your cache and delete it. The 'autocomplete' is also browser dependant, so I'll post what i can find later, after I find it, but we really need to know which Browser you are using.
  6. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ A bunch of Div tags might need closing in your content.
  7. Right. Can the php scripts be modded so that the 'included' files don't write the extra tags? Or, the file which is 'included' does not have to be an 'html' file. They can be 'text', so if you remove the unwanted tags from the 'included' 'html' file and save them as 'text' (txt) files, the php script won't write the head and body tags into the php-generated html page which gets sent to the Browser. Then mod the source code to include 'thispage.txt' instead of 'thispage.html' See also: http://forums.xisto.com/topic/33636-how-to-make-a-simple-php-site-making-one-file-show-up-on-all-pages-using-php/
  8. Use the Tab key to set the focus on links without using the mouse. 'Tab order' can be by the default order in which they appear in the code or as determined by the page author re-arranging the Tab order with "Tabindex=". <a href="blah.com" tabindex="3">Blah Page 3</a><a href="blah.com" tabindex="2">Blah Page 2</a><a href="blah.com" tabindex="1">Blah Page 1</a>And then 'return' or 'Enter' to activate the link.
  9. Or replace it with this: $line = @file_get_contents($folder_file);if( !$line ){ print 'ERROR: Unable to open file'; echo '<br />'; echo $folder_file; echo '<br />'; exit();}$line = str_replace("\r\n","\n",$line);$line = str_replace("\r","\n",$line);$f_array=explode("\n",$line);That should work for all cases: Unix, Windows and Mac. Hamtaro: I have the Default version of XAMPP. I haven't altered the config or settings at all. Just to clear this matterup, I might have an explanation for the variance. I have two computers. One Windows and one Mac. I may have created one data file with the Mac. Not certain, but possible. At any rate, both versions work on the appropriate machines. I'll have to remember to only make the data files with one or the other machines from now on. Notice from jlhaslip: Closing Topic.
  10. Ad that em measurement doesn't seem to work onMozilla, although it works with Opera and IE. Mozilla idnores the increase in size, apparently. I even cleaned the cache so it wouldn't pick it up out of there.
  11. What is the image? a background or a render thing?
  12. Try looking at Xisto.net. If you don't mind an Ad banner. But it isn't too bad, actually.
  13. Very Nicely done.Hey, was it you that did the favicon for me about a month ago? I thank you for that if it was you, and welcome back.
  14. I had a quick look and the following two things will need attention.First, there is no DTD (Document Type Declaration) It should be right up at the top of the page and tells the browser what parsing system to use. !Important, especially when you are having difficulties on a page.Second, there is an extra Head and Body tag mid-way down the page. Just above the misplaced text section.Insert a DTD (I would reccomend an HTML 4 Transitional DTD, because there are things in there which will not xhtml standards, such as the br tags not being closed.) and remove the head and body tags, then post back here when that is done.These may not (probably won't) fix the problems, but it will make it easier to help you out.Also, I'll move this topic to the HTML Forum.
  15. Link seems to have vanished off the Topic? Please post a link.
  16. Another option is to have the total credits displayed on a page based on the number of credits listed when your session first started and have this number updated each time you view the Index page of the forum. It already does the db look-up on the Index page, so there wouldn't be any additional searches when you go to a forum topic or posting page. Just carry the number around as session-data until the next time you view the Index page??? Have it display on the page without updating.
  17. smoonie: try IE/Mac 5.0 some time Mayank: I have the code inserted on a sample page that I wrote to reply to as member's topic about iframe inclusion on their web page. check this out So if I include the code on multiple pages of a site, will this image time-out after 20 seconds on each and every page? Or is it shown for 20 seconds only per web-site? Another (newbie) question: What happens if a user clicks on the same space as the image takes up on the layout after the image times-out?
  18. Spectre, Thanks for the reply. I got it working, but does this make sense to you? Seems that the local version needs "\r" as the new-line seperator and Xisto needs "\n". (Windows98se) So first I found that problem and then there must have been something dropped in the download, because after re-downloading and making that small fix as noted , the logic worked? (the file opens were giving warnings and failing, so the read and close were also issuing warnings) I have no confirmation that the download was bad because (Oops!) I overwrote the first copy.And, yes, there are some enhancments to make in that script (like error checking) and tuning. As I learn some more php functions, I'll get them looked after. A spare time project and a learning / practise script.
  19. Tyssen, I think Avalon pointed that out, too. A bit bothersome, isn't it. i think Opaque and Buffalohelp (or whoever) are on top of fixing it so it goes to the last or last unread post. Soon, I hope...
  20. The Trap uses php version 4.4.1 and I have downloaded and installed the XAMPP php Local Server configuration which includes php version 5.1.1 and mysql and perl etc, but this question relates to the php because that is where I am currently having difficulties. This is the script I am having problems with locally: http://forums.xisto.com/topic/33362-script-to-build-a-list-of-links-from-filenames-and-h3-tags/ Both places have the same identical files, code and data. Both are folders in the root directory. I have used phpinfo function to confirm the server root is what it should be (public_html and htdocs) on each of them. It isn't doing the 'explode' on the data. Is there any difference between the new line seperators? That is what I use to 'explode' the file data. It seems that there are some pretty major differences beteen the versions. Does anyone know where I can start to figure this out?
  21. The part that matters to us is what Tyssen mentioned. IE5, IE6, and IE7 are all going to be non-compliant Browsers and it will only compound the difficulties that Web Designers have trying to make their sites work on the web. If the State or country you live in required you to drive in reverse on Tuesday and Wednesday of every week, would you like it? That's how knowledgeable web designers feel about IE. Like they are moving in reverse, back a decade to where every Browser had a differnt set of rules, so it was very difficult to design and code sites. Apparently IE7 is no different. They are refusing to use the standards which have been set for Browsers. Besides, Mr Gates doesn't need any more of my money. He must be getting close to having enough.
  22. jlhaslip

    Module Help

    Did you see the sample link? Click on the link up in my first post, do a view > source and snag the full code for the page. The iframe code, the embedded css and a full html page is there. Position the div with the iframe in your page where you want it displayed and have fun playing with it. The sample link is a real live google page, just change to a web-accessible URL for your preferred page. Change the page name to php if you want, but there is no php there. Either escape from the php portion of your code, or echo the div and iframe html code in a php page should work... Here is a link which shows that the only time the iframe would not be acceptable is if you are validating to xhtml strict doctype. Back it off to xhtml transitional and you should be okay. Unless your Browser won't support iframes? http://www.w3schools.com/tags/tag_iframe.asp
  23. then it is a function of server load only? what do the cron jobs do? can they get dropped? And what about the suggestion to move some stuff to the Xisto (or any other) account?
  24. Can you share your resources with your account here at the trap? Maybe move the phpbb and your Main site here and link them with menu Buttons? That may reduce the load at the other site. Also. gzip enable the phpbb and Invision Boards. I noticed a reduction in Bandwidth after I did that to my Forums.
  25. jlhaslip

    Module Help

    Html iframe tags. Change the "google.com" to the link of the site you want to display and the size to what you want the iframe to be on your page. I have used percentages here, but you can use different units of measurement, so play with it to get what you want. <iframe id="Frame_Here" src="http://google.com" width="75%" height="75%"></iframe> Sample uploaded HERE .
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